By Barrientos                                          S.B. No. 929
       74R5405 JMM-D
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to the regulation of the practice of podiatric medicine.
    1-4        SECTION 1.  Subsection (b), Article 4567, Revised Statutes,
    1-5  is amended by amending Subdivision (1) and adding Subdivisions (3)
    1-6  and (4) to read as follows:
    1-7              (1)  "Board" means the Texas State Board of Podiatric
    1-8  Medical <Podiatry> Examiners.
    1-9              (3) "Podiatrist" means a person licensed under this
   1-10  chapter to practice podiatry as described by Subsection (a) of this
   1-11  article.  The term includes a podiatric physician.
   1-12              (4)  "Podiatry" means the practice described by
   1-13  Subsection (a) of this article and Article 4567b, Revised Statutes,
   1-14  and includes podiatric medicine.
   1-15        SECTION 2.  Article 4567b, Revised Statutes, is amended to
   1-16  read as follows:
   1-17        Art. 4567b.  PRACTICE OF PODIATRY;  PENALTY.  Any person
   1-18  shall be regarded as practicing podiatry within the meaning of this
   1-19  law, and shall be deemed and construed to be a podiatrist, who
   1-20  shall treat or offer to treat any disease or disorder, physical
   1-21  injury or deformity, or ailment of the human foot by any system or
   1-22  method and charge therefore, directly or indirectly, money or other
   1-23  compensation, or who shall publicly profess or claim to be a
   1-24  chiropodist, podiatrist, podiatric physician, foot specialist,
    2-1  doctor or use any title, degree, letter, syllable, word or words
    2-2  that would tend to lead the public to believe such person was a
    2-3  practitioner authorized to practice or assume the duties incident
    2-4  to the practice of podiatry.  Whoever professes to be a podiatrist,
    2-5  practices or assumes the duties incident to the practice of
    2-6  podiatry within the meaning of this law or Article, without first
    2-7  obtaining from the Texas State Board of Podiatric Medical
    2-8  <Podiatry> Examiners a license authorizing such person to practice
    2-9  podiatry, shall be punished by a fine of not less than Fifty
   2-10  Dollars ($50), nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500), or by
   2-11  imprisonment in the county jail of not less than thirty (30) days,
   2-12  nor more than six (6) months, or by both fine and imprisonment.
   2-13        SECTION 3.  Subsections (a), (g), (h), and (j), Article 4568,
   2-14  Revised Statutes, are amended to read as follows:
   2-15        (a)  The Texas State Board of Podiatric Medical <Podiatry>
   2-16  Examiners shall consist of nine (9) members.  Six (6) members must
   2-17  be reputable practicing podiatrists who have resided in this state
   2-18  and who have been actively engaged in the practice of podiatry for
   2-19  five (5) years immediately preceding their appointment.  Three (3)
   2-20  members must be representatives of the general public.  However, a
   2-21  public member may not participate in any part of the examination
   2-22  process for applicants for a license issued by the Board that
   2-23  requires knowledge of the practice of podiatry.  Appointments to
   2-24  the Board shall be made by the Governor without regard to the race,
   2-25  color, disability, sex, religion, or national origin of the
   2-26  appointees.
   2-27        (g)  The term of office of each member of said Board shall be
    3-1  six (6) years.  At the expiration of the term of each member, his
    3-2  successor shall be appointed by the Governor of this State and he
    3-3  shall serve for a term of six (6) years, or until his successor
    3-4  shall be appointed and qualified.  The members of the Texas State
    3-5  Board of Podiatric Medical <Podiatry> Examiners shall, before
    3-6  entering upon the duties of their offices, qualify, by subscribing
    3-7  to, before a notary public or other officer authorized by law to
    3-8  administer oaths, and filing with the Secretary of State, the
    3-9  constitutional oath of office.  They shall, biennially thereafter
   3-10  at the first regular scheduled meeting <in the month of January>,
   3-11  elect from their number a president, vice-president, and secretary
   3-12  <secretary-treasurer>.  <The secretary-treasurer, before entering
   3-13  upon his duties, shall file a bond with the Secretary of State for
   3-14  such sum as will be twice the amount of cash on hand at the time
   3-15  the bond is filed; provided, however, that the amount of said bond
   3-16  shall, in no case, be less than Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000).
   3-17  Said bond shall be payable to the Governor of this State, for the
   3-18  benefit of said Board;  shall be conditioned upon the faithful
   3-19  performance of the duties of such officer;  and shall be in such
   3-20  form as may be approved by the Attorney General of this State;  and
   3-21  shall be executed by a surety company, as surety, and be approved
   3-22  by the Texas State Board of Podiatry Examiners.>
   3-23        (h)  Said Texas State Board of Podiatric Medical <Podiatry>
   3-24  Examiners shall hold meetings at least twice a year and special
   3-25  meetings when necessary at such times and places as the Board deems
   3-26  most convenient for applicants for examinations for license.
   3-27  Special meetings shall be held upon request of a majority of the
    4-1  members of the Board, or upon the call of the president.  Five (5)
    4-2  members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction
    4-3  of business and should a quorum not be present on the day appointed
    4-4  for any meeting, those present may adjourn from day to day until a
    4-5  quorum be present.
    4-6        (j)  The Board shall adopt all reasonable or necessary rules,
    4-7  regulations, and bylaws, not inconsistent with the law regulating
    4-8  the practice of podiatry, the laws of this State, or of the United
    4-9  States, to govern its proceedings and activities, the regulation of
   4-10  the practice of podiatry and the enforcement of the law regulating
   4-11  the practice of podiatry.  If the appropriate standing committees
   4-12  of both houses of the legislature acting under Section 2001.032,
   4-13  Government Code <5(g), Administrative Procedure and Texas Register
   4-14  Act, as amended (Article 6252-13a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes)>,
   4-15  transmit to the Board statements opposing adoption of a rule under
   4-16  that subsection, the rule may not take effect or, if the rule has
   4-17  already taken effect, the rule is repealed effective on the date
   4-18  the Board receives the committees' statements.  The Board shall
   4-19  have power to appoint committees from its own membership, the
   4-20  duties of which shall be to consider such matters pertaining to the
   4-21  enforcement of the law regulating the practice of podiatry and the
   4-22  regulations promulgated in accordance therewith as shall be
   4-23  referred to said committees, and to make recommendations to the
   4-24  Board with respect thereto.  The Board may contract with the Texas
   4-25  State Board of Medical Examiners or any other appropriate state
   4-26  agency for the provision of some or all of the services necessary
   4-27  to carry out the activities of the Board.  The Board may request
    5-1  and, if necessary, <any committee, or any members thereof shall
    5-2  have the power to issue subpoenas and to> compel by subpoena the
    5-3  attendance of witnesses for examination under oath and the
    5-4  production of books, accounts, records, papers, correspondence,
    5-5  <and> documents, and other evidence relevant to the investigation
    5-6  of an alleged violation of this chapter.  If a person fails to
    5-7  comply with a subpoena issued under this subsection, the Board,
    5-8  through the attorney general, may file suit to enforce the subpoena
    5-9  in a district court in Travis County or in a county in which a
   5-10  hearing conducted by the Board may be held.  If the court
   5-11  determines that good cause existed for the issuance of the
   5-12  subpoena, the court shall order compliance with the subpoena.
