S.B. No. 855
                                        AN ACT
    1-1  relating to providing a deferred retirement option to members of
    1-2  firemen's relief and retirement funds in certain cities.
    1-4        SECTION 1.  Chapter 432, Acts of the 64th Legislature, 1975
    1-5  (Article 6243e.2, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended by
    1-6  adding Section 4A to read as follows:
    1-7        Sec. 4A.  DEFERRED RETIREMENT OPTION PLAN.  (a)  In this
    1-8  section:
    1-9              (1)  "DROP" means the deferred retirement option plan
   1-10  established under this section.
   1-11              (2)  "DROP account" or "DROP account balance" means the
   1-12  total deferred retirement option plan benefit, which is the total
   1-13  balance in the notional DROP account.
   1-14        (b)  A member who is eligible to receive an unreduced
   1-15  retirement pension under Section 4(a) or (c) of this Act and who
   1-16  remains in active service may elect to participate in the deferred
   1-17  retirement option plan as provided by this section.  On leaving
   1-18  active service, a DROP member may apply for a retirement pension
   1-19  under Section 4(a) or (c) of this Act, whichever is applicable,
   1-20  except that the effective date of the member's election to
   1-21  participate in the DROP is considered the member's retirement date
   1-22  for determining the amount of the member's monthly pension
   1-23  allowance.  The member may also apply for any DROP benefit provided
   1-24  under this section on leaving active service.  Except as provided
    2-1  by Subsection (l) of this section, an election to participate in
    2-2  the DROP is irrevocable.
    2-3        (c)  A member may elect to participate in the DROP by
    2-4  complying with the election process established by the board and by
    2-5  indicating whether the member desires to receive a retirement
    2-6  pension under Section 4(a) or (c) of this Act.  The election may be
    2-7  made at any time on or after the date the member has 20 years of
    2-8  credited participation in the fund and is otherwise eligible for an
    2-9  unreduced retirement pension under Section 4 of this Act.  The
   2-10  election becomes effective on the first day of the first month
   2-11  following the board's approval of the member's DROP election.  On
   2-12  and after the effective date of the member's DROP election, amounts
   2-13  equal to the deductions made from the DROP member's salary under
   2-14  Section 10(a) of this Act shall be credited to the member's DROP
   2-15  account.  A member may participate in the DROP for a maximum of
   2-16  five years.  If a DROP participant remains in active service after
   2-17  the fifth anniversary of the effective date of the member's DROP
   2-18  election, after the fifth anniversary, deductions from the member's
   2-19  salary under Section 10(a) of this Act may not be credited to the
   2-20  member's DROP account.
   2-21        (d)  Beginning in the month a member's DROP election becomes
   2-22  effective, an amount equal to the monthly retirement pension the
   2-23  member would have received under Section 4(a) or (c) of this Act,
   2-24  whichever is applicable, had the member left active service on the
   2-25  effective date of the member's DROP election shall be credited to a
   2-26  separate DROP account maintained for the DROP member.  That monthly
   2-27  credit to the member's DROP account continues until the date the
    3-1  DROP member leaves active service or until the fifth anniversary of
    3-2  the effective date of the member's DROP election, whichever is
    3-3  earlier.
    3-4        (e)  A member's DROP account shall be credited with earnings
    3-5  or losses computed at the rate of the fund's average actual
    3-6  earnings projected over a five-year period.  Those earnings or
    3-7  losses shall be credited at a time and in a manner determined by
    3-8  the board, except that earnings or losses shall be credited not
    3-9  less frequently than once in each 13-month period and shall take
   3-10  into account partial years of participation in the DROP.  Earnings
   3-11  or losses that occur after the earlier of the fifth anniversary of
   3-12  the effective date of the member's DROP election or the date the
   3-13  member leaves active service may not be credited to the member's
   3-14  DROP account.
