By:  Sims, Wentworth                                  S.B. No. 1197
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
                                        AN ACT
    1-1  relating to a special judge serving a county court.
    1-3        SECTION 1.  Article 30.03, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
    1-4  amended to read as follows:
    1-6        Sec. 1.  When the judge of the county court or county court
    1-7  at law, or of any county criminal court, is disqualified in any
    1-8  criminal case pending in the court of which he is judge, the
    1-9  parties may by consent agree upon a special judge to try such case.
   1-10  <If they fail to agree upon a special judge to try such case, on or
   1-11  before the third day of the term at which such case may be called
   1-12  for trial, the practicing attorneys of the court present may elect
   1-13  from among their number a special judge who shall try the case.
   1-14  The election of the special judge shall be conducted in accordance
   1-15  with the provisions of Article 1887, et seq., V.A.C.S.>
   1-16        Sec. 2.  In the event a county judge <or the regular judge of
   1-17  a county court at law created in a county> is absent<,> or is for
   1-18  any cause disabled from presiding, a special judge<, who is an
   1-19  attorney,> may be appointed by the commissioners court of the
   1-20  county.
   1-21        Sec. 3.  In the event the regular judge of a county court at
   1-22  law is absent or for any reason disabled from presiding, a special
   1-23  judge who is an attorney may be appointed by the commissioners
   1-24  court of the county.
    2-1        Sec. 4.  The special judge so appointed must possess those
    2-2  qualifications required of the regular judge of the court and, when
    2-3  appointed shall serve for the period of time designated by the
    2-4  order of appointment but in no event beyond that period of time the
    2-5  regular judge is absent or disabled.
    2-6        SECTION 2.  Article 30.04, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
    2-7  amended to read as follows:
    2-8        Art. 30.04.  SPECIAL JUDGE TO TAKE OATH.  In addition to any
    2-9  oath previously taken, a person <The attorney> agreed upon,
   2-10  elected, or appointed to serve as special judge, including a person
   2-11  who is a retired, former, or active judge, shall, before he enters
   2-12  upon his duties as special judge, take the oath of office required
   2-13  by the Constitution.
   2-14        SECTION 3.  Article 30.05, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
   2-15  amended to read as follows:
   2-16        Art. 30.05.  RECORD MADE BY CLERK.  When a special judge is
   2-17  agreed upon by the parties, elected, or appointed as herein
   2-18  provided, the clerk shall enter in the minutes as a part of the
   2-19  proceedings in such cause a record showing:
   2-20              1.  That the judge of the court was disqualified,
   2-21  absent, or disabled to try the cause;
   2-22              2.  That such special judge (naming him) was by consent
   2-23  of the parties agreed upon, or elected or appointed;
   2-24              3.  That, in addition to any oath previously taken, the
   2-25  oath of office prescribed by law for the special judge, including a
   2-26  special judge who is a retired, former, or active judge, was duly
   2-27  administered to such special judge.
    3-1        SECTION 4.  Subchapter A, Chapter 25, Government Code, is
    3-2  amended by adding Sections 25.0017 and 25.0018 to read as follows:
    3-3        Sec. 25.0017.  SPECIAL JUDGE TO TAKE OATH.  In addition to
    3-4  any oath previously taken, a person agreed on, elected, or
    3-5  appointed as provided by law to serve as special judge of a
    3-6  statutory county court or statutory probate court, including a
    3-7  person who is a retired, former, or active judge, shall, before
    3-8  entering upon the person's duties as special judge, take the oath
    3-9  of office required by the constitution.
   3-10        Sec. 25.0018.  RECORD.  When a special judge is agreed on by
   3-11  the parties, elected, or appointed, the clerk shall enter in the
   3-12  minutes as a part of the proceedings in the cause a record that
   3-13  gives the special judge's name and shows that:
   3-14              (1)  the judge of the court was disqualified, absent,
   3-15  or disabled to try the cause;
   3-16              (2)  the special judge was agreed on by consent of the
   3-17  parties, elected, or appointed; and
   3-18              (3)  in addition to any oath previously taken, the oath
   3-19  of office prescribed by law for the special judge, including a
   3-20  person who is a retired, former, or active judge, was duly
   3-21  administered to the special judge.