   5-13  Failure to obey the order of the court is punishable by the court
   5-14  as contempt<, to administer oaths and to take testimony concerning
   5-15  all matters within its or his jurisdiction>.  The Board shall not
   5-16  be bound by the strict rules of procedure or by the laws of
   5-17  evidence in the conduct of its proceedings, but the determination
   5-18  shall be founded upon sufficient legal evidence to sustain it.  The
   5-19  Board shall have the right to institute an action in its own name
   5-20  to enjoin the violation of any of the provisions of the law
   5-21  regulating the practice of podiatry or the regulations promulgated
   5-22  in accordance therewith, and in such connection a temporary
   5-23  injunction may be granted.  Said action for an injunction shall be
   5-24  in addition to any other action, proceeding or remedy authorized by
   5-25  law.  The Board shall keep a correct record of all the proceedings
   5-26  of the Board, and of all moneys received or expended by the Board,
   5-27  which record shall be open to public inspection at all reasonable
    6-1  times.  The records shall include a record of proceedings relating
    6-2  to examination of applicants, and the issuance, renewal, or refusal
    6-3  of certificates of registration; and they shall also contain the
    6-4  name, age, known place of residence, the name and location of the
    6-5  college of podiatric medicine <school of podiatry> from which he
    6-6  holds credentials and the time devoted to the study and practice of
    6-7  the same, together with such other information as the Board may
    6-8  desire to record.  Said record shall also show whether applicants
    6-9  were rejected or licensed and shall be prima facie evidence of all
   6-10  matters therein contained.  A certified copy of said record, with
   6-11  the hand and seal of the custodian of records <secretary> of said
   6-12  Board, shall be admitted as evidence in all courts.  Every license
   6-13  and annual renewal certificate issued shall be numbered and
   6-14  recorded in a book kept by the Board.  The records shall be kept by
   6-15  the Board.
   6-16        The Board shall cause the prosecution of all persons
   6-17  violating any of the provisions of the law regulating the practice
   6-18  of podiatry and may incur the expense reasonably necessary in that
   6-19  behalf.
   6-20        SECTION 4.  Article 4568b, Revised Statutes, is amended to
   6-21  read as follows:
   6-22        Art. 4568b.  SUNSET PROVISION.  The Texas State Board of
   6-23  Podiatric Medical <Podiatry> Examiners is subject to Chapter 325,
   6-24  Government Code (Texas Sunset Act).  Unless continued in existence
   6-25  as provided by that chapter, the board is abolished September 1,
   6-26  2005.
   6-27        SECTION 5.  Subsections (a), (c), (d), (f), and (i), Article
    7-1  4569, Revised Statutes, are amended to read as follows:
    7-2        (a)  Except as provided in Article 4569a, Revised Civil
    7-3  Statutes of Texas, 1925, all applicants for license to practice
    7-4  podiatry in this State must successfully pass an examination
    7-5  approved by the Texas State Board of Podiatric Medical <Podiatry>
    7-6  Examiners.
    7-7        (c)  The examinations shall be written and practical <and in
    7-8  the English language>, and all applicants who <that> possess the
    7-9  qualifications required for an examination shall be issued a
   7-10  license by the Board to practice podiatry in this state.  The
   7-11  passing score for the examination shall be determined by the Board
   7-12  using accepted criterion-referenced methods <and who shall pass the
   7-13  examinations prescribed with a general average of seventy-five per
   7-14  cent (75%) in all subjects and not less than sixty per cent (60%)
   7-15  in any one subject shall be issued a license by the Board to
   7-16  practice podiatry in this State>.  The Board shall have the
   7-17  examination validated by an independent testing professional.
   7-18        (d)  The subjects the applicant must be examined in are
   7-19  anatomy, chemistry, dermatology, diagnosis, pharmacology
   7-20  <materia-medica>, pathology, physiology, microbiology, orthopedics
   7-21  and podiatry, as related <limited in their scope> to ailments of
   7-22  the human foot.
   7-23        (f)  All applicants shall pay to the <secretary-treasurer of
   7-24  the> Board an examination fee at least fifteen (15) days before the
   7-25  dates of the regular examinations.
   7-26        (i)  Not later than the 30th day after the date on which a
   7-27  licensing examination is administered under this chapter, the
    8-1  <secretary-treasurer of the> Board shall notify each examinee of
    8-2  the results of the examination.  However, if an examination is
    8-3  graded or reviewed by a national testing service, the
    8-4  <secretary-treasurer of the> Board shall notify examinees of the
    8-5  results of the examination not later than the 14th day after the
    8-6  date on which the Board receives the results from the testing
    8-7  service.  If the notice of examination results graded or reviewed
    8-8  by a national testing service will be delayed for longer than 90
    8-9  days after the examination date, the <secretary-treasurer of the>
   8-10  Board shall notify the examinee of the reason for the delay before
   8-11  the 90th day.
   8-12        SECTION 6.  Subsection (b), Article 4569a, Revised Statutes,
   8-13  is amended to read as follows:
   8-14        (b)  In this article a course of study, training, or
   8-15  education is considered approved or accredited if it is approved or
   8-16  accredited by the Texas State Board of Podiatric Medical <Podiatry>
   8-17  Examiners as constituting a bona fide reputable course of training,
   8-18  study, or education.  In making a decision relating to the approval
   8-19  or accreditation of a course of study, training, or education, the
   8-20  board shall consider whether the course is approved or accredited
   8-21  by the Council on Podiatric Medical Education of the American
   8-22  Podiatric Medical <Podiatry> Association or its successor
   8-23  organization.
   8-24        SECTION 7.  Subsections (a), (c), (d), and (e), Article 4570,
   8-25  Revised Statutes, are amended to read as follows:
   8-26        (a)  A person desiring to practice podiatry in this state
   8-27  shall make written application for a license therefor to the Texas
    9-1  State Board of Podiatric Medical <Podiatry> Examiners on a form
    9-2  prescribed by the Board.  The information submitted shall be
    9-3  verified by affidavit of the applicant.
