By Rodriguez, Raymond                                  H.R. No. 557
       74R10082 PAN-D
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, April 5, 1995, marked the birthday of our esteemed
    1-2  colleague, the Honorable Diana Davila, and the occasion is an
    1-3  opportune time to recognize her for her extensive achievements; and
    1-4        WHEREAS, The youngest of five children in her family,
    1-5  Ms. Davila is a lifelong resident of Houston's East End, where her
    1-6  family has resided for more than three decades; she earned her
    1-7  elementary and secondary education in the Houston public school
    1-8  system and, having graduated salutatorian of Austin High School,
    1-9  went on to obtain a bachelor's degree from Harvard University; and
   1-10        WHEREAS, Representative Davila has long been a leader in her
   1-11  community; at the age of 14, she began working as a volunteer
   1-12  Spanish tutor for officers in the Houston Police Department as a
   1-13  means by which to improve relations between the department and the
   1-14  city's Hispanic community; and
   1-15        WHEREAS, She has embraced many worthy causes in the ensuing
   1-16  years and has given generously of her time and energies to benefit
   1-17  a host of local organizations, including the East End Area Chamber
   1-18  of Commerce, the Child Abuse Prevention Network, the Boys and Girls
   1-19  Clubs of Greater Houston, and Hispanic Women in Leadership; and
   1-20        WHEREAS, Ms. Davila first became involved in state government
   1-21  as a legislative aide  in the office of State Representative Roman
   1-22  Martinez, and she later served as an administrative assistant
   1-23  before deciding to run for office herself as a member of the 73rd
   1-24  Legislature; and
    2-1        WHEREAS, Having made education and the overall needs of
    2-2  children her greatest priorities, Ms. Davila has worked diligently
    2-3  to advance these worthy goals and her legislative agenda reflects
    2-4  her commitment through its advocacy of such important initiatives
    2-5  as the Healthy Start/Healthy Families child abuse and neglect
    2-6  prevention program, early childhood intervention programs in
    2-7  schools, conflict resolution training to educate young people about
    2-8  alternatives to violence, and parental involvement programs; and
    2-9        WHEREAS, She also hopes to see increased educational
   2-10  opportunities made available to Houston's youngest citizens and
   2-11  shared this goal with her beloved brother, the late Jaime Davila;
   2-12  when asked what she considers to be her greatest achievement, she
   2-13  cites persuading the city of Houston to name one of its
   2-14  predominately Hispanic elementary schools in her brother's honor;
   2-15  and
   2-16        WHEREAS, Though Ms. Davila is one of the youngest members of
   2-17  the legislature, she is rapidly earning a name for herself and is a
   2-18  valued member of the house human services and urban affairs
   2-19  committees and the Committee on Local and Consent Calendars this
   2-20  session; since first winning election to the house, Ms. Davila has
   2-21  garnered the lasting regard of her constituents in District 145,
   2-22  for she has served them with dedication and integrity throughout
   2-23  her fine tenure; now, therefore, be it
   2-24        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 74th Texas
   2-25  Legislature hereby congratulate the Honorable Diana Davila on the
   2-26  recent occasion of her birthday and extend to her sincere best
   2-27  wishes for continued happiness and success throughout the coming
    3-1  years; and, be it further
    3-2        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
    3-3  prepared for Ms. Davila as an expression of high regard by the
    3-4  Texas House of Representatives.