By Armbrister                                          S.B. No. 364
       74R4647 PB-D
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to the consolidation of the Texas Workers' Compensation
    1-3  Research Center and the Legislative Oversight Committee for
    1-4  workers' compensation and to the functions of the new entity.
    1-6        SECTION 1.  Chapter 404, Labor Code, is amended to read as
    1-7  follows:
   1-10        Sec. 404.001.  DEFINITIONS.  In this chapter:
   1-11              (1)  "Board" means the board of directors of the
   1-12  Research and Oversight Council on <Texas> Workers' Compensation
   1-13  <Research Center>.
   1-14              (2)  "Council" means the Research and Oversight Council
   1-15  on Workers' Compensation.
   1-16              (3)  "Executive director" means the executive director
   1-17  of the council <research center>.
   1-18        Sec. 404.0015.  APPLICATION OF SUNSET ACT.  The Research and
   1-19  Oversight Council on Workers' Compensation is subject to Chapter
   1-20  325, Government Code (Texas Sunset Act).  Unless continued in
   1-21  existence as provided by that chapter, the council is abolished and
   1-22  this chapter expires September 1, 2007.
   1-24  DUTIES.  (a)  The Research and Oversight Council on <Texas>
    2-1  Workers' Compensation <Research Center> is an advisory body to the
    2-2  commission.  The council <research center> shall be <constituted
    2-3  and> operated in a manner that ensures that its research, findings,
    2-4  and conclusions are factual, fair, and unbiased.
    2-5        (b)  The council <research center> shall conduct professional
    2-6  studies and research related to:
    2-7              (1)  the delivery of benefits;
    2-8              (2)  litigation and controversy related to workers'
    2-9  compensation;
   2-10              (3)  insurance rates and rate-making procedures;
   2-11              (4)  rehabilitation and reemployment of injured
   2-12  workers;
   2-13              (5)  workplace health and safety issues;
   2-14              (6)  the quality and cost of medical benefits; <and>
   2-15              (7)  the Texas Workers' Compensation Insurance Fund and
   2-16  the impact of that fund on the workers' compensation system; and
   2-17              (8)  other matters relevant to the cost, quality, and
   2-18  operational effectiveness of the workers' compensation system.
   2-19        (c)  In addition to the studies and research conducted under
   2-20  Subsection (b), the council <research center> shall conduct studies
   2-21  and research related to drugs in the workplace, giving priority to
   2-22  drug abuse in public and private establishments in which drug abuse
   2-23  could result in serious consequences to the public.  The studies
   2-24  and research must include a survey designed to identify future
   2-25  needs and current efforts of employers to counteract drug abuse and
   2-26  its effects in the workplace.
   2-27        (d)  The council shall identify, collect, maintain, and
    3-1  analyze the key information required to assess the operational
    3-2  effectiveness of the workers' compensation system.  The council
    3-3  shall provide the information obtained under this subsection to the
    3-4  governor and the legislature on a quarterly basis.
    3-5        (e)  The council, with the approval of the board, may apply
    3-6  for and spend federal funds to implement this chapter.
    3-8  TAX.  (a)  The council <research center> is funded through the
    3-9  assessment of a maintenance tax collected annually from all
   3-10  insurance carriers except governmental entities.
   3-11        (b)  The commission shall set the rate of the maintenance tax
   3-12  based on the expenditures authorized and the receipts anticipated
   3-13  in legislative appropriations.  The tax rate for insurance
   3-14  companies may not exceed one-tenth of one percent of the correctly
   3-15  reported gross workers' compensation insurance premiums.  The tax
   3-16  rate for certified self-insurers may not exceed one-tenth of one
   3-17  percent of the total tax base of all certified self-insurers, as
   3-18  computed under Section 407.103(b).
   3-19        (c)  The tax imposed under Subsection (a) is in addition to
   3-20  all other taxes imposed on those insurance carriers for workers'
   3-21  compensation purposes.
   3-22        (d)  The tax on insurance companies shall be collected and
   3-23  paid in the same manner and at the same time as the maintenance tax
   3-24  established for the support of the Texas Department of Insurance
   3-25  under Article 5.68, Insurance Code.  The tax on certified
   3-26  self-insurers shall be collected and paid in the same manner and at
   3-27  the same time as the self-insurer maintenance tax collected under
    4-1  Section 407.104.
    4-2        (e)  Amounts received under this section shall be deposited
    4-3  in the state treasury to the credit of a special account <fund> to
    4-4  be used for the operation of the council <research center> and to
    4-5  reimburse the general revenue fund in accordance with Article 4.19,
    4-6  Insurance Code.