    9-4        (c)  A podiatry or chiropody school may be considered
    9-5  reputable, within the meaning of this Act, if the course of
    9-6  instruction embraces four (4) terms of approximately eight (8)
    9-7  months each, or the substantial equivalent thereof, and if the
    9-8  school meets the approval of the <State> Board <of Podiatry
    9-9  Examiners>.  All educational attainments or credits for evaluation
   9-10  within the meaning of this Act, or applicable under this law, shall
   9-11  have been completed within the geographical boundaries of the
   9-12  United States, and no educational credits attained in any foreign
   9-13  country that are not acceptable to The University of Texas toward a
   9-14  Bachelor's Degree, shall be acceptable to the <State> Board <of
   9-15  Podiatry Examiners>.
   9-16        (d)  The <State> Board <of Podiatry Examiners> may refuse to
   9-17  admit persons to its examinations, and to issue a license to
   9-18  practice podiatry to any person, for any of the following reasons:
   9-19              (1)  The presentation to the Board of any license,
   9-20  certificate, or diploma, which was illegally or fraudulently
   9-21  obtained, or when fraud or deception has been practiced in passing
   9-22  the examination;<.>
   9-23              (2)  Conviction of a crime of the grade of a felony or
   9-24  any crime which involves moral turpitude, or conviction of a
   9-25  violation of Article 4567c, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925,
   9-26  as amended;<.>
   9-27              (3)  Habits of intemperance, or drug addiction,
   10-1  calculated, in the opinion of the Board, to endanger the health,
   10-2  well-being, or welfare of patients;<.>
   10-3              (4)  Grossly unprofessional or dishonorable conduct, of
   10-4  a character which in the opinion of the Board is likely to deceive
   10-5  or defraud the public;<.>
   10-6              (5)  The violation, or attempted violation, direct or
   10-7  indirect, of any of the provisions of this Act (Title 71, Chapter
   10-8  11, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, as amended), or any rule
   10-9  adopted under this Act, either as a principal, accessory, or
  10-10  accomplice;<.>
  10-11              (6)  The use of any advertising statement of a
  10-12  character tending to mislead or deceive the public;<.>
  10-13              (7)  Advertising professional superiority, or the
  10-14  performance of professional service in a superior manner;<.>
  10-15              (8)  The purchase, sale, barter, or use, or any offer
  10-16  to purchase, sell, barter, or use, any podiatry degree, license,
  10-17  certificate, diploma, or transcript of license, certificate, or
  10-18  diploma, in or incident to an application to the Board <of Podiatry
  10-19  Examiners> for a license to practice podiatry;<.>
  10-20              (9)  Altering, with fraudulent intent, any podiatry
  10-21  license, certificate, diploma, or transcript of a podiatry license,
  10-22  certificate, or diploma;<.>
  10-23              (10)  The use of any podiatry license, certificate,
  10-24  diploma, or transcript of any such podiatry license, certificate,
  10-25  or diploma, which has been fraudulently purchased, issued,
  10-26  counterfeited, or materially altered;<.>
  10-27              (11)  The impersonation of, or acting as proxy for,
   11-1  another in any examination required by this Act for a podiatry
   11-2  license;<.>
   11-3              (12)  The impersonation of a licensed practitioner, or
   11-4  permitting, or allowing, another to use his license, or certificate
   11-5  to practice podiatry in this State, for the purpose of treating, or
   11-6  offering to treat, conditions and ailments of the feet of human
   11-7  beings by any method;<.>
   11-8              (13)  Employing, directly or indirectly, any person
   11-9  whose license to practice podiatry has been suspended, or
  11-10  association in the practice of podiatry with any person or persons
  11-11  whose license to practice podiatry has been suspended, or any
  11-12  person who has been convicted of the unlawful practice of podiatry
  11-13  in Texas or elsewhere;<.>
  11-14              (14)  The wilful making of any material
  11-15  misrepresentation or material untrue statement in the application
  11-16  for a license to practice podiatry;<.>
  11-17              (15)  The inability to practice podiatry with
  11-18  reasonable skill and safety to patients by reason of age, illness,
  11-19  drunkenness, excessive use of drugs, narcotics, chemicals or any
  11-20  other type of material or as a result of any mental or physical
  11-21  condition.  In enforcing this subsection the Board shall, upon
  11-22  probable cause, request a podiatrist to submit to a mental or
  11-23  physical examination by medical doctors designated by it.  If the
  11-24  podiatrist refuses to submit to the examination, the Board shall
  11-25  issue an order requiring the podiatrist to show cause why he will
  11-26  not submit to the examination and shall schedule a hearing on the
  11-27  order within 30 days after notice is served on the podiatrist.  The
   12-1  podiatrist shall be notified by either personal service or by
   12-2  certified mail with return receipt requested.  At the hearing, the
   12-3  podiatrist and his attorney are entitled to present any testimony
   12-4  and other evidence to show why the podiatrist should not be
   12-5  required to submit to the examination.  After a complete hearing,
   12-6  the Board shall issue an order either requiring the podiatrist to
   12-7  submit to the examination or withdrawing the request for
   12-8  examination;<.>
   12-9              (16)  The failure to practice podiatry in an acceptable
  12-10  manner consistent with public health and welfare;<.>
  12-11              (17)  Being removed, suspended, or disciplined in
  12-12  another manner by the podiatrist's peers in any professional
  12-13  podiatry association or society, whether the association or society
  12-14  is local, regional, state, or national in scope or being
  12-15  disciplined by a licensed hospital or the medical staff of a
  12-16  hospital, including removal, suspension, limitation of hospital
  12-17  privileges, or other disciplinary action, if any of these actions
  12-18  in the opinion of the Board were based on unprofessional conduct or
  12-19  professional incompetence that was likely to harm the public,
  12-20  provided that the Board finds that the action taken was appropriate
  12-21  and reasonably supported by evidence submitted to the association,
  12-22  society, hospital, or medical staff; and<.>
  12-23              (18)  Repeated or recurring meritorious health care
  12-24  liability claims against the podiatrist that in the opinion of the
  12-25  Board are evidence of professional incompetence likely to injure
  12-26  the public.
  12-27        (e)  Any applicant who is refused admittance to examination
   13-1  has the right to try the issue in the District Court of Travis
   13-2  County <the county in which he resides or in which any Board member
   13-3  resides>.
   13-4        SECTION 8.  Sections 1(a) and (b), Article 4571, Revised
   13-5  Statutes, are amended to read as follows:
   13-6        (a)  The Texas State Board of Podiatric Medical <Podiatry>
   13-7  Examiners shall set and may from time to time change the amount of
   13-8  the annual license renewal fee as in the Board's judgment may be
   13-9  needed to provide for the reasonable costs and expenses of the
  13-10  Board in performing its duties and the administration of the law
  13-11  regulating the practice of podiatry.  The annual license renewal
  13-12  fee shall be paid to the Board.