   3-15        (f)  A member who leaves active service after participating
   3-16  in the DROP and who is granted a retirement pension by the board is
   3-17  entitled to receive a benefit, equal to the balance of the member's
   3-18  DROP account, in a single lump sum to be paid to the member within
   3-19  a reasonable period after termination of active service unless the
   3-20  member elects to receive the balance in three substantially equal
   3-21  installments.  A member electing the installment form of
   3-22  distribution is entitled to receive the first installment within a
   3-23  reasonable period after termination of active service.  The second
   3-24  and third installments shall be paid to the member on the first and
   3-25  second anniversaries of the date of the first installment.  A
   3-26  member electing to receive the member's DROP account balance in
   3-27  installments may convert that election at any time after receipt of
    4-1  the first installment to an election to receive the remainder of
    4-2  the member's DROP balance in a lump sum payment.
    4-3        (g)  Regardless of the method chosen for distribution of the
    4-4  member's DROP account under Subsection (f) of this section, the
    4-5  member's DROP account may not be credited with earnings or losses
    4-6  occurring after the member leaves active service.  The DROP account
    4-7  balance of a member who elects to receive the member's DROP account
    4-8  balance in installments may not be credited with interest after the
    4-9  date of payment of the first installment.
   4-10        (h)  A member may elect to receive the member's DROP balance
   4-11  in installments as provided in Subsection (f) of this section only
   4-12  if that method does not result in the failure of the distributions
   4-13  to satisfy the requirements of Section 401(a)(9) of the code (26
   4-14  U.S.C. Section 401).  All distributions and changes in form of
   4-15  distribution must be made in a manner and at a time that comply
   4-16  with that provision.
   4-17        (i)  A member who elects to participate in the DROP is
   4-18  considered to have left active service on the effective date of the
   4-19  member's DROP election for purposes of computing and providing
   4-20  retirement benefits under Section 4 of this Act and for purposes of
   4-21  computing and providing survivor benefits under Sections 7 and 11
   4-22  of this Act.  Any compensation or additional service earned after
   4-23  the member's DROP election becomes effective may not be considered
   4-24  in the computation of retirement, death, disability, or survivor
   4-25  benefits unless a DROP revocation is made as prescribed by
   4-26  Subsection (l).
   4-27        (j)  If a DROP participant dies before complete distribution
    5-1  of the member's DROP account, the member's DROP account balance
    5-2  shall be paid to the member's eligible beneficiaries as provided by
    5-3  this subsection.  All distributions to beneficiaries under this
    5-4  subsection must be made in a manner and at a time that comply with
    5-5  Section 401(a)(9) of the code (26 U.S.C. Section 401).  For
    5-6  purposes of this subsection, an "eligible spouse" is a person who
    5-7  was the DROP member's spouse on the date the member's DROP election
    5-8  became effective and on the member's last day of active service.  A
    5-9  member's "eligible children" are those surviving the member who are
   5-10  not married and have not reached 18 years of age or who are any age
   5-11  and are totally disabled as a result of a physical or mental
   5-12  illness or injury, including retardation.  DROP distributions for
   5-13  the member's eligible children shall be paid for the benefit of
   5-14  each of those children to the person having care and custody of the
   5-15  child.  A member may designate a trustee for any DROP beneficiary
   5-16  other than the member's eligible spouse.  The designation of a
   5-17  trustee must be filed in accordance with board procedures.  The
   5-18  DROP account balance shall be paid under this subsection as
   5-19  follows:
   5-20              (1)  if the DROP member dies with an eligible spouse
   5-21  and eligible children, one-half of the member's DROP account
   5-22  balance shall be paid to the eligible spouse, and the remaining
   5-23  one-half shall be divided equally among the member's eligible
   5-24  children;
   5-25              (2)  if there is an eligible spouse and no eligible
   5-26  children, the DROP member's entire DROP account balance shall be
   5-27  paid to the eligible spouse;
    6-1              (3)  if there are eligible children but no eligible
    6-2  spouse, the member's DROP account balance shall be divided equally
    6-3  among the eligible children, and for purposes of this subdivision
    6-4  only, the children considered eligible also include the member's
    6-5  children who are at least 18 but not older than 22 years of age,
    6-6  unmarried, and full-time students;
    6-7              (4)  if there is not an eligible spouse and there are
    6-8  not any eligible children, the member's DROP account balance shall
    6-9  be paid to a parent of the member who was dependent on the DROP
   6-10  member on the date of the member's death; and
   6-11              (5)  if there is not an eligible spouse, are not
   6-12  eligible children, or is not an eligible parent, the member's DROP
   6-13  account balance shall be distributed in accordance with the
   6-14  member's beneficiary designation filed with the board or, if the
   6-15  DROP member has failed to file a valid beneficiary designation, to
   6-16  the member's estate.
