By Armbrister                                          S.B. No. 363
       74R4393 PB-D
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Workers'
    1-3  Compensation Insurance Fund.
    1-5        SECTION 1.  Section 1(4), Article 5.76-3, Insurance Code, is
    1-6  amended to read as follows:
    1-7              (4)  "Workers' compensation insurance" means the
    1-8  insurance for any risk under:
    1-9                    (A)  Subtitle A, Title 5, Labor Code (the Texas
   1-10  Workers' Compensation Act); <(Article 8308-1.01 et seq., Vernon's
   1-11  Texas Civil Statutes),>
   1-12                    (B)  the Longshore and Harbor Workers'
   1-13  Compensation Act (33 U.S.C.  Section 901);<,>
   1-14                    (C)  the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of
   1-15  1977 (33 U.S.C.  Section 801 et seq.);<,> or
   1-16                    (D)  Chapter 504, Labor Code <Article 8309h,
   1-17  Revised Statutes>.
   1-18        SECTION 2.  Section 2, Article 5.76-3, Insurance Code, is
   1-19  amended by amending Subsections (b) and (d) and adding Subsection
   1-20  (f) to read as follows:
   1-21        (b)  Except as otherwise provided by this subsection, the
   1-22  fund is subject to the open meetings law, Chapter 551, Government
   1-23  Code and the open records law, Chapter 552, Government Code
   1-24  <Chapter 271, Acts of the 60th Legislature, Regular Session, 1967
    2-1  (Article 6252-17, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), and the open
    2-2  records law, Chapter 424, Acts of the 63rd Legislature, Regular
    2-3  Session, 1973 (Article 6252-17a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes)>.
    2-4  The board may hold closed meetings to consider and refuse to
    2-5  release information relating to claims, rates, the fund's
    2-6  underwriting guidelines, and other information that would give
    2-7  advantage to competitors or bidders.
    2-8        (d)  The fund is subject to Chapter 325, Government Code
    2-9  (Texas Sunset Act).  Unless continued in effect as provided by that
   2-10  chapter, the fund is abolished September 1, 2007 <1995>.
   2-11        (f)  The fund shall prepare annually a complete and detailed
   2-12  written report accounting for all funds received and disbursed by
   2-13  the fund during the preceding fiscal year.  The annual report must
   2-14  meet the reporting requirements applicable to financial reporting
   2-15  provided by the General Appropriations Act.
   2-16        SECTION 3.  Section 3, Article 5.76-3, Insurance Code, is
   2-17  amended to read as follows:
   2-18        Sec. 3.  BOARD OF DIRECTORS.  (a)  The fund is governed by a
   2-19  board of directors composed of nine members, all of whom shall be
   2-20  citizens of this state.  The members shall be appointed by the
   2-21  governor with the advice and consent of the senate, and vacancies
   2-22  shall be filled in the same manner.  The members of the board of
   2-23  directors serve staggered six-year terms, with the terms of three
   2-24  members expiring February 1 of each odd-numbered year.
   2-25        (b)  Except as provided by Subsection (c) of this section, to
   2-26  be eligible for appointment as a member of the board a person must
   2-27  be a policyholder of the fund or an officer or employee of a
    3-1  policyholder and must maintain that status during the period of
    3-2  service on the board.  Failure to maintain that status disqualifies
    3-3  the board member and creates a vacancy on the board.
    3-4        (c)  The initial appointees to the board must be employers in
    3-5  this state.
    3-6        (d)  In making appointments to the board, the governor shall
    3-7  attempt to reflect the social, geographic, and economic diversity
    3-8  of the state.  To ensure balanced representation, the governor may
    3-9  consider the geographic location of a prospective appointee's
   3-10  domicile and the prospective appointee's experience in business and
   3-11  insurance matters and shall consider those factors in appointing
   3-12  members to fill vacancies on the board.  Appointments to the board
   3-13  shall be made without regard to the race, color, disability, sex,
   3-14  religion, age, or national origin of the appointees.