    4-7        (f)  Sections 403.094 and 403.095, Government Code, do not
    4-8  apply to the special account established under this section.
    4-9        Sec. 404.004.  BOARD OF DIRECTORS.  (a)  The council
   4-10  <research center> is governed by a board of directors, composed of:
   4-11              (1)  three senators, appointed by the lieutenant
   4-12  governor;
   4-13              (2)  three members of the house of representatives,
   4-14  appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives;
   4-15              (3)  a member of the commission, appointed <chosen> by
   4-16  the commission, from the members who are wage earners;
   4-17              (4) <(2)>  a member of the commission, appointed
   4-18  <chosen> by the commission, from the members who are employers of
   4-19  labor; and
   4-20              (5)  the commissioner of insurance or a person
   4-21  designated by that commissioner <(3)  the public counsel of the
   4-22  office of public insurance counsel; and>
   4-23              <(4)  six members of the public, two of whom are
   4-24  appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives, two of
   4-25  whom are appointed by the lieutenant governor, and two of whom are
   4-26  appointed by the governor>.
   4-27        (b)  <The public members of the board shall be appointed
    5-1  without regard to the race, color, disability, sex, religion, age,
    5-2  or national origin of the appointee.  Appointments are not subject
    5-3  to senate confirmation.>
    5-4        <(c)>  A member of the board is not liable for any act
    5-5  performed in good faith in the execution of duties as a board
    5-6  member.
    5-7        (c) <(d)>  A member of the board may not receive remuneration
    5-8  for service on the board but is entitled to reimbursement for
    5-9  actual and necessary expenses incurred in performing functions as a
   5-10  board member, subject to any limit in the General Appropriations
   5-11  Act.
   5-12        (d)  An officer, employee, or paid consultant of a Texas
   5-13  trade association whose members provide services subject to
   5-14  regulation by the commission or provide services whose fees are
   5-15  subject to regulation by the commission may not be an employee of
   5-16  the council who is exempt from the state's position classification
   5-17  plan or is compensated at or above the amount prescribed by the
   5-18  General Appropriations Act for step 1, salary group 17, of the
   5-19  position classification salary schedule.
   5-20        (e)  For the purposes of this section, a Texas trade
   5-21  association is a nonprofit, cooperative, and voluntarily joined
   5-22  association of business or professional competitors in this state
   5-23  designed to assist its members and its industry or profession in
   5-24  dealing with mutual business or professional problems and in
   5-25  promoting their common interest.
   5-26        (f)  The board shall develop and implement policies that
   5-27  clearly separate the policymaking responsibilities of the board and
    6-1  the management responsibilities of the executive director and the
    6-2  staff of the council.
    6-3        <(e)  Section 401.011(16) does not apply to the use of the
    6-4  term "disability" in Subsection (b).>
    6-5        Sec. 404.0041.  EFFECT OF LOBBYING ACTIVITY.  A person may
    6-6  not act as the general counsel to the board or the council if the
    6-7  person is required to register as a lobbyist under Chapter 305,
    6-8  Government Code, because of the person's activities for
    6-9  compensation on behalf of a profession that is regulated or has
   6-10  fees regulated by the commission.
   6-11        Sec. 404.005.  SERVICE AT-WILL <TERMS>; VACANCY.  (a)  A
   6-12  person appointed to the board serves at the will of the appointing
   6-13  state officer or agency.  <Public members of the board serve for
   6-14  staggered four-year terms, with the terms of three appointed
   6-15  members expiring February 1 of each odd-numbered year.>
   6-16        (b)  <A board member who also serves on the commission or as
   6-17  the public counsel of the office of public insurance counsel serves
   6-18  a term as determined by the appointing state agency.>
   6-19        <(c)>  If a vacancy occurs on the board <during a term>, the
   6-20  appointing officer or agency shall appoint a replacement who meets
   6-21  the qualifications of the vacated office <for the unexpired term>.
   6-22        (c)  The commissioner of insurance serves as an ex officio
   6-23  member for the period of that officer's term as commissioner.  The
   6-24  commissioner of insurance or the designee of the commissioner may
   6-25  vote on any matter before the board.
   6-26        Sec. 404.0055.  REMOVAL OF BOARD MEMBERS.  (a)  It is a
   6-27  ground for removal from the board if a member:
    7-1              (1)  does not have at the time of appointment the
    7-2  qualifications required by Section 404.004(a);
    7-3              (2)  does not maintain during service on the board the
    7-4  qualifications required by Section 404.004(a);
    7-5              (3)  violates a prohibition established by Section
    7-6  404.004(d);
    7-7              (4)  cannot because of illness or disability discharge
    7-8  the member's duties for a substantial part of the term for which
    7-9  the member is appointed; or
   7-10              (5)  is absent from more than half of the regularly
   7-11  scheduled board meetings that the member is eligible to attend
   7-12  during a calendar year.
