H.R. No. 578
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, To volunteer one's time to the benefit of terminally
    1-2  ill individuals is perhaps the hardest task a person can undertake
    1-3  for just as they have come to know the people for whom they are
    1-4  caring, those individuals are taken from this world; and
    1-5        WHEREAS, The residents of Austin are indeed fortunate to have
    1-6  among their citizenry a number of dedicated individuals whose
    1-7  compassion, commitment, and kindness have enabled them to overcome
    1-8  the difficulties inherent in such a situation to volunteer their
    1-9  time and talents to the benefit of Christopher House, an Austin
   1-10  therapeutic treatment facility that cares for individuals and their
   1-11  families whose lives have been forever altered by a diagnosis of
   1-12  HIV or AIDS; and
   1-13        WHEREAS, It is indeed a great privilege to recognize a number
   1-14  of these volunteers at this time, for their selfless efforts have
   1-15  brightened the lives of countless individuals in need; and
   1-16        WHEREAS, The first volunteer ever hired by Christopher House,
   1-17  Kathy Quebe has spent the past year giving 20 hours of her time
   1-18  each week to the center, where she is heavily involved in
   1-19  fundraising activities and performs a number of other vital
   1-20  functions for the facility as well; and
   1-21        WHEREAS, Nominated for Volunteer of the Month by her peers,
   1-22  Rhonda Dobrovolski has worked at the home for nine months and has
   1-23  proven a great addition to its dietary staff, which was
   1-24  particularly appreciative of her presence during the Thanksgiving
    2-1  and Christmas holidays when she played an instrumental role in the
    2-2  production and presentation of special meals for residents; and
    2-3        WHEREAS, A group of outstanding young people from Ascension
    2-4  Lutheran Church also have been nominated for Volunteer of the Month
    2-5  by the staff of Christopher House for their willingness to help in
    2-6  any way that is needed; with enthusiasm, dedication, and
    2-7  compassion, they perform their duties under the direction of
    2-8  Reverend Mike Ensrude, who has modeled and shared his own personal
    2-9  beliefs to the benefit of these young people throughout his
   2-10  affiliation with the facility; and
   2-11        WHEREAS, Father Rick Walsh of St. Austin's Catholic Church
   2-12  has been with Christopher House since its inception two years ago
   2-13  and has proven an enormous resource to its staff by conducting
   2-14  courses for them on death and dying and lending them a willing ear
   2-15  when one is needed; he can often be seen visiting patients and
   2-16  consoling families and his obvious skill in relating to others has
   2-17  helped to support many individuals so they could die with peace and
   2-18  dignity; and
   2-19        WHEREAS, For the past year, Reverend Rick Williams of Greater
   2-20  Union Baptist Church has become very active in Christopher House;
   2-21  by making himself available day or night whenever his comforting
   2-22  presence is needed, Reverend Williams has helped to lessen the
   2-23  isolation of terminally ill people, their families, and their
   2-24  caregivers through his unlimited warmth and compassion; and
   2-25        WHEREAS, All of these individuals have greatly enhanced the
   2-26  quality of life for clients of Christopher House, and their work is
   2-27  truly deserving of special commendation and praise; now, therefore,
    3-1  be it
    3-2        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 74th Texas
    3-3  Legislature hereby commend Kathy Quebe, Rhonda Dobrovolski, Father
    3-4  Rick Walsh, Reverend Rick Williams, and Reverend Mike Ensrude and
    3-5  the youth group of Ascension Lutheran Church for their
    3-6  extraordinary contributions as volunteers at Christopher House and
    3-7  extend to them warmest best wishes for continued fulfillment and
    3-8  happiness in their service to others for many years to come; and,
    3-9  be it further
   3-10        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
   3-11  prepared for these selfless individuals as an expression of highest
   3-12  regard by the Texas House of Representatives.