   3-15        (e)  A person may not serve as a member of the board if the
   3-16  person, an individual related to the person within the second
   3-17  degree by consanguinity or affinity, or an individual residing in
   3-18  the same household with the person:
   3-19              (1)  is required to be registered or licensed under
   3-20  this code;
   3-21              (2)  is employed by or acts as a consultant to a person
   3-22  required to be registered or licensed under this code;
   3-23              (3)  owns, controls, has a financial interest in, or
   3-24  participates in the management of an organization required to be
   3-25  registered or licensed under this code;
   3-26              (4)  receives a substantial tangible benefit from the
   3-27  fund or the Texas Department of Insurance; or
    4-1              (5)  is an officer, employee, or consultant of an
    4-2  association in the field of insurance<; or>
    4-3              <(6)  is required to register as a lobbyist under
    4-4  Chapter 305, Government Code>.
    4-5        (f)  It is a ground for removal from the board if a member:
    4-6              (1)  does not have at the time of appointment the
    4-7  qualifications required by Subsection (b) of this section;
    4-8              (2)  does not maintain during service on the board the
    4-9  qualifications required by Subsection (b) of this section;
   4-10              (3)  cannot because of illness or disability discharge
   4-11  the member's duties for a substantial part of the term for which
   4-12  the member is appointed; or
   4-13              (4)  is absent from more than half of the regularly
   4-14  scheduled board meetings that the member is eligible to attend
   4-15  during a calendar year.
   4-16        (g)  The validity of an action of the board is not affected
   4-17  by the fact that it is taken when a ground for removal of a board
   4-18  member exists.
   4-19        (h)  If the president has knowledge that a potential ground
   4-20  for removal exists, the president shall notify the chairman of the
   4-21  board of the potential ground.  The chairman shall then notify the
   4-22  governor and the attorney general that a potential ground for
   4-23  removal exists.  If the potential ground for removal involves the
   4-24  chairman, the president shall notify the next highest officer of
   4-25  the board, who shall notify the governor and the attorney general
   4-26  that a potential ground for removal exists.
   4-27        (i)  Subsection (e) of this section does not prohibit a
    5-1  person who is only a consumer of insurance or insurance products
    5-2  from serving as a member of the board.
    5-3        (j) <(g)>  A person who is ineligible to serve on the board
    5-4  under Subsection (e) of this section may not serve as a member of
    5-5  the board for one year after the date on which the condition that
    5-6  makes the person ineligible ends.
    5-7        (k) <(h)>  Each member shall receive actual and necessary
    5-8  travel expenses and expenses incurred in the performance of the
    5-9  member's duties as a member.
   5-10        (l) <(i)>  The governor shall designate a member of the board
   5-11  as the chairman of the board to serve in that capacity at the
   5-12  pleasure of the governor.  The members of the board shall elect
   5-13  annually from their number a <chairman, a> vice-chairman<,> and a
   5-14  secretary.
   5-15        (m) <(j)>  The board shall hold meetings at least once each
   5-16  month and at other times at the call of the chairman and at times
   5-17  established by board rule.  Special meetings may be called by any
   5-18  two members of the board on two days notice.
   5-19        (n) <(k)>  A majority of the board members constitutes a
   5-20  quorum.
   5-21        (o) <(l)>  The board shall maintain the principal office of
   5-22  the fund in Austin, Texas.
   5-23        (p) <(m)>  For cost control purposes and as is determined to
   5-24  be cost-effective, as many functions as possible shall be performed
   5-25  by the fund.
   5-26        (q)  A person may not serve as a member of the board or act
   5-27  as the general counsel to the board or the fund if the person is
    6-1  required to register as a lobbyist under Chapter 305, Government
    6-2  Code, because of the person's activities for compensation on behalf
    6-3  of any person or entity other than the fund.
    6-4        (r)  The board shall develop and implement policies that
    6-5  clearly separate the policymaking responsibilities of the board and
    6-6  the management responsibilities of the president and the staff of
    6-7  the fund.
