H.R. No. 137
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)
    1-2  is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to helping older
    1-3  Americans achieve lives of independence, dignity, and purpose; and
    1-4        WHEREAS, Founded in 1958 by the late Dr. Ethel Percy Andrus,
    1-5  the AARP is today the nation's oldest and largest organization of
    1-6  older Americans, with a membership of more than 33 million
    1-7  nationwide and nearly three million members in Texas alone; the
    1-8  organization is open to anyone age 50 or older, both working and
    1-9  retired, and more than one-third of its members are currently
   1-10  active in the nation's workforce; and
   1-11        WHEREAS, The organization's motto, "To serve, not to be
   1-12  served," and its vision statement, "Bringing lifetimes of
   1-13  experience and leadership to serve all generations," are supported
   1-14  by the involvement of its members in community, state, and national
   1-15  affairs; and
   1-16        WHEREAS, The AARP strives to achieve a number of long-range
   1-17  goals for older Americans, including universal access to
   1-18  comprehensive and affordable health care, enhanced dignity and
   1-19  equality for older Americans in the workforce, more research
   1-20  designed to understand and meet the needs of an aging population,
   1-21  and a reduction in poverty and increased economic security for
   1-22  individuals as they age; and
   1-23        WHEREAS, While working toward these worthy aspirations, the
   1-24  association is providing valuable assistance to older Americans
    2-1  each day in countless ways;  the organization provides its members
    2-2  with the nation's most widely circulated magazine, Modern Maturity,
    2-3  and the AARP Bulletin throughout the year as well as a wide range
    2-4  of specialized publications designed to cover topics of import to
    2-5  its membership; and
    2-6        WHEREAS, The organization also plays a pivotal role in
    2-7  educating voters on issues of concern to senior citizens and the
    2-8  community at large and develops legislative policy recommendations
    2-9  that are intended to unify the objectives of its members into a
   2-10  strong, collective voice that will command the attention of state
   2-11  and federal leaders; and
   2-12        WHEREAS, The AARP provides numerous other valuable services
   2-13  to its members, including special group rates for various types of
   2-14  insurance coverage, investment and travel programs, a vast array of
   2-15  educational resources, health advocacy services, criminal justice
   2-16  services, housing assistance, and a wide range of activities
   2-17  designed to promote the concept of productive aging; and
   2-18        WHEREAS, With their wisdom and experience, our state's older
   2-19  citizens represent one of Texas' most precious resources and it is
   2-20  indeed fitting that they be honored on this day, together with the
   2-21  American Association of Retired Persons, for their many
   2-22  contributions and accomplishments toward ensuring a brighter future
   2-23  for all Texans; now, therefore, be it
   2-24        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 74th Texas
   2-25  Legislature hereby recognize Wednesday, February 8, 1995, as
   2-26  American Association of Retired Persons Day at the Capitol and
   2-27  encourage citizens from throughout the state to honor this esteemed
    3-1  organization and the senior citizens of our state and nation for
    3-2  their outstanding service to our society.