By Van de Putte                                        H.R. No. 139
       74R5371 PAN-D
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, Our esteemed colleague, the Honorable John Longoria,
    1-2  is celebrating his 50th birthday on February 8, 1995, and it gives
    1-3  the members of this chamber great pleasure to recognize him on this
    1-4  momentous occasion; and
    1-5        WHEREAS, A native Texan, Mr. Longoria is an attorney by
    1-6  profession who earned his undergraduate degree from St. Mary's
    1-7  University and obtained his legal education at the institution's
    1-8  School of Law; and
    1-9        WHEREAS, This highly respected gentleman began his
   1-10  distinguished service in the house as a member of the 73rd
   1-11  Legislature, during which time he shared his considerable expertise
   1-12  as a member of the committees on Corrections and County Affairs,
   1-13  and his experience on these committees earned him reappointment to
   1-14  a second term of service on each of them this session; and
   1-15        WHEREAS, Mr. Longoria's public service career predates his
   1-16  election to the house of representatives, as he has distinguished
   1-17  himself in the past as a county judge and county commissioner for
   1-18  the citizens of Bexar County; and
   1-19        WHEREAS, A noted civic leader as well, he has long given
   1-20  generously of his time and talent to benefit the members of his
   1-21  community through his involvement with a host of worthy local
   1-22  organizations, including the South San Antonio Chamber of Commerce,
   1-23  the San Antonio Task Force on Energy, the Community Action Advisory
   1-24  Board, the Literacy Board, the Bexar County Health Facilities
    2-1  Development Corporation, and the Bexar County Housing Finance
    2-2  Corporation, to name but a few; and
    2-3        WHEREAS, Mr. Longoria also has demonstrated his interest in
    2-4  the youth of his community through his service on the board of the
    2-5  Alamo Area Council of Girl Scouts, Catholic Family & Children's
    2-6  Services, and Youth Alternatives, Inc.; and
    2-7        WHEREAS, His love of children is a trait that he acquired at
    2-8  home as the father of five of his own; he and his lovely wife,
    2-9  Patricia, are the proud parents of three sons, John, Jr., George,
   2-10  and James, and twin daughters, Lisa and Lydia; and
   2-11        WHEREAS, John Longoria has made many significant
   2-12  contributions to the work of this chamber throughout his fine
   2-13  tenure in office; as he celebrates this most memorable of
   2-14  birthdays, it is indeed appropriate for his colleagues to take a
   2-15  moment to honor him for his outstanding service; now, therefore, be
   2-16  it
   2-17        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 74th Texas
   2-18  Legislature hereby congratulate the Honorable John Longoria on the
   2-19  joyous occasion of his 50th birthday and extend sincere best wishes
   2-20  to him for a happy and rewarding year; and, be it further
   2-21        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
   2-22  prepared for Mr. Longoria as an expression of high regard by his
   2-23  colleagues in the Texas House of Representatives.