By Lewis of Tarrant                                    H.R. No. 632
       74R10547 KMP-D
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, It is the custom of the Texas House of
    1-2  Representatives to pay tribute to those exceptional individuals who
    1-3  have made this world a better place in which to live, work, and
    1-4  raise a family; and
    1-5        WHEREAS, The Reverend Jesse Jackson is one such person who
    1-6  has, as a clergyman, civic leader, and international peacemaker,
    1-7  championed the values of equality, understanding, and cooperation
    1-8  throughout the course of an impressive career that has spanned more
    1-9  than three decades; and
   1-10        WHEREAS, Born October 8, 1941, in Greenville, South Carolina,
   1-11  this extraordinary man spent much of his early life surrounded by
   1-12  the poverty, racism, and hopelessness that is still all too common
   1-13  in our nation; as a young boy, he strove to build a better future
   1-14  for himself by working at a lumberyard, shining shoes, waiting on
   1-15  tables, working as a golf caddy, and representing his local Baptist
   1-16  church at Sunday school conventions; and
   1-17        WHEREAS, Reverend Jackson was also a star quarterback who
   1-18  helped guide the Sterling High School football team to the state
   1-19  championship, and following his graduation in 1959, he attended the
   1-20  University of Illinois and later North Carolina Agricultural and
   1-21  Technical State College in Greensboro, North Carolina, where he
   1-22  quickly made a name for himself as the star quarterback, the
   1-23  student body president, and an honor student in both sociology and
   1-24  economics; and
    2-1        WHEREAS, It was during his time at North Carolina A&T that he
    2-2  embarked on his lifelong journey as one of our nation's most
    2-3  articulate and influential civil rights leaders; while still
    2-4  attending college, this remarkable individual organized sit-ins and
    2-5  picket lines at local hotels, theaters, and restaurants that
    2-6  refused to admit blacks, and the demonstrations not only helped to
    2-7  integrate Greensboro but were such a resounding success that
    2-8  Reverend Jackson soon found his leadership and expertise in demand
    2-9  throughout the South; and
   2-10        WHEREAS, After obtaining his degree in 1964, this
   2-11  distinguished American attended graduate school at the Chicago
   2-12  Theological Seminary and was ordained as a minister in the Baptist
   2-13  Church in 1968; he also continued to be a driving force in the
   2-14  civil rights movement, and in 1966 was selected by Martin Luther
   2-15  King, Jr., and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference to lead
   2-16  the Chicago branch of Operation Breadbasket, an innovative program
   2-17  that under his leadership helped thousands of black citizens to
   2-18  secure jobs and better conditions through the strategic use of
   2-19  boycotts and picketing; and
   2-20        WHEREAS, Appointed national director of Operation Breadbasket
   2-21  in 1967, this exemplary leader also served as executive director of
   2-22  Operation PUSH, an organization he founded in 1971 to win greater
   2-23  economic and political power for America's poorest residents; since
   2-24  that time he has launched PUSH-Excel, a related program targeted at
   2-25  preventing vandalism, drug abuse, teen pregnancy, and truancy among
   2-26  inner-city students; and
   2-27        WHEREAS, Reverend Jackson's crusade to create opportunity,
    3-1  prosperity, and equality within our nation's communities led him in
    3-2  1984 to seek the presidency of the United States, and, two years
    3-3  later, to found the National Rainbow Coalition, a progressive
    3-4  organization dedicated to empowering Americans traditionally left
    3-5  out of the political process; his presidential bid is considered by
    3-6  many experts to be a milestone in American politics, and in Texas
    3-7  it helped African-American voter registration to reach
    3-8  unprecedented heights; and
    3-9        WHEREAS, Internationally admired for his exceptional skills
   3-10  as a mediator and negotiator, the Reverend Jackson has been an
   3-11  important figure in world affairs for more than 15 years; as early
   3-12  as 1979 he traveled to the Republic of South Africa to lead crowds
   3-13  in church services and nonviolent protests and, in later years, his
   3-14  expertise and guidance proved invaluable to the leaders of that
   3-15  country in their struggle against apartheid; and
   3-16        WHEREAS, Reverend Jackson's courage and compassion have
   3-17  helped him to succeed where American diplomatic efforts have
   3-18  failed; in 1984 he persuaded Syria to release captured Navy
   3-19  lieutenant Robert Goodman, Jr., whose plane had been shot down over
   3-20  central Lebanon, and he also convinced Cuban president Fidel Castro
   3-21  to release 22 imprisoned Americans and 26 Cuban political
   3-22  prisoners; and
   3-23        WHEREAS, His efforts over the years have garnered him awards
   3-24  and honors from innumerable countries, organizations, and
   3-25  institutions; the winner of the National Medical Association's
   3-26  presidential award, he also has been selected in the past as
   3-27  Humanitarian Father of the Year by the National Father's Day
    4-1  Committee and is consistently recognized as one of the most admired
    4-2  and influential men in the United States; and
    4-3        WHEREAS, Above all else, Reverend Jackson is a  devoted
    4-4  family man who has enjoyed a richly rewarding marriage with his
    4-5  wife of 31 years, Jacqueline Lavinia Jackson, and who takes immense
    4-6  pride in his five children, Santita, Jesse Louis, Jr., Jonathan
    4-7  Luther, Yusef DuBois, and Jacqueline Lavinia; and
    4-8        WHEREAS, In recognition of this exceptional man's ability to
    4-9  find solutions to our most pressing social, economic, and political
   4-10  problems through nonviolent means, it is indeed appropriate that
   4-11  this distinguished minister and world leader be given special
   4-12  commendation and praise; now, therefore, be it
   4-13        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 74th Texas
   4-14  Legislature hereby honor the Reverend Jesse Jackson for the
   4-15  countless contributions he has made toward securing peace,
   4-16  prosperity, and justice for all Americans and extend to him warmest
   4-17  best wishes for continued happiness and success in his future
   4-18  endeavors; and, be it further
   4-19        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
   4-20  prepared for the Reverend Jackson as an expression of highest
   4-21  regard by the Texas House of Representatives.