    6-8        SECTION 4.  Article 5.76-3, Insurance Code, is amended by
    6-9  adding Section 3A to read as follows:
   6-10        Sec. 3A.  TRAINING PROGRAM FOR BOARD MEMBERS.  (a)  Before a
   6-11  member of the board may assume the member's duties, the member must
   6-12  complete the training program established under this section.
   6-13        (b)  A training program established under this section shall
   6-14  provide information to the member regarding:
   6-15              (1)  the enabling legislation that created the fund and
   6-16  the board;
   6-17              (2)  the programs operated by the fund;
   6-18              (3)  the role and functions of the fund;
   6-19              (4)  the current budget for the fund;
   6-20              (5)  the results of the most recent independent audit
   6-21  of the fund;
   6-22              (6)  the requirements of:
   6-23                    (A)  the open meetings law, Chapter 551,
   6-24  Government Code; and
   6-25                    (B)  the open records law, Chapter 552,
   6-26  Government Code;
   6-27              (7)  the requirements of the conflict of interest laws
    7-1  and other laws relating to members of the board; and
    7-2              (8)  any applicable ethics policies adopted by the fund
    7-3  or the Texas Ethics Commission.
    7-4        SECTION 5.  Section 4, Article 5.76-3, Insurance Code, is
    7-5  amended by adding Subsections (c), (d), and (e) to read as follows:
    7-6        (c)  The board shall appoint an internal auditor in
    7-7  compliance with Chapter 2102, Government Code.  The internal
    7-8  auditor serves at the pleasure of the board.
    7-9        (d)  If the fund obtains legal services through the use of
   7-10  outside counsel, the attorney general shall annually review the use
   7-11  of outside counsel by the fund to ensure that:
   7-12              (1)  the use of outside counsel does not result in a
   7-13  conflict of interest; and
   7-14              (2)  the persons used as outside counsel comply with
   7-15  state and federal policies regarding the treatment of persons who
   7-16  are members of minority groups.
   7-17        (e)  The board shall provide requested information to
   7-18  appropriate legislative committees in the manner requested by those
   7-19  committees.
   7-20        SECTION 6.  Section 6, Article 5.76-3, Insurance Code, is
   7-21  amended by adding Subsections (f)-(l) to read as follows:
   7-22        (f)  The president shall develop a career ladder program that
   7-23  addresses opportunities for mobility and advancement for employees
   7-24  within the fund.  The program shall require internal posting of all
   7-25  positions concurrently with any public posting.
   7-26        (g)  The president shall develop a system of annual
   7-27  performance evaluations that are based on documented employee
    8-1  performance.  All merit pay for fund employees must be based on the
    8-2  system established under this subsection.
    8-3        (h)  The president shall prepare and maintain a written
    8-4  policy statement to assure implementation of a program of equal
    8-5  employment opportunity under which all personnel transactions are
    8-6  made without regard to race, color, disability, sex, religion, age,
    8-7  or national origin.  The policy statement must include:
    8-8              (1)  personnel policies, including policies relating to
    8-9  recruitment, evaluation, selection, appointment, training, and
   8-10  promotion of personnel that are in compliance with the requirements
   8-11  of Chapter 21, Labor Code;
   8-12              (2)  a comprehensive analysis of the fund workforce
   8-13  that meets federal and state guidelines;
   8-14              (3)  procedures by which a determination can be made
   8-15  about the extent of underuse in the fund workforce of all persons
   8-16  for whom federal or state guidelines encourage a more equitable
   8-17  balance; and
   8-18              (4)  reasonable methods to appropriately address those
   8-19  areas of underuse.
   8-20        (i)  A policy statement prepared under Subsection (h) of this
   8-21  section must:
   8-22              (1)  cover an annual period;
   8-23              (2)  be updated annually;
   8-24              (3)  be reviewed annually by the Commission on Human
   8-25  Rights for compliance with Subsection (h)(1); and
   8-26              (4)  be filed with the governor's office.
   8-27        (j)  The governor's office shall deliver a biennial report to
    9-1  the legislature based on the information received under Subsection
    9-2  (i) of this section.  The report may be made separately or as a
    9-3  part of other biennial reports made to the legislature.
