H.R. No. 485
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity has faithfully served
    1-2  communities throughout the nation with a tradition of excellence
    1-3  spanning more than 80 years, and the Texas House of Representatives
    1-4  is pleased to honor this fine organization on the notable occasion
    1-5  of its second annual Texas Legislative Day; and
    1-6        WHEREAS, When the fraternity was organized on the campus of
    1-7  Indiana University in 1911, the founders of Kappa Alpha Psi sought
    1-8  to unite men from every ethnic and religious background who shared
    1-9  the common values of honor, patriotism, achievement, and service;
   1-10  today, members maintain that same unity as they continually strive
   1-11  to serve those in need; and
   1-12        WHEREAS, With purpose and determination, Kappa Alpha Psi has
   1-13  sought to mend many societal ills; to this end, the Guide
   1-14  Right-National Service Program, which was established by Kappa
   1-15  Alpha Psi, works through fraternity volunteers to provide youth
   1-16  with inspiration and companionship, serving as positive role models
   1-17  to turn young people away from negative influences and lead them
   1-18  down the path of success and achievement toward a bright and
   1-19  promising future; and
   1-20        WHEREAS, With their energetic volunteer efforts, the men who
   1-21  participate in this exemplary fraternal organization have made a
   1-22  positive and lasting difference in the lives of many young Texans,
   1-23  and it is indeed fitting that this outstanding organization receive
   1-24  legislative recognition on this significant occasion; now,
    2-1  therefore, be it
    2-2        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 74th Texas
    2-3  Legislature hereby welcome Kappa Alpha Psi to the State Capitol on
    2-4  the occasion of the organization's second annual Texas Legislative
    2-5  Day and commend all those who contribute their time and energies to
    2-6  the continuing success of this invaluable organization; and, be it
    2-7  further
    2-8        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
    2-9  prepared for Kappa Alpha Psi as an expression of high regard by the
   2-10  Texas House of Representatives.