  13-13        (b)  The Texas State Board of Podiatric Medical <Podiatry>
  13-14  Examiners on or before October <August> first of each year shall
  13-15  notify, by mail, all Texas licensed podiatrists at their last known
  13-16  address that the annual license renewal fee is due on the following
  13-17  November <September> first.
  13-18        SECTION 9.  Sections 4 and 5, Article 4571, Revised Statutes,
  13-19  are amended to read as follows:
  13-20        Sec. 4.  If any license issued by the Board is lost,
  13-21  destroyed or stolen from the legally qualified and authorized
  13-22  person to whom it was issued, the owner of the license shall report
  13-23  the fact to <the Secretary-Treasurer of> the Board, in an affidavit
  13-24  form.  The affidavit shall set forth detailed information as to the
  13-25  loss, destruction or theft, giving dates, place and circumstances.
  13-26  If the owner of a license desires to have an amended license issued
  13-27  to him because of a lawful change in the name or degree designation
   14-1  of the licensee or for any other lawful and sufficient reason, the
   14-2  owner of the license shall make application for such amended
   14-3  license to <the Secretary-Treasurer of> the Board setting forth the
   14-4  reasons the issuance of an amended license is requested.  A
   14-5  duplicate or amended license shall be issued upon regular
   14-6  application of the owner of the original license and payment of a
   14-7  fee set by the Board for the duplicate or amended license;
   14-8  however, the Board shall not issue a duplicate or amended license
   14-9  until sufficient evidence by the owner of the original license has
  14-10  been submitted to prove the license has been lost or to establish
  14-11  the lawful reason an amended license should be issued, and unless
  14-12  the records of the Board show a license had been issued and been in
  14-13  full force and effect at the time of such loss, destruction or
  14-14  theft, or such request for an amended license.  If an amended
  14-15  license is issued, the original license shall be returned to the
  14-16  Board.
  14-17        Sec. 5.  Every person licensed by the <State> Board <of
  14-18  Podiatry Examiners> to practice in the state shall conspicuously
  14-19  display both his license and an annual renewal certificate for the
  14-20  current year of practice in the place or office wherein he
  14-21  practices and shall be required to exhibit such license and renewal
  14-22  certificate to a representative of the Board upon such
  14-23  representative's official request for its examination or
  14-24  inspection.
  14-25        SECTION 10.  Section 6(a), Article 4571, Revised Statutes, is
  14-26  amended to read as follows:
  14-27        (a)  Any licensed podiatrist whose license has been suspended
   15-1  or revoked or whose annual renewal certificate has expired while he
   15-2  has been engaged in Federal service or on active duty with the Army
   15-3  of the United States, the United States Navy, the United States
   15-4  Marine Corps, the United States Coast Guard, or the United States
   15-5  Air Force, <or the United States Maritime Service or the State
   15-6  Militia,> called into service or training of the United States of
   15-7  America or in training or education under the supervision of the
   15-8  United States preliminary to induction into the military service,
   15-9  may have his license renewed without paying any lapsed renewal fee
  15-10  or without passing any examination, if, within one (1) year after
  15-11  termination of said service, training or education, other than by
  15-12  dishonorable discharge, he furnishes the <State> Board <of Podiatry
  15-13  Examiners> an affidavit to the effect that he has been so engaged
  15-14  and that his service, training or education has been so terminated.
  15-15        SECTION 11.  Article 4573, Revised Statutes, as amended by
  15-16  Chapter 52, Acts of the 67th Legislature, Regular Session, 1981,
  15-17  and Chapter 14, Acts of the 72nd Legislature, Regular Session,
  15-18  1991, is amended by amending Subsections (g) and (h) and adding
  15-19  Subsections (j)-(n) to read as follows:
  15-20        (g)  At any time while the probationer remains on probation,
  15-21  the Board may hold a hearing and, upon majority vote, rescind the
  15-22  probation if the terms of the probation have been violated, and
  15-23  enforce the Board's original action in revoking, cancelling, or
  15-24  suspending the practitioner's license.  The hearing to rescind the
  15-25  probation shall be called by the President of the Texas State Board
  15-26  of Podiatric Medical <Podiatry> Examiners, who shall cause to be
  15-27  issued a notice setting a time and place for the hearing and
   16-1  containing the charges or complaints against the probationer.  The
   16-2  notice shall be served on the probationer or his counsel, and any
   16-3  person or persons complaining of the probationer or their counsel,
   16-4  at least ten (10) days prior to the time set for the hearing.  When
   16-5  personal service is impossible, or cannot be effected, the same
   16-6  provisions for service in lieu of personal service set out in
   16-7  Subsection (d) of this Article shall apply.  The respondent and any
   16-8  person or persons complaining of the respondent have the right to
   16-9  appear at the hearing either personally or by counsel, or both, to
  16-10  produce witnesses or evidence, to cross-examine witnesses, and to
  16-11  have subpoenas issued by the Board.  The Board may also issue
  16-12  subpoenas on its own motion.  The subpoenas of the Board may be
  16-13  enforced through any district court having jurisdiction and venue
  16-14  in the county where the hearing is held.  The Board shall determine
  16-15  the charges upon their merits.  The order revoking or rescinding
  16-16  the probation is not subject to review or appeal.
  16-17        (h) <(g)>  This article does not apply to a person convicted
  16-18  of a felony under Chapter 481, Health and Safety Code, Section
  16-19  485.033, Health and Safety Code, or Chapter 483, Health and Safety
  16-20  Code.
  16-21        (i) <(h)>  Upon application, the Board may reissue a license
  16-22  to practice podiatry to a person whose license has been cancelled
  16-23  or suspended, but the application, in the case of cancellation or
  16-24  revocation, may not be made prior to one (1) year after the
  16-25  cancellation or revocation, and shall be made in such manner and
  16-26  form as the Board may require.
  16-27        (j)  A complaint, report, investigation file, or other
   17-1  investigative information in the possession of or received or
   17-2  gathered by the Board or an employee or agent of the Board that
   17-3  relates to a license holder, a license application, or a criminal
   17-4  investigation or proceeding is privileged, confidential, and not
   17-5  subject to discovery, subpoena, or any other legal method of
   17-6  compelling release.
   17-7        (k)  Subject to any other privilege or restriction
   17-8  established by law, not later than the 30th day after the date the
   17-9  Board receives a written request from a license holder, or the
  17-10  license holder's attorney, who is the subject of a formal complaint
  17-11  under this article, the Board shall provide the license holder with
  17-12  access to all information in the Board's possession that the Board
  17-13  intends to offer into evidence at the contested case hearing on the
  17-14  complaint.  The Board may provide access to the information to the
  17-15  license holder after the 30th day after the date the Board receives
  17-16  a request only on a showing of good cause.  The Board is not
  17-17  required under this subsection to provide access to the Board's
  17-18  investigative reports or memoranda, release the identity of a
  17-19  complainant who will not testify at the hearing, or to release
  17-20  information that is an attorney's work product or protected by the
  17-21  attorney-client privilege or another privilege recognized by the
  17-22  Texas Rules of Civil Procedure or Texas Rules of Civil Evidence.
