By Alonzo, Reyna, Tillery                             H.R. No. 1164
       74R14221 SAJ-D
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, Paul and Monica Herrera will have the pleasure of
    1-2  commemorating their 40th wedding anniversary on July 16, 1995, with
    1-3  a reception at Rosita's Restaurant and Civic Center in Irving; and
    1-4        WHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. Herrera are residents of Seagoville,
    1-5  where they are active and involved members of the community;
    1-6  Mr. Herrera is a landscaper and a minister at the Church of God
    1-7  Seventh Day, where he oversees the Spanish department and serves as
    1-8  the youth director; a former teacher, Mrs. Herrera is a teacher
    1-9  assistant at Seagoville Middle School; she is a former member of
   1-10  the Seagoville City Council and was named Woman of the Year in 1989
   1-11  by the Lions Club; and
   1-12        WHEREAS, The Herreras are the proud parents of eight
   1-13  children, and their family has now grown to include 17 cherished
   1-14  grandchildren; their life together has been a source of joy and
   1-15  inspiration to their family and many friends, and they are indeed
   1-16  deserving of special recognition on this joyous occasion; now,
   1-17  therefore, be it
   1-18        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 74th Texas
   1-19  Legislature hereby congratulate Paul and Monica Herrera on the
   1-20  occasion of their 40th wedding anniversary and extend to them
   1-21  warmest best wishes for their continued happiness; and, be it
   1-22  further
   1-23        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
   1-24  prepared for Mr. and Mrs. Herrera as an expression of high regard
    2-1  by the Texas House of Representatives.