H.R. No. 22
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, The Texas House of Representatives is proud to honor
    1-2  the members of the Holliday "Pride of the Eagles" Marching Band who
    1-3  claimed the prized state championship at the 1993 U.I.L. Class 2A
    1-4  state marching band competition in Austin; and
    1-5        WHEREAS, This accomplished group of young musicians, under
    1-6  the skillful guidance of directors Joe McGee and Jeannie Lunney,
    1-7  consistently won high marks in competition throughout the year
    1-8  preceding their receipt of this prestigious award; the band
    1-9  received first division ratings in the U.I.L. Concert Contest and
   1-10  regional Marching Band Contest and took top honors in area and
   1-11  state preliminary finals competition to earn its place among the
   1-12  state's leading marching bands vying for the coveted title; and
   1-13        WHEREAS, In addition to winning the Class 2A championship,
   1-14  the Holliday Eagle Band excelled in its fourth consecutive U.I.L.
   1-15  sweepstakes competition, earning first division ratings in
   1-16  marching, concert, and sightreading, and went on to garner
   1-17  widespread recognition when the band was named the overall
   1-18  sweepstakes winner at the Canon City Music & Blossom Festival
   1-19  National Band Competition; and
   1-20        WHEREAS, The award-winning 1993-1994 Holliday Eagle Band
   1-21  includes the following gifted performers:  Paul Allsup, Leesa
   1-22  Bennett, Jennifer Boone, April Bowen, Brandi Box, Aric Brackeen,
   1-23  Chad Brackeen, Amanda Briggs, Josh Briggs, Whitney Burnam, Shane
   1-24  Calhoun, Emily Campbell, Julie Castro, Clint Chandler, Derek
    2-1  Christy, Cathy Cline, Chad Coffee, Jessica Cook, Collin Crane,
    2-2  Becky Cunningham, Jan Cunningham, Ranelle Daniels, Christel Davis,
    2-3  Jennifer Davis, Shane Davis, Heath Drimmel, Kris Estrada, Cory
    2-4  Ferguson, Carolyn Forbess, Drew Franklin, Sonny Franklin, Laura
    2-5  Fulfer, Danielle Gaither, Bambi Gonzales, Lance Grace, Raymond
    2-6  Hale, Billie Hamilton, Jo Veda Harp, Cory Hogue, Eric Horton, April
    2-7  Jansing, Thomas Jones, Jenara Kocks, Vanessa Kocks, Ryan Koetter,
    2-8  Rebekah Kuykendall, Valerie Kuykendall, Alex Lesueur, Brandy
    2-9  Lightfoot, Kristy Loyd, Steven Maier, Dusty Marten, Larry Mastalsz,
   2-10  Leslie McConnell, Bryan Morrison, Robin Morrison, James O'Brien,
   2-11  Stacey O'Brien, Stacy Peyson, Sarah Kate Plank, Buddy Randell,
   2-12  Rhonda Rathman, Patrick Roberts, Derek Scarbrough, Lance
   2-13  Scarbrough, James Segler, Jorg Selig, Christie Smith, Cindy
   2-14  Souther, Helen Spyra, Heather Stone, Clarissa Struck, Gayla Watson,
   2-15  Daniel Willis, Lacy Winkleblack, and Brad Wortham; and
   2-16        WHEREAS, The band greatly benefitted from the valuable
   2-17  knowledge and expertise of Mr. McGee and Mrs. Lunney as well as the
   2-18  support and direction provided to its members by Rob Dyson, David
   2-19  Eakins, and Rebel Parker; and
   2-20        WHEREAS, The dedication, hard work, and talent of the
   2-21  Holliday High School Eagle Band are a source of great pride to the
   2-22  school's student body and faculty and to the citizens of Holliday,
   2-23  and the band's outstanding achievement truly merits legislative
   2-24  recognition; now, therefore, be it
   2-25        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 74th Texas
   2-26  Legislature hereby congratulate the 1993-1994 Holliday Eagle Band
   2-27  on winning the Class 2A state championship in marching band
    3-1  competition and extend to its members warmest best wishes for
    3-2  continued success in the years to come; and, be it further
    3-3        RESOLVED, That official copies of this resolution be prepared
    3-4  for the band, for its director, and for prominent display at
    3-5  Holliday High School as an expression of high regard by the Texas
    3-6  House of Representatives.