    9-4        (k)  The president shall provide to members of the board and
    9-5  to fund employees, as often as necessary, information regarding
    9-6  their qualification for office or employment under this article and
    9-7  their responsibilities under applicable laws relating to standards
    9-8  of conduct for board members or employees.
    9-9        (l)  In hiring employees for the fund under this article, the
   9-10  president shall ensure that the fund complies with the minority
   9-11  hiring practices guidelines adopted for state agencies and
   9-12  institutions by the General Appropriations Act.
   9-13        SECTION 7.  Section 10(l), Article 5.76-3, Insurance Code, is
   9-14  amended to read as follows:
   9-15        (l)  The compliance and practices division of the commission
   9-16  shall enforce compliance with this section through the
   9-17  administrative violation proceedings under Chapter 415, Labor Code
   9-18  <Article 10, Texas Workers' Compensation Act (Article 8308-10.01 et
   9-19  seq., Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes)>.
   9-20        SECTION 8.  Section 16, Article 5.76-3, Insurance Code, is
   9-21  amended to read as follows:
   9-22        Sec. 16.  CANCELLATION AND NONRENEWAL.  The fund may cancel
   9-23  or refuse to renew coverage on a policyholder as provided by
   9-24  Section 406.008, Labor Code <in Section 3.28, Texas Workers'
   9-25  Compensation Act (Article 8308-3.28, Vernon's Texas Civil
   9-26  Statutes)>.
   9-27        SECTION 9.  Section 17(a), Article 5.76-3, Insurance Code, is
   10-1  amended to read as follows:
   10-2        (a)  Not later than March 1 of each subsequent year <the 30th
   10-3  day after the date on which the fund's fiscal year ends>, the board
   10-4  shall publish a report analyzing the fund's activities and fiscal
   10-5  condition during the preceding fiscal year  and shall file the
   10-6  report with the Texas Department of Insurance.  The board shall
   10-7  have an independent audit made of the annual <each such> report.
   10-8        SECTION 10.  Article 5.76-3, Insurance Code, is amended by
   10-9  adding Section 17A to read as follows:
  10-11  REPORT.  (a)  The state auditor shall periodically identify issues
  10-12  related to the operational efficiency, effectiveness, and statutory
  10-13  compliance of the fund.  The fund shall include all issues
  10-14  identified by the state auditor in the fund's annual independent
  10-15  and internal audit plans.
  10-16        (b)  Each person who conducts an independent audit or
  10-17  internal audit of the fund shall send a copy of the audit report
  10-18  prepared by the person to the office of the state auditor.  The
  10-19  state auditor shall summarize the audit reports presented under
  10-20  this subsection in an annual memorandum to the Legislative Audit
  10-21  Committee.
  10-22        (c)  The internal auditor appointed under Section 4 of this
  10-23  article shall submit the internal audit report directly to the
  10-24  board and shall provide a summary of the report to the governor,
  10-25  lieutenant governor, and speaker of the house of representatives.
  10-26  The internal auditor's summary report must include an analysis of
  10-27  the use by the fund of historically underutilized businesses.  For
   11-1  purposes of this subsection, "historically underutilized business"
   11-2  has the meaning assigned by Section 1.02, State Purchasing and
   11-3  General Services Commission Act (Article 601b, Vernon's Texas Civil
   11-4  Statutes).
   11-5        SECTION 11.  Article 5.76-3, Insurance Code, is amended  by
   11-6  adding Sections 19A and 19B to read as follows:
   11-7        Sec. 19A.  PUBLIC INFORMATION; ACCESSIBILITY.  (a)  The fund
   11-8  shall prepare information of public interest describing the
   11-9  functions of the fund and the procedures by which complaints are
  11-10  filed with and resolved by the fund.  The fund shall make the
  11-11  information available to the public and appropriate state agencies.
  11-12        (b)  The board shall establish methods by which consumers and
  11-13  service recipients are notified of the name, mailing address, and
  11-14  telephone number of the fund for the purpose of directing
  11-15  complaints to the fund.  The board may provide for that
  11-16  notification:
  11-17              (1)  by a supplement or endorsement to a written
  11-18  policy;
  11-19              (2)  on a sign prominently displayed in the place of
  11-20  business of each regional office of the fund; or
  11-21              (3)  in a bill for services provided by the fund.
