By Harris                                              S.B. No. 797
       74R5157 JMM-F
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to the establishment of the Texas Family Support Agency
    1-3  and the administration of a statewide plan for child support.
    1-5        SECTION 1.  Subtitle D, Title 5, Family Code, is amended by
    1-6  adding Chapter 232 to read as follows:
    1-7                 CHAPTER 232.  FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES
    1-8                   SUBCHAPTER A.  GENERAL PROVISIONS
    1-9        Sec. 232.001.  DEFINITIONS.  In this chapter:
   1-10              (1)  "Agency" means the Texas Family Support Agency.
   1-11              (2)  "Director" means the director of the Texas Family
   1-12  Support Agency.
   1-13        Sec. 232.002.  AGENCY ESTABLISHED.  The Texas Family Support
   1-14  Agency is established.
   1-15        Sec. 232.003.  DIRECTOR; STAFF.  The agency consists of the
   1-16  director, the agency's administrative staff, and other employees
   1-17  necessary to efficiently carry out the purposes of this chapter and
   1-18  Chapter 231.
   1-19        Sec. 232.004.  POWERS AND DUTIES.  The agency is the state
   1-20  agency with primary responsibility for providing services to
   1-21  encourage parental responsibility and support for children,
   1-22  including the:
   1-23              (1)  development and delivery of parental education
   1-24  programs designed to strengthen or instill in parents an
    2-1  understanding and willingness to provide for children's emotional
    2-2  and financial support;
    2-3              (2)  development of programs that promote the use of
    2-4  alternate dispute resolution centers and mediation services to
    2-5  resolve disputes between parents or other persons having a
    2-6  court-ordered relationship with a child;
    2-7              (3)  enforcement of orders for possession of or access
    2-8  to a child; and
    2-9              (4)  establishment of paternity and establishment or
   2-10  enforcement of a child support or medical support order as provided
   2-11  by this chapter or Chapter 231.
   2-13  GOVERNMENT.  (a)  The agency is the state agency designated to
   2-14  cooperate with the federal government in administering programs
   2-15  under Part D of Title IV of the Social Security Act, as amended (42
   2-16  U.S.C. Sections 651 et seq.), and other programs and activities
   2-17  providing for child support enforcement or the enforcement of
   2-18  possession of or access to children that may be authorized by law
   2-19  or regulation within the limits of appropriated money.
   2-20        (b)  If the agency determines that a provision of state law
   2-21  affecting the agency's programs conflicts with a provision of
   2-22  federal law or that state law is insufficient to comply with the
   2-23  requirements of federal law or regulation, the agency may adopt
   2-24  policies and rules necessary to allow the state to receive and
   2-25  spend federal matching money to the extent possible under federal
   2-26  law, this title, and the state constitution, within the limits of
   2-27  appropriated money.
    3-1        Sec. 232.006.  APPLICATION OF SUNSET ACT.  The Texas Family
    3-2  Support Agency is subject to Chapter 325, Government Code (Texas
    3-3  Sunset Act).  Unless continued in existence as provided by that
    3-4  chapter, the agency is abolished and this chapter and Chapter 231
    3-5  expire September 1, 2003.
    3-6        Sec. 232.007.  ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE.  Except as provided
    3-7  by Section 231.429, the agency is subject to the administrative
    3-8  procedures law, Chapter 2001, Government Code.
    3-9           (Sections 232.008-232.100 reserved for expansion
   3-11        Sec. 232.101. APPOINTMENT OF DIRECTOR.  (a)  The director is
   3-12  appointed by the governor subject to confirmation by the senate.
   3-13        (b)  The director serves a two-year term that expires on
   3-14  February 1 of each odd-numbered year.  The director may serve
   3-15  consecutive terms.
   3-16        (c)  The governor may remove the director for good cause.
   3-17        Sec. 232.102.  RESTRICTIONS ON APPOINTMENT.  (a)  A person is
   3-18  not eligible for appointment as director if the person or the
   3-19  person's spouse:
   3-20              (1)  is employed by or participates in the management
   3-21  of a business entity or other organization regulated by the agency
   3-22  or receiving funds from the agency;
   3-23              (2)  owns or controls, directly or indirectly, more
   3-24  than a 10 percent interest in a business entity or other
   3-25  organization regulated by the agency or receiving funds from the
   3-26  agency; or
   3-27              (3)  uses or receives a substantial amount of tangible
    4-1  goods, services, or funds from the agency, other than compensation
    4-2  or reimbursement authorized by law for expenses incurred as
    4-3  director.