  17-23  The furnishing of information under this subsection does not
  17-24  constitute a waiver of any privilege or confidentiality provision
  17-25  under law.
  17-26        (l)  Investigative information in the possession of the Board
  17-27  that relates to a disciplinary action regarding a license holder
   18-1  may be disclosed to:
   18-2              (1)  a licensing agency regulating the practice of
   18-3  podiatric medicine in another state, the District of Columbia, or
   18-4  another country in which the license holder is also licensed or has
   18-5  applied for a license; or
   18-6              (2)  a peer review committee reviewing an application
   18-7  for privileges or the qualifications of the license holder with
   18-8  regard to retaining the license holder's privileges.
   18-9        (m)  If information obtained by the board in the course of an
  18-10  investigation indicates that a crime may have been committed, that
  18-11  information shall be reported to the appropriate law enforcement
  18-12  agency.  The Board shall cooperate and assist a law enforcement
  18-13  agency conducting a criminal investigation of a license holder by
  18-14  providing relevant information to the agency.  Information provided
  18-15  to a law enforcement agency by the Board is confidential and may
  18-16  not be disclosed except as necessary to conduct the investigation.
  18-17        (n)  The Board shall provide information to a health care
  18-18  entity on the written request of the entity concerning:
  18-19              (1)  a complaint filed against a license holder that
  18-20  was resolved after an investigation by the Board or resolved by an
  18-21  agreed settlement; and
  18-22              (2)  the basis for and status of an active
  18-23  investigation concerning a license holder.
  18-24        SECTION 12.  Sections 1(a) and (c), Article 4573b, Revised
  18-25  Statutes, are amended to read as follows:
  18-26        (a)  Each insurer that delivers or issues for delivery in
  18-27  this state professional liability insurance coverage to a
   19-1  podiatrist who practices in this state shall furnish to the Texas
   19-2  State Board of Podiatric Medical <Podiatry> Examiners the
   19-3  information specified in Subsection (b) of this section relating
   19-4  to:
   19-5              (1)  a notice of claim letter or a complaint filed
   19-6  against an insured in a court, if the notice of claim letter or the
   19-7  complaint seeks the recovery of damages based on the insured's
   19-8  conduct in providing or failing to provide medical or health-care
   19-9  services; or
  19-10              (2)  a settlement of a claim or other legal action made
  19-11  by the insurer on behalf of the insured.
  19-12        (c)  If a podiatrist who practices in this state is not
  19-13  covered by professional liability insurance or is insured by an
  19-14  insurer that is not authorized to write professional liability
  19-15  insurance for podiatrists in this state, the podiatrist shall
  19-16  submit information to the Texas State Board of Podiatric Medical
  19-17  <Podiatry> Examiners relating to any malpractice action brought
  19-18  against that podiatrist.  The podiatrist shall submit the
  19-19  information as required by rules adopted by that board under
  19-20  Section 2 of this article.
  19-21        SECTION 13.  Sections 2, 3, 4, and 5, Article 4573b, Revised
  19-22  Statutes, are amended to read as follows:
  19-23        Sec. 2.  (a)  In consultation with the State Board of
  19-24  Insurance, the Texas State Board of Podiatric Medical <Podiatry>
  19-25  Examiners shall adopt rules for reporting the information required
  19-26  under Section 1 of this article and any additional information
  19-27  required by the Texas State Board of Podiatric Medical <Podiatry>
   20-1  Examiners.
   20-2        (b)  The Texas State Board of Podiatric Medical <Podiatry>
   20-3  Examiners shall consider other claim reports required under state
   20-4  or federal law in determining:
   20-5              (1)  any additional information to be reported;
   20-6              (2)  the form of such a report; and
   20-7              (3)  reasonable reporting intervals.
   20-8        (c)  Additional information that may be required by the Texas
   20-9  State Board of Podiatric Medical <Podiatry> Examiners includes:
  20-10              (1)  the date of a judgment, dismissal, or settlement
  20-11  of a malpractice action;
  20-12              (2)  whether an appeal has been taken, and by which
  20-13  party; and
  20-14              (3)  the amount of any judgment or settlement.
  20-15        Sec. 3.  Neither liability nor a cause of action for an
  20-16  action taken as required under this article arises against:
  20-17              (1)  an insurer;
  20-18              (2)  an agent or employee of the insurer;
  20-19              (3)  a member of the Texas State Board of Podiatric
  20-20  Medical <Podiatry> Examiners; or
  20-21              (4)  an employee or representative of the board.
  20-22        Sec. 4.  In the trial of an action brought against a
  20-23  podiatrist based on the podiatrist's conduct in providing or
  20-24  failing to provide medical or health-care services, a report or
  20-25  information submitted to the Texas State Board of Podiatric Medical
  20-26  <Podiatry> Examiners under this article or the fact that such a
  20-27  report or information has been submitted may not be offered in
   21-1  evidence or in any manner used in the trial of the action.
   21-2        Sec. 5.  The Texas State Board of Podiatric Medical
   21-3  <Podiatry> Examiners shall review the information relating to a
   21-4  podiatrist against whom three or more malpractice claims have been
   21-5  reported during any five-year period as if a complaint against that
   21-6  podiatrist had been made to that board under Article 4573, Revised
   21-7  Statutes.
   21-8        SECTION 14.  Section 4, Article 4573f, Revised Statutes, is
   21-9  amended to read as follows:
  21-10        Sec. 4.  Written or oral communications made to a podiatric
  21-11  peer review committee and the records and proceedings of a peer
  21-12  review committee may be disclosed to:
  21-13              (1)  another podiatric peer review committee;
  21-14              (2)  an appropriate state or federal agency;
  21-15              (3)  a national accreditation body; or
  21-16              (4)  the Texas State Board of Podiatric Medical
  21-17  <Podiatry> Examiners or the state board of registration or
  21-18  licensure of podiatrists in another state.
  21-19        SECTION 15.  Section 5(b), Article 4573f, Revised Statutes,
  21-20  is amended to read as follows:
  21-21        (b)  If a podiatric peer review committee takes action that
  21-22  could result in censure or suspension, restriction, limitation, or
  21-23  revocation of a license by the Texas State Board of Podiatric
  21-24  Medical <Podiatry> Examiners or a denial of membership or
  21-25  privileges in a health care entity, the affected podiatrist shall
  21-26  be provided a written copy of the recommendation of the podiatric
  21-27  peer review committee and a copy of the final decision, including a
   22-1  statement of the basis for the decision.
