By:  Moncrief                                          S.B. No. 169
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
                                        AN ACT
    1-1  relating to the interstate placement of and assistance to children;
    1-2  creating offenses and providing penalties.
    1-4        SECTION 1.  Chapter 45, Human Resources Code, is amended to
    1-5  read as follows:
    1-9  Section
   1-10  45.001.  Adoption of Compact; Text <Definitions>
   1-11  45.002.  Authority of the Department of Protective and Regulatory
   1-12             Services <Required Notice of Intention to Place a Child>
   1-13  45.003.  Compact Administration <Responsibilities of Sending
   1-14             Agency>
   1-15  45.004.  Supplementary Agreements <Delinquent Child>
   1-16  45.005.  Payments by State <Private Charitable Agencies>
   1-17  45.006.  Penalties <Exemptions>
   1-18  <45.007.  Penalties>
   1-19        (Sections 45.007<45.008>-45.020 reserved for expansion)
   1-21  45.021.  Adoption of Compact; Text
   1-22  45.022.  Compact Authority <Definitions>
   1-23  45.023.  Financial Responsibility for Child
    2-1  45.024.  Approval of Placement <or Discharge>
    2-2  45.025.  Placement in Another State
    2-3  45.026.  Penalties <Compact Administrator>
    2-4  <45.028.  Notice of Meetings>
    2-7        Sec. 45.001.  ADOPTION OF COMPACT; TEXT.  The Interstate
    2-8  Compact on Adoption and Medical Assistance is adopted by this state
    2-9  and entered into with all other jurisdictions joining therein in
   2-10  form substantially as provided under this subchapter.
   2-12                         ARTICLE I.  FINDINGS
   2-13        The legislature finds that:
   2-14        (a)  Finding adoptive families for children for whom state
   2-15  assistance is desirable, pursuant to Chapter 47, Human Resources
   2-16  Code, and assuring the protection of the interest of the children
   2-17  affected during the entire assistance period require special
   2-18  measures when the adoptive parents move to other states or are
   2-19  residents of another state.
   2-20        (b)  The provision of medical and other necessary services
   2-21  for children, with state assistance, encounters special
   2-22  difficulties when the provision of services takes place in other
   2-23  states.
   2-24                         ARTICLE II.  PURPOSES
   2-25        The purpose of the compact is to:
    3-1        (a)  authorize the state Department of Protective and
    3-2  Regulatory Services, with the concurrence of the Health and Human
    3-3  Services Commission, to enter into interstate agreements with
    3-4  agencies of other states for the protection of children on behalf
    3-5  of whom adoption assistance is being provided by the Department of
    3-6  Protective and Regulatory Services; and
    3-7        (b)  provide procedures for interstate children's adoption
    3-8  assistance payments, including medical payments.
    3-9                       ARTICLE III.  DEFINITIONS
   3-10        As used in this compact:
   3-11        (a)  "State" means a state of the United States, the District
   3-12  of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands,
   3-13  Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, or a
   3-14  territory or possession of or administered by the United States.
   3-15        (b)  "Adoption assistance state" means the state that is
   3-16  signatory to an adoption assistance agreement in a particular case.
   3-17        (c)  "Residence state" means the state of which the child is
   3-18  a resident by virtue of the residence of the adoptive parents.
   3-19                   ARTICLE IV.  COMPACTS AUTHORIZED
   3-20        (a)  The Department of Protective and Regulatory Services, by
   3-21  and through its executive director, is authorized to develop,
   3-22  participate in the development of, negotiate, and enter into one or
   3-23  more interstate compacts on behalf of this state with other states
   3-24  to implement one or more of the purposes set forth in this compact.
   3-25  When so entered into and for so long as it shall remain in force,
    4-1  such a compact shall have the force and effect of law.