    4-4        (b)  A person may not serve as director or act as the general
    4-5  counsel to the agency if the person is required to register as a
    4-6  lobbyist under Chapter 305, Government Code, because of the
    4-7  person's activities for compensation in an activity related to the
    4-8  operation of the agency.
    4-9        Sec. 232.103.  RULES.  (a)  The director may adopt rules to:
   4-10              (1)  ensure the agency's compliance with state and
   4-11  federal law; and
   4-12              (2)  govern the implementation of agency services.
   4-13        (b)  The director shall adopt fees in amounts that are
   4-14  reasonable and necessary to administer this chapter.
   4-15        Sec. 232.104.  ANNUAL FISCAL REPORT.  The agency shall
   4-16  prepare annually a complete and detailed written report accounting
   4-17  for all funds received and disbursed by the agency during the
   4-18  preceding fiscal year.  The annual report must meet the reporting
   4-19  requirements applicable to financial reporting provided in the
   4-20  General Appropriations Act.
   4-21        Sec. 232.105.  PERSONNEL POLICIES.  (a)  The director or the
   4-22  director's designee shall develop an intra-agency career ladder
   4-23  program that addresses opportunities for mobility and advancement
   4-24  for employees within the agency.  The program shall require
   4-25  intra-agency posting of all positions concurrently with any public
   4-26  posting.
   4-27        (b)  The director or the director's designee shall develop a
    5-1  system of annual performance evaluations that are based on
    5-2  documented employee performance.  All merit pay for agency
    5-3  employees must be based on the system established under this
    5-4  subsection.
    5-5        Sec. 232.106.  PUBLIC INTEREST INFORMATION.  (a)  The agency
    5-6  shall prepare information of public interest describing the
    5-7  functions of the agency and the procedures by which complaints are
    5-8  filed with and resolved by the agency.  The agency shall make the
    5-9  information available to the public and appropriate state agencies.
   5-10        (b)  The agency by rule shall establish methods by which
   5-11  consumers and service recipients are notified of the name, mailing
   5-12  address, and telephone number of the agency for the purpose of
   5-13  directing complaints to the agency.  The agency may provide for
   5-14  that notification on each registration form, application, or
   5-15  written contract for services under this chapter.
   5-16        Sec. 232.107.  AGENCY FUNDS.  All money paid to the agency
   5-17  under this chapter is subject to Subchapter F, Chapter 404,
   5-18  Government Code.
   5-19        Sec. 232.108.  COMPLAINTS.  (a)  The agency shall keep
   5-20  information about each complaint filed with the agency.  The
   5-21  information shall include:
   5-22              (1)  the date the complaint is received;
   5-23              (2)  the name of the complainant;
   5-24              (3)  the subject matter of the complaint;
   5-25              (4)  a record of all persons contacted in relation to
   5-26  the complaint;
   5-27              (5)  a summary of the results of the review or
    6-1  investigation of the complaint; and
    6-2              (6)  for complaints for which the agency did not take
    6-3  action, an explanation of the reason the complaint was closed
    6-4  without action.
    6-5        (b)  The agency shall keep a file about each written
    6-6  complaint filed with the agency that the agency has authority to
    6-7  resolve.  The agency shall provide to the person filing the
    6-8  complaint and the persons or entities complained about the agency's
    6-9  policies and procedures pertaining to complaint investigation and
   6-10  resolution.  The agency, at least quarterly and until final
   6-11  disposition of the complaint, shall notify the person filing the
   6-12  complaint and the persons or entities complained about of the
   6-13  status of the complaint unless the notice would jeopardize an
   6-14  undercover investigation.
   6-15        Sec. 232.109.  EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY.  (a)  The
   6-16  director or the director's designee shall prepare and maintain a
   6-17  written policy statement to assure implementation of a program of
   6-18  equal employment opportunity under which all personnel transactions
   6-19  are made without regard to race, color, disability, sex, religion,
   6-20  age, or national origin.  The policy statement must include:
   6-21              (1)  personnel policies, including policies relating to
   6-22  recruitment, evaluation, selection, appointment, training, and
   6-23  promotion of personnel that are in compliance with the requirements
   6-24  of Chapter 21, Labor Code;
   6-25              (2)  a comprehensive analysis of the agency workforce
   6-26  that meets federal and state guidelines;
   6-27              (3)  procedures by which a determination can be made
    7-1  about the extent of underuse in the agency workforce of all persons
    7-2  for whom federal or state guidelines encourage a more equitable
    7-3  balance; and
    7-4              (4)  reasonable methods to appropriately address those
    7-5  areas of underuse.
    7-6        (b)  A policy statement prepared under Subsection (a) must
    7-7  cover an annual period, be updated annually and reviewed by the
    7-8  Commission on Human Rights for compliance with Subsection (a)(1),
    7-9  and be filed with the governor's office.