   22-2        SECTION 16.  Sections 7(a) and (c), Article 4573f, Revised
   22-3  Statutes, are amended to read as follows:
   22-4        (a)  All persons, including the governing body and medical
   22-5  staff of a health care entity, shall comply with a subpoena issued
   22-6  by the Texas State Board of Podiatric Medical <Podiatry> Examiners
   22-7  for documents or information.
   22-8        (c)  Failure to comply with a subpoena constitutes grounds
   22-9  for disciplinary action against the facility or individual by the
  22-10  Texas State Board of Podiatric Medical <Podiatry> Examiners.
  22-11        SECTION 17.  Section 8, Article 4573f, Revised Statutes, is
  22-12  amended to read as follows:
  22-13        Sec. 8.  A person, health care entity, or podiatric peer
  22-14  review committee that participates in podiatric peer review
  22-15  activity or furnishes records, information, or assistance to a
  22-16  podiatric peer review committee or to the Texas State Board of
  22-17  Podiatric Medical <Podiatry> Examiners is immune from any civil
  22-18  liability arising from those acts if the acts were made in good
  22-19  faith and without malice.
  22-20        SECTION 18.  Section 6, Chapter 96, Acts of the 60th
  22-21  Legislature, Regular Session, 1967 (Article 4575a, Vernon's Texas
  22-22  Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
  22-23        Sec. 6.  The Texas State Board of Podiatric Medical
  22-24  <Podiatry> Examiners may institute actions in its own name to
  22-25  enjoin a violation of any of the provisions of Chapter 11, Title 71
  22-26  of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, as amended,
  22-27  consisting of Article 4567 through Article 4575, inclusive, Revised
   23-1  Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, as amended, and to enjoin any person
   23-2  from performing an act constituting the practice of podiatry unless
   23-3  authorized by law.  The Attorney General or any district or county
   23-4  attorney shall represent the Texas State Board of Podiatric Medical
   23-5  <Podiatry> Examiners in such court action.
   23-6        SECTION 19.  Subsection (a), Article 60.061, Code of Criminal
   23-7  Procedure, as amended by Chapters 790 and 1025, Acts of the 73rd
   23-8  Legislature, Regular Session, 1993, is amended to read as follows:
   23-9        (a)  The Texas State Board of Medical Examiners, the Texas
  23-10  State Board of Podiatric Medical <Podiatry> Examiners, the State
  23-11  Board of Dental Examiners, the State Board of Pharmacy, and the
  23-12  State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners shall provide to the
  23-13  Department of Public Safety through electronic means, magnetic
  23-14  tape, or disk, as specified by the department, a list including the
  23-15  name, date of birth, and any other personal descriptive information
  23-16  required by the department for each person licensed by the
  23-17  respective agency.  Each agency shall update this information and
  23-18  submit to the Department of Public Safety the updated information
  23-19  monthly.
  23-20        SECTION 20.  Section 241.003(10), Health and Safety Code, is
  23-21  amended to read as follows:
  23-22              (10)  "Podiatrist" means a podiatrist licensed by the
  23-23  Texas State Board of Podiatric Medical <Podiatry> Examiners.
  23-24        SECTION 21.  Section 401.064(f), Health and Safety Code, is
  23-25  amended to read as follows:
  23-26        (f)  In adopting rules under this section relating to the
  23-27  inspection of medical, podiatric medical, dental, veterinary, and
   24-1  chiropractic electronic products, the board shall solicit and
   24-2  follow the recommendations of the State Board of Dental Examiners
   24-3  for the inspections of dental electronic products, the Texas State
   24-4  Board of Podiatric Medical <Podiatry> Examiners for the inspection
   24-5  of podiatric medical electronic products, the Texas State Board of
   24-6  Medical Examiners for the inspection of medical electronic
   24-7  products, the Texas State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners for
   24-8  the inspection of medical electronic products used in the practice
   24-9  of veterinary medicine, and the State Board of Chiropractic
  24-10  Examiners for the inspection of chiropractic electronic products,
  24-11  unless in conflict with federal statutes or federal rules.
  24-12        SECTION 22.  Section 481.076(a), Health and Safety Code, is
  24-13  amended to read as follows:
  24-14        (a)  The director may not permit any person to have access to
  24-15  information submitted to the Department of Public Safety under
  24-16  Section 481.075 except:
  24-17              (1)  investigators for the Texas State Board of Medical
  24-18  Examiners, the Texas State Board of Podiatric Medical <Podiatry>
  24-19  Examiners, the State Board of Dental Examiners, the State Board of
  24-20  Veterinary Medical Examiners, or the Texas State Board of Pharmacy;
  24-21  or
  24-22              (2)  authorized officers of the Department of Public
  24-23  Safety engaged in investigation of suspected criminal violations of
  24-24  this chapter who obtain access with the approval of an investigator
  24-25  listed in Subdivision (1).
  24-26        SECTION 23.  Section 483.001(12), Health and Safety Code, is
  24-27  amended to read as follows:
   25-1              (12)  "Practitioner" means a person licensed:
   25-2                    (A)  by the Texas State Board of Medical
   25-3  Examiners, State Board of Dental Examiners, Texas State Board of
   25-4  Podiatric Medical <Podiatry> Examiners, Texas Optometry Board, or
   25-5  State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners to prescribe and
   25-6  administer dangerous drugs;
   25-7                    (B)  by another state in a health field in which,
   25-8  under the laws of this state, a licensee may legally prescribe
   25-9  dangerous drugs; or
  25-10                    (C)  in Canada or Mexico in a health field in
  25-11  which, under the laws of this state, a licensee may legally
  25-12  prescribe dangerous drugs.
  25-13        SECTION 24.  Section 2(B), Chapter 397, Acts of the 54th
  25-14  Legislature, Regular Session, 1955 (Article 3.70-2, Vernon's Texas
  25-15  Insurance Code), is amended to read as follows:
  25-16        (B)  No policy of accident and sickness insurance shall make
  25-17  benefits contingent upon treatment or examination by a particular
  25-18  practitioner or by particular practitioners of the healing arts
  25-19  hereinafter designated unless such policy contains a provision
  25-20  designating the practitioner or practitioners who will be
  25-21  recognized by the insurer and those who will not be recognized by
  25-22  the insurer.  Such provision may be located in the "Exceptions" or
  25-23  "Exceptions and Reductions" provisions, or elsewhere in the policy,
  25-24  or by endorsement attached to the policy, at the insurer's option.