    4-2                   ARTICLE V.  CONTENTS OF COMPACTS
    4-3        A compact entered into pursuant to the authority conferred by
    4-4  this compact shall have the following content:
    4-5              (1)  a provision making it available for joinder by all
    4-6  states;
    4-7              (2)  a provision or provisions for withdrawal from the
    4-8  compact upon written notice to the parties, but with a period of
    4-9  one year between the date of the notice and the effective date of
   4-10  the withdrawal;
   4-11              (3)  a requirement that the protections afforded by or
   4-12  pursuant to the compact continue in force for the duration of the
   4-13  adoption assistance and be applicable to all children and their
   4-14  adoptive parents who on the effective date of the withdrawal are
   4-15  receiving adoption assistance from a party state other than the one
   4-16  in which they are resident and have their principal place of abode;
   4-17              (4)  a requirement that each instance of adoption
   4-18  assistance to which the compact applies be covered by an adoption
   4-19  assistance agreement in writing between the adoptive parents and
   4-20  the state child welfare agency of the state which undertakes to
   4-21  provide the adoption assistance and further that any such agreement
   4-22  be expressly for the benefit of the adopted child and enforceable
   4-23  by the adoptive parents and the state agency providing the adoption
   4-24  assistance; and
   4-25              (5)  such other provisions as may be appropriate to
    5-1  implement the proper administration of the compact.
    5-3        A compact entered into pursuant to the authority conferred by
    5-4  this compact may contain provisions, in addition to those required
    5-5  pursuant to Article V of this compact, as follows:
    5-6              (1)  provisions establishing procedures and entitlement
    5-7  to medical, developmental, child care, or other social services for
    5-8  the child in accordance with applicable laws, even though the child
    5-9  and the adoptive parents are in a state other than the one
   5-10  responsible for or providing the services or the funds to defray
   5-11  part or all of the costs thereof; and
   5-12              (2)  such other provisions as may be appropriate or
   5-13  incidental to the proper administration of the compact.
   5-14                   ARTICLE VII.  MEDICAL ASSISTANCE
   5-15        (a)  A child with special needs resident in this state who is
   5-16  the subject of an adoption assistance agreement with another state
   5-17  shall be entitled to receive a medical assistance identification
   5-18  from this state upon the filing in the state medical assistance
   5-19  agency of a certified copy of the adoption assistance agreement
   5-20  obtained from the adoption assistance state.  In accordance with
   5-21  regulations of the state medical assistance agency, the adoptive
   5-22  parents shall be required at least annually to show that the
   5-23  agreement is still in force or has been renewed.
   5-24        (b)  The state medical assistance agency shall consider the
   5-25  holder of a medical assistance identification pursuant to this
    6-1  section as any other holder of a medical assistance identification
    6-2  under the laws of this state and shall process and make payment on
    6-3  claims on account of such holder in the same manner and pursuant to
    6-4  the same conditions and procedures as for other recipients of
    6-5  medical assistance.
    6-6        (c)  The state medical assistance agency shall provide
    6-7  coverage and benefits for a child who is in another state and who
    6-8  is covered by an adoption assistance agreement made by the
    6-9  Department of Protective and Regulatory Services for the coverage
   6-10  or benefits, if any, not provided by the residence state.  To this
   6-11  end, the adoptive parents acting for the child may submit evidence
   6-12  of payment for services or benefit amounts not payable in the
   6-13  residence state and shall be reimbursed therefor.  However, there
   6-14  shall be no reimbursement for services or benefit amounts covered
   6-15  under any insurance or other third-party medical contract or
   6-16  arrangement held by the child or the adoptive parents.  The state
   6-17  medical assistance agency shall make regulations implementing this
   6-18  subsection.  The additional coverage and benefit amounts provided
   6-19  pursuant to this subsection shall be for services for which there
   6-20  is no federal contribution or services which, if federally aided,
   6-21  are not provided by the residence state.  Such regulations shall
   6-22  include procedures to be followed in obtaining prior approval for
   6-23  services in those instances in which prior approval is required for
   6-24  the assistance.
   6-25        (d)  The submission of any claim for payment or reimbursement
    7-1  for services or benefits pursuant to this article or the making of
    7-2  any statement in connection therewith, which claim or statement the
    7-3  maker knows or should know to be false, misleading, or fraudulent
    7-4  shall be punishable as perjury and shall also subject the maker to
    7-5  a fine not to exceed $10,000 or imprisonment for no more than two
    7-6  years, or both.
