H.R. No. 925
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, Throughout the rigors of the 74th legislative
    1-2  session, the members of this chamber have greatly benefitted from
    1-3  the patience of friends and family, but those deserving of highest
    1-4  recognition are our spouses who have taken upon themselves the many
    1-5  duties and responsibilities that are usually shared by both
    1-6  partners in a marriage; and
    1-7        WHEREAS, While many of us have worked late nights, weekends,
    1-8  and holidays tending to the business of this state, our spouses
    1-9  have shouldered the full burdens of home, family, and community in
   1-10  our absences; and
   1-11        WHEREAS, Although they are granted no official title and draw
   1-12  no state salary, these devoted men and women play an integral part
   1-13  in the legislative process, for without their faithful support, the
   1-14  members of this chamber would find it difficult to manage the
   1-15  competing demands of work and family; and
   1-16        WHEREAS, Unlike many professions where late night work is
   1-17  common, most of us are not able to return home each night, as our
   1-18  homes are spread out across this great state; instead, our spouses
   1-19  have had to endure a prolonged separation that must surely increase
   1-20  the stress that they bear while attending to our many obligations
   1-21  back home; and
   1-22        WHEREAS, In addition, these dedicated men and women must
   1-23  manage the special responsibilities assigned to the spouses of
   1-24  elected officials, and they are expected to artfully handle the
    2-1  publicity and scrutiny that accompany our positions; and
    2-2        WHEREAS, Recognition is especially due to Nelda Laney, wife
    2-3  of House Speaker Pete Laney, for the charm and poise that she has
    2-4  displayed in executing the duties of the speaker's spouse; she is
    2-5  an inspiration to the spouses of all elected officials, and she has
    2-6  exemplified the ideal of grace under pressure; and
    2-7        WHEREAS, It takes a truly special person to suffer these many
    2-8  sacrifices with aplomb and good humor, and in the midst of the
    2-9  tremendous pressure under which we work, some of us may have failed
   2-10  to acknowledge the tremendous debt that we owe to our partners in
   2-11  life; now, therefore, be it
   2-12        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 74th Texas
   2-13  Legislature hereby honor the spouses of all members of the Texas
   2-14  House of Representatives and extend to them deepest thanks and
   2-15  appreciation for their understanding and continued support.