H.R. No. 197
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, February 20, 1995, marks the 85th birthday of
    1-2  Josephina Rodriguez Cuevas, and to her many friends and relatives
    1-3  the event is indeed a joyous occasion worthy of special
    1-4  recognition; and
    1-5        WHEREAS, A native Texan, she was born on February 20, 1910,
    1-6  in Lockhart and was one of six children in the close-knit Rodriguez
    1-7  household; and
    1-8        WHEREAS, In her youth, she met and married her beloved
    1-9  husband, the late Jorge Cuevas, and together the devoted couple
   1-10  were blessed with a son, Roy, and two daughters, Rebecca and
   1-11  Teresa; and
   1-12        WHEREAS, Today, this remarkable woman enjoys the respect and
   1-13  admiration of her many friends among the Wesley House Senior
   1-14  Citizens group as well as the members of Our Lady of Guadalupe
   1-15  Church; and
   1-16        WHEREAS, In addition, she remains in close contact with her
   1-17  siblings and other members of her family, many of whom proudly
   1-18  served this state and nation in World War II, Korea, Vietnam,
   1-19  Grenada, and Operation Desert Storm; and
   1-20        WHEREAS, The birthday of Mrs. Cuevas provides a fitting
   1-21  opportunity for her family and friends to share with this lovely
   1-22  lady a small bit of the joy and hope she has imparted to all who
   1-23  have shared her love and friendship throughout the years; now,
   1-24  therefore, be it
    2-1        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 74th Texas
    2-2  Legislature hereby congratulate Josephina Rodriguez Cuevas on the
    2-3  momentous occasion of her 85th birthday and extend to her sincere
    2-4  best wishes for continued happiness and good fortune in the coming
    2-5  year; and, be it further
    2-6        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
    2-7  prepared for Mrs. Cuevas as an expression of high regard by the
    2-8  Texas House of Representatives.