H.R. No. 852
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, For many years, Janet Ardoyno has worked tirelessly
    1-2  on behalf of her fellow Texans, and the members of this chamber are
    1-3  proud to honor her for her exemplary record of community service
    1-4  and leadership; and
    1-5        WHEREAS, The mother of three children, Mrs. Ardoyno has
    1-6  become a leader in the Abilene school system; she serves as
    1-7  chairperson of the Volunteers in Public Schools program at Dyess
    1-8  Elementary School, and she donates hundreds of hours of her time
    1-9  each year to the public schools both as a parent volunteer and as a
   1-10  substitute teacher; and
   1-11        WHEREAS, Deeply committed to improving educational
   1-12  opportunities for all children, Mrs. Ardoyno also serves as
   1-13  president of the Big Country Association for Gifted Education and
   1-14  is a former chair of the district's Special Education Advisory
   1-15  Program; her experience with her son Johnathan, who has cerebral
   1-16  palsy, led her to work with the city's recreation department to
   1-17  create a monthly program for children with disabilities, and she
   1-18  has worked with other parents of disabled children to ensure that
   1-19  the Abilene school system is responsive to the individual needs of
   1-20  all students; and
   1-21        WHEREAS, Recognizing that good health and emotional nurturing
   1-22  in early childhood are crucial components of children's later
   1-23  academic success, Mrs. Ardoyno has gone beyond the classroom and
   1-24  into the community to work for children's health; she organized and
    2-1  taught parenting classes at Southern Hills Church of Christ for
    2-2  five years, and she recently began a two-week instructional program
    2-3  for expectant parents at Hendrick Hospital; and
    2-4        WHEREAS, This remarkable woman also took on the immense
    2-5  challenge of organizing Abilene's participation in the national
    2-6  Make a Difference Day, sponsored by U.S.A. Today, and the Points of
    2-7  Light Foundation; during Abilene's first year of participation,
    2-8  2,000 citizens accepted the challenge of making a positive
    2-9  difference in their community through one day of public service,
   2-10  and within two years, participation increased to 34,000, or nearly
   2-11  one-third of the city's population; and
   2-12        WHEREAS, Despite her many commitments, Mrs. Ardoyno organized
   2-13  and has served as master of ceremonies for an event honoring other
   2-14  women who have worked for the betterment of the Abilene community;
   2-15  this event, the Sisters of Service Luncheon, recognizes women who
   2-16  have performed many years of Christian service, and Mrs. Ardoyno
   2-17  was given the responsibility of selecting the women who were
   2-18  honored; and
   2-19        WHEREAS, Throughout her many endeavors, Mrs. Ardoyno has
   2-20  enjoyed the love and support of her husband, David, and their three
   2-21  children, Justin, Johnathan, and Emily; and
   2-22        WHEREAS, In serving her family, her church, and her
   2-23  community, Janet Ardoyno has set an outstanding example of civic
   2-24  leadership for others to follow, and her ongoing efforts have
   2-25  earned her the respect and admiration of her friends and neighbors
   2-26  and the gratitude of her fellow Texans; now, therefore, be it
   2-27        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 74th Texas
    3-1  Legislature hereby honor Janet Ardoyno for her many years of
    3-2  dedicated service to the people of Abilene and extend to her
    3-3  warmest best wishes for continued success and happiness in her
    3-4  future endeavors; and, be it further
    3-5        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
    3-6  prepared for Mrs. Ardoyno as an expression of highest regard by the
    3-7  Texas House of Representatives.