By:  Shapiro                                           S.B. No. 852
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
                                        AN ACT
    1-1  relating to work programs and training for children committed to
    1-2  the Texas Youth Commission, franchise tax credits for participating
    1-3  industries, and optional ad valorem tax abatement from cities and
    1-4  counties for businesses providing training and employment for such
    1-5  children.
    1-7        SECTION 1.  Chapter 61, Human Resources Code, is amended by
    1-8  the addition of Subchapter H to read as follows:
    1-9        Sec. 61.101.  PURPOSE; IMPLEMENTATION.  (a)  The purposes of
   1-10  the commission industries program are to provide adequate
   1-11  employment and vocational training and to develop and expand public
   1-12  and private commission industries.
   1-13        (b)  To implement the purposes of the program, the executive
   1-14  director of the commission may establish and operate a commission
   1-15  industries program at each commission facility that the executive
   1-16  director considers suitable for such a program.
   1-17        Sec. 61.102.  ADVISORY COMMITTEE.  The commission industries
   1-18  advisory committee is composed of nine members appointed by the
   1-19  commission.  Members of the advisory committee serve staggered
   1-20  three-year terms with the terms of three members expiring February
   1-21  1 of each odd-numbered year.  An effort shall be made to include
   1-22  representatives of industries appropriate for hiring young
   1-23  offenders.
    2-2  PROGRAM.  (a)  The program may be financed through contributions
    2-3  donated for this purpose by private businesses contracting with the
    2-4  commission.
    2-5        (b)  The commission shall apportion wages earned by a child
    2-6  working under this subchapter to the following persons and
    2-7  entities, in amounts determined at the discretion of the
    2-8  commission, in the following priority:
    2-9              (1)  persons to whom the child has been ordered by a
   2-10  court or to whom the child has agreed to pay restitution;
   2-11              (2)  persons to whom the child has been ordered by a
   2-12  court to pay child support; and
   2-13              (3)  the child's student account.
   2-14        Sec. 61.104.  PROCEEDS FROM COMMISSION INDUSTRIES.  Proceeds
   2-15  received from the operation of a commission industries program
   2-16  shall be deposited in the commission industries revolving fund.
   2-17  The proceeds may be used by the commission for the administration
   2-18  of this subchapter.
   2-19        Sec. 61.105.  CONTRACTS.  To encourage the development and
   2-20  expansion of the commission industries program, the commission may
   2-21  enter into necessary contracts related to the commission industries
   2-22  program.  The commission may enter into a contract with a private
   2-23  business to conduct a program on or off property operated by the
   2-24  commission.
   2-25        Sec. 61.106.  GRANTS.  The commission may accept any grant
    3-1  designated for vocational rehabilitation of youth.  The commission
    3-2  shall maintain records relating to the receipt and disbursement of
    3-3  grant funds, and shall prepare an annual report to the presiding
    3-4  officers of each house of the legislature on the administration of
    3-5  grant funds.
    3-6        Sec. 61.107.  LEASE OF LAND.  To further the expansion and
    3-7  development of the commission industries program, the commission
    3-8  may lease commission land to a private business.  A lease under
    3-9  this section may not exceed a term of 20 years.  The business must
   3-10  lease the land at fair market value and may construct or convert
   3-11  plant facilities on the land.
   3-12        Sec. 61.108.  OPTIONAL AD VALOREM TAX ABATEMENT.  (a)  The
   3-13  legislature finds that businesses entering into contracts with the
   3-14  commission are reasonably likely to contribute to the retention or
   3-15  expansion of primary employment or to attract major investment in
   3-16  the area, which would be a benefit to the property in the area and
   3-17  would contribute to the economic development of the area, as
   3-18  required by Section 312.202(a)(6), Tax Code.
   3-19        (b)  Businesses entering into contracts with the commission
   3-20  may enter into ad valorem tax abatement agreements pursuant to
   3-21  Subchapters B and C, Chapter 312, Tax Code, if the governing bodies
   3-22  of the municipalities and counties in which such businesses are
   3-23  located agree to do so.
   3-24        SECTION 2.  Chapter 171, Tax Code, is amended by adding
   3-25  Subchapter M to read as follows:
    4-3        Sec. 171.681.  DEFINITIONS.  In this subchapter:
    4-4              (1)  "Commission" means the Texas Youth Commission.
