S.B. No. 641
                                        AN ACT
    1-1  relating to administration and collection of certain insurance
    1-2  taxes.
    1-4        SECTION 1.  Section 12, Article 1.14-1, Insurance Code, as
    1-5  amended by Section 3.05, Chapter 685, and Section 7, Chapter 999,
    1-6  Acts of the 73rd Legislature, 1993, is reenacted to reconcile the
    1-7  amendments made by those acts and amended to read as follows:
    1-8        Sec. 12.  Independently procured insurance tax.  (a)  Every
    1-9  insured who procures <or causes to be procured or continues or
   1-10  renews> insurance in accordance with Section 2(b)4 of this Article
   1-11  must <with any unauthorized insurer, or any insured or self-insurer
   1-12  who so procures or continues excess loss, catastrophe or other
   1-13  insurance, upon a subject of insurance resident, located or to be
   1-14  performed within this state, other than insurance procured through
   1-15  a surplus lines agent pursuant to the surplus lines law of this
   1-16  state shall, within 60 days after the date such insurance was so
   1-17  procured, continued or renewed or before a date prescribed by the
   1-18  comptroller,> file a report <of the same> with the comptroller and
   1-19  pay an independently procured insurance tax of 4.85 percent <in
   1-20  writing and upon forms designated by the comptroller and furnished
   1-21  to such an insured upon request.  The report shall show the name
   1-22  and address of the insured or insureds, name and address of the
   1-23  insurer, the subject of the insurance, a general description of the
   1-24  coverage, the amount of premium currently charged therefor, and
    2-1  such additional pertinent information as is reasonably requested by
    2-2  the comptroller>.
    2-3        (b)  <A report must be filed with the comptroller within 60
    2-4  days after the date the insurance was independently procured or
    2-5  before a date prescribed by the comptroller.  The report must be
    2-6  made in writing on forms provided by the comptroller.  The report
    2-7  must contain the name and address of the insured or insureds, the
    2-8  name and address of the insurer, the subject of the insurance, a
    2-9  general description of the coverage, the amount of premium charged,
   2-10  and any additional information which the comptroller requests.>
   2-11        <(c)>  The report shall be filed and any tax due shall be
   2-12  paid by the insured or by any other person designated by the
   2-13  insured.  The report and tax are due on or before March 1 of the
   2-14  calendar year after the calendar year in which the insurance was
   2-15  procured, continued, or renewed or on another date prescribed by
   2-16  the comptroller <There is hereby levied upon the obligation, chose
   2-17  in action, or right represented by the premium charged for such
   2-18  insurance, a premium receipts tax of 3.85 percent of gross premiums
   2-19  charged for such insurance.  The term "premium" shall include all
   2-20  premiums, membership fees, assessments, dues and any other
   2-21  consideration for insurance.  Such tax shall be in lieu of all
   2-22  other insurance taxes.  The insured shall, before March 1 next
   2-23  succeeding the calendar year in which the insurance was so
   2-24  procured, continued or renewed or another date prescribed by the
   2-25  comptroller, pay the amount of the tax to the comptroller, on a
   2-26  form prescribed by the comptroller.  In event of cancellation and
   2-27  rewriting of any such insurance contract the additional premium for
    3-1  premium receipts tax purposes shall be the premium in excess of the
    3-2  unearned premium of the canceled insurance contract>.
    3-3        (c) <(d)>  If a policy covers risks or exposures only
    3-4  partially in this state, the tax payable shall be computed on the
    3-5  portions of the premium which are properly allocated <allocable> to
    3-6  the risks or exposures located in this state<.  In determining the
    3-7  amount of premiums taxable in this state, all premiums written,
    3-8  procured or received in this state and all premiums on policies
    3-9  negotiated in this state shall be deemed written on property or
   3-10  risks located or resident in this state, except such premiums as
   3-11  are properly allocated or apportioned and reported as taxable
   3-12  premiums of any other state or states.  Premiums on risks or
   3-13  exposures which are properly allocated to federal waters,
   3-14  international waters or under the jurisdiction of a foreign
   3-15  government shall not be taxable>.
