H.R. No. 750
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, The Minority AIDS Education Program of Planned
    1-2  Parenthood of Hidalgo County has been selected as one of the Best
    1-3  of Texas programs for 1995 by the Corporate Fund for Children, and
    1-4  this special recognition is indeed well deserved; and
    1-5        WHEREAS, Each year the Corporate Fund for Children searches
    1-6  communities throughout the state for innovative programs that are
    1-7  improving the lives of children and their families; to qualify for
    1-8  receipt of this prestigious honor, programs must offer unique
    1-9  solutions to persistent social problems, assist traditionally
   1-10  underserved populations, respect multiculturally diverse
   1-11  populations, and be model programs that other communities can
   1-12  emulate; and
   1-13        WHEREAS, The Minority AIDS Education Program was launched by
   1-14  Planned Parenthood of Hidalgo County in 1988 when the group secured
   1-15  a grant to check the rapid spread of HIV infection in the local
   1-16  minority population; now in its eighth year of service to Hidalgo
   1-17  and Starr County residents, the program has educated almost 50,000
   1-18  individuals on AIDS prevention and in recent years has expanded its
   1-19  services to offer HIV-testing and counseling at five area clinics;
   1-20  and
   1-21        WHEREAS, Planned Parenthood's AIDS coordinators target those
   1-22  individuals most at risk for contracting the disease in the
   1-23  community, including teenagers, migrant workers, gang members,
   1-24  women of child-bearing age, and gay men, and tailor presentations
    2-1  on AIDS education and prevention to the unique perspective of each
    2-2  client population; and
    2-3        WHEREAS, Recognizing the vital stake families have in AIDS
    2-4  prevention, the program encourages husbands and wives to talk
    2-5  openly with each other about their sexual practices and to stress
    2-6  to their children the risks of drug and alcohol abuse and giving in
    2-7  to peer pressure, which can ultimately result in an HIV infection;
    2-8  and
    2-9        WHEREAS, The staff of Planned Parenthood have made
   2-10  significant strides in reaching those most at risk for developing
   2-11  an infection and have been asked to share their expertise in
   2-12  identifying and targeting these populations with the Prevention
   2-13  Planning Coalition of the Texas Department of Health; and
   2-14        WHEREAS, To achieve its mission, Planned Parenthood has
   2-15  collaborated with the Hidalgo County Health Department, The
   2-16  University of Texas--Pan American, and the Midwest Migrant Health
   2-17  Information Organization as well as a number of other groups
   2-18  working in this area, and the organization has received essential
   2-19  funding from the Texas Department of Health and the Levi Strauss
   2-20  Foundation; and
   2-21        WHEREAS, Planned Parenthood of Hidalgo County joins two other
   2-22  groups in the Valley who have been designated Best of Texas
   2-23  programs this year, Project ARISE and the Border Association for
   2-24  Refugees from Central America (BARCA), a truly noteworthy
   2-25  accomplishment that is directly attributable to local citizens'
   2-26  sincere concern for the welfare of others; and
   2-27        WHEREAS, The outstanding AIDS education efforts of Planned
    3-1  Parenthood of Hidalgo County have made remarkable progress in
    3-2  slowing the spread of this devastating illness in the Valley
    3-3  community, and the many dedicated individuals who have made this
    3-4  excellent program a success are truly deserving of our highest
    3-5  praise and recognition at this time; now, therefore, be it
    3-6        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 74th Texas
    3-7  Legislature hereby congratulate Planned Parenthood of Hidalgo
    3-8  County on their receipt of a Best of Texas designation for their
    3-9  outstanding work in promoting greater AIDS awareness among local
   3-10  citizens through the Minority AIDS Education Program; and, be it
   3-11  further
   3-12        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
   3-13  prepared for Planned Parenthood of Hidalgo County as an expression
   3-14  of highest regard by the Texas House of Representatives.