H.R. No. 529
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, Christopher House of Austin is a therapeutic
    1-2  treatment facility that provides hospital-level care in a homelike
    1-3  setting for people with HIV or AIDS and is aptly named for Saint
    1-4  Christopher, who was known for his willingness to help those in
    1-5  need; and
    1-6        WHEREAS, Though the facility has an excellent
    1-7  multidisciplinary team of physicians, nurses, and support staff, it
    1-8  has found that the needs of its clients and their families are far
    1-9  too great to be met by the members of its hardworking staff alone,
   1-10  and to this end, the staff of Christopher House formed the Chris
   1-11  Team project in September 1994; and
   1-12        WHEREAS, Since its creation, the volunteers of the Chris Team
   1-13  project have assisted 60 patients by pairing off in groups of two
   1-14  volunteers per client to assist individuals with day-to-day
   1-15  nonmedical needs as well as to provide them with companionship over
   1-16  the course of their illness; and
   1-17        WHEREAS, This challenging role is not for just anyone, for it
   1-18  takes people of rare qualities to grow close to someone knowing
   1-19  they will inevitably have to lose that person; Chris Team members
   1-20  are all team players with strong communication and organizational
   1-21  skills who exhibit a high degree of professionalism and a proven
   1-22  ability to maintain confidentiality; and
   1-23        WHEREAS, In addition, Chris Team members must have a clear
   1-24  sense of personal and professional boundaries and possess the
    2-1  ability to work effectively under pressure and in emergencies; and
    2-2        WHEREAS, Christopher House is fortunate to have found these
    2-3  qualities in a number of dedicated individuals, and the members of
    2-4  this chamber would like to take a moment to honor each of them at
    2-5  this time, for their selfless efforts have greatly enhanced the
    2-6  lives of countless individuals in need; and
    2-7        WHEREAS, Committed and sincere, Otis Manchester is a
    2-8  nine-month volunteer with the project who always gives generously
    2-9  of himself to help out wherever he is needed despite his busy
   2-10  schedule as an IBM employee; and
   2-11        WHEREAS, Retired state worker Doris Walker has been with the
   2-12  facility for a year and brings to her position the insight of one
   2-13  who has lost her own loved ones to AIDS; having suffered the loss
   2-14  of her son and daughter-in-law to the disease, she has turned her
   2-15  own difficult experience into a vehicle by which she can help other
   2-16  people; and
   2-17        WHEREAS, Her sister, Lula Green, is also sharing her
   2-18  retirement years with the newfound friends she has made at the
   2-19  center; regarded by many as the strength of the project, Ms. Green
   2-20  not only accepts each assignment she is given but has taken it upon
   2-21  herself to visit all of the clients at Christopher House, even on
   2-22  weekends, in spite of the fact that she doesn't own a car and must
   2-23  find her own transportation; and
   2-24        WHEREAS, A caregiver to a client for six years before she
   2-25  started her work with Christopher House, retired city employee
   2-26  Alnetia McClendon has shared her wisdom and insight to the benefit
   2-27  of her peers and has helped everyone at the facility to get through
    3-1  some difficult times; and
    3-2        WHEREAS, Kathryn Peterson, who is employed by the law firm of
    3-3  Clark, Thomas & Winters, has served on the Chris Team for the past
    3-4  year; blessed with a heart of gold, Ms. Peterson doesn't hesitate
    3-5  to give of her own resources to meet clients' needs and her gentle
    3-6  yet firm personality has proven a refreshing addition to the team;
    3-7  and
    3-8        WHEREAS, Though she has a demanding career as an elementary
    3-9  school teacher, Lisa Drummond never hesitates to accept an
   3-10  assignment for Christopher House and her dedication is an
   3-11  inspiration to all who know her; and
   3-12        WHEREAS, Similarly, KTBC-TV employee Sharon Cohen also faces
   3-13  a daunting schedule yet makes time for patient care above and
   3-14  beyond her assignment; and
   3-15        WHEREAS, Retired county worker Gracie Miles lost her beloved
   3-16  son and grandson to AIDS and became a volunteer at the home within
   3-17  months of losing them; a familiar sight in the kitchen, she can
   3-18  often be found cooking special meals for clients and feeding them;
   3-19  and
   3-20        WHEREAS, Bringing her past experience as a CARE Team member
   3-21  to her work with the Chris Team, Catherine Bailey leaves behind a
   3-22  demanding position with the Texas Medical Association to visit and
   3-23  care for her patient, and her kind and compassionate presence makes
   3-24  her a welcome member of the team; and
   3-25        WHEREAS, Albert Marasco is a former member of the Chris Team
   3-26  who resigned from the team to address his own personal struggle
   3-27  with HIV; during his tenure with the project, Mr. Marasco
    4-1  demonstrated to others what giving is all about, spending much of
    4-2  his time with the client to whom he was assigned until the
    4-3  patient's death last January; and
    4-4        WHEREAS, All of these individuals have enriched the lives of
    4-5  the patients of Christopher House and they indeed merit special
    4-6  legislative recognition for their exceptional contributions in this
    4-7  regard; now, therefore, be it
    4-8        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 74th Texas
    4-9  Legislature hereby commend Otis Manchester, Doris Walker, Lula
   4-10  Green, Alnetia McClendon, Kathryn Peterson, Lisa Drummond, Sharon
   4-11  Cohen, Gracie Miles, Albert Marasco, and Catherine Bailey for their
   4-12  outstanding service as volunteers at Christopher House; and, be it
   4-13  further
   4-14        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
   4-15  prepared for these remarkable individuals as an expression of
   4-16  highest regard by the Texas House of Representatives.