   3-22        SECTION 5.  Subsection (a), Section 26.013, Government Code,
   3-23  is amended to read as follows:
   3-24        (a)  If the special judge selected to act for a disqualified
   3-25  county judge is himself disqualified, the parties by agreement may
   3-26  appoint another person <an attorney> as special judge.  If the
   3-27  parties fail to agree on another special judge who is qualified,
    4-1  the judge presiding shall immediately certify that fact to the
    4-2  governor.  The governor shall appoint a special judge to try the
    4-3  case.
    4-4        SECTION 6.  Subchapter B, Chapter 26, Government Code, is
    4-5  amended by adding Sections 26.015 and 26.016 to read as follows:
    4-6        Sec. 26.015.  SPECIAL JUDGE TO TAKE OATH.  In addition to any
    4-7  oath previously taken, a person agreed on, elected, or appointed as
    4-8  provided by law to serve as special judge of a constitutional
    4-9  county court, including a person who is a retired, former, or
   4-10  active judge, shall, before entering upon the person's duties as
   4-11  special judge, take the oath of office required by the
   4-12  constitution.
   4-13        Sec. 26.016.  RECORD.  When a special judge is agreed on by
   4-14  the parties, elected, or appointed, the clerk shall enter in the
   4-15  minutes as a part of the proceedings in the cause a record that
   4-16  gives the special judge's name and shows that:
   4-17              (1)  the judge of the court was disqualified, absent,
   4-18  or disabled to try the cause;
   4-19              (2)  the special judge was agreed on by consent of the
   4-20  parties, elected, or appointed; and
   4-21              (3)  in addition to any oath previously taken, the oath
   4-22  of office prescribed by law for the special judge, including a
   4-23  person who is a retired, former, or active judge, was duly
   4-24  administered to the special judge.
   4-25        SECTION 7.  Subsection (c), Section 26.022, Government Code,
   4-26  is amended to read as follows:
   4-27        (c)  To be appointed a special judge, a person must be<:>
    5-1              <(1)  a licensed attorney; and>
    5-2              <(2)>  agreed on by the counsels of record, if the
    5-3  counsels are able to agree.
    5-4        SECTION 8.  Subsection (a), Section 26.023, Government Code,
    5-5  is amended to read as follows:
    5-6        (a)  The county judge may appoint a retired judge or a
    5-7  constitutional county judge from another county as a special judge
    5-8  when the county judge is absent from the county or absent because
    5-9  of physical incapacity.  <A constitutional county court judge
   5-10  appointed to sit for another constitutional county court judge must
   5-11  be a licensed attorney in this state if the judge for whom he is
   5-12  sitting is a licensed attorney in this state.>
   5-13        SECTION 9.  Subsection (a), Section 26.024, Government Code,
   5-14  is amended to read as follows:
   5-15        (a)  The county judge may appoint a retired judge or a
   5-16  constitutional county judge from another county as a special judge
   5-17  to share the bench if the county judge finds that the dockets of
   5-18  the county court reflect a case load that the county judge
   5-19  considers to be in excess of that which can be disposed of properly
   5-20  in a manner consistent with the efficient administration of
   5-21  justice.  <A constitutional county court judge appointed to sit for
   5-22  another constitutional county court judge must be a licensed
   5-23  attorney in this state if the judge for whom he is sitting is a
   5-24  licensed attorney in this state.>
   5-25        SECTION 10.  Section 26.025, Government Code, is repealed.
   5-26        SECTION 11.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1995, and
   5-27  applies only to a special judge agreed on, elected, or appointed on
    6-1  or after that date.
    6-2        SECTION 12.  The importance of this legislation and the
    6-3  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
    6-4  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
    6-5  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
    6-6  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.