By Brown                                              S.B. No. 1074
       74R7048 GWK-D
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to the operations of a grand jury; providing penalties.
    1-4        SECTION 1.  Chapter 20, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
    1-5  amended by adding Articles 20.011 and 20.012 to read as follows:
    1-6        Art. 20.011.  WHO MAY BE PRESENT IN GRAND JURY ROOM.  (a)
    1-7  Only the following persons may be present in a grand jury room
    1-8  while the grand jury is conducting proceedings:
    1-9              (1)  grand jurors;
   1-10              (2)  bailiffs;
   1-11              (3)  the attorney representing the state;
   1-12              (4)  witnesses while being examined or when necessary
   1-13  to assist the attorney representing the state in examining other
   1-14  witnesses or presenting evidence to the grand jury;
   1-15              (5)  interpreters, if necessary; and
   1-16              (6)  a stenographer or person operating an electronic
   1-17  recording device, as provided by Article 20.012.
   1-18        (b)  Only a grand juror may be in a grand jury room while the
   1-19  grand jury is deliberating.
   1-20        Art. 20.012.  RECORDING OF CERTAIN TESTIMONY.  (a)  Questions
   1-21  propounded by the grand jury or the attorney  representing the
   1-22  state to a witness or a person accused or suspected and the
   1-23  testimony of that witness or person to the grand jury, as well as
   1-24  statements and comments made by a witness, person accused or
    2-1  suspected, grand juror, or the attorney representing the state,
    2-2  shall be recorded either by a stenographer or by use of an
    2-3  electronic device capable of recording sound.
    2-4        (b)  The validity of a grand jury proceeding is not affected
    2-5  by an unintentional failure to record all or part of questions
    2-6  propounded or testimony, statements, or comments   made under
    2-7  Subsection (a).
    2-8        (c)  The attorney representing the state shall maintain
    2-9  possession of all records other than stenographer's notes made
   2-10  under this article and any typewritten transcription of those
   2-11  records, except as provided by Article 20.02.  The attorney
   2-12  representing the state may destroy a record made under this article
   2-13  or a transcript of the record on or after the 181st day after the
   2-14  date on which the grand jury proceeding ends.
   2-15        SECTION 2.  Article 20.02, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
   2-16  amended to read as follows:
   2-17        Art. 20.02.  PROCEEDINGS <DELIBERATIONS> SECRET.  (a)  The
   2-18  proceedings <deliberations> of the grand jury shall be secret.
   2-19        (b)  Except as provided by Subsections (c) and (d), the
   2-20  attorney representing the state, a <Any> grand juror, <or> bailiff,
   2-21  interpreter, stenographer or person operating an electronic
   2-22  recording device, or person preparing a typewritten transcription
   2-23  of a stenographic or electronic recording who discloses <divulges>
   2-24  anything transpiring before the grand jury, regardless of whether
   2-25  the thing transpiring is recorded, <them> in the course of the
   2-26  <their> official duties of the grand jury shall be liable to a fine
   2-27  as for contempt of the court, not exceeding five hundred dollars,
    3-1  <and to> imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, or both such fine
    3-2  and imprisonment.
    3-3        (c)  A record made under Article 20.012, a typewritten
    3-4  transcription of that record, or a disclosure otherwise prohibited
    3-5  by Subsection (b) or Article 20.16 may be made to the attorney
    3-6  representing the state for use by the attorney in performing the
    3-7  attorney's duties or to a grand juror serving on the grand jury
    3-8  before whom the record was made, another grand jury, or a law
    3-9  enforcement agency of the state or political subdivision of the
   3-10  state, as permitted by the attorney representing the state and
   3-11  determined by the attorney as necessary to assist the attorney in
   3-12  the performance of the attorney's duties.  The attorney
   3-13  representing the state shall warn any person the attorney
   3-14  authorizes to receive information under this subsection of the
   3-15  person's duty to maintain the secrecy of the information. Any
   3-16  person who receives information under this subsection and discloses
   3-17  the information for purposes other than those permitted by this
   3-18  subsection is subject to punishment for contempt in the same manner
   3-19  as persons who violate Subsection (b).
   3-20        (d)  The defendant may petition a court to order the
   3-21  disclosure of information otherwise made secret by this article or
   3-22  the disclosure of a recording or typewritten transcription under
   3-23  Article 20.012 as a matter preliminary to or in connection with a
   3-24  judicial proceeding.  The court may order disclosure of the
   3-25  information, recording, or transcription on a showing by the
   3-26  defendant of a particularized need.
   3-27        (e)  A petition for disclosure under Subsection (d) must be
    4-1  filed in the district court in which the case is pending. The
    4-2  defendant must also file a copy of the petition with the attorney
    4-3  representing the state, the parties to the judicial proceeding, and
    4-4  any other persons required by the court to receive a copy of the
    4-5  petition.  All persons receiving a petition under this subsection
    4-6  are entitled to appear before the court.   The court shall provide
    4-7  interested parties with an opportunity to appear and present
    4-8  arguments for the continuation of or end to the requirement of
    4-9  secrecy.
   4-10        (f)  A person who receives information under Subsection (d)
   4-11  or (e) and discloses that information is subject to punishment for
   4-12  contempt in the same manner as a person who violates Subsection
   4-13  (b).
   4-14        (g)  The attorney representing the state may not disclose
   4-15  anything transpiring before the grand jury except as permitted by
   4-16  Subsections (c), (d), and (e).
   4-17        SECTION 3.  (a)  The changes in law made by this Act apply
   4-18  only to grand jury proceedings occurring on or after the effective
   4-19  date of this Act.
   4-20        (b)  Grand jury proceedings occurring before the effective
   4-21  date of this Act are covered by the law in effect when the
   4-22  proceedings occurred, and the former law is continued in effect for
   4-23  that purpose.
   4-24        SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1995.
   4-25        SECTION 5.  The importance of this legislation and the
   4-26  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   4-27  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
    5-1  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
    5-2  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.