By Yost                                                H.R. No. 790
       74R12198 KMP-D
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, At the end of this school year, Dan Noll will
    1-2  conclude 16 years of distinguished service to the White Oak
    1-3  Independent School District when he leaves his position as
    1-4  principal of White Oak High School to become superintendent of New
    1-5  Diana Independent School District; and
    1-6        WHEREAS, Following four years of teaching in Georgetown,
    1-7  Mr. Noll joined the staff of the White Oak Independent School
    1-8  District in 1979, where as an instructor he won the respect and
    1-9  admiration of students and colleagues alike; the principal of White
   1-10  Oak High School since 1986, this exceptional educator has built one
   1-11  of the Lone Star State's most successful academic and
   1-12  extracurricular programs and has devoted himself to helping young
   1-13  Texans pursue their personal, academic, and professional dreams;
   1-14  and
   1-15        WHEREAS, During his tenure as principal, Mr. Noll also found
   1-16  the time to coach boys' basketball for two years, leading the White
   1-17  Oak team to three 20-win seasons, and at the time of his retirement
   1-18  was ranked number two on the coaching all-time win list; under his
   1-19  able guidance, White Oak High School has consistently captured
   1-20  statewide attention for its math, science, literary, and debate
   1-21  success at University Interscholastic League competitions, and
   1-22  students at this fine institution have gone on to some of the
   1-23  nation's most outstanding colleges and universities; and
   1-24        WHEREAS, Demonstrating rare courage, commitment, and
    2-1  compassion, Mr. Noll has shown himself to be one of the most
    2-2  exceptional educators and administrators in the State of Texas, and
    2-3  he will be greatly missed by the students, teachers, and parents of
    2-4  White Oak High School, many of whom count him as a true friend as
    2-5  well as a mentor and teacher; now, therefore, be it
    2-6        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 74th Texas
    2-7  Legislature hereby honor Dan Noll on the occasion of his departure
    2-8  from White Oak High School and extend to him warmest best wishes
    2-9  and continued happiness and success in his future endeavors; and,
   2-10  be it further
   2-11        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
   2-12  prepared for Mr. Noll as an expression of highest regard by the
   2-13  Texas House of Representatives.