H.R. No. 971
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, Words cannot adequately convey the deep shock and
    1-2  sorrow felt by the students and faculty of Northwest High School in
    1-3  the wake of Josh Bishop's untimely death on May 6, 1995, at the age
    1-4  of 17; and
    1-5        WHEREAS, Nevertheless, the students of that school rose above
    1-6  their own grief to extend a show of support to Josh's parents, Joe
    1-7  and Terri Bishop, and his brothers, Tony Bishop and Brian Bishop,
    1-8  by attending their classmate's funeral; the Bishop family was
    1-9  surely comforted by the sight of the 300 young people who attended
   1-10  the service, many of whom left letters, photos, personal items, and
   1-11  other mementos of their friendship with Josh; and
   1-12        WHEREAS, These exceptional young Texans further paid tribute
   1-13  to their classmate and friend by erecting a cross at the site of
   1-14  his death and by offering their prayers for him and his family; and
   1-15        WHEREAS, While nothing can eradicate the Bishop family's
   1-16  terrible loss, the outpouring of love and support that these
   1-17  students have shown will undoubtedly assuage their pain, and in
   1-18  reaching out to Josh's family and to each other, these courageous
   1-19  young people have displayed uncommon maturity and strength; and
   1-20        WHEREAS, This senseless tragedy has brought these students
   1-21  into contact with the most painful aspect of life, but they have
   1-22  faced up to this lesson with valor and compassion, and together
   1-23  they will find the strength to persevere; and
   1-24        WHEREAS, Although it is especially painful to say goodbye to
    2-1  one so young and full of promise, it is fitting to remember that
    2-2  while Josh Bishop's time here was brief, his life had a profound
    2-3  impact on those around him; Josh touched the hearts of many people
    2-4  during his life, and his spirit reminds us that the ability to give
    2-5  and inspire love is not limited by age or time; now, therefore, be
    2-6  it
    2-7        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 74th Texas
    2-8  Legislature hereby express sincere sympathy to the students and
    2-9  faculty of Northwest High School and commend them for the strength
   2-10  and compassion they have shown to each other and to the Bishop
   2-11  family during this difficult time; and, be it further
   2-12        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
   2-13  prepared for the students and faculty of Northwest High School and
   2-14  that when the Texas House of Representatives adjourns this day, it
   2-15  do so in memory of Josh Bishop.