By Hochberg                                            H.R. No. 624
       74R10054 BNL-D
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, In June 1995, Hans Mayer will retire from his
    1-2  position as executive vice president of the Jewish Federation of
    1-3  Greater Houston, thus bringing to a close his distinguished 18-year
    1-4  tenure with that fine organization; and
    1-5        WHEREAS, A former resident of St. Louis, Missouri, Mr. Mayer
    1-6  moved to Houston in 1971, and he joined the Federation six years
    1-7  later as executive director; highly regarded for his
    1-8  professionalism, dedication, and integrity, he was promoted to the
    1-9  post of executive vice president in 1989; and
   1-10        WHEREAS, Under his capable direction, the Jewish Federation
   1-11  of Greater Houston has undergone a period of vibrant growth,
   1-12  necessitating the construction of a larger facility in the
   1-13  Kagan-Rudy Building in 1982; the Federation also has sought to
   1-14  broaden the scope of its mission by implementing expanded United
   1-15  Jewish Campaigns; and
   1-16        WHEREAS, Members have worked for the benefit of their
   1-17  spiritual brothers and sisters around the world through their
   1-18  relations with Yoseftal, the organization's Project Renewal in
   1-19  Israel, and through their political advocacy on behalf of Jews in
   1-20  the former Soviet Union; moreover, the Federation's Passage to
   1-21  Freedom and Operation Exodus campaigns raised more than $10 million
   1-22  to aid the emigration efforts of Soviet Jews; and
   1-23        WHEREAS, In addition to spearheading these remarkable
   1-24  international efforts, Mr. Mayer has contributed his leadership
    2-1  skills to the Council of Jewish Federations and has served as
    2-2  national president of the Association of Jewish Center Workers; he
    2-3  also is a longtime supporter of the University of Houston Graduate
    2-4  School of Social Work and currently serves on its professional
    2-5  advisory committee; and
    2-6        WHEREAS, Throughout his many endeavors, Mr. Mayer has enjoyed
    2-7  a powerful and dynamic partnership with his wife of many years,
    2-8  Marge; a respected professional, Mrs. Mayer established College
    2-9  Bound, a college counseling service, and has worked tirelessly with
   2-10  her husband to improve the quality of life for countless
   2-11  individuals; and
   2-12        WHEREAS, The Mayers' inspiring partnership will continue to
   2-13  thrive as Mr. Mayer plans to assist his wife in her efforts to
   2-14  expand College Bound; his active retirement also will include
   2-15  further service to the Federation as a financial consultant; and
   2-16        WHEREAS, Hans Mayer is a valued and respected member of the
   2-17  Houston community, and his outstanding record of leadership and
   2-18  community service is indeed worthy of special praise and
   2-19  recognition; now, therefore, be it
   2-20        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 74th Texas
   2-21  Legislature hereby honor Hans Mayer on the occasion of his
   2-22  retirement and extend to him warmest best wishes for continued
   2-23  success and fulfillment in all his future endeavors; and, be it
   2-24  further
   2-25        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
   2-26  prepared for Mr. Mayer as an expression of high regard by the Texas
   2-27  House of Representatives.