H.R. No. 956
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, May 20, 1995, will indeed be a special day for Frank
    1-2  Arthur Haskell and Jody Marie Allen, for on that day they will be
    1-3  united in marriage and joined together as husband and wife; and
    1-4        WHEREAS, Jody, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Allen,
    1-5  and Frank, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Haskell, made each
    1-6  other's acquaintance at the Believers Fellowship Baptist Church in
    1-7  Houston, and they will begin their married life together in Spring,
    1-8  not far from the site where their relationship first blossomed; and
    1-9        WHEREAS, Because marriage and family form the cornerstone of
   1-10  society, each wedding is cause for splendid celebration, a time for
   1-11  family and friends to gather around the newlywed couple and share
   1-12  with them their many hopes for the future; and
   1-13        WHEREAS, This occasion signifies an exciting change in the
   1-14  lives of these two people and the reaffirmation of the faith and
   1-15  time-honored traditions that bind our society together; and
   1-16        WHEREAS, Since their first meeting, the relationship between
   1-17  these two young Texans has continued to grow in love, respect, and
   1-18  lasting regard for each other with each passing day, and it is
   1-19  fitting that they be congratulated on this significant milestone in
   1-20  their lives; now, therefore, be it
   1-21        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 74th Texas
   1-22  Legislature hereby congratulate Jody Marie Allen and Frank Arthur
   1-23  Haskell on the joyous occasion of their wedding and extend to them
   1-24  warmest best wishes for a lifetime of happiness together; and, be
    2-1  it further
    2-2        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
    2-3  prepared for Mr. Haskell and Ms. Allen as an expression of high
    2-4  regard by the Texas House of Representatives.