By Cuellar of Webb                                    H.R. No. 1014
       74R13797 BNL-D
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, Veronica Olivarez was accorded a great honor when
    1-2  she was selected by the U.S. Border Patrol as their Youth of the
    1-3  Year for 1995; and
    1-4        WHEREAS, A senior at St. Augustine High School in Laredo,
    1-5  Miss Olivarez has balanced a full and challenging academic course
    1-6  load with countless hours of community service, and she has
    1-7  volunteered her time to many community, school, and church
    1-8  activities; and
    1-9        WHEREAS, During her summer breaks, she has furthered her
   1-10  education through special programs such as the Texas Pre-freshman
   1-11  Engineering Program, the NASA SHARP PLUS summer research program,
   1-12  and the World Affairs Seminar; this hardworking young woman has
   1-13  gone on to share her academic success with other students as a
   1-14  tutor and as a leader in the National Honor Society, the student
   1-15  council, and several other student clubs; and
   1-16        WHEREAS, Throughout her many endeavors, Miss Olivarez has
   1-17  enjoyed the love and support of her parents, Alonzo Javier and
   1-18  Armandina Olivarez, and her two younger brothers, Alonzo Javier,
   1-19  Jr., and Javier Alonzo, all of whom take great pride in her
   1-20  outstanding achievements; and
   1-21        WHEREAS, This bright and motivated young woman plans to
   1-22  attend Rice University, where she will pursue a career in
   1-23  biomedical engineering; her contributions to this field will
   1-24  undoubtedly be of great benefit to all Texans, and she is indeed
    2-1  deserving of praise and recognition at this time; now, therefore,
    2-2  be it
    2-3        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 74th Texas
    2-4  Legislature hereby honor Veronica Olivarez on her selection as the
    2-5  U.S. Border Patrol's Youth of the Year and extend to her warmest
    2-6  best wishes for success and happiness in all her future endeavors;
    2-7  and, be it further
    2-8        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
    2-9  prepared for Ms. Olivarez as an expression of high regard by the
   2-10  Texas House of Representatives.