H.R. No. 690
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, The Texas House of Representatives is proud to
    1-2  recognize the Honorable Jack F. Ridgeway for his many notable
    1-3  contributions to his state and community; and
    1-4        WHEREAS, This exceptional individual was graduated from
    1-5  Brackenridge High School in 1929 and continued his education at San
    1-6  Antonio Public School of Law, attaining his degree and license to
    1-7  practice law in 1935; and
    1-8        WHEREAS, Although deeply committed to his studies,
    1-9  Mr. Ridgeway also found time for athletic endeavor and was a key
   1-10  member of the 1933 San Antonio YMCA national champion volleyball
   1-11  team; and
   1-12        WHEREAS, He began his law practice in 1935 and quickly
   1-13  achieved a high level of success; a respected voice in the legal
   1-14  community, he was president of the San Antonio Bar from 1961 to
   1-15  1962 and director of the State Bar of Texas from 1963 to 1966; and
   1-16        WHEREAS, Mr. Ridgeway contributed his exceptional abilities
   1-17  to the service of his nation during the Second World War as a
   1-18  member of the Army Security Intelligence Corps and the Judge
   1-19  Advocate Branch; and
   1-20        WHEREAS, A staunch believer in the democratic process,
   1-21  Mr. Ridgeway served with distinction for four terms as a member of
   1-22  the Texas House of Representatives during the 1940s, bringing to
   1-23  that demanding position the selfless dedication to the public
   1-24  well-being that has been the hallmark of all his many endeavors;
    2-1  and
    2-2        WHEREAS, He has tirelessly devoted his time and talents to
    2-3  improving opportunity for community youth through his long-standing
    2-4  association with Boysville, serving as president, trustee, and
    2-5  30-year member of the board of directors, and for his considerable
    2-6  efforts in their behalf he was named Arch Angel of Boysville; and
    2-7        WHEREAS, Exceptionally skilled with a camera, Mr. Ridgeway
    2-8  has won the San Antonio Light's annual photography contest on
    2-9  several occasions, and he often donates framed enlargements of his
   2-10  photographs to such worthy causes as Boysville and the KLRB
   2-11  Auction; and
   2-12        WHEREAS, Among the other service organizations that have
   2-13  greatly benefited from his outstanding leadership are the Leukemia
   2-14  Society of San Antonio and the Alzheimer Support Group of San
   2-15  Antonio; and
   2-16        WHEREAS, A man of deep and abiding religious conviction, he
   2-17  shares his faith as an active member of the First Presbyterian
   2-18  Church of San Antonio, where he has served as a deacon and elder
   2-19  for 15 years; and
   2-20        WHEREAS, He has been supported in all his many endeavors by
   2-21  his devoted wife of 47 years, Mary, and his children, Nancy, Jack,
   2-22  Jr., and Jane; and
   2-23        WHEREAS, Representative Jack F. Ridgeway has sought to better
   2-24  conditions for his fellowman, and his many exemplary achievements
   2-25  in this regard are indeed worthy of special legislative
   2-26  recognition; now, therefore, be it
   2-27        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 74th Texas
    3-1  Legislature hereby commend the Honorable Jack F. Ridgeway for his
    3-2  many outstanding contributions to his community and state and
    3-3  extend to him best wishes for continued success in the future; and,
    3-4  be it further
    3-5        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
    3-6  prepared for Representative Ridgeway as an expression of high
    3-7  regard by the Texas House of Representatives.