    7-7        (e)  The provisions of this article apply only to medical
    7-8  assistance for children under adoption assistance agreements from
    7-9  states that have entered into a compact with this state under which
   7-10  the other state provides medical assistance to children with
   7-11  special needs under adoption assistance agreements made by this
   7-12  state.  All other children entitled to medical assistance pursuant
   7-13  to adoption assistance agreements entered into by this state shall
   7-14  be eligible to receive it in accordance with the laws and
   7-15  procedures applicable thereto.
   7-17        Consistent with federal law, the Department of Protective and
   7-18  Regulatory Services and the Health and Human Services Commission,
   7-19  in connection with the administration of this compact and any
   7-20  compact pursuant hereto, shall include in any state plan made
   7-21  pursuant to the Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act of 1980
   7-22  (Pub. L. No. 96-272), Titles IV-E and XIX of the Social Security
   7-23  Act, and any other applicable federal laws, the provision of
   7-24  adoption assistance and medical assistance for which the federal
   7-25  government pays some or all of the cost.  The Department of
    8-1  Protective and Regulatory Services and the Health and Human
    8-2  Services Commission shall apply for and administer all relevant
    8-3  federal aid in accordance with law.
    8-5  REGULATORY SERVICES.  The Department of Protective and Regulatory
    8-6  Services, with the concurrence of the Health and Human Services
    8-7  Commission, is authorized to develop, participate in the
    8-8  development of, negotiate, and enter into one or more interstate
    8-9  compacts on behalf of this state with other states to implement one
   8-10  or more of the purposes of this subchapter.  When so entered into
   8-11  and for so long as it shall remain in force, such a compact shall
   8-12  have the force and effect of law.
   8-13        Sec. 45.003.  COMPACT ADMINISTRATION.  The executive director
   8-14  of the Department of Protective and Regulatory Services shall serve
   8-15  as the compact administrator.  The administrator shall cooperate
   8-16  with all departments, agencies, and officers of and in the
   8-17  government of this state and its subdivisions in facilitating the
   8-18  proper administration of the compact or of any supplemental
   8-19  agreements entered into by this state.  The executive director and
   8-20  the Commissioner of Human Services shall designate deputy compact
   8-21  administrators to represent adoption assistance services and
   8-22  medical assistance services provided under Title XIX of the Social
   8-23  Security Act.
   8-24        Sec. 45.004.  SUPPLEMENTARY AGREEMENTS.  The compact
   8-25  administrator may enter into supplementary agreements with
    9-1  appropriate officials of other states pursuant to the compact.  If
    9-2  a supplementary agreement requires or contemplates the use of any
    9-3  institution or facility of this state or requires or contemplates
    9-4  the provision of any service by this state, the supplementary
    9-5  agreement shall have no force or effect until approved by the head
    9-6  of the department or agency under whose jurisdiction the
    9-7  institution or facility is operated or whose department or agency
    9-8  will be charged with rendering the service.
    9-9        Sec. 45.005.  PAYMENTS BY STATE.  The compact administrator,
   9-10  subject to the approval of the chief state fiscal officer, may make
   9-11  or arrange for any payments necessary to discharge any financial
   9-12  obligations imposed upon this state by the compact or by any
   9-13  supplementary agreement entered into thereunder.
   9-14        Sec. 45.006.  PENALTIES.  A person who, pursuant to a compact
   9-15  entered into pursuant to this subchapter, knowingly obtains or
   9-16  attempts to obtain or aids or abets any person to obtain, by means
   9-17  of a wilfully false statement or representation or by impersonation
   9-18  or other fraudulent device, any assistance on behalf of a child or
   9-19  other person to which such child or other person is not entitled or
   9-20  assistance in an amount greater than that to which such child or
   9-21  other person is entitled commits an offense.  An offense under this
   9-22  section is a Class B misdemeanor.
