By Puente                                              H.R. No. 800
       74R12395 PAN-D
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, An outstanding delegation of students from Page
    1-2  Middle School and Rogers Middle School in San Antonio is with us in
    1-3  the gallery today as participants in the "State Representative for
    1-4  a Day" program; and
    1-5        WHEREAS, To participate in the program, students had to
    1-6  complete an essay entitled, "What Can I Do Today to Protect the
    1-7  Environment for Tomorrow," a concept that not only prompted them to
    1-8  study the issue but also required students to give real thought to
    1-9  the ways in which they can protect the environment for current and
   1-10  future generations of Texans; and
   1-11        WHEREAS, Entries were judged by dedicated teachers Margaret
   1-12  Holmes, Jim Kelly, Kathy Severyns, and Marcus Anthony, each of whom
   1-13  volunteered their time and energies to support their students'
   1-14  participation in this worthy endeavor; and
   1-15        WHEREAS, Chosen as finalists from among the 500 students who
   1-16  submitted entries were Karla Rodriguez, Alfonso Mendez, Meshonnia
   1-17  Berry, Manuel Avalos, Patricia Andrade, Daisy Castro, Jeanette
   1-18  Chapman, Peter Hernandez, Leroy Chavez, Jr., Veronica Navarro,
   1-19  Jason Gonzales, Steven Noriega, John Smouse, Lizzeth Ruiz, David
   1-20  Salazar, James Gomez, Jeffrey Barton, Vanessa Garza, Kenneth Lott,
   1-21  Margie Fonseca, Jennifer Felix, Jennifer Flores, Danny Cowan,
   1-22  Andriana Alvarez, Treavor Bland, Carlos Perez, Ruth Gutierrez,
   1-23  Angelica Hinojosa, Bianca Martinez, and Melissa Martinez; and
   1-24        WHEREAS, The winners of the essay contest include the
    2-1  following environmentalists:  April Cardenas, John Benavidez, Mark
    2-2  Garza, Sarah Canales, Jessica Krask, Kim Woitens, Limmie Hardy,
    2-3  Cruz Najar, Denise Flores, John Rucker, Allison Barker, and Theresa
    2-4  Guerra; and
    2-5        WHEREAS, For their achievement, these fine students will
    2-6  spend the day at the Capitol and have the opportunity to observe
    2-7  the state legislature in session, and their interest in learning
    2-8  more about state government and in protecting our environment is
    2-9  indeed commendable and deserving of acknowledgment; now, therefore,
   2-10  be it
   2-11        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 74th Texas
   2-12  Legislature hereby welcome the participants in the "State
   2-13  Representative for a Day" program to the Texas seat of government
   2-14  and extend to these exemplary students warmest best wishes for a
   2-15  memorable and educational visit to Austin; and, be it further
   2-16        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
   2-17  prepared for the students as an expression of high regard by the
   2-18  Texas House of Representatives.