H.R. No. 492
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, At a traditional Eagle Court of Honor on April 8,
    1-2  1995, Adolph Matt Roesler of Houston will receive well-deserved
    1-3  recognition for his achievements in scouting when he is awarded the
    1-4  coveted silver insignia denoting his attainment of the rank of
    1-5  Eagle Scout; and
    1-6        WHEREAS, Active in scouting for several years and steadily
    1-7  working his way through the ranks, this exceptional young man has
    1-8  amply proven his worthiness of this great honor by exemplifying
    1-9  scouting's highest ideals and persevering in the pursuit of his
   1-10  goals with noteworthy dedication; and
   1-11        WHEREAS, In addition to earning numerous merit badges by
   1-12  demonstrating his knowledge and mastery of skills in a wide range
   1-13  of fields and attending summer camps at El Rancho Cimo, Philmont,
   1-14  and the Packard High Adventure Camp, he has demonstrated the
   1-15  outstanding leadership ability that is the hallmark of all Eagle
   1-16  Scouts by serving ably as president of his Explorer Post and as
   1-17  assistant scoutmaster of Troop 40; and
   1-18        WHEREAS, His superb record of achievement in scouting is
   1-19  matched by the equally impressive accomplishments that have
   1-20  characterized his involvement at school and in the community, where
   1-21  he has applied the habits and values developed through his
   1-22  participation in scouting activities to excel in all of his
   1-23  endeavors; and
   1-24        WHEREAS, A junior at the High School for Engineering
    2-1  Professions at Booker T. Washington, Eagle Scout Roesler has
    2-2  distinguished himself as a member of many school organizations,
    2-3  including community service clubs, several societies for
    2-4  engineering students, and the school's soccer team; and
    2-5        WHEREAS, Despite his extensive participation in
    2-6  extracurricular activities at school and his involvement in
    2-7  scouting programs, he nevertheless finds time to express his
    2-8  abiding religious faith in meaningful ways as an active parishioner
    2-9  at Advent Lutheran Church, making positive contributions as a
   2-10  member of several church organizations; and
   2-11        WHEREAS, A model citizen in every way, Eagle Scout Roesler
   2-12  has been a great source of pride to his parents, Matt and Judy
   2-13  Roesler, and an inspiration to his fellow scouts, and his
   2-14  achievements in scouting are indeed worthy of special praise and
   2-15  recognition; now, therefore, be it
   2-16        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 74th Texas
   2-17  Legislature hereby congratulate Adolph Matt Roesler on his
   2-18  noteworthy accomplishment in attaining the rank of Eagle Scout and
   2-19  earning the right to wear the silver insignia symbolic of his
   2-20  achievements as a member of the Boy Scouts of America; and, be it
   2-21  further
   2-22        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
   2-23  prepared for Eagle Scout Roesler as an expression of high esteem by
   2-24  the Texas House of Representatives.