   9-23        <DEFINITIONS.   In this subchapter:>
   9-24              <(1)  "Child" means a person who, by reason of
   9-25  minority, is legally subject to parental, guardianship, or similar
   10-1  control.>
   10-2              <(2)  "Child-care facility" means a facility that
   10-3  provides care, training, education, custody, treatment, or
   10-4  supervision for a minor child who is not related by blood,
   10-5  marriage, or adoption to the owner or operator of the facility,
   10-6  whether or not the facility is operated for profit, and whether or
   10-7  not the facility makes a charge for the service offered by it.>
   10-8              <(3)  "Placement" means an arrangement for the care of
   10-9  a child in a family free, in a boarding home, or in a child-care
  10-10  facility or institution, including an institution caring for the
  10-11  mentally ill, mentally defective, or epileptic, but does not
  10-12  include an institution primarily educational in character or a
  10-13  hospital or other primarily medical facility.>
  10-14              <(4)  "Sending agency" means a state, a subdivision of
  10-15  a state, an officer or employee of a state or a subdivision of a
  10-16  state, a court of a state, or a person, partnership, corporation,
  10-17  association, charitable agency, or other entity, located outside
  10-18  this state, which sends, brings, or causes to be sent or brought a
  10-19  child into this state.>
  10-21  (a)  Prior to the placement in this state of a child from another
  10-22  state, the sending agency shall furnish the department written
  10-23  notice of its intention to place the child in this state.  The
  10-24  notice must contain:>
  10-25              <(1)  the name and the date and place of birth of the
   11-1  child;>
   11-2              <(2)  the names and addresses of the child's parents or
   11-3  legal guardian, and the legal relationship of the named persons to
   11-4  the child;>
   11-5              <(3)  the name and address of the person, agency, or
   11-6  institution with which the sending agency proposes to place the
   11-7  child; and>
   11-8              <(4)  a full statement of the reasons for the placement
   11-9  and evidence of the authority under which the placement is proposed
  11-10  to be made.>
  11-11        <(b)  After receipt of a notice provided for in Subsection
  11-12  (a) of this section, the commissioner may request additional or
  11-13  supporting information considered necessary from an appropriate
  11-14  authority in the state where the child is located.>
  11-15        <(c)  No sending agency may send, bring, or cause to be sent
  11-16  or brought into this state a child for placement until the
  11-17  commissioner notifies the sending agency in writing that the
  11-18  proposed placement does not appear to be contrary to the best
  11-19  interests of the child.>
  11-20        <(d)  The commissioner may not approve the placement in this
  11-21  state of a child from outside this state without the concurrence of
  11-22  the individuals with whom the child is proposed to be placed or the
  11-23  head of an institution with which the child is proposed to be
  11-24  placed.>
  11-25        <(e)  No child-care facility in this state may receive a
   12-1  child for placement unless the placement conforms to requirements
   12-2  of this subchapter.>
   12-3        <Sec. 45.003.  RESPONSIBILITIES OF SENDING AGENCY.
   12-4  (a)  After placement in this state, the sending agency retains
   12-5  jurisdiction over the child sufficient to determine all matters
   12-6  relating to the custody, supervision, care, treatment, and
   12-7  disposition of the child which it would have had if the child had
   12-8  remained in the sending agency's state, until the child is adopted,
   12-9  reaches majority, becomes self-supporting, or is discharged with
  12-10  the concurrence of the commissioner.  The sending agency may cause
  12-11  the child to be returned to it or transferred to another location,
  12-12  except as provided by Subsection (e) of this section.>
  12-13        <(b)  The sending agency has financial responsibility for
  12-14  support and maintenance of the child during each period of
  12-15  placement in Texas.  If the sending agency fails wholly or in part
  12-16  to provide financial support and maintenance during placement, the
  12-17  commissioner may bring suit under Section 14.05, Family Code, and
  12-18  may file a complaint with the appropriate prosecuting attorney,
  12-19  claiming a violation of Section 25.05, Penal Code.>
  12-20        <(c)  After failure of the sending agency to provide support
  12-21  or maintenance, if the commissioner determines that financial
  12-22  responsibility is unlikely to be assumed by the sending agency, or
  12-23  by the child's parents or guardian, if not the sending agency, the
  12-24  commissioner shall cause the child to be returned to the sending
  12-25  agency.>
   13-1        <(d)  After failure of the sending agency to provide support
   13-2  or maintenance, the department shall assume financial
