By Montford                                            S.B. No. 644
       74R5111 CBH-F
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to administration and collection of the franchise tax.
    1-4        SECTION 1.  Section 171.001(b), Tax Code, is amended by
    1-5  amending Subdivisions (2)-(7) and adding Subdivision (8) to read as
    1-6  follows:
    1-7              (2)  "Beginning date" means:
    1-8                    (A)  for a corporation chartered in this state,
    1-9  the date on which the corporation's charter takes effect; and
   1-10                    (B)  for a foreign corporation, the earlier of
   1-11  the date on which:
   1-12                          (i)  the corporation's certificate of
   1-13  authority takes effect; or
   1-14                          (ii)  the corporation begins doing business
   1-15  in this state.
   1-16              (3)  "Corporation" includes:
   1-17                    (A)  a limited liability company, as defined
   1-18  under the Texas Limited Liability Company Act; and
   1-19                    (B)  a state or federal savings and loan
   1-20  association.
   1-21              (4) <(3)>  "Charter" includes a limited liability
   1-22  company's certificate of organization.
   1-23              (5) <(4)>  "Internal Revenue Code" means the Internal
   1-24  Revenue Code of 1986 in effect for the federal tax year beginning
    2-1  on or after January 1, 1994 <1990>, and before January 1, 1995
    2-2  <1991>, and any regulations adopted under that code applicable to
    2-3  that period.
    2-4              (6) <(5)>  "Officer" and "director" include a limited
    2-5  liability company's directors and managers and a limited banking
    2-6  association's directors and managers and participants if there are
    2-7  no directors or managers.
    2-8              (7) <(6)>  "Savings and loan association" includes a
    2-9  state or federal savings bank.
   2-10              (8) <(7)>  "Shareholder" includes a limited liability
   2-11  company's member and a limited banking association's participant.
   2-12        SECTION 2.  Section 171.0021(c), Tax Code, is amended to read
   2-13  as follows:
   2-14        (c)  The corporation may claim the credit beginning with the
   2-15  first report due under this chapter after January 1, 1994, and may
   2-16  carry all or part of the credit forward for not more than five
   2-17  consecutive reports <privilege periods> beginning with the 1994
   2-18  report.  A corporation may not claim <for a privilege period> a
   2-19  credit in an amount that exceeds the amount of tax due for that
   2-20  report <privilege period.  For the purposes of this section, an
   2-21  initial period and a second period are considered one privilege
   2-22  period>.
   2-23        SECTION 3.  Section 171.061, Tax Code, is amended to read as
   2-24  follows:
   2-26  EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES.  A nonprofit corporation organized solely for
   2-27  educational purposes<, including a corporation organized solely to
    3-1  provide a student loan fund or student scholarships,> is exempted
    3-2  from the franchise tax.
    3-3        SECTION 4.  Section 171.063(g), Tax Code, is amended to read
    3-4  as follows:
    3-5        (g)  If a corporation's federal tax exemption is withdrawn by
    3-6  the Internal Revenue Service for failure of the corporation to
    3-7  qualify or maintain its qualification for the exemption, the
    3-8  corporation's exemption under this section ends on the effective
    3-9  date of that <the> withdrawal by the Internal Revenue Service.  The
   3-10  effective date of the withdrawal is considered the corporation's
   3-11  beginning date for purposes of determining the corporation's
   3-12  privilege periods and for all other purposes of this chapter.
   3-13        SECTION 5.  Section 171.064, Tax Code, is amended to read as
   3-14  follows:
   3-16  CONSERVATION PURPOSES.  A nonprofit corporation organized solely to
   3-17  educate the public about the protection and conservation of fish,
   3-18  game, other wildlife, grasslands, or <and> forests is exempted from
   3-19  the franchise tax.
   3-20        SECTION 6.  Section 171.069, Tax Code, is amended to read as
   3-21  follows:
   3-22        Sec. 171.069.  EXEMPTION--MARKETING ASSOCIATIONS.  A
   3-23  marketing association incorporated under Chapter 52, Agriculture
   3-24  Code <Article 5737 et seq., Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925>,
   3-25  is exempted from the franchise tax.
   3-26        SECTION 7.  Section 171.071, Tax Code, is amended to read as
   3-27  follows:
    4-1        Sec. 171.071.  EXEMPTION--FARMERS' COOPERATIVE SOCIETY.  A
    4-2  farmers' cooperative society incorporated under Chapter 51,
    4-3  Agriculture Code <Article 2514 et seq., Revised Civil Statutes of
    4-4  Texas, 1925>, is exempted from the franchise tax.
    4-5        SECTION 8.  Section 171.076, Tax Code, is amended to read as
    4-6  follows:
    4-8  cooperative credit association incorporated under Chapter 55,
    4-9  Agriculture Code <Article 2508 et seq., Revised Civil Statutes of
   4-10  Texas, 1925>, is exempted from the franchise tax.
