H.R. No. 1008
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, Words cannot adequately convey the deep shock and
    1-2  sorrow that swept the community of Lake Travis on learning of the
    1-3  untimely death of Tara Nicole Biggs on May 2, 1995, at the age of
    1-4  14; and
    1-5        WHEREAS, Tara's classmates, friends, and teachers at Lake
    1-6  Travis High School have been devastated by the loss of this bright
    1-7  and talented young woman; Tara had exhibited a love of dancing from
    1-8  the time she was a mere toddler, and one of her fondest ambitions
    1-9  came true when she was selected as a member of the high school's
   1-10  Cavalettes drill team; and
   1-11        WHEREAS, Blessed with an outgoing nature and outstanding
   1-12  school spirit, Tara's special presence brightened the lives of many
   1-13  of the school's 600 students; and
   1-14        WHEREAS, The love and affection that Tara inspired was
   1-15  evident in the tremendous show of support offered to the Biggs
   1-16  family at Tara's funeral; nearly 1,000 friends, classmates,
   1-17  teachers, and members of the community attended her memorial
   1-18  services, and many of them left cards, letters, flowers, and other
   1-19  personal mementos as a token of their unending love for this
   1-20  special young lady; and
   1-21        WHEREAS, While nothing can erase the Biggs family's sense of
   1-22  loss, they were undoubtedly comforted by this outpouring of love
   1-23  and support in their time of need, and in reaching out to Tara's
   1-24  family and to each other, the people of Lake Travis have displayed
    2-1  uncommon compassion and community spirit; and
    2-2        WHEREAS, Although it is especially painful to say goodbye to
    2-3  one so young and full of promise, it is fitting to remember that
    2-4  while Tara's time here was brief, her life had a profound impact on
    2-5  those around her, and her unique spirit will surely live on in the
    2-6  hearts and minds of all who knew her; now, therefore, be it
    2-7        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 74th Texas
    2-8  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of Tara Nicole Biggs and
    2-9  extend profound sympathy to the members of her family: to her
   2-10  parents, Ronnie and Vicki Biggs; to her sister, Crystal Biggs; to
   2-11  her grandmother, Eve Bess; to her friends, teachers, and classmates
   2-12  at Lake Travis High School; and to the many other friends and
   2-13  relatives of this remarkable young woman; and, be it further
   2-14        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
   2-15  prepared for the members of her family and that when the Texas
   2-16  House of Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of
   2-17  Tara Nicole Biggs.