   13-3  responsibility for the child until responsibility is assumed again
   13-4  by the sending agency, until it is assumed by the child's parents
   13-5  or guardian, or until the child is safely returned to the sending
   13-6  agency.>
   13-7        <(e)  The commissioner may not concur in the discharge of a
   13-8  child placed in a public institution in this state without the
   13-9  concurrence of the head of the institution.>
  13-10        <Sec. 45.004.  DELINQUENT CHILD.  No child adjudicated
  13-11  delinquent in another state may be placed in Texas unless the child
  13-12  has received a court hearing, after notice to a parent or guardian,
  13-13  at which the child had an opportunity to be heard and the court
  13-14  found that:>
  13-15              <(1)  equivalent facilities for the child are not
  13-16  available in the sending agency's jurisdiction; and>
  13-17              <(2)  institutional care in Texas is in the best
  13-18  interests of the child and will not produce undue hardship.>
  13-19        <Sec. 45.005.  PRIVATE CHARITABLE AGENCIES.  This subchapter
  13-20  does not prevent a private charitable agency authorized to place
  13-21  children in this state from performing services or acting as agent
  13-22  in this state for a private charitable agency in a sending state,
  13-23  or prevent the agency in this state from discharging financial
  13-24  responsibility for the support and maintenance of a child who has
  13-25  been placed on behalf of a sending agency, without altering
   14-1  financial responsibility as provided by Section 45.003 of this
   14-2  code.>
   14-3        <Sec. 45.006.  EXEMPTIONS.  This subchapter does not apply
   14-4  to:>
   14-5              <(1)  the sending or bringing of a child into this
   14-6  state by his parent, stepparent, grandparent, adult brother or
   14-7  sister, adult uncle or aunt, or the child's guardian, and the
   14-8  leaving of the child with a person described in this subdivision or
   14-9  with a nonagency guardian in this state; or>
  14-10              <(2)  the placement, sending, or bringing of a child
  14-11  into this state under the provisions of an interstate compact to
  14-12  which both Texas and the state from which the child is sent or
  14-13  brought are parties.>
  14-14        <Sec. 45.007.  PENALTIES.  (a)  An individual or corporation
  14-15  that violates Subsection (a) or (c) of Section 45.002 of this code
  14-16  is guilty of a Class B misdemeanor.>
  14-17        <(b)  A child-care facility in this state that violates
  14-18  Subsection (e) of Section 45.002 of this code is guilty of a Class
  14-19  B misdemeanor.  On conviction, the court shall revoke any license
  14-20  to operate as a child-care facility or child-care institution
  14-21  issued the facility by the department.>
  14-22        (Sections 45.007<45.008>-45.020 reserved for expansion)
  14-24        Sec. 45.021.  Adoption of Compact; Text.  The Interstate
  14-25  Compact on the Placement of Children is adopted by this state and
   15-1  entered into with all other jurisdictions joining therein in form
   15-2  substantially as provided under this subchapter.  In this
   15-3  subchapter, "compact" means the Interstate Compact on the Placement
   15-4  of Children. <follows:>
   15-6                    ARTICLE I.  PURPOSE AND POLICY
   15-7        It is the purpose and policy of the party states to cooperate
   15-8  with each other in the interstate placement of children to the end
   15-9  that:
  15-10        (a)  Each child requiring placement shall receive the maximum
  15-11  opportunity to be placed in a suitable environment and with persons
  15-12  or institutions having appropriate qualifications and facilities to
  15-13  provide a necessary and desirable degree and type of care.
  15-14        (b)  The appropriate authorities in a state where a child is
  15-15  to be placed may have full opportunity to ascertain the
  15-16  circumstances of the proposed placement, thereby promoting full
  15-17  compliance with applicable requirements for the protection of the
  15-18  child.
  15-19        (c)  The proper authorities of the state from which the
  15-20  placement is made may obtain the most complete information on the
  15-21  basis on which to evaluate a projected placement before it is made.
  15-22        (d)  Appropriate jurisdictional arrangements for the care of
  15-23  children will be promoted.
  15-24                       ARTICLE II.  DEFINITIONS
  15-25        As used in this compact:
   16-1        (a)  "Child" means a person who, by reason of minority, is
   16-2  legally subject to parental, guardianship, or similar control.
   16-3        (b)  "Sending agency" means a party state, officer, or
   16-4  employee thereof; a subdivision of a party state, or officer or
   16-5  employee thereof; a court of a party state; a person, corporation,
   16-6  association, charitable agency, or other entity which sends,
   16-7  brings, or causes to be sent or brought any child to another party
   16-8  state.
