By:  Brown, Patterson                                  S.B. No. 345
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
                                        AN ACT
    1-1  relating to tax abatement, reinvestment zones, and the refund of
    1-2  certain taxes by the comptroller to reimburse certain taxes paid on
    1-3  property in a reinvestment zone.
    1-5        SECTION 1.  Chapter 111, Tax Code, is amended by adding
    1-6  Subchapter F to read as follows:
    1-9  (a)  An eligible person is entitled to a refund of state sales and
   1-10  use taxes imposed under Chapter 151 and state franchise taxes
   1-11  imposed under Chapter 171 paid in a calendar year for which the
   1-12  person paid ad valorem taxes to a school district on property that
   1-13  in that year is:
   1-14              (1)  located in a reinvestment zone established under
   1-15  Chapter 312;
   1-16              (2)  exempt in whole or in part from the payment of ad
   1-17  valorem taxes imposed by a municipality or a county under a tax
   1-18  abatement agreement entered into with the municipality or county
   1-19  under Chapter 312; and
   1-20              (3)  not subject to a tax abatement agreement entered
   1-21  into by the school district.
   1-22        (b)  No refund may be made under this section if the person
   1-23  makes a payment in lieu of taxes, or any other payment, including a
   1-24  gift, grant, donation, or provision of in-kind service, that is not
    2-1  payment of a tax or fee, to a municipality or county during the
    2-2  period of a tax abatement agreement between the person and the
    2-3  municipality or county.
    2-4        (c)  The amount of a refund may not exceed the amount of net
    2-5  state sales and use and state franchise taxes paid by the person,
    2-6  after any applicable tax credit, in that year.  A person is
    2-7  entitled to a refund under this section for the lesser of five
    2-8  years or the duration of the tax abatement agreement.  If the tax
    2-9  abatement agreement is cancelled or the person relocates the
   2-10  person's business outside the zone, a person may not apply for a
   2-11  refund after the date of the cancellation or the date of the
   2-12  relocation, as applicable.
   2-13        (d)  To be eligible for the refund:
   2-14              (1)  a person must have:
   2-15                    (A)  established a new business in the
   2-16  reinvestment zone;
   2-17                    (B)  expanded an existing business located in the
   2-18  reinvestment zone; or
   2-19                    (C)  modernized an existing business located in
   2-20  the reinvestment zone to retain jobs of employees of the business;
   2-21              (2)  that business must have had:
   2-22                    (A)  since the date the person entered into the
   2-23  tax abatement agreement with the municipality or county, an
   2-24  increase in the business's payroll of $3,000,000, specific to
   2-25  property located in this state according to records filed by the
   2-26  business with the Texas Employment Commission; or
   2-27                    (B)  since an initial comparison year beginning
    3-1  on or after January 1, 1996, an increase of at least $10,000,000 in
    3-2  the appraised value of the business's property subject to the tax
    3-3  abatement agreement with the municipality or county according to
    3-4  the appraisal rolls; and
    3-5              (3)  that person must have furnished the comptroller
    3-6  with a copy of the tax abatement agreement entered into by the
    3-7  person with the municipality or county.
    3-8        (e)  Application for the refund is to the comptroller.  The
    3-9  application must:
   3-10              (1)  be made on the form prescribed by the comptroller;
   3-11              (2)  have attached a tax receipt from the assessor and
   3-12  collector of taxes for the school district showing full payment of
   3-13  school district ad valorem taxes on the property for the tax year
   3-14  for which the refund is sought; and
   3-15              (3)  include sufficient information for the comptroller
   3-16  to determine the portion of the ad valorem taxes paid to a school
   3-17  district by the person for the applicable tax year on the property
   3-18  that the person would not have been required to pay if the school
   3-19  district had entered into a tax abatement agreement concerning the
   3-20  property that included the same terms, including terms governing
   3-21  the portion of the property that is to be exempt from taxation
   3-22  under the agreement, as the applicable municipal or county tax
   3-23  abatement agreement.
   3-24        (f)  A refund amount payable under this subchapter does not
   3-25  earn interest.
   3-26        (g)  A person applying for a refund must certify to the
   3-27  comptroller that the person is in compliance with each term of the
    4-1  tax abatement agreement entered into with the municipality or
    4-2  county.
    4-3        (h)  If the relevant tax abatement agreement has not been
    4-4  filed with the comptroller and the Texas Department of Commerce,
    4-5  the comptroller may not act on the application until the agreement
    4-6  is on file.
    4-7        (i)  If, after a review or audit, the comptroller determines
    4-8  that the person applying for the refund is not in compliance with
    4-9  each term of the appropriate tax abatement agreement, the
   4-10  comptroller may not act on the refund application until the person
   4-11  comes into compliance and shall notify the municipality or county
   4-12  of the person's noncompliance.
