H.R. No. 613
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, The Texas House of Representatives is proud to honor
    1-2  an outstanding delegation of high school students from Houston who
    1-3  are visiting the State Capitol on this day; and
    1-4        WHEREAS, Sabrina Becerra and Jesse Landeros of John H. Reagan
    1-5  High School, Sherry Galvez and John Haywood of Jefferson Davis High
    1-6  School, and Tracy Carr and Juan Flores of Sam Houston High School
    1-7  were all selected to participate in a special trip to Austin for
    1-8  their academic and extracurricular achievements, as well as for
    1-9  their interest in state government; and
   1-10        WHEREAS, Sabrina is a member of the junior class at John H.
   1-11  Reagan High School, where she has been an active participant in
   1-12  student government as secretary of the student council, served as a
   1-13  sophomore and junior class officer, and excelled in athletics on
   1-14  the school's varsity volleyball, junior varsity basketball, and
   1-15  tennis teams; and
   1-16        WHEREAS, Fellow Reagan student Jesse Landeros has balanced
   1-17  his myriad responsibilities as a student with employment at Rice
   1-18  Food Markets and volunteer activities at Heights Hospital and
   1-19  Christ the King Church; this fine young man is a member of the
   1-20  student council, serves as sergeant-at-arms for the junior class,
   1-21  is an R.O.T.C. Drill Team member, and plays football; and
   1-22        WHEREAS, Sherry Galvez of Jefferson Davis High School has
   1-23  intelligence to match her great sense of humor and personifies
   1-24  school spirit as a cheerleader for the junior class; her plans for
    2-1  the coming year include earning valedictorian status and choosing a
    2-2  college at which to pursue her goal of studying physical therapy;
    2-3  and
    2-4        WHEREAS, Classmate John Haywood also is planning ahead and
    2-5  hopes to build on his strong ability in math by majoring in
    2-6  engineering in college; John has participated in football,
    2-7  basketball, and tennis and currently is a member of the dance
    2-8  troupe Q Phi Q, a group of young men who, through their
    2-9  performances of step dances, seek to improve racial relations,
   2-10  decrease community violence, and promote brotherhood among males;
   2-11  and
   2-12        WHEREAS, An 11th grade student at Sam Houston High School,
   2-13  Tracy Carr has made a name for herself at her school as a member of
   2-14  the National Honor Society, the student council, and the thespian
   2-15  society, as photography editor for the yearbook staff, and as this
   2-16  year's school mascot; she shoulders a rigorous academic load, is
   2-17  active in sports, and hopes to pursue a career as an attorney; and
   2-18        WHEREAS, Juan Flores also is an outstanding student at Sam
   2-19  Houston High School, where he is committed to his studies as a
   2-20  means by which to attain his goal of a degree in education from a
   2-21  local institution of higher education; an exceptional athlete who
   2-22  particularly enjoys soccer and football, Juan is a source of great
   2-23  pride to his parents and two brothers; and
   2-24        WHEREAS, These accomplished students typify the finest
   2-25  qualities of our state's young people, and their interest in
   2-26  learning about state government is indeed commendable and deserving
   2-27  of special legislative recognition; now, therefore, be it
    3-1        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 74th Texas
    3-2  Legislature hereby welcome Sabrina Becerra, Jesse Landeros, Sherry
    3-3  Galvez, John Haywood, Tracy Carr, and Juan Flores to the State
    3-4  Capitol and extend to them warmest best wishes for an educational
    3-5  and memorable stay in Austin; and, be it further
    3-6        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
    3-7  prepared for these fine students as an expression of high regard by
    3-8  the Texas House of Representatives.