   7-13        (b)  The validity of an action of the board is not affected
   7-14  by the fact that it is taken when a ground for removal of a board
   7-15  member exists.
   7-16        (c)  If the executive director has knowledge that a potential
   7-17  ground for removal exists, the executive director shall notify the
   7-18  chairman of the board of the potential ground.  The chairman shall
   7-19  then notify the governor and the attorney general that a potential
   7-20  ground for removal exists.  If the potential ground for removal
   7-21  involves the chairman, the executive director shall notify the next
   7-22  highest officer of the board, who shall notify the governor and the
   7-23  attorney general that a potential ground for removal exists.
   7-24        (d)  Section 401.011(16) does not apply to the use of the
   7-25  term "disability" in Subsection (a).
   7-26        Sec. 404.006.  PRESIDING OFFICERS <CHAIRMAN>; MEETINGS.  (a)
   7-27  The council <board> shall have a chairman and vice chairman as
    8-1  presiding officers, who shall <elect an appointed member to> serve
    8-2  in that capacity <as chairman> for a period of two years <two-year
    8-3  term>.  The lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house of
    8-4  representatives shall alternate the designation of the chairman and
    8-5  vice chairman, with the speaker designating the first chairman and
    8-6  the lieutenant governor the first vice chairman.
    8-7        (b)  The periods of service as <term of the> chairman and
    8-8  vice    chairman expire <expires> on February 1 of each
    8-9  even-numbered year.  The chairman and vice chairman may vote on all
   8-10  matters before the board.
   8-11        (c) <(b)>  The board shall meet as necessary <at least once
   8-12  in each calendar quarter and may meet at other times> at the call
   8-13  of the chairman <or as provided by board rules>.
   8-14        Sec. 404.007.  GENERAL POWERS AND DUTIES OF BOARD.  (a)  The
   8-15  board shall:
   8-16              (1)  approve the <research agenda and> operating budget
   8-17  of the council <research center>;
   8-18              (2)  <report annually in writing to the governor and
   8-19  the legislature on the activities conducted by the research center;
   8-20  and>
   8-21              <(3)>  adopt rules for the operations of the board and
   8-22  the council; <research center>
   8-23              (3)  conduct professional studies and research on all
   8-24  matters relevant to the cost, quality, and operational
   8-25  effectiveness of the workers' compensation system;
   8-26              (4)  monitor the cost of income benefits under this
   8-27  subtitle, with emphasis on the availability and cost of
    9-1  supplemental income benefits;
    9-2              (5)  monitor the performance and operation of the Texas
    9-3  Workers' Compensation Insurance Fund, with emphasis on the insurer
    9-4  of last resort program;
    9-5              (6)  meet regularly with:
    9-6                    (A)  the commission;
    9-7                    (B)  the Texas Workers' Compensation Insurance
    9-8  Fund;
    9-9                    (C)  the Texas workers' compensation insurance
   9-10  facility;
   9-11                    (D)  the Texas Department of Insurance;
   9-12                    (E)  the office of the attorney general; and
   9-13                    (F)  any other public or private entity that is
   9-14  involved in the workers' compensation system;
   9-15              (7)  receive information about rules adopted or
   9-16  proposed by an entity listed in Subdivision (6); and
   9-17              (8)  review specific recommendations for legislation
   9-18  proposed by an entity listed in Subdivision (6).
   9-19        (b)  The board shall report to the governor, lieutenant
   9-20  governor, and speaker of the house of representatives not later
   9-21  than December 31 of each even-numbered year.  The report must
   9-22  include:
   9-23              (1)  the activities of the council;
   9-24              (2)  identification of any problems in the workers'
   9-25  compensation system, with recommendations for regulatory and
   9-26  legislative action based on research or testimony; and
   9-27              (3)  the status of the effectiveness of the workers'
   10-1  compensation system to provide adequate, equitable, and timely
   10-2  benefits to injured workers at a reasonable cost to employers, with
   10-3  recommendations for any additional necessary research. <Through an
   10-4  appropriate use of research staff and research contracted with
   10-5  educational institutions or other public or private research
   10-6  institutions and workers' compensation experts, the board shall
   10-7  ensure:>
   10-8              <(1)  the quality of research products; and>
   10-9              <(2)  economy in the use of funds.>
  10-10        (c)  The board shall publish and disseminate its studies to
  10-11  interested persons and may determine charges for the publications
  10-12  as necessary to achieve optimal dissemination.