   3-16        (d) <(e)>  If the insured fails to withhold from the premium
   3-17  the amount of tax herein levied, the insured shall be liable for
   3-18  the amount thereof and shall pay the same to the comptroller within
   3-19  the time stated in Subsection (b) <Paragraph (c)>.  If the tax
   3-20  prescribed by this subsection is not paid within the time stated in
   3-21  Subsection (b) <Paragraph (c)>, Subtitles A and B, Title 2, Tax
   3-22  Code, <and their subsequent amendments,> apply.
   3-23        (e) <(g)>  This section shall not be construed or deemed to
   3-24  abrogate or modify any provision of this Article.  This section
   3-25  does not apply as to individual life or individual disability
   3-26  insurance.
   3-27        SECTION 2.  Subsection (a), Section 12, Article 1.14-2,
    4-1  Insurance Code, is amended to read as follows:
    4-2        (a)  The premiums charged for surplus lines insurance are
    4-3  subject to a premium receipts tax of 4.85 percent of gross premiums
    4-4  charged for such insurance.  The term premium includes all
    4-5  premiums, membership fees, assessments, dues or any other
    4-6  consideration for insurance.  Such tax shall be in lieu of all
    4-7  other insurance taxes.  The surplus lines agent shall collect from
    4-8  the insured the amount of the tax at the time of delivery of the
    4-9  cover note, certificate of insurance, policy or other initial
   4-10  confirmation of insurance, in addition to the full amount of the
   4-11  gross premium charged by the insurer for the insurance.  No agent
   4-12  shall absorb such tax nor shall any agent, as an inducement for
   4-13  insurance or for any other reason, rebate all or any part of such
   4-14  tax or his commission.  The surplus lines agent shall report to the
   4-15  comptroller  on or before March 1 <within 30 days from the 1st day
   4-16  of January and July> of each year the amount of gross premiums
   4-17  received <paid> for such insurance placed through an eligible
   4-18  surplus lines insurer during the calendar year ending on the
   4-19  preceding December 31 <him in nonlicensed insurers,> and shall pay
   4-20  to the comptroller the tax as provided for by this Article.  If a
   4-21  surplus lines policy covers risks or exposures only partially in
   4-22  this state, the tax payable shall be computed on the portions of
   4-23  the premium which are properly allocated <allocable> to the risks
   4-24  or exposures located in this state.  In determining the amount of
   4-25  premiums taxable in this state, all premiums written, procured, or
   4-26  received in this state and all premiums on policies negotiated in
   4-27  this state shall be deemed written on property or risks located or
    5-1  resident in this state, except such premiums as are properly
    5-2  allocated or apportioned and reported as premiums which may be
    5-3  subject to taxation by any other state or states <or by a foreign
    5-4  jurisdiction>.  Premiums that are properly allocated to any other
    5-5  state or states that are specifically exempt from taxation under
    5-6  the regulations of that state or states are not taxable in this
    5-7  state.  Premiums on risks or exposures which are properly allocated
    5-8  to federal waters, international waters or under the jurisdiction
    5-9  of a foreign government shall not be taxable by this state.  In
   5-10  event of cancellation and rewriting of any surplus lines insurance
   5-11  contract the additional premium for premium receipts tax purposes
   5-12  shall be the premium in excess of the unearned premium of the
   5-13  canceled insurance contract.
   5-14        SECTION 3.  Section 5, Article 4.10, Insurance Code, is
   5-15  amended to read as follows:
   5-16        Sec. 5.  GROSS PREMIUM RECEIPTS DEFINED.  Gross premium
   5-17  receipts referred to herein are the total gross amount of premiums
   5-18  actually written during <received for> the taxable year on each and
   5-19  every kind of insurance or risk written upon property or risks
   5-20  located in the State of Texas (except premium receipts under
   5-21  Section 2), except premiums actually written by <received from>
   5-22  other licensed companies for reinsurance, less return premiums and
   5-23  dividends paid policyholders with no deduction for premiums paid
   5-24  for reinsurance.