  11-22        (c)  The fund shall comply with federal and state laws
  11-23  related to program and facility accessibility.  The president shall
  11-24  also prepare and maintain a written plan that describes how a
  11-25  person who does not speak English can be provided reasonable access
  11-26  to the fund's programs and services.
  11-27        (d)  The board shall develop and implement policies that
   12-1  provide the public with a reasonable opportunity to appear before
   12-2  the board and to speak on any issue under the jurisdiction of the
   12-3  fund.
   12-4        Sec. 19B.  COMPLAINT RESOLUTION.  (a)  The fund shall keep
   12-5  information about each written complaint submitted to the fund.
   12-6  The information shall include:
   12-7              (1)  the date the complaint is received;
   12-8              (2)  the name of the complainant;
   12-9              (3)  the subject matter of the complaint;
  12-10              (4)  a record of all persons contacted in relation to
  12-11  the complaint;
  12-12              (5)  a summary of the results of the review or
  12-13  investigation of the complaint; and
  12-14              (6)  for complaints for which the fund took no action,
  12-15  an explanation of the reason the complaint was closed without
  12-16  action.
  12-17        (b)  For each written complaint that the fund has authority
  12-18  to resolve, the fund shall provide to the person filing the
  12-19  complaint and the persons or entities complained about the fund's
  12-20  policies and procedures pertaining to complaint investigation and
  12-21  resolution.  The fund, at least quarterly and until final
  12-22  disposition of the complaint, shall notify the person filing the
  12-23  complaint and the persons or entities complained about of the
  12-24  status of the complaint unless the notice would jeopardize an
  12-25  undercover investigation.
  12-26        SECTION 12.  Section 21(a), Article 5.76-3, Insurance Code,
  12-27  is amended to read as follows:
   13-1        (a)  The fund is an insurance company for purposes of
   13-2  Subtitle A, Title 5, Labor Code (the Texas Workers' Compensation
   13-3  Act) <(Article 8308-1.01 et seq., Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes)>.
   13-4        SECTION 13.  Article 5.76-4, Insurance Code, is amended by
   13-5  adding Subsections (g) and (h) to read as follows:
   13-6        (g)  When acting as insurer of last resort,  the fund may
   13-7  require an applicant for workers' compensation insurance coverage
   13-8  who is identified as a risk for purposes of Subsection (b) of this
   13-9  article to insure all business entities that are commonly owned or
  13-10  commonly controlled by the applicant.  The board may adopt policies
  13-11  to implement this subsection.
  13-12        (h)  The fund shall report the statistical and other
  13-13  information developed under Subsection (c) of this article on
  13-14  request to the Texas Workers' Compensation Research Center and the
  13-15  legislative oversight committee on workers' compensation, or to any
  13-16  successor entity for research and oversight of the workers'
  13-17  compensation system of this state.
  13-18        SECTION 14.  (a)  The training program adopted under Section
  13-19  3A, Article 5.76-3, Insurance Code, as added by this Act, for
  13-20  members of the board of directors of the Texas Workers'
  13-21  Compensation Insurance Fund applies only to a person who is
  13-22  appointed to that board on or after September 1, 1995.
  13-23        (b)  The president of the fund shall adopt personnel policies
  13-24  under Section 6, Article 5.76-3, Insurance Code, as amended by this
  13-25  Act, not later than January 1, 1996.
  13-26        (c)  The board of directors of the Texas Workers'
  13-27  Compensation Insurance Fund shall adopt a public information system
   14-1  under Section 19A, Article 5.76-3, Insurance Code, and a complaint
   14-2  resolution system under Section 19B, Article 5.76-3, Insurance
   14-3  Code, as added by this Act, not later than January 1, 1996.
   14-4        SECTION 15.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1995.
   14-5        SECTION 16.  The importance of this legislation and the
   14-6  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   14-7  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   14-8  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   14-9  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.