  10-13        (d)  The board may:
  10-14              (1)  delegate powers to the executive director as it
  10-15  considers appropriate, including general guidance on the
  10-16  identification of information needs and the conduct of research;
  10-17              (2)  contract with other persons, including
  10-18  institutions of higher education, for conducting quality and
  10-19  economics studies for the council <research center>;
  10-20              (3)  contract with the commission for a fiscal,
  10-21  personnel, or other support function; <and>
  10-22              (4)  appoint expert advisory committees to provide
  10-23  technical assistance in conducting research <help:>
  10-24                    <(A)  prepare the research agenda;>
  10-25                    <(B)  develop requests for research proposals;>
  10-26                    <(C)  evaluate research proposals;>
  10-27                    <(D)  technically review research products>; and
   11-1              (5)  request reports and other information from an
   11-2  entity listed in Subsection (a)(6) <(E)  achieve other purposes
   11-3  appropriate to the purposes of the research center>.
   11-4        (e)  The board may take action by majority vote when a quorum
   11-5  is present.
   11-7  (a)  The board shall employ an executive director, who shall
   11-8  administer the council <research center> in accordance with board
   11-9  policies.  The executive director serves at the pleasure of the
  11-10  board.
  11-11        (b)  The executive director shall hire staff as necessary to
  11-12  accomplish the objectives of the council, and may delegate powers
  11-13  and duties to members of that staff as necessary <research center>.
  11-14        (c)  The executive director shall prepare a request for
  11-15  legislative appropriations for the operations of the council
  11-16  <research center>.  If the request is approved by the board, the
  11-17  board shall submit the request to the commission.  The commission
  11-18  shall include the request in the commission's legislative
  11-19  appropriations request.
  11-20        (d)  The executive director shall prepare annually a complete
  11-21  and detailed written report accounting for all funds received and
  11-22  disbursed by the council during the preceding fiscal year.  The
  11-23  annual report must meet the reporting requirements applicable to
  11-24  financial reporting provided by the General Appropriations Act.
  11-25        (e)  The executive director shall develop an intra-agency
  11-26  career ladder program that addresses opportunities for mobility and
  11-27  advancement for employees within the council.  The program shall
   12-1  require intra-agency posting of all positions concurrently with any
   12-2  public posting.
   12-3        (f)  The executive director shall develop a system of annual
   12-4  performance evaluations that are based on documented employee
   12-5  performance.  All merit pay for council employees must be based on
   12-6  the system established under this subsection.
   12-7        (g)  The executive director shall prepare and maintain a
   12-8  written policy statement to assure implementation of a program of
   12-9  equal employment opportunity under which all personnel transactions
  12-10  are made without regard to race, color, disability, sex, religion,
  12-11  age, or national origin.  The policy statement must include:
  12-12              (1)  personnel policies, including policies relating to
  12-13  recruitment, evaluation, selection, appointment, training, and
  12-14  promotion of personnel that are in compliance with the requirements
  12-15  of Chapter 21;
  12-16              (2)  a comprehensive analysis of the council workforce
  12-17  that meets federal and state guidelines;
  12-18              (3)  procedures by which a determination can be made
  12-19  about the extent of underuse in the council workforce of all
  12-20  persons for whom federal or state guidelines encourage a more
  12-21  equitable balance; and
  12-22              (4)  reasonable methods to appropriately address those
  12-23  areas of underuse.
  12-24        (h)  A policy statement prepared under Subsection (g) must:
  12-25              (1)  cover an annual period;
  12-26              (2)  be updated annually;
  12-27              (3)  be reviewed by the Commission on Human Rights for
   13-1  compliance with Subsection (g)(1); and
   13-2              (4)  be filed with the governor's office.
   13-3        (i)  The governor's office shall deliver a biennial report to
   13-4  the legislature based on the information received under Subsection
   13-5  (h).  The report may be made separately or as a part of other
   13-6  biennial reports made to the legislature.
   13-7        (j)  The executive director shall provide to members of the
   13-8  board and to council employees, as often as necessary, information
   13-9  regarding their qualification for office or employment under this
  13-10  chapter and their responsibilities under applicable laws relating
  13-11  to standards of conduct for state officers or employees.
  13-12        Sec. 404.009.  RESEARCH AGENDA.  (a)  The executive director
  13-13  annually shall prepare a research agenda for board review and
  13-14  approval.
  13-15        (b)  The board shall publish annually in the Texas Register a
  13-16  proposed research agenda and shall distribute the proposed agenda
  13-17  to educational institutions in this state that have a demonstrated
  13-18  research capacity.
