By Denny                                               H.R. No. 568
       74R9587 WMS-D
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, April 10, 1995, marks the first anniversary of the
    1-2  death of Tom Hughes, a giant within the Dallas arts community and a
    1-3  man who was widely recognized throughout the entertainment industry
    1-4  as one of our nation's leading theater producers; and
    1-5        WHEREAS, A native Texan, Mr. Hughes was graduated from
    1-6  Carrollton High School and pursued his higher education at the
    1-7  University of North Texas, where he distinguished himself as vice
    1-8  president of the student body and president of the student senate;
    1-9  his undying love of the theater was already evident during his
   1-10  tenure as a student at North Texas, for he tirelessly devoted his
   1-11  time and energies throughout college to serve as producer and
   1-12  director of the Varsity Club shows and the Spring Music Festival;
   1-13  and
   1-14        WHEREAS, In 1955, he was named house manager of the State
   1-15  Fair Musicals, known today as the Dallas Summer Musicals, and began
   1-16  a remarkable career with that organization that would span four
   1-17  decades; having proven himself in positions of increased
   1-18  responsibility over the course of six years, Mr. Hughes was named
   1-19  managing director of the Dallas Summer Musicals in 1961; and
   1-20        WHEREAS, In the ensuing years, this gifted producer elevated
   1-21  the national perception of the performing arts in the Metroplex
   1-22  area by coupling his trademark flair for the dramatic with his
   1-23  seemingly innate understanding of how to please an audience; and
   1-24        WHEREAS, Among the many legendary actors and actresses who
    2-1  came to Dallas to perform in his lavish productions were such
    2-2  Hollywood giants as Katherine Hepburn, Richard Burton, Yul Brynner,
    2-3  Ginger Rogers, Gene Kelly, and Carol Burnett; and
    2-4        WHEREAS, A keen judge of untapped talent as well, Mr. Hughes
    2-5  carefully cultivated the abilities of Sandy Duncan and Tommy Tune,
    2-6  both of whom benefited immeasurably from his able guidance and
    2-7  encouragement; and
    2-8        WHEREAS, Determined to create the broadest possible avenue
    2-9  for dramatic expression within his community, Mr. Hughes
   2-10  established the Tom Hughes Foundation to bring national touring
   2-11  companies of dramas and musicals to the Majestic Theatre and the
   2-12  Music Hall during the months when the Summer Musicals are inactive;
   2-13  Mr. Hughes also joined with actress Martha Gaylord to establish a
   2-14  scholarship at his alma mater for deserving drama students; and
   2-15        WHEREAS, For his many notable achievements, Mr. Hughes was
   2-16  given an honorary doctorate and a Distinguished Alumnus Award by
   2-17  the University of North Texas and was designated a recipient of the
   2-18  TACA Award for Excellence in the Performing Arts; and
   2-19        WHEREAS, Tom Hughes was a gentleman of rare talent and
   2-20  dedication whose extensive achievements in the arts greatly
   2-21  enriched the lives of countless residents of and visitors to the
   2-22  Metroplex area; although he has been deeply missed in the year that
   2-23  has passed since his death, his memory lives on in the hearts of
   2-24  his family, friends, and many fans; now, therefore, be it
   2-25        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 74th Texas
   2-26  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of Tom Hughes and extend
   2-27  sincere sympathy to the members of his family: to his wife, Anne
    3-1  Kouri Hughes; to his children, Kenneth Thomas Hughes, Ryan Alexis
    3-2  Hughes, and Kyle Elizabeth Hughes; to his aunt, Ruby Aiello; to his
    3-3  uncles, J. C. Bond and Walter Bond, Sr.; and to the many other
    3-4  friends and relatives of this esteemed gentleman; and, be it
    3-5  further
    3-6        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
    3-7  prepared for the members of his family and that when the Texas
    3-8  House of Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of
    3-9  Tom Hughes.