  25-25  In designating the practitioners who will and will not be
  25-26  recognized, such provision shall use the following terms:  Doctor
  25-27  of Medicine, Doctor of Osteopathy, Doctor of Dentistry, Doctor of
   26-1  Chiropractic, Doctor of Optometry, Doctor of Podiatry, Licensed
   26-2  Audiologist, Licensed Speech-language Pathologist, Doctor in
   26-3  Psychology, Licensed Master Social Worker--Advanced Clinical
   26-4  Practitioner, Licensed Dietitian, Licensed Professional Counselor,
   26-5  Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, and Licensed Hearing Aid
   26-6  Fitter and Dispenser.
   26-7        For purposes of this Act, such designations shall have the
   26-8  following meanings:
   26-9        Doctor of Medicine:  One licensed by the Texas State Board of
  26-10  Medical Examiners on the basis of the degree "Doctor of Medicine";
  26-11        Doctor of Osteopathy:  One licensed by the Texas State Board
  26-12  of Medical Examiners on the basis of the degree of "Doctor of
  26-13  Osteopathy";
  26-14        Doctor of Dentistry:  One licensed by the State Board of
  26-15  Dental Examiners;
  26-16        Doctor of Chiropractic:  One licensed by the Texas Board of
  26-17  Chiropractic Examiners;
  26-18        Doctor of Optometry:  One licensed by the Texas Optometry
  26-19  Board;
  26-20        Doctor of Podiatry:  One licensed by the State Board of
  26-21  Podiatric Medical <Podiatry> Examiners;
  26-22        Licensed Audiologist:  One with a master's or doctorate
  26-23  degree in audiology from an accredited college or university and
  26-24  who is licensed as an audiologist by the State Committee of
  26-25  Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology;
  26-26        Licensed Speech-language Pathologist:  One with a master's or
  26-27  doctorate degree in speech pathology or speech-language pathology
   27-1  from an accredited college or university and who is licensed as a
   27-2  speech-language pathologist by the State Committee of Examiners for
   27-3  Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology;
   27-4        Doctor in Psychology:  One licensed by the Texas State Board
   27-5  of Examiners of Psychologists and certified as a Health Service
   27-6  Provider;
   27-7        Licensed Master Social Worker--Advanced Clinical
   27-8  Practitioner:  One licensed by the Texas State Board of Social
   27-9  Worker Examiners as a Licensed Master Social Worker with the order
  27-10  of recognition of Advanced Clinical Practitioner;
  27-11        Licensed Dietitian:  One licensed by the Texas State Board of
  27-12  Examiners of Dietitians;
  27-13        Licensed Professional Counselor:  One licensed by the Texas
  27-14  State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors;
  27-15        Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist:  One licensed by the
  27-16  Texas State Board of Examiners of Marriage and Family Therapists;
  27-17  and
  27-18        Licensed Hearing Aid Fitter and Dispenser:  One licensed by
  27-19  the Texas Board of Examiners in the Fitting and Dispensing of
  27-20  Hearing Aids.
  27-21        SECTION 25.  Article 21.52A, Insurance Code, is amended to
  27-22  read as follows:
  27-23        Art. 21.52A.  CERTIFICATION BY PODIATRIST.  An insurance
  27-24  policy that is delivered, issued for delivery, or renewed in this
  27-25  state and that provides benefits covering loss of income based on
  27-26  an acute and temporary disability caused by sickness or injury may
  27-27  not deny payment of those benefits on the ground that the acute and
   28-1  temporary disability is certified or attested to by a podiatrist
   28-2  licensed by the Texas State Board of Podiatric Medical <Podiatry>
   28-3  Examiners if the acute and temporary disability is caused by a
   28-4  sickness or injury that may be treated by acts performed by a
   28-5  licensed podiatrist under the scope of that license.
   28-6        SECTION 26.  Section 19(a)(1), Chapter 836, Acts of the 62nd
   28-7  Legislature, Regular Session, 1971 (Article 4512e, Vernon's Texas
   28-8  Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
   28-9        (a)(1)  A license may be denied, or after hearing, suspended
  28-10  or revoked, or a licensee otherwise disciplined if the applicant or
  28-11  licensee has:
  28-12                    (A)  provided physical therapy to a person,
  28-13  except as provided by Subdivision (2) of this subsection, without
  28-14  the referral from a physician licensed to practice medicine by a
  28-15  state Board of Medical Examiners, or by a dentist licensed by a
  28-16  state Board of Dental Examiners, or a doctor licensed to practice
  28-17  chiropractic by a state Board of Chiropractic Examiners or a
  28-18  podiatrist licensed by a state Board of Podiatric Medical
  28-19  <Podiatry> Examiners, or by any other qualified, licensed
  28-20  health-care professional who within the scope of the professional
  28-21  licensure is authorized to refer for health care services.  The
  28-22  professional taking an action under this subdivision is a referring
  28-23  practitioner;
  28-24                    (B)  in the case of a physical therapist
  28-25  assistant, treated a person other than under the direction of a
  28-26  licensed physical therapist;
  28-27                    (C)  used drugs or intoxicating liquors to an
   29-1  extent that affects the licensee's or applicant's professional
   29-2  competence;
   29-3                    (D)  been convicted of a felony in this state or
   29-4  in any other state, territory, or nation; conviction as used in
   29-5  this subdivision includes a finding or verdict of guilty, an
   29-6  admission of guilt, or a plea of nolo contendere;
   29-7                    (E)  obtained or attempted to obtain a license by
   29-8  fraud or deception;
   29-9                    (F)  been grossly negligent in the practice of
  29-10  physical therapy or in acting as a physical therapist assistant;
  29-11                    (G)  been adjudged mentally incompetent by a
  29-12  court of competent jurisdiction;
  29-13                    (H)  practiced physical therapy in a manner
  29-14  detrimental to the public health and welfare; or
  29-15                    (I)  had the licensee's or applicant's license to
  29-16  practice physical therapy revoked or suspended or had other
  29-17  disciplinary action taken against the licensee or applicant or had
  29-18  the licensee's or applicant's application for a license refused,
  29-19  revoked, or suspended by the proper licensing authority of another
  29-20  state, territory, or nation.
  29-21        SECTION 27.  Section 2.08(a), Medical Radiologic Technologist
  29-22  Certification Act (Article 4512m, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
  29-23  is amended to read as follows:
  29-24        (a)  This section applies to the Texas State Board of Medical
  29-25  Examiners, the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners, the Texas
  29-26  State Board of Dental Examiners, the Texas State Board of Podiatric
  29-27  Medical <Podiatry> Examiners, and the Board of Nurse Examiners.