   5-25        SECTION 4.  Article 8.21, Insurance Code, is amended to read
   5-26  as follows:
   5-27        Art. 8.21.  FEES.  The department <Board> shall charge for
    6-1  filing the annual statement required by this chapter, a fee of
    6-2  Twenty ($20.00) Dollars.  The comptroller shall collect the fee.
    6-3        SECTION 5.  Article 16.22, Insurance Code, is amended to read
    6-4  as follows:
    6-5        Art. 16.22.  FEES.  (a)  For the renewal and extension of the
    6-6  granting of any charter, the department <Board> shall charge and
    6-7  collect a filing fee of Ten ($10.00) Dollars and a like amount for
    6-8  any amendment to the charter of any such company.
    6-9        (b)  The department <Board> shall charge and collect a fee of
   6-10  One ($1.00) Dollar for the issuance of a certificate of authority
   6-11  or renewal thereof to all companies operating under this chapter.
   6-12  The department<, and for filing such annual statement required by
   6-13  the Board, it> shall charge a filing fee of Twenty ($20.00) Dollars
   6-14  for filing an annual statement required by the department.  The
   6-15  comptroller shall collect the annual statement filing fee.  <Fees
   6-16  collected under this article shall be deposited in the State
   6-17  Treasury to the credit of the State Board of Insurance operating
   6-18  fund.  Article 1.31A of this code applies to fees collected under
   6-19  this article.>
   6-20        SECTION 6.  Article 17.21, Insurance Code, is amended to read
   6-21  as follows:
   6-22        Art. 17.21.  FEES.  (a)  The department <Board> shall charge
   6-23  and collect a fee of One ($1.00) Dollar for the issuance of a
   6-24  certificate of authority or renewal thereof to all companies
   6-25  operating under this chapter.
   6-26        (b)  The department<, and for filing each annual statement,
   6-27  it> shall charge a filing fee of Twenty ($20.00) Dollars for filing
    7-1  each annual statement.  The comptroller shall collect the filing
    7-2  fee.
    7-3        SECTION 7.  Article 19.11, Insurance Code, is amended to read
    7-4  as follows:
    7-5        Art. 19.11.  FEES AND TAXES.  The schedule of fees set out in
    7-6  Article 4.07 of this Code, so far as pertinent, shall apply to
    7-7  reciprocal exchanges and their attorneys in fact.  Said exchanges
    7-8  shall be subject to the provisions of Articles <Article 7064 and of
    7-9  Article 7064a of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas and of
   7-10  Article> 4.02, <and of Article> 4.04, 4.10, 4.11, <and of Article>
   7-11  5.12, <and of Article> 5.24, <and of Article> 5.49, and <of
   7-12  Article> 5.68 of this Code.  The comptroller shall collect the
   7-13  taxes and the annual statement filing fee.
   7-14        SECTION 8.  Subsection (a), Section 32, Texas Health
   7-15  Maintenance Organization Act (Article 20A.32, Vernon's Texas
   7-16  Insurance Code), is amended by adding Subdivision (4) to read as
   7-17  follows:
   7-18              (4)  Notwithstanding Subdivision (1) of this
   7-19  subsection, the comptroller shall collect the annual report filing
   7-20  fee prescribed by Subdivision (1)(B) of this subsection.
