By:  Montford                                          S.B. No. 643
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
                                        AN ACT
    1-1  relating to the administration, imposition, collection, and
    1-2  enforcement of mixed beverage taxes.
    1-4        SECTION 1.  Subdivision (1), Subsection (b), Section 183.001,
    1-5  Tax Code, is amended to read as follows:
    1-6              (1)  "Permittee" means a mixed beverage permittee, <or>
    1-7  a private club registration permittee, a private club exemption
    1-8  certificate permittee, a private club late hours permittee, a daily
    1-9  temporary private club permittee, a daily temporary mixed beverage
   1-10  permittee, a mixed beverage late hours permittee, or a caterer
   1-11  permittee.
   1-12        SECTION 2.  Subsection (a), Section 183.022, Tax Code, is
   1-13  amended to read as follows:
   1-14        (a)  A permittee shall file a <sworn> tax return with the
   1-15  comptroller not later than the 20th day of each month.
   1-16        SECTION 3.  Section 183.055, Tax Code, is amended to read as
   1-17  follows:
   1-18        Sec. 183.055.  CREDITS AND REFUNDS FOR BAD DEBTS <PENALTY>.
   1-19  (a)  A permittee may withhold the payment of the tax on a portion
   1-20  of the gross receipts that remains unpaid by a purchaser if:
   1-21              (1)  during the reporting period in which the mixed
   1-22  beverage is sold, the permittee determines that the unpaid portion
   1-23  will remain unpaid;
   1-24              (2)  the permittee enters the unpaid portion of the
    2-1  sales gross receipts in the permittee's books as a bad debt; and
    2-2              (3)  the bad debt is claimed as a deduction for federal
    2-3  tax purposes during the same or a subsequent reporting period.
    2-4        (b)  If the portion of a debt determined to be bad under
    2-5  Subsection (a) is paid, the permittee shall report and pay the tax
    2-6  on the portion during the reporting period in which payment is
    2-7  made.
    2-8        (c)  A permittee is entitled to credit or reimbursement for
    2-9  taxes paid on the portion of the gross receipts determined to be
   2-10  worthless and actually charged off for federal income tax purposes.
   2-11  <When additional taxes are established as due based on an
   2-12  examination by the comptroller, a penalty equal to 10 percent of
   2-13  the additional taxes due shall be collected with the additional
   2-14  taxes due.>
   2-15        SECTION 4.  Subsection (b), Section 5.50, Alcoholic Beverage
   2-16  Code, is amended to read as follows:
   2-17        (b)  The commission may not increase or decrease a fee set by
   2-18  this code, but if a statute is enacted creating a certificate,
   2-19  permit, or license and there is no fee established, the commission
   2-20  by rule may set a fee.  The commission by rule shall assess and
   2-21  collect annual surcharges from all holders of a certificate,
   2-22  permit, or license issued by the commission in addition to any fee
   2-23  set by this code.  The surcharges shall be set at a level so that
   2-24  the anticipated total of all fees collected by the commission for a
   2-25  fiscal year and all surcharges for a fiscal year are equal to the
   2-26  legislative appropriation to the commission for the regulation of
   2-27  alcoholic beverages.  In assessing a surcharge the commission may
    3-1  not overly penalize any segment of the alcoholic beverage industry
    3-2  or impose an undue hardship on small businesses.  <In setting the
    3-3  surcharge for permittees subject to the mixed beverage tax, the
    3-4  commission shall also recover the reasonable and necessary cost of
    3-5  the administration of the mixed beverage tax by the comptroller.>
    3-6        SECTION 5.  Subsection (b), Section 11.61, Alcoholic Beverage
    3-7  Code, is amended to read as follows:
    3-8        (b)  The commission or administrator may suspend for not more
    3-9  than 60 days or cancel an original or renewal permit if it is
   3-10  found, after notice and hearing, that any of the following is true:
   3-11              (1)  the permittee has been finally convicted of a
   3-12  violation of this code;
   3-13              (2)  the permittee violated a provision of this code or
   3-14  a rule of the commission;
   3-15              (3)  the permittee was finally convicted of a felony
   3-16  while holding an original or renewal permit;
   3-17              (4)  the permittee made a false or misleading statement
   3-18  in connection with his original or renewal application, either in