   4-11        SECTION 9.  Section 171.082, Tax Code, is amended to read as
   4-12  follows:
   4-14  (a)  A nonprofit corporation is exempted from the franchise tax if:
   4-15              (1)  the corporation is organized and operated
   4-16  primarily to obtain, manage, construct, and maintain the property
   4-17  in or of a residential condominium or residential real estate
   4-18  development; and
   4-19              (2)  <voting control of the corporation is vested in>
   4-20  the owners of individual lots, residences, or residential units
   4-21  control at least 51 percent of the votes of the corporation and
   4-22  that voting control, however acquired, is not held by:
   4-23                    (A)  a single individual or family; or
   4-24                    (B)  one or more developers, declarants, banks,
   4-25  investors, or other similar parties<, and not in the developer>.
   4-26        (b)  For purposes of this section, a condominium project is
   4-27  considered residential if the project is legally restricted for use
    5-1  as residences.  A real estate development is considered residential
    5-2  if the property is legally restricted for use as residences.
    5-3        SECTION 10.  Subchapter B, Chapter 171, Tax Code, is amended
    5-4  by adding Section 171.087 to read as follows:
    5-7  corporation organized solely to provide a student loan fund or
    5-8  student scholarships is exempted from the franchise tax.
    5-9        SECTION 11.  Section 171.109(f), Tax Code, is amended to read
   5-10  as follows:
   5-11        (f)  A corporation declaring dividends shall exclude those
   5-12  dividends from its taxable capital, and a <as of the date the
   5-13  dividends are declared.  A> corporation receiving dividends shall
   5-14  include those dividends in its gross receipts<, to the extent not
   5-15  excluded under Section 171.1032(b) or 171.1051(c),> and taxable
   5-16  capital as of the earlier of:
   5-17              (1)  the date the dividends are declared, if the
   5-18  dividends are actually paid within one year after the declaration
   5-19  date; or
   5-20              (2)  the date the dividends are actually paid <by the
   5-21  corporation declaring the dividends>.
   5-22        SECTION 12.  Section 171.110(e), Tax Code, is amended to read
   5-23  as follows:
   5-24        (e)  For purposes of this section, a business loss is any
   5-25  negative amount after apportionment and allocation.  The business
   5-26  loss shall be carried forward to the year succeeding the loss year
   5-27  as a deduction to net taxable earned surplus, then successively to
    6-1  the succeeding four taxable years after the loss year or until the
    6-2  loss is exhausted, whichever occurs first, but for not more than
    6-3  five taxable years after the loss year.  Notwithstanding the
    6-4  preceding sentence, a business loss from a tax year that ends
    6-5  before January 1, 1991, may not be used to reduce net taxable
    6-6  earned surplus.
    6-7        SECTION 13.  Section 171.112, Tax Code, is amended by adding
    6-8  Subsection (h) to read as follows:
    6-9        (h)  Except as otherwise provided by this section, a
   6-10  corporation shall use the same accounting methods to apportion its
   6-11  taxable capital as it used to compute its taxable capital.
   6-12        SECTION 14.  Section 171.151, Tax Code, is amended to read as
   6-13  follows:
   6-14        Sec. 171.151.  PRIVILEGE PERIOD COVERED BY TAX.  The
   6-15  franchise tax shall be paid for each of the following:
   6-16              (1)  an initial period beginning on the corporation's
   6-17  beginning date <that the corporation files its charter or is
   6-18  granted a certificate of authority or the date that a foreign
   6-19  corporation begins doing business in this state, whichever is
   6-20  earlier,> and ending on the day before the first anniversary of the
   6-21  beginning <that> date;
   6-22              (2)  a second period beginning on the first anniversary
   6-23  of the beginning date <that the corporation files its charter or is
   6-24  granted its certificate of authority or the date that a foreign
   6-25  corporation begins doing business in this state, whichever is
   6-26  earlier,> and ending on December 31 following that date; and
   6-27              (3)  after the initial and second periods have expired,
    7-1  a regular annual period beginning each year on January 1 and ending
    7-2  the following December 31.
    7-3        SECTION 15.  Section 171.152(c), Tax Code, is amended to read
    7-4  as follows:
    7-5        (c)  Payment of the tax covering the regular annual period is
    7-6  due May 15, of each year after the beginning of the regular annual
    7-7  period.  However, if the first anniversary of the corporation's
    7-8  beginning date <that the domestic corporation files its charter or
    7-9  the foreign corporation begins doing business in Texas or is
   7-10  granted its certificate of authority, whichever occurs first,> is
   7-11  after October 3 and before January 1, the payment of the tax
   7-12  covering the first regular annual period is due on the same date as
   7-13  the tax covering the initial period.