   16-9        (c)  "Receiving state" means the state to which a child is
  16-10  sent, brought, or caused to be sent or brought, whether by public
  16-11  authorities or private persons or agencies, and whether for
  16-12  placement with state or local public authorities or for placement
  16-13  with private agencies or persons.
  16-14        (d)  "Placement" means the arrangement for the care of a
  16-15  child in a family free or boarding home or in a child-caring agency
  16-16  or institution but does not include any institution caring for the
  16-17  mentally ill, mentally defective, or epileptic or any institution
  16-18  primarily educational in character, and any hospital or other
  16-19  medical facility.
  16-21        (a)  No sending agency shall send, bring, or cause to be sent
  16-22  or brought into any other party state any child for placement in
  16-23  foster care or as a preliminary to a possible adoption unless the
  16-24  sending agency shall comply with each and every requirement set
  16-25  forth in this article and with the applicable laws of the receiving
   17-1  state governing the placement of children therein.
   17-2        (b)  Prior to sending, bringing, or causing any child to be
   17-3  sent or brought into a receiving state for placement in foster care
   17-4  or as a preliminary to a possible adoption, the sending agency
   17-5  shall furnish the appropriate public authorities in the receiving
   17-6  state written notice of the intention to send, bring, or place the
   17-7  child in the receiving state.  The notice shall contain:
   17-8              (1)  the name, date, and place of birth of the child;
   17-9              (2)  the identity and address or addresses of the
  17-10  parents or legal guardian;
  17-11              (3)  the name and address of the person, agency, or
  17-12  institution to or with which the sending agency proposes to send,
  17-13  bring, or place the child;
  17-14              (4)  a full statement of the reasons for such proposed
  17-15  action and evidence of the authority pursuant to which the
  17-16  placement is proposed to be made.
  17-17        (c)  Any public officer or agency in a receiving state which
  17-18  is in receipt of a notice pursuant to Paragraph (b) of this article
  17-19  may request of the sending agency, or any other appropriate officer
  17-20  or agency of or in the sending agency's state, and shall be
  17-21  entitled to receive therefrom, such supporting or additional
  17-22  information as it may deem necessary under the circumstances to
  17-23  carry out the purpose and policy of this compact.
  17-24        (d)  The child shall not be sent, brought, or caused to be
  17-25  sent or brought into the receiving state until the appropriate
   18-1  public authorities in the receiving state shall notify the sending
   18-2  agency, in writing, to the effect that the proposed placement does
   18-3  not appear to be contrary to the interests of the child.
   18-5        The sending, bringing, or causing to be sent or brought into
   18-6  any receiving state of a child in violation of the terms of this
   18-7  compact shall constitute a violation of the laws respecting the
   18-8  placement of children of both the state in which the sending agency
   18-9  is located or from which it sends or brings the child and of the
  18-10  receiving state.  Such violation may be punished or subjected to
  18-11  penalty in either jurisdiction in accordance with its laws.  In
  18-12  addition to liability for any such punishment or penalty, any such
  18-13  violation shall constitute full and sufficient grounds for the
  18-14  suspension or revocation of any license, permit, or other legal
  18-15  authorization held by the sending agency which empowers or allows
  18-16  it to place or care for children.
  18-18        (a)  The sending agency shall retain jurisdiction over the
  18-19  child sufficient to determine all matters in relation to the
  18-20  custody, supervision, care, treatment, and disposition of the child
  18-21  which it would have had if the child had remained in the sending
  18-22  agency's state, until the child is adopted, reaches majority,
  18-23  becomes self-supporting, or is discharged with the concurrence of
  18-24  the appropriate authority in the receiving state.  Such
  18-25  jurisdiction shall also include the power to effect or cause the
   19-1  return of the child or its transfer to another location and custody
   19-2  pursuant to law.  The sending agency shall continue to have
   19-3  financial responsibility for support and maintenance of the child
   19-4  during the period of the placement.  Nothing contained herein shall
   19-5  defeat a claim of jurisdiction by a receiving state sufficient to
   19-6  deal with an act of delinquency or crime committed therein.
