By Siebert                                             H.R. No. 713
       74R11620 PAN-D
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, April 27, 1995, is indeed a significant milestone in
    1-2  the life of Frank L. Duncan for it marks the occasion of his 80th
    1-3  birthday, and it gives the members of this chamber great pleasure
    1-4  to welcome him to the State Capitol on his special day and to honor
    1-5  him as a man who has not only lived life, but has embraced it to
    1-6  the fullest; and
    1-7        WHEREAS, The father of our esteemed colleague, the Honorable
    1-8  Robert Duncan, the elder Mr. Duncan is a native Texan who was born
    1-9  in Lubbock, where he would graduate from Texas Tech University in
   1-10  1939 with a bachelor's degree in agronomy; and
   1-11        WHEREAS,  After college, Mr. Duncan was initially employed by
   1-12  the Farm and Home Administration and went on to accept a position
   1-13  as a soil scientist mapping soils in Coleman and Taylor counties;
   1-14  and
   1-15        WHEREAS, Mr. Duncan enlisted in the U.S. Navy and, in that
   1-16  capacity, served his country with unflinching bravery in such
   1-17  pivotal military engagements as Guam, Okinawa, and Iwo Jima; and
   1-18        WHEREAS, During his harrowing tour of duty, he drew great
   1-19  comfort from the knowledge that his new bride was eagerly awaiting
   1-20  his return, for he had married his college sweetheart, the former
   1-21  Robena Mae Formby, on May 13, 1941; and
   1-22        WHEREAS, After completing his military duty, he returned home
   1-23  to Texas and rejoined the Soil Conservation Service, mapping soil
   1-24  in the Trinity River bottom land area of Denton and Wise counties;
    2-1  Mr. Duncan later served as area soil scientist for Vernon until the
    2-2  early 1950s, when he was named district conservationist for the
    2-3  area; and
    2-4        WHEREAS, During an outstanding tenure that spanned two
    2-5  decades, Mr. Duncan helped to safeguard the environment by ensuring
    2-6  that thousands of miles of terraces were constructed, watershed
    2-7  treatment was carried out on a number of the main drainage areas in
    2-8  Wilbarger County, many ponds were constructed, and conservation
    2-9  cropping systems were carried out on hundreds of acres; and
   2-10        WHEREAS, In addition, he played a key role in the success of
   2-11  the Great Plains Conservation Program, an innovative contract
   2-12  program that paid farmers for carrying out specific conservation
   2-13  projects on their lands; and
   2-14        WHEREAS, Though he retired from the Soil Conservation Service
   2-15  in 1973, he didn't slow down and soon began a new chapter in his
   2-16  multifaceted career in the form of a daily radio program and
   2-17  employment as an agricultural representative at a local bank;
   2-18  Mr. Duncan also assisted the Corps of Army Engineers in taking soil
   2-19  samples of salinity areas along the Red River in Texas and
   2-20  Oklahoma; and
   2-21        WHEREAS, Throughout his lifetime, Mr. Duncan has been
   2-22  supported in all his endeavors by his devoted wife, "Row," who also
   2-23  deserves some credit on her husband's special day for having had
   2-24  the patience of a saint over the course of the past 54 years; the
   2-25  couple's marriage has been blessed with five children, Frankie
   2-26  Locke, Carol Wright, Mary Burgess, Robert Duncan, and Jill Hladik,
   2-27  and, in recent years, their close-knit family has grown to include
    3-1  12 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren; and
    3-2        WHEREAS, At 80 years old, this spry octogenarian can indeed
    3-3  look back on his accomplishments with great pride for he has
    3-4  greatly contributed to the conservation of Texas' environment over
    3-5  the course of his professional career and is dearly loved by his
    3-6  extensive circle of family and friends; now, therefore, be it
    3-7        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 74th Texas
    3-8  Legislature hereby pay tribute to Frank L. Duncan and extend
    3-9  warmest congratulations to him on the occasion of his 80th
   3-10  birthday; and, be it further
   3-11        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
   3-12  prepared for Mr. Duncan as an expression of high regard by the
   3-13  Texas House of Representatives.