H.R. No. 839
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, William Gooch is retiring from his post as director
    1-2  and librarian of the Texas State Library and Archives, having
    1-3  profoundly influenced our state's library system through the many
    1-4  significant accomplishments realized during his distinguished
    1-5  tenure; and
    1-6        WHEREAS, A native of Fort Worth, Mr. Gooch earned his
    1-7  undergraduate degree in library science from North Texas State
    1-8  University and furthered his education by obtaining a master's
    1-9  degree in library science from the University of Oklahoma in 1963;
   1-10  and
   1-11        WHEREAS, Throughout the 1960s, he gained valuable experience
   1-12  in library administration as the director of libraries in San
   1-13  Angelo and Odessa, and he also was selected to provide input on the
   1-14  State Board of Library Examiners for several years, in which
   1-15  capacity he earned well-deserved recognition for his extensive
   1-16  knowledge of his field; and
   1-17        WHEREAS, He began his accomplished tenure with the Texas
   1-18  State Library in 1971, when he was hired as assistant state
   1-19  librarian; responsible for overseeing federal library development
   1-20  funds and construction grants, he played a key role in the rapid
   1-21  expansion of the state library system and his significant efforts
   1-22  won him the acclaim of his colleagues, as well as that of Governor
   1-23  Price Daniel, who specifically praised his accomplishments; and
   1-24        WHEREAS, Enjoying the wholehearted support of his peers as
    2-1  well as many state officials, Mr. Gooch was considered a natural
    2-2  choice for the top position at the state library when it became
    2-3  available and he assumed his duties as director and librarian of
    2-4  the Texas State Library and Archives on January 12, 1987; and
    2-5        WHEREAS, Under his visionary leadership, the state library
    2-6  has pursued a vigorous program to update and improve library
    2-7  services, highlights of which include the formulation of the Access
    2-8  Texas long-range plan for statewide library development and the
    2-9  implementation of the comprehensive Local Government Records Act of
   2-10  1989; and
   2-11        WHEREAS, Other hallmarks of Mr. Gooch's exceptional tenure
   2-12  include the debut of electronic services at the state library,
   2-13  increased public access to the records of Texas governors, and the
   2-14  recovery of many historically significant documents for the state
   2-15  archives, some dating back to the Republic era of Texas; and
   2-16        WHEREAS, This dedicated public servant has been recognized on
   2-17  numerous occasions for his many achievements and in recent years
   2-18  been honored as a Distinguished Former Odessan by the Heritage
   2-19  Foundation, as a Distinguished Former Alumnus by the University of
   2-20  North Texas, and has earned a listing in Who's Who in America; and
   2-21        WHEREAS,  On the homefront, he has enjoyed a rewarding
   2-22  marriage with his wife, Carolyn, which has produced two
   2-23  accomplished children, Byron and Darla, who have brought their
   2-24  parents much happiness through their achievements; and
   2-25        WHEREAS, Throughout more than two decades of outstanding
   2-26  service to the Texas State Library and Archives, William Gooch has
   2-27  consistently displayed the highest standards of excellence and
    3-1  professionalism in preserving the legacy of the Lone Star State for
    3-2  future generations; as he concludes his remarkable tenure, he is
    3-3  indeed deserving of special praise and recognition for his many
    3-4  extraordinary contributions to the citizens of this state; now,
    3-5  therefore, be it
    3-6        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 74th Texas
    3-7  Legislature hereby commend William Gooch on his exemplary career
    3-8  with the Texas State Library and Archives and extend to him sincere
    3-9  best wishes for continued happiness and success in the years to
   3-10  come; and, be it further
   3-11        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
   3-12  prepared for Mr. Gooch as an expression of highest regard by the
   3-13  Texas House of Representatives.