By Hill                                                 H.R. No. 49
       74R3975 SRD-F
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, The Texas House of Representatives is proud to honor
    1-2  the city of Richardson, which has grown since the 1950s from a
    1-3  rural community of fewer than 1,300 people into a flourishing
    1-4  center of high-tech industry with a population of more than 75,000;
    1-5  and
    1-6        WHEREAS, This Dallas County community is home to more than
    1-7  3,600 businesses, including more than 400 high-tech firms, and is
    1-8  known nationally for having the second highest concentration of
    1-9  companies in the telecommunications industry; in 1989, The Wall
   1-10  Street Journal cited it as the nation's number two "Boom Town of
   1-11  the 1990s," and in its October 1992 issue, Business Week magazine
   1-12  declared Richardson's Telecom Corridor to be one of America's "Hot
   1-13  Spots"; and
   1-14        WHEREAS, Richardson was recognized as having the most
   1-15  efficient municipal government in the United States in a 1984 study
   1-16  conducted by the University of North Texas, and the Richardson
   1-17  Independent School District has been honored in the past by the
   1-18  U.S. Department of Education, the American Federation of Teachers,
   1-19  and the Institute for Responsive Education as being one of the top
   1-20  25 school districts in the nation; and
   1-21        WHEREAS, Richardson adjoins the campus of Richland College
   1-22  and is the site of The University of Texas at Dallas, and these
   1-23  fine institutions provide excellent educational opportunities to
   1-24  undergraduate and graduate students and meet the continuing
    2-1  education needs of employees in the Richardson/North Dallas area;
    2-2  and
    2-3        WHEREAS, The community of Richardson has successfully
    2-4  combined the vitality of a thriving city with the charm and
    2-5  friendliness of a small town; the people of Richardson are justly
    2-6  proud of their city, and their accomplishments indeed merit special
    2-7  recognition and praise; now, therefore, be it
    2-8        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 74th Texas
    2-9  Legislature hereby declare March 21, 1995, to be Richardson Day and
   2-10  commend its proud residents for their exemplary achievement in
   2-11  building one of North Texas' finest communities; and, be it further
   2-12        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
   2-13  prepared for prominent display in the city of Richardson as an
   2-14  expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.