   30-1        SECTION 28.  Section 1(b), Article 4512p, Revised Statutes,
   30-2  is amended to read as follows:
   30-3        (b)  The council consists of one representative appointed by
   30-4  each of the following:
   30-5              (1)  the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners;
   30-6              (2)  the State Board of Dental Examiners;
   30-7              (3)  the Texas Optometry Board;
   30-8              (4)  the State Board of Pharmacy;
   30-9              (5)  the Texas State Board of Podiatric Medical
  30-10  <Podiatry> Examiners;
  30-11              (6)  the State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners;
  30-12              (7)  the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners;
  30-13              (8)  the Board of Nurse Examiners;
  30-14              (9)  the Texas State Board of Examiners of
  30-15  Psychologists;
  30-16              (10)  the Board of Vocational Nurse Examiners;
  30-17              (11)  the entity that regulates the practice of
  30-18  physical therapy;
  30-19              (12)  the entity that regulates the practice of
  30-20  occupational therapy;
  30-21              (13)  the health licensing division of the Department
  30-22  of Public Health; and
  30-23              (14)  the governor's office.
  30-24        SECTION 29.  Section 5, Article 4518, Revised Statutes, is
  30-25  amended to read as follows:
  30-26        Sec. 5.  Insofar as any of the following acts require
  30-27  substantial specialized judgment and skill and insofar as the
   31-1  proper performance of any of the following acts is based upon
   31-2  knowledge and application of the principles of biological,
   31-3  physical, and social science as acquired by a completed course in
   31-4  an approved school of professional nursing, "Professional Nursing"
   31-5  shall be defined as the performance for compensation of any nursing
   31-6  act (a) in the observation, assessment, intervention, evaluation,
   31-7  rehabilitation, care and counsel and health teachings of persons
   31-8  who are ill, injured or infirm or experiencing changes in normal
   31-9  health processes; (b) in the maintenance of health or prevention of
  31-10  illness; (c) in the administration of medications or treatments as
  31-11  ordered by a licensed physician, including a podiatric physician
  31-12  licensed by the Texas State Board of Podiatric Medical <Podiatry>
  31-13  Examiners, or dentist; (d) in the supervision or teaching of
  31-14  nursing; (e) in the administration, supervision, and evaluation of
  31-15  nursing practices, policies, and procedures; or (f) in the
  31-16  requesting, receiving, and signing for professional samples and
  31-17  distributing the samples to patients at a site serving underserved
  31-18  populations, as provided by Section 3.06(d)(5), Medical Practice
  31-19  Act (Article 4495b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), and rules
  31-20  implementing that section.  The foregoing shall not be deemed to
  31-21  include acts of medical diagnosis or prescription of therapeutic or
  31-22  corrective measures.  Nothing in this section shall be construed as
  31-23  prohibiting a registered nurse recognized by the board as having
  31-24  the specialized education and training required under Section 7,
  31-25  Article 4514, Revised Statutes, and functioning under adequate
  31-26  physician supervision from carrying out prescription drug orders or
  31-27  treatments under physician's orders, standing medical orders,
   32-1  standing delegation orders, or other orders or protocols.
   32-2        SECTION 30.  Section 3, Healing Art Identification Act
   32-3  (Article 4590e, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read
   32-4  as follows:
   32-5        Sec. 3.  HEALING ART IDENTIFICATIONS.  Every person licensed
   32-6  to practice the healing art heretofore or hereafter by either the
   32-7  Texas State Board of Medical Examiners, the State Board of Dental
   32-8  Examiners, the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners, the Texas
   32-9  State Board of Examiners in Optometry, the Texas State Board of
  32-10  Podiatric Medical <Chiropody> Examiners, and the State Board of
  32-11  Naturopathic Examiners shall in the professional use of his name on
  32-12  any sign, pamphlet, stationery, letterhead, signature, or on any
  32-13  other such means of professional identification, written or
  32-14  printed, designate in the manner set forth in this Act the system
  32-15  of the healing art which he is by his license permitted to
  32-16  practice.  The following are the legally required identifications,
  32-17  one of which must be used by practitioners of the healing art:
  32-18              (1)  If licensed by the Texas State Board of Medical
  32-19  Examiners on the basis of the degree Doctor of Medicine:  physician
  32-20  and/or surgeon, M.D.; doctor, M.D.; doctor of medicine, M.D.
  32-21              (2)  If licensed by the Texas State Board of Medical
  32-22  Examiners on the basis of the degree Doctor of Osteopathy:
  32-23  physician and/or surgeon, D.O.; Osteopathic physician and/or
  32-24  surgeon; doctor, D.O.; doctor of osteopathy; osteopath; D.O.
  32-25              (3)  If licensed by the State Board of Dental
  32-26  Examiners: dentist; doctor, D.D.S.; doctor of dental surgery;
  32-27  D.D.S.; doctor of dental medicine, D.M.D.
   33-1              (4)  If licensed by the Texas Board of Chiropractic
   33-2  Examiners:  chiropractor; doctor, D.C.; doctor of Chiropractic;
   33-3  D.C.
   33-4              (5)  If licensed by the Texas State Board of Examiners
   33-5  in Optometry:  optometrist; doctor, optometrist; doctor of
   33-6  optometry;  O.D.
   33-7              (6)  If a practitioner of the healing art is licensed
   33-8  by the Texas State Board of Podiatric Medical <Podiatry> Examiners,
   33-9  he shall use one of the following identifications:  chiropodist;
  33-10  doctor, D.S.C.; Doctor of Surgical Chiropody; D.S.C.; podiatrist;
  33-11  doctor, D.P.M.; Doctor of Podiatric Medicine; D.P.M., podiatric
  33-12  physician.
  33-13              (7)  If licensed by the State Board of Naturopathic
  33-14  Examiners:  naturopathic physician; physician, N.D.; doctor of
  33-15  naturopathy; N.D.; doctor, N.D.
  33-16        SECTION 31.  Section 1, Chapter 96, Acts of the 60th
  33-17  Legislature, Regular Session, 1967 (Article 4567a, Vernon's Texas
  33-18  Civil Statutes), is repealed.
  33-19        SECTION 32.  (a) This Act takes effect September 1, 1995.
  33-20        (b)  The changes in law made by Subsection (j), Article 4568,
  33-21  Revised Statutes, as amended by this Act, and by Subsections
  33-22  (j)-(n), Article 4573, Revised Statutes, as added by this Act,
  33-23  apply only to a proceeding commenced by the Texas State Board of
  33-24  Podiatric Medical Examiners on or after the effective date of this
  33-25  Act.  A proceeding commenced before that date is governed by the
  33-26  law in effect at the time the proceeding was commenced, and the
  33-27  former law is continued in effect for that purpose.
   34-1        SECTION 33.  The importance of this legislation and the
   34-2  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   34-3  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   34-4  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   34-5  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.