   4-13        (j)  The comptroller may grant to a person who is not in
   4-14  compliance with a tax abatement agreement a temporary waiver if the
   4-15  comptroller determines that the person's noncompliance is the
   4-16  result of a natural disaster.
   4-17        (k)  The comptroller may conduct any audit that the
   4-18  comptroller determines necessary for the enforcement or
   4-19  administration of this subchapter.
   4-20        Sec. 111.302.  ISSUANCE OF TAX REFUND; AMOUNT OF REFUND.
   4-21  (a)  The comptroller shall issue a tax refund to a person for a tax
   4-22  year in which the person applying has paid the ad valorem taxes
   4-23  imposed by a school district on property of the person described by
   4-24  Section 111.301(a).
   4-25        (b)  If the person qualifies for the refund, the refund shall
   4-26  be issued before the 120th day after the date the application is
   4-27  filed with the comptroller.
    5-1        (c)  The amount of a tax refund is equal to 80 percent of the
    5-2  portion of the ad valorem taxes paid to a school district by the
    5-3  person for the applicable tax year on the property that the person
    5-4  would not have been required to pay if the school district had
    5-5  entered into a tax abatement agreement covering the property that
    5-6  included the same terms, including terms governing the portion of
    5-7  the property that is to be exempt from taxation under the
    5-8  agreement, as the applicable municipal or county tax abatement
    5-9  agreement.
   5-10        Sec. 111.303.  RULES AND FORMS.  (a)  The comptroller by rule
   5-11  shall adopt rules and forms for the administration of this
   5-12  subchapter.  The rules must include a schedule of the state taxes
   5-13  to which this subchapter applies.
   5-14        (b)  The comptroller shall provide without charge one copy of
   5-15  the rules and forms to each person applying for a refund under this
   5-16  subchapter.
   5-17        Sec. 111.304.  EVALUATION; ANNUAL REPORT.  Not later than
   5-18  December 1, 1999, and December 1 of each subsequent year, the
   5-19  comptroller shall submit an annual report to the legislature.  The
   5-20  report:
   5-21              (1)  must document the applications for refunds filed
   5-22  with the comptroller under this subchapter;
   5-23              (2)  must document the refunds paid by the comptroller
   5-24  under this chapter;
   5-25              (3)  must contain relevant information obtained from
   5-26  the Texas Department of Commerce, including information to
   5-27  demonstrate the relationship between tax refunds under this
    6-1  subchapter and the economy; and
    6-2              (4)  may include any other relevant information that
    6-3  the comptroller determines is applicable to this subchapter or to
    6-4  Chapter 312.
    6-5        SECTION 2.  Subsection (a), Section 312.005, Tax Code, is
    6-6  amended to read as follows:
    6-7        (a)  The Texas Department of Commerce shall maintain a
    6-8  central registry of reinvestment zones designated under this
    6-9  chapter and of ad valorem tax abatement agreements executed under
   6-10  this chapter.  Each taxing unit that designates a reinvestment zone
   6-11  or executes a tax abatement agreement under this chapter shall
   6-12  deliver to the department and to the comptroller before April 1 of
   6-13  the year following the year in which the zone is designated or the
   6-14  agreement is executed a report providing the following information:
   6-15              (1)  for a reinvestment zone, a general description of
   6-16  the zone, including its size, the types of property located in it,
   6-17  <and> its duration, and the guidelines and criteria established for
   6-18  the reinvestment zone under Section 312.002, including subsequent
   6-19  amendments and modifications of the guidelines or criteria; <and>
   6-20              (2)  <for> a copy of each tax abatement agreement to
   6-21  which the taxing unit is a party; and
   6-22              (3)  any other information required by the comptroller
   6-23  to administer Subchapter F, Chapter 111<, the parties to the
   6-24  agreement, a general description of the property and the
   6-25  improvements or repairs to be made under the agreement, the portion
   6-26  of the property to be exempted, and duration of the agreement>.