   19-7        (b)  When the sending agency is a public agency, it may enter
   19-8  into an agreement with an authorized public or private agency in
   19-9  the receiving state providing for the performance of one or more
  19-10  services in respect of such case by the latter as agent for the
  19-11  sending agency.
  19-12        (c)  Nothing in this compact shall be construed to prevent a
  19-13  private charitable agency authorized to place children in the
  19-14  receiving state from performing services or acting as agent in that
  19-15  state for a private charitable agency of the sending state; nor to
  19-16  prevent the agency in the receiving state from discharging
  19-17  financial responsibility for the support and maintenance of a child
  19-18  who has been placed on behalf of the sending agency without
  19-19  relieving the responsibility set forth in Paragraph (a) hereof.
  19-21        A child adjudicated delinquent may be placed in an
  19-22  institution in another party jurisdiction pursuant to this compact
  19-23  but no such placement shall be made unless the child is given a
  19-24  court hearing on notice to the parent or guardian with opportunity
  19-25  to be heard, prior to his being sent to such other party
   20-1  jurisdiction for institutional care and the court finds that:
   20-2              (1)  equivalent facilities for the child are not
   20-3  available in the sending agency's jurisdiction; and
   20-4              (2)  institutional care in the other jurisdiction is in
   20-5  the best interest of the child and will not produce undue hardship.
   20-6                  ARTICLE VII.  COMPACT ADMINISTRATOR
   20-7        The executive head of each jurisdiction party to this compact
   20-8  shall designate an officer who shall be general coordinator of
   20-9  activities under this compact in his jurisdiction and who, acting
  20-10  jointly with like officers of other party jurisdictions, shall have
  20-11  power to promulgate rules and regulations to carry out more
  20-12  effectively the terms and provisions of this compact.
  20-13                      ARTICLE VIII.  LIMITATIONS
  20-14        This compact shall not apply to:
  20-15        (a)  the sending or bringing of a child into a receiving
  20-16  state by his parent, stepparent, grandparent, adult brother or
  20-17  sister, adult uncle or aunt, or his guardian and leaving the child
  20-18  with any such relative or nonagency guardian in the receiving
  20-19  state;
  20-20        (b)  any placement, sending, or bringing of a child into a
  20-21  receiving state pursuant to any other interstate compact to which
  20-22  both the state from which the child is sent or brought and the
  20-23  receiving state are party, or to any other agreement between said
  20-24  states which has the force of law.
   21-1        This compact shall be open to joinder by any state,
   21-2  territory, or possession of the United States, the District of
   21-3  Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and, with the consent of
   21-4  congress, the government of Canada or any province thereof.  It
   21-5  shall become effective with respect to any such jurisdiction when
   21-6  such jurisdiction has enacted the same into law.  Withdrawal from
   21-7  this compact shall be by the enactment of a statute repealing the
   21-8  same, but shall not take effect until two years after the effective
   21-9  date of such statute and until written notice of the withdrawal has
  21-10  been given by the withdrawing state to the governor of each other
  21-11  party jurisdiction.  Withdrawal of a party state shall not affect
  21-12  the rights, duties, and obligations under this compact of any
  21-13  sending agency therein with respect to a placement made prior to
  21-14  the effective date of withdrawal.
  21-16        The provisions of this compact shall be liberally construed
  21-17  to effectuate the purposes thereof.  The provisions of this compact
  21-18  shall be severable and if any phrase, clause, sentence, or
  21-19  provision of this compact is declared to be contrary to the
  21-20  constitution of any party state or of the United States or the
  21-21  applicability thereof to any government, agency, person, or
  21-22  circumstance is held invalid, the validity of the remainder of this
  21-23  compact and the applicability thereof to any government, agency,
  21-24  person, or circumstance shall not be affected thereby.  If this
  21-25  compact shall be held contrary to the constitution of any state
   22-1  party thereto, the compact shall remain in full force and effect as
   22-2  to the remaining states and in full force and effect as to the
   22-3  state affected as to all severable matters.
   22-4        Sec. 45.022.  COMPACT AUTHORITY <DEFINITIONS>.  (a)  As used
   22-5  in Article VII of the compact, the "executive head" is the governor
   22-6  of the state.