   7-10        (c)  The governor's office shall deliver a biennial report to
   7-11  the legislature based on the information received under Subsection
   7-12  (b).  The report may be made separately or as a part of other
   7-13  biennial reports made to the legislature.
   7-14        Sec. 232.110.  STANDARDS OF CONDUCT.  The director or the
   7-15  director's designee shall provide to agency  employees, as often as
   7-16  necessary, information regarding their qualification for employment
   7-17  under this chapter and their responsibilities under applicable laws
   7-18  relating to standards of conduct for state employees.
   7-19        Sec. 232.111.  PUBLIC ACCESS.  (a)  The agency shall develop
   7-20  and implement policies that provide the public with a reasonable
   7-21  opportunity to appear before the agency and to speak on any issue
   7-22  under the jurisdiction of the agency.
   7-23        (b)  The agency shall comply with federal and state laws
   7-24  related to program and facility accessibility.  The director shall
   7-25  also prepare and maintain a written plan that describes how a
   7-26  person who does not speak English can be provided reasonable access
   7-27  to the agency's programs and services.
    8-1        Sec. 232.112.  AGENCY DIVISIONS.  (a)  The director may
    8-2  establish divisions within the agency as necessary for efficient
    8-3  administration and for the discharge of the agency's functions.
    8-4        (b)  The director may allocate and reallocate functions,
    8-5  programs, and activities among the agency's divisions.
    8-6        Sec. 232.113.  PERSONNEL.  The director may employ personnel,
    8-7  who serve at the pleasure of the director, necessary to administer
    8-8  the agency's duties.
    8-9           (Sections 232.114-232.200 reserved for expansion
   8-11        Sec. 232.201.  STRATEGIC PLAN.  (a)  The agency shall develop
   8-12  a strategic plan identifying alternatives for the delivery of
   8-13  family support services.
   8-14        (b)  The agency shall develop the plan in cooperation with
   8-15  domestic relations offices, district clerks, the judiciary, private
   8-16  child support collection agencies, and other interested parties.
   8-17        (c)  At a minimum, the plan should consider:
   8-18              (1)  the development and implementation of
   8-19  self-starting child support monitoring and enforcement mechanisms
   8-20  financed by money from user fees, state and federal money, or a
   8-21  combination of those sources;
   8-22              (2)  alternatives for delivery of services that use
   8-23  competitive procurement to achieve more cost-effective results;
   8-24              (3)  coordination of services with local public child
   8-25  support agencies, including domestic relations offices and district
   8-26  clerks;
   8-27              (4)  the development and implementation of parental
    9-1  education programs to encourage parental emotional and financial
    9-2  support for children after divorce, separation, or the
    9-3  establishment of paternity;
    9-4              (5)  the expansion of in-hospital paternity
    9-5  establishment programs to all hospital and birthing centers in this
    9-6  state;
    9-7              (6)  the expansion of the employer new hire reporting
    9-8  program under Section 231.304 to maximize participation by
    9-9  employers in this state;
   9-10              (7)  the development and implementation of programs to
   9-11  promote the use of alternate dispute resolution and mediation to
   9-12  resolve disputes regarding child support and possession of or
   9-13  access to a child between parents or others having a court-ordered
   9-14  relationship with the child; and
   9-15              (8)  the development of programs to provide a mechanism
   9-16  for the enforcement of orders for possession of or access to a
   9-17  child.
   9-18        (d)  This chapter may not be construed as requiring the
   9-19  agency to implement any program or alternative for which funds are
   9-20  not appropriated.
   9-21        Sec. 232.202.  DUTY TO PERFORM OTHER FUNCTIONS.  The agency
   9-22  shall perform other functions as required by law.
   9-23        Sec. 232.203.  USE AND TRANSFER OF FUNDS.  (a)  The agency
   9-24  may accept, spend, and transfer federal and state funds
   9-25  appropriated for programs authorized by federal or state law,
   9-26  including this chapter and Chapter 231.
   9-27        (b)  The agency may accept money from a county, municipality,
   10-1  public or private agency, or any other source as a gift or
   10-2  otherwise.  The agency shall deposit money received under this
   10-3  subsection in a special fund in the state treasury.
   10-4        (c)  The agency may spend money deposited in the special fund
   10-5  under Subsection (b) for the administration of this chapter or
   10-6  Chapter 231, subject to the General Appropriations Act.
   10-7        (d)  Sections 403.094 and 403.095, Government Code, do not
   10-8  apply to a fund described by this section.