   6-17        (k)  If a DROP participant dies before complete distribution
   6-18  of the member's DROP account, the timing of distribution of the
   6-19  member's DROP account balance to the member's eligible
   6-20  beneficiaries as provided by Subsection (j) is as follows:
   6-21              (1)  if the member dies before any distributions have
   6-22  been made, the member's DROP account balance shall be distributed
   6-23  in a lump sum to eligible beneficiaries within a reasonable period
   6-24  after the date the board is able to determine each beneficiary
   6-25  entitled to the member's DROP account balance; and
   6-26              (2)  if a member who has elected to receive the
   6-27  member's DROP account balance in installments dies after having
    7-1  received one or more installments, the member's DROP account
    7-2  balance shall be paid to the eligible beneficiaries in a lump sum
    7-3  within a reasonable period after the date the board is able to
    7-4  determine each beneficiary entitled to the member's DROP account
    7-5  balance.
    7-6        (l)  Except as otherwise provided by this subsection, a
    7-7  member who participates in the DROP is ineligible for disability
    7-8  benefits described by Section 6 of this Act, and the member's
    7-9  survivors are ineligible to receive enhanced death benefits
   7-10  described by Section 7(b) of this Act.  A DROP participant who is
   7-11  determined to have received an on-duty disability as described by
   7-12  Section 6(a)(3) of this Act may retroactively revoke the member's
   7-13  DROP election if the revocation occurs before the member receives a
   7-14  distribution from the member's DROP account or retirement benefits.
   7-15  If a DROP participant dies in the course of the performance of the
   7-16  member's duty or dies as a result of an on-duty injury or illness
   7-17  as described by Section 6(a)(3) of this Act, the DROP participant's
   7-18  eligible survivors under Section 11 of this Act and the member's
   7-19  eligible DROP beneficiaries under Subsection (j) of this section
   7-20  may, by unanimous agreement, retroactively revoke the member's DROP
   7-21  election if the revocation occurs before receipt of a distribution
   7-22  from the member's DROP account, retirement benefits under Section 4
   7-23  of this Act, or survivor benefits under Section 11 of this Act.
   7-24  For purposes of this subsection, an on-duty injury must have
   7-25  occurred after the effective date of a member's election to
   7-26  participate in the DROP.  If a DROP election revocation is made as
   7-27  prescribed by this subsection, the member's DROP account is not
    8-1  distributed, and the member or the member's beneficiary, as
    8-2  appropriate, is entitled to benefits under this Act as if a DROP
    8-3  election had not been made.
    8-4        (m)  This section applies to a retired member who previously
    8-5  participated in the DROP and who returns to active service.
    8-6        (n)  After August 31, 2000, the board may  set a date after
    8-7  which additional members will not be allowed to elect to
    8-8  participate in the DROP.  A member whose election to participate in
    8-9  the DROP becomes effective before a cut-off date established by the
   8-10  board is entitled to continue participating in the DROP.
   8-11        SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1995.
   8-12        SECTION 3.  The importance of this legislation and the
   8-13  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   8-14  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   8-15  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   8-16  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.