   22-7        (b)  The governor shall appoint the executive director of the
   22-8  Department of Protective and Regulatory Services as compact
   22-9  administrator.
  22-10        (c)  The executive director shall designate a deputy compact
  22-11  administrator and staff necessary to execute the terms of the
  22-12  compact within the state.
  22-13        (d)  The "appropriate public authorities" referred to in
  22-14  Article III and the "appropriate authority in the receiving state"
  22-15  referred to in Article V of the compact in this state mean the
  22-16  executive director of the department.  <In this subchapter:>
  22-17              <(1)  "Appropriate public authorities," with reference
  22-18  to this state, means the Commissioner of the Texas Department of
  22-19  Human Services.>
  22-20              <(2)  "Appropriate authority in the receiving state,"
  22-21  with reference to this state, means the Commissioner of the Texas
  22-22  Department of Human Services.>
  22-23              <(3)  "Executive head," with reference to this state,
  22-24  means the governor.>
  22-25              <(4)  "Compact" means the Interstate Compact on the
   23-1  Placement of Children.>
   23-2        Sec. 45.023.  FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR CHILD.
   23-3  (a)  Financial responsibility for a child placed as provided in the
   23-4  compact is determined, in the first instance, as provided in
   23-5  Article V of the compact.  After partial or complete default of
   23-6  performance under the provisions of Article V assigning financial
   23-7  responsibility, the executive director <commissioner> may bring
   23-8  suit under Section 14.05, Family Code, and may file a complaint
   23-9  with the appropriate prosecuting attorney, claiming a violation of
  23-10  Section 25.05, Penal Code.
  23-11        (b)  After default, if the executive director <commissioner>
  23-12  determines that financial responsibility is unlikely to be assumed
  23-13  by the sending agency or the child's parents, the executive
  23-14  director may <commissioner shall> cause the child to be returned to
  23-15  the sending agency.
  23-16        (c)  After default, the department shall assume financial
  23-17  responsibility for the child until it is assumed by the child's
  23-18  parents, or until the child is safely returned to the sending
  23-19  agency.
  23-20        Sec. 45.024.  APPROVAL OF PLACEMENT <OR DISCHARGE>.  The
  23-21  executive director <commissioner> may not approve the placement of
  23-22  a child in this state without the concurrence of the individuals
  23-23  with whom the child is proposed to be placed or the head of an
  23-24  institution with which the child is proposed to be placed.  <The
  23-25  commissioner may not approve the discharge of a child placed in a
   24-1  public institution in this state without the concurrence of the
   24-2  head of the institution.>
   24-3        Sec. 45.025.  PLACEMENT IN ANOTHER STATE.  A juvenile court
   24-4  may place a delinquent child in an institution in another state as
   24-5  provided by Article VI of the compact.  After placement in another
   24-6  state, the court retains jurisdiction of the child as provided by
   24-7  Article V of the compact.
   24-8        Sec. 45.026.  PENALTIES <COMPACT ADMINISTRATOR>.  (a)  An
   24-9  individual, agency, corporation, or child-care facility that
  24-10  violates any provision of the compact commits an offense.  An
  24-11  offense under this subsection is a Class B misdemeanor.
  24-12        (b)  An individual, agency, corporation, or child-care
  24-13  facility in this state that violates Article IV commits an offense.
  24-14  An offense under this subsection is a Class B misdemeanor.  On
  24-15  conviction, the court shall revoke any license to operate as a
  24-16  child-care facility or child-care institution issued to the
  24-17  facility by the department and shall revoke any license or
  24-18  certification of such individual, agency, or corporation necessary
  24-19  to practice in the state. <The governor shall appoint the
  24-20  commissioner as compact administrator.  If the commissioner is
  24-21  unable to attend a compact meeting, the commissioner may designate
  24-22  a department employee to attend the meeting as the commissioner's
  24-23  representative.>
  24-24        <Sec. 45.028.  NOTICE OF MEETINGS.  For informational
  24-25  purposes, the department shall file with the secretary of state
   25-1  notice of compact meetings for publication in the Texas Register.>
   25-2        SECTION 2.  The importance of this legislation and the
   25-3  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   25-4  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   25-5  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   25-6  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,
   25-7  and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its
   25-8  passage, and it is so enacted.