   10-9        Sec. 232.204.  CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS.  (a)  The agency may
  10-10  enter into contracts or agreements as necessary with federal,
  10-11  state, or other public or private agencies or individuals to aid in
  10-12  the performance of any of the agency's powers or duties.
  10-13        (b)  An agreement or contract between the agency and another
  10-14  state agency under this section is not subject to Chapter 741 or
  10-15  783, Government Code.
  10-16        Sec. 232.205.  FEES FOR SERVICES.  The agency may charge
  10-17  appropriate fees in administering and delivering services under
  10-18  agency programs.
  10-19        Sec. 232.206.  IMMUNITY OF VOLUNTEERS.  (a)  An authorized
  10-20  agency volunteer performing assigned duties or responsibilities is
  10-21  immune from civil liability for any act or omission resulting in
  10-22  death, damage, or injury if the person was acting in good faith and
  10-23  in the course and scope of assigned responsibilities or duties.
  10-24        (b)  In this section, "volunteer" means a person who provides
  10-25  services for or on behalf of the agency under the supervision of an
  10-26  employee of the agency and who does not receive compensation in
  10-27  excess of authorized expenses incurred by the person.
   11-1        Sec. 232.207.  LEGAL REPRESENTATION.  Attorneys employed or
   11-2  otherwise retained by the agency may represent the interests of the
   11-3  state in any legal action brought under this chapter or Chapter
   11-4  231.
   11-5        SECTION 2.  Section 231.001, Family Code, is amended to read
   11-6  as follows:
   11-7        Sec. 231.001.  DESIGNATION OF TITLE IV-D AGENCY.  The Texas
   11-8  Family Support Agency <office of the attorney general> is
   11-9  designated as the state's Title IV-D agency.
  11-10        SECTION 3.  Section 231.008, Family Code, is amended to read
  11-11  as follows:
  11-12        Sec. 231.008.  DISPOSITION OF FUNDS.  (a)  The Title IV-D
  11-13  agency shall deposit all money received under this chapter
  11-14  <assignments or as fees> in a special fund in the state treasury.
  11-15  The agency may spend money in the fund for the administration of
  11-16  this chapter, subject to the General Appropriations Act.
  11-17        (b)  <All other money received under this chapter shall be
  11-18  deposited in a special fund in the state treasury.>
  11-19        <(c)>  Sections 403.094 and 403.095, Government Code, do not
  11-20  apply to a fund described by this section.
  11-21        SECTION 4.  All references to the attorney general in the
  11-22  context of providing child support services, including Chapter 192,
  11-23  Health and Safety Code, are references to the designated Title IV-D
  11-24  agency under Section 231.001, Family Code.
  11-25        SECTION 5.  This Act takes effect only if the 74th
  11-26  Legislature, at its regular session, enacts House Bill 655 and that
  11-27  bill becomes law.  If that legislation does not become law, this
   12-1  Act has no effect.
   12-2        SECTION 6.  (a)  The attorney general and the Texas Family
   12-3  Support Agency shall cooperate for an effective and efficient
   12-4  transfer of the Title IV-D child support enforcement program.
   12-5        (b)  On the effective date of this Act, the attorney general
   12-6  shall transfer to the Texas Family Support Agency all furniture,
   12-7  equipment, computer software, automated data processing and
   12-8  computer equipment, supplies, and all other property that has been
   12-9  purchased or leased with money, including state general revenue or
  12-10  federal money appropriated to the attorney general for operation of
  12-11  the Title IV-D child support enforcement program.
  12-12        (c)  On the effective date of this Act, all personnel
  12-13  employed in a classified position by the attorney general in the
  12-14  child support enforcement division are transferred to the Texas
  12-15  Family Support Agency.  The Texas Family Support Agency may agree
  12-16  to accept for transfer other personnel employed in an exempt
  12-17  position if the director of the agency determines the transfer is
  12-18  necessary for the operation of the agency.  The director of the
  12-19  Texas Family Support Agency may agree to accept as agency employees
  12-20  any other personnel who supply support services to the attorney
  12-21  general's child support enforcement division but who are not
  12-22  directly assigned to that division.
  12-23        (d)  The attorney general and the Texas Family Support Agency
  12-24  shall enter into a contract to ensure compliance with the
  12-25  obligations of the attorney general regarding leased equipment,
  12-26  property, or facilities that are transferred to the Texas Family
  12-27  Support Agency.
   13-1        (e)  The attorney general and the Texas Family Support Agency
   13-2  may enter into a contract under which the attorney general
   13-3  continues to provide support services to the Texas Family Support
   13-4  Agency.
   13-5        SECTION 7.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1995.
   13-6        SECTION 8.  The importance of this legislation and the
   13-7  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   13-8  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   13-9  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
  13-10  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.