   6-27        SECTION 3.  Section 312.202, Tax Code, is amended to read as
    7-1  follows:
    7-2        Sec. 312.202.  Criteria for Reinvestment Zone.  <(a)>  To be
    7-3  designated as a reinvestment zone under this subchapter, an area
    7-4  must<:>
    7-5              <(1)  substantially arrest or impair the sound growth
    7-6  of the municipality creating the zone, retard the provision of
    7-7  housing accommodations, or constitute an economic or social
    7-8  liability and be a menace to the public health, safety, morals, or
    7-9  welfare in its present condition and use because of the presence
   7-10  of:>
   7-11                    <(A)  a substantial number of substandard, slum,
   7-12  deteriorated, or deteriorating structures;>
   7-13                    <(B)  the predominance of defective or inadequate
   7-14  sidewalks or streets;>
   7-15                    <(C)  faulty size, adequacy, accessibility, or
   7-16  usefulness of lots;>
   7-17                    <(D)  unsanitary or unsafe conditions;>
   7-18                    <(E)  the deterioration of site or other
   7-19  improvements;>
   7-20                    <(F)  tax or special assessment delinquency
   7-21  exceeding the fair value of the land;>
   7-22                    <(G)  defective or unusual conditions of title;>
   7-23                    <(H)  conditions that endanger life or property
   7-24  by fire or other cause; or>
   7-25                    <(I)  any combination of these factors;>
   7-26              <(2)  be predominantly open and, because of obsolete
   7-27  platting, deterioration of structures or site improvements, or
    8-1  other factors, substantially impair or arrest the sound growth of
    8-2  the municipality;>
    8-3              <(3)  be in a federally assisted new community located
    8-4  in a home-rule municipality or in an area immediately adjacent to a
    8-5  federally assisted new community located in a home-rule
    8-6  municipality;>
    8-7              <(4)  be located entirely in an area that meets the
    8-8  requirements for federal assistance under Section 119 of the
    8-9  Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. Section
   8-10  5318);>
   8-11              <(5)  encompass signs, billboards, or other outdoor
   8-12  advertising structures designated by the governing body of the
   8-13  municipality for relocation, reconstruction, or removal for the
   8-14  purpose of enhancing the physical environment of the municipality,
   8-15  which the legislature declares to be a public purpose; or>
   8-16              <(6)>  be in the judgment of the governing body
   8-17  reasonably likely as a result of the designation to contribute to
   8-18  the <retention or expansion of primary employment or to attract
   8-19  major investment in the zone that would be a benefit to the
   8-20  property and that would contribute to the> economic development of
   8-21  the municipality.
   8-22        <(b)  For purposes of this section, a federally assisted new
   8-23  community is a federally assisted area:>
   8-24              <(1)  that has received or will receive assistance in
   8-25  the form of loan guarantees under Title X of the National Housing
   8-26  Act (12 U.S.C. Section 1749aa et seq.); and>
   8-27              <(2)  a portion of which has received grants under
    9-1  Section 107 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974
    9-2  (42 U.S.C. Section 5307) made pursuant to the authority created by
    9-3  that section for grants in behalf of new communities assisted under
    9-4  Title VII of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1970 or Title
    9-5  IV of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 or in behalf of
    9-6  new community projects assisted under Title X of the National
    9-7  Housing Act (12 U.S.C. Section 1749aa et seq.).>
    9-8        SECTION 4.  Subsection (a), Section 312.205, Tax Code, is
    9-9  amended to read as follows:
   9-10        (a)  An agreement made under Section 312.204 must:
   9-11              (1)  list the kind, number, and location of all
   9-12  proposed improvements of the property;
   9-13              (2)  provide access to and authorize inspection of the
   9-14  property by municipal employees to ensure that the improvements or
   9-15  repairs are made according to the specifications and conditions of
   9-16  the agreement;
   9-17              (3)  limit the uses of the property consistent with the
   9-18  general purpose of encouraging development or redevelopment of the
   9-19  zone during the period that property tax exemptions are in effect;
   9-20  <and>
   9-21              (4)  provide for recapturing property tax revenue lost
   9-22  as a result of the agreement if the owner of the property fails to
   9-23  make the improvements or repairs as provided by the agreement;
   9-24              (5)  contain each term agreed to by the owner of the
   9-25  property;
   9-26              (6)  require the owner of property to certify annually
   9-27  to the governing body of each taxing unit that the owner is in
   10-1  compliance with each applicable term of the agreement; and
   10-2              (7)  provide that the governing body of the
   10-3  municipality may cancel or modify the agreement if the property
   10-4  owner fails to comply with the agreement.
   10-5        SECTION 5.  Section 312.006, Tax Code, is amended to read as
   10-6  follows:
   10-7        Sec. 312.006.  EXPIRATION DATE.  If not continued in effect,
   10-8  this chapter expires September 1, 2001 <1995>.
   10-9        SECTION 6.  (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b) of this
  10-10  section, this Act takes effect September 1, 1995.  The change in
  10-11  law made by Section 1 of this Act applies only to a tax that is
  10-12  paid on or after September 1, 1995.
  10-13        (b)  Section 5 of this Act takes effect August 31, 1995.
  10-14        SECTION 7.  The importance of this legislation and the
  10-15  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
  10-16  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
  10-17  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
  10-18  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.