   3-19  the formal application itself or in any other written instrument
   3-20  relating to the application submitted to the commission, its
   3-21  officers, or employees;
   3-22              (5)  the permittee is indebted to the state for taxes,
   3-23  fees, or payment of penalties imposed by this code, <or> by a rule
   3-24  of the commission, or by Chapter 183, Tax Code;
   3-25              (6)  the permittee is not of good moral character or
   3-26  his reputation for being a peaceable and law-abiding citizen in the
   3-27  community where he resides is bad;
    4-1              (7)  the place or manner in which the permittee
    4-2  conducts his business warrants the cancellation or suspension of
    4-3  the permit based on the general welfare, health, peace, morals, and
    4-4  safety of the people and on the public sense of decency;
    4-5              (8)  the permittee is not maintaining an acceptable
    4-6  bond;
    4-7              (9)  the permittee maintains a noisy, lewd, disorderly,
    4-8  or unsanitary establishment or has supplied impure or otherwise
    4-9  deleterious beverages;
   4-10              (10)  the permittee is insolvent or mentally or
   4-11  physically unable to carry on the management of his establishment;
   4-12              (11)  the permittee is in the habit of using alcoholic
   4-13  beverages to excess;
   4-14              (12)  the permittee knowingly misrepresented to a
   4-15  customer or the public any liquor sold by him;
   4-16              (13)  the permittee was intoxicated on the licensed
   4-17  premises;
   4-18              (14)  the permittee sold or delivered an alcoholic
   4-19  beverage to an intoxicated person;
   4-20              (15)  the permittee possessed on the licensed premises
   4-21  an alcoholic beverage that he was not authorized by his permit to
   4-22  purchase and sell;
   4-23              (16)  a package store or wine only package store
   4-24  permittee transported or shipped liquor, or caused it to be
   4-25  transported or shipped, into a dry state or a dry area within this
   4-26  state;
   4-27              (17)  the permittee is residentially domiciled with a
    5-1  person who has a financial interest in an establishment engaged in
    5-2  the business of selling beer at retail, other than a mixed beverage
    5-3  establishment, except as authorized by Section 22.06, 24.05, or
    5-4  102.05 of this code;
    5-5              (18)  the permittee is residentially domiciled with a
    5-6  person whose permit or license was cancelled for cause within the
    5-7  12-month period preceding his own application;
    5-8              (19)  the permittee is not a citizen of the United
    5-9  States or has not been a citizen of Texas for a period of one year
   5-10  immediately preceding the filing of his application, unless he was
   5-11  issued an original or renewal permit on or before September 1,
   5-12  1948, and has been a United States citizen at some time; or
   5-13              (20)  the permittee permitted a person to open a
   5-14  container of alcoholic beverage or possess an open container of
   5-15  alcoholic beverage on the licensed premises unless a mixed beverage
   5-16  permit has been issued for the premises.
   5-17        SECTION 6.  Subsections (a) and (c), Section 28.17, Alcoholic
   5-18  Beverage Code, are amended to read as follows:
   5-19        (a)  The commission may summarily suspend, without a hearing,
   5-20  the permit of a permittee who fails to file a return, post the
   5-21  security required by the comptroller under Section 183.053, Tax
   5-22  Code, or make a tax payment.  The administrative procedure law,
   5-23  Chapter 2001, Government Code, <The Administrative Procedure and
   5-24  Texas Register Act (Article 6252-13a, Vernon's Texas Civil
   5-25  Statutes)> does not apply to the commission in the enforcement and
   5-26  administration of this section.
   5-27        (c)  The commission shall terminate a suspension made under
    6-1  this section when the permittee files all required returns, posts
    6-2  the security required by the comptroller under Section 183.053, Tax
    6-3  Code, and makes all required tax payments, including payment of
    6-4  penalties that are due.
    6-5        SECTION 7.  The importance of this legislation and the
    6-6  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
    6-7  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
    6-8  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
    6-9  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.