   7-21        SECTION 9.  Subsection A, Article 21.46, Insurance Code, is
   7-22  amended to read as follows:
   7-23        A.  RETALIATORY TAX.  Whenever by the laws of any other state
   7-24  or territory of the United States any taxes, including income and
   7-25  corporate franchise, licenses, fees, fines, penalties, deposit
   7-26  requirements or other obligations, prohibitions or restrictions are
   7-27  imposed upon any insurance company organized in this State and
    8-1  licensed and actually doing business in such other state or
    8-2  territory which, in the aggregate are in excess of the aggregate of
    8-3  the taxes, including income and corporate franchise, licenses,
    8-4  fees, fines, penalties, deposit requirements or other obligations,
    8-5  prohibitions or restrictions directly imposed upon a similar
    8-6  insurance company of such other state or territory doing business
    8-7  in this State, the comptroller <State Board of Insurance> shall
    8-8  impose upon and collect from any similar company of such state or
    8-9  territory in the same manner and for the same purpose, the same
   8-10  taxes, licenses, fees, fines, penalties, deposit requirements or
   8-11  other obligations, prohibitions or restrictions; provided, however,
   8-12  the aggregate of taxes, licenses, fees, fines, penalties or other
   8-13  obligations imposed by this State pursuant to this Article on an
   8-14  insurance company of another state or territory shall not exceed
   8-15  the aggregate of such charges imposed by such other state or
   8-16  territory on a similar insurance company of this State actually
   8-17  licensed and doing business therein; provided, further, that
   8-18  wherever under any law of this State the basic rate of taxation of
   8-19  any insurance company of another state or territory is reduced if
   8-20  any such insurance company has made investments in Texas securities
   8-21  then in computing the aggregate Texas premium tax burdens of any
   8-22  such insurance company of any other state or territory each shall
   8-23  for purposes of comparison with the premium tax laws of its home
   8-24  state be considered to have assumed and paid an aggregate premium
   8-25  tax burden equal to the basic rate; provided, further, that for the
   8-26  purpose of this Section, an alien insurer shall be deemed a company
   8-27  of the State designated by it wherein it has
    9-1              (a)  established its principal office or agency in the
    9-2  United States, or
    9-3              (b)  maintains the largest amount of its assets held in
    9-4  trust or on deposit for the security of its policyholders or
    9-5  policyholders and creditors in the United States, or
    9-6              (c)  in which it was admitted to do business in the
    9-7  United States.
    9-8        The tax <Licenses and fees> collected by the comptroller
    9-9  <State Board of Insurance> under this Article shall be deposited in
   9-10  the State Treasury to the credit of the general revenue fund.  The
   9-11  comptroller shall prescribe the due date for the filing of the
   9-12  report and payment of the tax under this Article.
   9-13        The provisions of this Section shall not apply to ad valorem
   9-14  taxes on real or personal property or to personal income taxes.
   9-15        The provisions of this Act shall not apply to a company of
   9-16  any other state doing business in this State if fifteen per cent
   9-17  (15%) or more of the voting stock of said company is owned by a
   9-18  corporation organized under the laws of this State, and domiciled
   9-19  in this State; however, the prior provisions of this Act shall
   9-20  apply without exception to any and all person or persons, company
   9-21  or companies, firm or firms, association or associations, group or
   9-22  groups, corporation or corporations, or any insurance organization
   9-23  or organizations of any kind, which did not qualify as a matter of
   9-24  fact, under the exception of this paragraph, on or before January
   9-25  29, 1957.
   9-26        SECTION 10.  Article 23.08, Insurance Code, is amended to
   9-27  read as follows:
   10-1        Art. 23.08.  FEES.  The commissioner shall charge a fee
   10-2  determined by the commissioner in an amount not to exceed $400 for
   10-3  filing the annual statement of each corporation operating under
   10-4  this chapter; an application fee determined by the commissioner in
   10-5  an amount not to exceed $3,000 for each corporation applying under
   10-6  this chapter which includes the fee for the issuance of a
   10-7  certificate of authority; and a fee determined by the commissioner
   10-8  in an amount not to exceed $100 for the issuance of each additional
   10-9  certificate of authority and amendment of a certificate of
  10-10  authority to the corporation.  The commissioner shall, within the
  10-11  limits fixed by this article, prescribe the fees to be charged
  10-12  under this article.  The comptroller shall collect the annual
  10-13  statement filing fee <fees collected by the commissioner under this
  10-14  article shall be deposited in the State Treasury to the credit of
  10-15  the Texas Department of Insurance operating fund, and Article 1.31A
  10-16  of this code applies to fees collected under this article>.
  10-17        SECTION 11.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1995, and
  10-18  applies to a fee or tax that becomes due on or after that date.  A
  10-19  fee or tax imposed that becomes due before the effective date of
  10-20  this Act is governed by the law in existence when the fee or tax
  10-21  became due, and that law is continued in effect for that purpose.
  10-22        SECTION 12.  The importance of this legislation and the
  10-23  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
  10-24  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
  10-25  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
  10-26  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.