H.R. No. 752
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, Carnahan Elementary School has achieved outstanding
    1-2  success with its selection to serve as a Mentor School by the Texas
    1-3  Education Agency, an elite group of public schools chosen for a
    1-4  leadership role in the state Mentor School Network; and
    1-5        WHEREAS, Founded in 1993, the Mentor School Network strives
    1-6  to enhance the quality of education in our state by creating a
    1-7  cadre of exceptional and innovative schools that other schools can
    1-8  turn to for guidance, training, and staff development, and to share
    1-9  new ideas and programs; an immediate success, the network now
   1-10  includes more than 2,000 schools statewide and has won widespread
   1-11  acclaim at both the state and national levels; and
   1-12        WHEREAS, Designated a Mentor School in the network's first
   1-13  year, Carnahan Elementary School has compiled an outstanding record
   1-14  of scholastic achievement that is highlighted by its students'
   1-15  first place finish among schools statewide on the 1987-88 TEAMS
   1-16  test of basic skills; and
   1-17        WHEREAS, Students at Carnahan participate in language arts,
   1-18  math, computer-aided instruction, physical education and dance, and
   1-19  an accelerated reading program, activities which engage their
   1-20  creativity and critical thinking abilities while promoting their
   1-21  general health and well being; and
   1-22        WHEREAS, Teachers take part in a program of ongoing
   1-23  professional development in which they polish their basic skills
   1-24  and become familiar with new teaching methods and technology,
    2-1  efforts which have produced tangible results in the classroom as
    2-2  well as favorable feedback from parents, colleagues, and the
    2-3  greater community; and
    2-4        WHEREAS, This exemplary school owes much of its success to
    2-5  principal Sofia Valdez and facilitator Nelia Rodriguez for they
    2-6  have each provided outstanding direction to the school's talented
    2-7  faculty and staff and have enlisted the support of parents, area
    2-8  businesses, and community volunteers who help with the school's
    2-9  annual Career Fair, Fabulous Friday Program, and other projects;
   2-10  and
   2-11        WHEREAS, Joining Carnahan Elementary School as new Mentor
   2-12  Schools this year are two other excellent schools in the Pharr-San
   2-13  Juan-Alamo Independent School District: Napper Elementary School
   2-14  and Pharr Elementary School; with their selection, this district in
   2-15  the Rio Grande Valley claims the singular distinction of being the
   2-16  only school district in the state with three Mentor Schools, a
   2-17  noteworthy achievement that is truly a source of great pride for
   2-18  local citizens; and
   2-19        WHEREAS, A shining example of excellence in education,
   2-20  Carnahan Elementary School is helping to shape tomorrow's leaders
   2-21  with pride and determination and indeed merits our highest praise
   2-22  and recognition for its commendable participation in the Mentor
   2-23  School Network; now, therefore, be it
   2-24        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 74th Texas
   2-25  Legislature hereby congratulate Carnahan Elementary School on its
   2-26  selection as a Mentor School by the Texas Education Agency and
   2-27  commend its dedicated faculty, staff, parents, and students for
    3-1  their diligence in securing this significant achievement; and, be
    3-2  it further
    3-3        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
    3-4  prepared for prominent display at Carnahan Elementary School as an
    3-5  expression of highest regard by the Texas House of Representatives.