By:  Armbrister                                       S.B. No. 1180
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
                                        AN ACT
    1-1  relating to conservation districts.
    1-3        SECTION 1.  Section 201.047, Agriculture Code, is amended to
    1-4  read as follows:
    1-5        (a)  The two appointed directors shall present to the state
    1-6  board <secretary of state> an application for a certificate of
    1-7  organization for the conservation district containing the
    1-8  information prescribed by Subsection (b) of this section <and a
    1-9  statement from the state board containing the information
   1-10  prescribed by Subsection (c) of this section>.
   1-11        (b)  The application for the certificate must contain:
   1-12              (1)  a statement that:
   1-13                    (A)  a petition for the creation of the
   1-14  conservation district was filed with the state board in accordance
   1-15  with this chapter;
   1-16                    (B)  the proceedings specified in this chapter
   1-17  were taken relative to that petition;
   1-18                    (C)  the application is being filed in order to
   1-19  complete the organization of the conservation district as a
   1-20  governmental subdivision and a public body corporate and politic
   1-21  under this chapter; and
   1-22                    (D)  the state board has appointed the applicants
   1-23  as directors;
    2-1              (2)  the name and official residence of each of the
    2-2  appointed directors;
    2-3              (3)  a certified copy of the appointment of the
    2-4  directors evidencing their right to office;
    2-5              (4)  the term of office of each of the appointed
    2-6  directors;
    2-7              (5)  the name that is proposed for the conservation
    2-8  district; and
    2-9              (6)  the location of the principal office of the
   2-10  appointed directors.
   2-11        (c)  <The statement of the state board must set forth the
   2-12  boundaries of the conservation district and certify that:>
   2-13              <(1)  a petition was filed, notice issued, and a
   2-14  hearing held as required by this chapter;>
   2-15              <(2)  the board did determine that there is need, in
   2-16  the interest of the public health, safety, and welfare, for a
   2-17  conservation district to function in the proposed territory;>
   2-18              <(3)  the board did define the boundaries of the
   2-19  conservation district;>
   2-20              <(4)  notice was given and an election held on the
   2-21  question of the creation of the conservation district;>
   2-22              <(5)  the result of the election showed a two-thirds
   2-23  majority of the votes cast in the election to be in favor of the
   2-24  creation of the conservation district; and>
   2-25              <(6)  the board did determine that the operation of the
    3-1  conservation district is administratively practicable and feasible.
    3-2  (d)>  The directors shall subscribe and swear to the application
    3-3  before an officer authorized by law to take and certify oaths.
    3-4  That officer shall certify on the application that the officer
    3-5  personally knows the directors, that the officer knows them to be
    3-6  the directors as affirmed in the application, and that each
    3-7  director has subscribed to the application in the officer's
    3-8  presence.
    3-9        SECTION 3.  Section 201.048, Agriculture Code, is amended to
   3-10  read as follows:
   3-11        Sec. 201.048.  Issuance of Certificate.  (a)  The state board
   3-12  <secretary of state> shall examine the application for a
   3-13  certificate of organization <and the statement of the state board>.
   3-14  If the state board <secretary of state> finds that the name
   3-15  proposed for the conservation district is not identical to that of
   3-16  another conservation district or so nearly similar as to lead to
   3-17  confusion or uncertainty, the board <secretary> shall receive the
   3-18  application <and statement>, file it <them>, and record it <them>
   3-19  in an appropriate book of record in the board's <secretary's>
   3-20  office.
   3-21        (b)  If the state board <secretary of state> finds that the
   3-22  name proposed for the conservation district is identical to that of
   3-23  another conservation district or so nearly similar as to lead to
   3-24  confusion or uncertainty, the board <secretary> shall certify that
   3-25  fact to the directors <state board> and the directors <state board>
    4-1  shall submit to the state board <secretary> a new name for the
    4-2  conservation district that is free of that defect.  After receipt
    4-3  of a name that is free of that defect, the board <secretary> shall
    4-4  record the application <and statement>, with the modified name, in
    4-5  an appropriate book of record in the board's <secretary's> office.
    4-6        (c)  When the application is <and statement are> filed and
    4-7  recorded as provided by this section, the conservation district
    4-8  constitutes a governmental subdivision and a public body corporate
    4-9  and politic.
   4-10        (d)  The state board <secretary of state> shall make and
   4-11  issue to the directors a certificate<, under the seal of this
   4-12  state,> of the due organization of the conservation district.  The
   4-13  board <secretary> shall record the certificate with the application
   4-14  <and statement>.
   4-15        SECTION  4.  Section 201.049, Agriculture Code, is amended to
   4-16  read as follows:
   4-17        Sec. 201.049.  EFFECT OF CERTIFICATE; ADMISSIBILITY.  In a
   4-18  suit, action, or proceeding involving the validity or enforcement
   4-19  of, or relating to, a contract, proceeding, or action of a
   4-20  conservation district, the conservation district is considered to
   4-21  have been established in accordance with this chapter on proof of
   4-22  the issuance of a certificate of organization by the state board
   4-23  <secretary of state>.  A copy of the certificate certified by the
   4-24  state board <secretary of state> is admissible in evidence in the
   4-25  suit, action, or proceeding and is proof of the filing of the
    5-1  certificate and the contents of the certificate.
    5-2        SECTION 5.  Subsection (b), Section 201.051, Agriculture
    5-3  Code, is amended to read as follows:
    5-4        (b)  Certification by the directors <state board> to the
    5-5  state board <secretary of state> is sufficient notice of the
    5-6  dissolution of a conservation district.
    5-7        SECTION 6.  The importance of this legislation and the
    5-8  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
    5-9  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   5-10  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   5-11  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.