  13-19        (c)  The board shall accept public comments on the proposed
  13-20  agenda and shall conduct a public hearing on the agenda if a
  13-21  hearing is requested by interested persons.
  13-22        Sec. 404.0091.  PUBLIC INFORMATION; ACCESSIBILITY.  (a)  The
  13-23  council shall prepare information of public interest describing the
  13-24  functions of the council and the procedures by which complaints are
  13-25  filed with and resolved by the council.  The council shall make the
  13-26  information available to the public and appropriate state agencies.
  13-27        (b)  The board shall develop and implement policies that
   14-1  provide the public with a reasonable opportunity to appear before
   14-2  the board and to speak on any issue under the jurisdiction of the
   14-3  council.
   14-4        (c)  The council shall comply with federal and state laws
   14-5  related to program and facility accessibility.  In addition, the
   14-6  executive director shall prepare and maintain a written plan that
   14-7  describes how a person who does not speak English can be provided
   14-8  reasonable access to the council's programs and services.
   14-9        Sec. 404.0092.  RESOLUTION OF COMPLAINTS.  (a)  The council
  14-10  shall keep information about each written complaint filed with the
  14-11  council.  The information shall include:
  14-12              (1)  the date the complaint is received;
  14-13              (2)  the name of the complainant;
  14-14              (3)  the subject matter of the complaint;
  14-15              (4)  a record of all persons contacted in relation to
  14-16  the complaint;
  14-17              (5)  a summary of the results of the review or
  14-18  investigation of the complaint; and
  14-19              (6)  for complaints for which the council took no
  14-20  action, an explanation of the reason the complaint was closed
  14-21  without action.
  14-22        (b)  For each written complaint filed with the council that
  14-23  the council has authority to resolve, the council shall provide to
  14-24  the person filing the complaint and the person about whom the
  14-25  complaint is filed information about the council's policies and
  14-26  procedures relating to complaint investigation and resolution.  The
  14-27  council, at least quarterly and until final disposition of the
   15-1  complaint, shall notify those persons of the status of the
   15-2  complaint unless the notice would jeopardize an undercover
   15-3  investigation.
   15-5  CONFIDENTIALITY.  (a)  As required to fulfill the objectives of the
   15-6  council <research center>, the council <research center> is
   15-7  entitled to access to the files and records of:
   15-8              (1)  the commission;
   15-9              (2)  the Texas Employment Commission;
  15-10              (3)  the Texas Department of Insurance;
  15-11              (4)  the Texas Department of Human Services; <and>
  15-12              (5)  the Texas workers' compensation insurance
  15-13  facility;
  15-14              (6)  the Texas Workers' Compensation Insurance Fund;
  15-15  and
  15-16              (7)  other state agencies.
  15-17        (b)  A state agency shall assist and cooperate in providing
  15-18  the information to the council <research center>.
  15-19        (c)  Information that is confidential under state law is
  15-20  accessible to the council <research center> under rules of
  15-21  confidentiality and remains confidential.
  15-22        SECTION 2.  Chapter 405, Labor Code, is repealed.
  15-23        SECTION 3.  (a)  The Texas Workers' Compensation Research
  15-24  Center and the board of directors of that center are abolished on
  15-25  the effective date of this Act.  All state records and other
  15-26  property, employees, and unexpended and unobligated appropriations
  15-27  of the Texas Workers' Compensation Research Center or the board of
   16-1  directors on August 31, 1995, are transferred to the Research and
   16-2  Oversight Council on Workers' Compensation.  Any reference in law
   16-3  to the research center or its board of directors means the Research
   16-4  and Oversight Council on Workers' Compensation or its board of
   16-5  directors.
   16-6        (b)  The special fund created under Section 404.003, Labor
   16-7  Code, as that section existed prior to amendment by this Act, is
   16-8  recreated and redesignated as a special account to be used for the
   16-9  purposes designated in Section 404.003, Labor Code, as amended by
  16-10  this Act.
  16-11        SECTION 4.  The board of directors and executive director of
  16-12  the Research and Oversight Council on  Workers' Compensation shall
  16-13  adopt policies as required by this Act not later than January 1,
  16-14  1996.
  16-15        SECTION 5.  The initial chairman of the board of directors of
  16-16  the Research and Oversight Council on  Workers' Compensation shall
  16-17  serve in that capacity until February 1, 1998.
  16-18        SECTION 6.   This Act takes effect September 1, 1995.
  16-19        SECTION 7.  The importance of this legislation and the
  16-20  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
  16-21  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
  16-22  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
  16-23  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.