   7-14        SECTION 16.  Sections 171.153(a) and (c), Tax Code, are
   7-15  amended to read as follows:
   7-16        (a)  The tax covering the initial period is reported on the
   7-17  initial report and is based on the business done by the corporation
   7-18  during the period beginning on the corporation's beginning date
   7-19  <day the corporation files its charter or is granted a certificate
   7-20  of authority or the date that a foreign corporation begins doing
   7-21  business in this state, whichever is earlier,> and:
   7-22              (1)  ending on the last accounting period ending date
   7-23  that is at least six months after the beginning date and at least
   7-24  60 days before the original due date of the initial report; or
   7-25              (2)  if there is no such period ending date in
   7-26  Subdivision (1) of this subsection, then ending on the day that is
   7-27  the last day of a calendar month and that is nearest to the end of
    8-1  the corporation's first year of business; or
    8-2              (3)  ending on the day after the merger occurs, for the
    8-3  survivor of a merger which occurs after the day on which the tax is
    8-4  based in Subdivision (1) or Subdivision (2), whichever is
    8-5  applicable, of Subsection (a) and before January 1, of the year an
    8-6  initial report is due by the survivor.
    8-7        (c)  The tax covering the regular annual period is based on
    8-8  the business done by the corporation during its last accounting
    8-9  period that ends in the year before the year in which the tax is
   8-10  due; unless a corporation is the survivor of a merger which occurs
   8-11  between the end of its last accounting period in the year before
   8-12  the report year and January 1 of the report year, in which case the
   8-13  tax will be based on the financial condition of the surviving
   8-14  corporation for the 12-month period ending on the day after the
   8-15  merger.  However, if the first anniversary of the corporation's
   8-16  beginning date <that the corporation files its charter, is granted
   8-17  its certificate of authority, or begins doing business in this
   8-18  state> is after October 3 and before January 1, the tax covering
   8-19  the first regular annual period is based on the same business on
   8-20  which the tax covering the initial period is based and is reported
   8-21  on the initial report.
   8-22        SECTION 17.  Sections 171.1531(b) and (c), Tax Code, are
   8-23  amended to read as follows:
   8-24        (b)  The survivor of a merger is entitled to a credit against
   8-25  the tax computed on its net taxable capital under Section
   8-26  171.002(b)(1) <or refund> in the amount of the franchise tax
   8-27  computed on net taxable capital paid by the nonsurvivors for the
    9-1  credit period, provided the tax computed on net taxable capital
    9-2  paid by the survivor for the credit period is based on the
    9-3  survivor's financial condition after the merger.  Only a survivor
    9-4  that is subject to the franchise tax is entitled to the merger
    9-5  credit <or refund>.  The merger credit shall be allocated among
    9-6  survivors based on net taxable capital reported, and as provided by
    9-7  Section 171.153.
    9-8        (c)  The credit <or refund> will be limited to the lesser of
    9-9  the amount of tax on net taxable capital paid for the credit period
   9-10  by the survivor or by the nonsurvivors.
   9-11        SECTION 18.  Section 171.1532, Tax Code, is amended to read
   9-12  as follows:
   9-13        Sec. 171.1532.  BUSINESS ON WHICH TAX ON NET TAXABLE EARNED
   9-14  SURPLUS IS BASED.  (a)  The tax covering the privilege periods
   9-15  included on the initial report, as required by Section 171.153, is
   9-16  based on the business done by the corporation during the period
   9-17  beginning on the corporation's beginning date <day the corporation
   9-18  files its charter or is granted a certificate of authority or the
   9-19  date that a foreign corporation begins doing business in this
   9-20  state, whichever is earlier,> and:
   9-21              (1)  ending on the last accounting period ending date
   9-22  that is at least 60 days before the original due date of the
   9-23  initial report; or
   9-24              (2)  if there is no such period ending date in
   9-25  Subdivision (1) of this subsection, then ending on the day that is
   9-26  the last day of a calendar month and that is nearest to the end of
   9-27  the corporation's first year of business.
   10-1        (b)  The tax covering the regular annual period, other than a
   10-2  regular annual period included on the initial report, is based on
   10-3  the business done by the corporation during the period beginning
   10-4  with the day after the last date upon which net taxable earned
   10-5  surplus on a previous report was <the initial report is> based<, as
   10-6  required by Subsection (a) of this section,> and ending with its
   10-7  last accounting period ending date for federal income tax purposes
   10-8  in the year before the year in which the report is originally due.
   10-9        SECTION 19.  Section 171.202(g), Tax Code, is repealed.
  10-10        SECTION 20.  This Act takes effect January 1, 1996, and
  10-11  applies to a report originally due on or after that date.
  10-12        SECTION 21.  The importance of this legislation and the
  10-13  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
  10-14  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
  10-15  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
  10-16  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.