1-1  By:  Cain, Ratliff, Turner                            S.B. No. 1299
    1-2        (In the Senate - Filed March 10, 1995; March 20, 1995, read
    1-3  first time and referred to Committee on Education; April 5, 1995,
    1-4  reported favorably by the following vote:  Yeas 10, Nays 0;
    1-5  April 5, 1995, sent to printer.)
    1-6                         A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-7                                AN ACT
    1-8  relating to abolition of the board of regents of East Texas State
    1-9  University and the transfer of the institutions under that board to
   1-10  The Texas A&M University System.
   1-12        SECTION 1.  ABOLITION OF BOARD AND SYSTEM.  The board of
   1-13  regents of East Texas State University is abolished.
   1-14        SECTION 2.  TRANSFER OF INSTITUTIONS.  The governance,
   1-15  operation, management, and control of East Texas State University
   1-16  and East Texas State University at Texarkana, along with all right,
   1-17  title, and interest in the land, buildings, facilities,
   1-18  improvements, equipment, supplies, and property comprising those
   1-19  institutions, are transferred from the board of regents of East
   1-20  Texas State University to the board of regents of The Texas A&M
   1-21  University System.
   1-22        SECTION 3.  POWERS AND DUTIES.  The board of regents of The
   1-23  Texas A&M University System shall undertake to govern, operate,
   1-24  manage, and control East Texas State University and East Texas
   1-25  State University at Texarkana and all land, buildings, facilities,
   1-26  improvements, equipment, supplies, and property comprising those
   1-27  institutions pursuant to the powers, duties, and responsibilities
   1-28  that are or may be conferred by law upon the board of regents of
   1-29  The Texas A&M University System for the governance, operation,
   1-30  management, and control of component institutions comprising that
   1-31  system.
   1-32        SECTION 4.  APPROPRIATIONS.  Appropriations made by the
   1-33  legislature for the use and benefit of East Texas State University
   1-34  and East Texas State University at Texarkana under the governance
   1-35  of the board of regents of East Texas State University are
   1-36  transferred to the board of regents of The Texas A&M University
   1-37  System for the use and benefit of those institutions.  Other funds
   1-38  held for the use and benefit of East Texas State University and
   1-39  East Texas State University at Texarkana shall continue to be
   1-40  available for the use and benefit of those institutions
   1-41  notwithstanding the change in governance made by this Act.
   1-42        SECTION 5.  CONTRACTS AND WRITTEN OBLIGATIONS.  Contracts and
   1-43  written obligations of every kind and character, including bonds,
   1-44  entered into by the board of regents of East Texas State University
   1-45  for and on behalf of East Texas State University and East Texas
   1-46  State University at Texarkana are ratified, confirmed, and
   1-47  validated.  In those contracts and written obligations, including
   1-48  bonds, the board of regents of The Texas A&M University System is
   1-49  substituted for and stands and acts in the place of the board of
   1-50  regents of East Texas State University.
   1-52  The transfer of governance, operation, management, and control of
   1-53  East Texas State University and East Texas State University at
   1-54  Texarkana from the board of regents of East Texas State University
   1-55  to the board of regents of The Texas A&M University System does not
   1-56  affect:
   1-57              (1)  the credit hours earned by students at those
   1-58  institutions before the effective date of this Act; or
   1-59              (2)  the employment status on the effective date of
   1-60  this Act of the administrative, faculty, or support staff of those
   1-61  institutions.
   1-63  The transfer of governance, operation, management, and control of
   1-64  East Texas State University and East Texas State University at
   1-65  Texarkana from the board of regents of East Texas State University
   1-66  to the board of regents of The Texas A&M University System does not
   1-67  affect the right of East Texas State University and East Texas
   1-68  State University at Texarkana to receive money appropriated by
    2-1  Section 17(a), Article VII, Texas Constitution, and allocated in
    2-2  accordance with Section 62.021, Education Code.
    2-3        SECTION 8.  AMENDMENT.  Chapter 87, Education Code, is
    2-4  amended by adding Subchapters G and H to read as follows:
    2-6        Sec. 87.551.  ESTABLISHMENT.  (a)  East Texas State
    2-7  University is a coeducational institution of higher education with
    2-8  its main campus located in the City of Commerce.  The university is
    2-9  a component of The Texas A&M University System and is under the
   2-10  management and control of the board of regents of The Texas A&M
   2-11  University System.
   2-12        (b)  The board has the same powers and duties concerning the
   2-13  university as are conferred on the board by law concerning Texas
   2-14  A&M University.
   2-16  (a)  The board may award baccalaureate, master's, and doctoral
   2-17  degrees and their equivalents, but the board may not institute a
   2-18  department, school, or program without the prior approval of the
   2-19  Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
   2-20        (b)  A program offered by the metroplex commuter program:
   2-21              (1)  must be approved by the Texas Higher Education
   2-22  Coordinating Board; and
   2-23              (2)  may not duplicate a program offered by another
   2-24  institution of higher education in the Dallas area.
   2-25        (c)  The board shall adopt other rules for the operation,
   2-26  control, and management of East Texas State University as may be
   2-27  necessary for the institution to be a first-class institution of
   2-28  higher education.  The board may establish different rules for the
   2-29  operation of the facilities and programs at different locations of
   2-30  the institution.
   2-31        (d)  The board may make joint faculty appointments in East
   2-32  Texas State University and in other institutions under its
   2-33  governance.  The salary of a person who receives a joint
   2-34  appointment shall be apportioned to the appointing institutions on
   2-35  the basis of services rendered.
   2-36          (Sections 87.553 to 87.570 reserved for expansion
   2-38        Sec. 87.571.  ESTABLISHMENT.  (a)  East Texas State
   2-39  University at Texarkana is a coeducational upper-level institution
   2-40  of higher education located in the City of Texarkana.  The
   2-41  university is a component of The Texas A&M University System and is
   2-42  under the management and control of the board of regents of The
   2-43  Texas A&M University System.
   2-44        (b)  The board has the same powers and duties concerning the
   2-45  university as are conferred on the board by law concerning Texas
   2-46  A&M University, except that the university may not offer freshman
   2-47  or sophomore programs.
   2-48        SECTION 9.  REPEALER.  Chapter 100, Education Code, is
   2-49  repealed.
   2-50        SECTION 10.  EFFECTIVE DATE.  This Act takes effect
   2-51  September 1, 1996.
   2-52        SECTION 11.  EMERGENCY.  The importance of this legislation
   2-53  and the crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   2-54  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   2-55  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   2-56  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.
   2-57                               * * * * *