    4-5              (2)  "Eligible child" means a person who:
    4-6                    (A)  is committed to the commission under Title
    4-7  3, Family Code, other than a commitment under Section 54.04(d)(3),
    4-8  Family Code; and
    4-9                    (B)  resides at a facility of the commission.
   4-10        Sec. 171.682.  CREDIT.  A corporation that meets the
   4-11  eligibility requirements under this subchapter is entitled to a
   4-12  credit in the amount allowed by this subchapter against the tax
   4-13  imposed under this chapter.
   4-14        Sec. 171.683.  CREDIT FOR WAGES PAID TO ELIGIBLE CHILD.
   4-15  (a)  The amount of the credit for wages paid by a corporation to an
   4-16  eligible child is equal to 10 percent of the wages paid to the
   4-17  child or to the commission for the benefit of the child.
   4-18        (b)  A corporation is eligible for the credit under this
   4-19  section only if the corporation files, on or before the due date of
   4-20  its franchise tax report for the privilege period for which the
   4-21  credit is claimed, a written certification issued by the commission
   4-22  stating the amount of the wages that the corporation paid to an
   4-23  eligible child or to the commission for the benefit of the child
   4-24  during:
   4-25              (1)  the privilege period; and
    5-1              (2)  not more than six months of the preceding
    5-2  privilege period for wages for which a credit has not previously
    5-3  been claimed.
    5-4        (c)  A corporation is eligible for the credit under this
    5-5  section only if the eligible child to whom or for whose benefit it
    5-6  pays wages has been continuously employed by the corporation for
    5-7  not less than six months.
    5-8        Sec. 171.684.  CREDIT FOR WAGES PAID TO EMPLOYEE WHO WAS AN
    5-9  ELIGIBLE CHILD.  (a)  The amount of the credit for wages paid by a
   5-10  corporation to an employee who was first employed by the
   5-11  corporation when the employee was an eligible child is equal to 10
   5-12  percent of the wages paid the employee.
   5-13        (b)  A corporation is eligible for the credit under this
   5-14  section only if:
   5-15              (1)  the employee who was formerly an eligible child
   5-16  was continuously employed for not less than six months while an
   5-17  eligible child and has been continuously employed by the
   5-18  corporation for at least one year after the date that the employee
   5-19  was released from commitment to the commission or released under
   5-20  supervision by the commission; and
   5-21              (2)  the nature of the employment is substantially
   5-22  similar to the employment the employee had with the corporation
   5-23  when the employee was an eligible child or the employment requires
   5-24  more skills or provides greater opportunities for the employee.
   5-25        (c)  A corporation may claim a credit under this section only
    6-1  for:
    6-2              (1)  wages paid an employee after the employee has been
    6-3  employed by the corporation for more than one year after the
    6-4  earlier of the date of the employee's release from commitment to
    6-5  the commission or release under supervision by the commission; and
    6-6              (2)  wages paid the employee for not longer than one
    6-7  year.
    6-8        Sec. 171.685.  LIMITATION.  The total credits claimed under
    6-9  this subchapter for a privilege period may not exceed 50 percent of
   6-10  the amount of net franchise tax due for the privilege period after
   6-11  any other applicable tax credits.
   6-12        Sec. 171.686.  APPLICATION FOR CREDIT.  (a)  A corporation
   6-13  must apply for a credit under this subchapter on or with the tax
   6-14  report for the period for which the credit is claimed.
   6-15        (b)  The comptroller shall promulgate a form for the
   6-16  application for the credit.  A corporation must use this form in
   6-17  applying for the credit.
   6-18        Sec. 171.687.  PERIOD FOR WHICH CREDIT MAY BE CLAIMED.  A
   6-19  corporation may claim a credit under this subchapter for wages paid
   6-20  during an accounting period only against the tax owed for the
   6-21  corresponding privilege period.
   6-22        SECTION 3.  SEVERABILITY.  If any section, sentence, clause,
   6-23  or part of this Act shall, for any reason, be held invalid, such
   6-24  invalidity shall not affect the remaining portions of the Act, and
   6-25  it is hereby declared to be the intention of this legislature to
    7-1  have passed each section, sentence, clause, or part irrespective of
    7-2  the fact that any other section, sentence, clause, or part may be
    7-3  declared invalid.
    7-4        SECTION 4.  EFFECTIVE DATE.  This Act takes effect on
    7-5  September 1, 1995.
    7-6        SECTION 5.  EMERGENCY.  The importance of this legislation
    7-7  and the crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
    7-8  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
    7-9  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   7-10  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.