By:  Barrientos                                       S.B. No. 1333
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
                                        AN ACT
    1-1  relating to the operations, powers, and duties of the Texas
    1-2  Department of Housing and Community Affairs.
    1-4        SECTION 1.  Section 2306.002, Government Code, is amended to
    1-5  read as follows:
    1-6        Sec. 2306.002.  POLICY.  (a)  The legislature finds that:
    1-7              (1)  every resident of this state should have a decent,
    1-8  safe, and affordable living environment; <and>
    1-9              (2)  government at all levels should be involved in
   1-10  assisting individuals and families of low income in obtaining a
   1-11  decent, safe, and affordable living environment; and
   1-12              (3)  the development and diversification of the
   1-13  economy, the elimination of unemployment or underemployment, and
   1-14  the development or expansion of commerce in this state should be
   1-15  encouraged.
   1-16        (b)  The highest priority of the department is to provide
   1-17  assistance to individuals and families of low and very low income
   1-18  who are not adequately assisted by private enterprise or other
   1-19  governmental programs so that they may obtain affordable housing or
   1-20  other services and programs offered by the department.
   1-21        SECTION 2.  Section 2306.004, Government Code, is amended to
   1-22  read as follows:
   1-23        Sec. 2306.004.  DEFINITIONS.  In this chapter:
   1-24              (1)  "Board" means the governing board of the
    2-1  department.
    2-2              (2)  "Bond" means an evidence of indebtedness or other
    2-3  obligation, regardless of the source of payment, issued by the
    2-4  department under Section 2306.351 et seq. <Subchapter P>, including
    2-5  a bond, note, or bond or revenue anticipation note, regardless of
    2-6  whether the obligation is general or special, negotiable or
    2-7  nonnegotiable, in bearer or registered form, in certified or
    2-8  book-entry form, in temporary or permanent form, or with or without
    2-9  interest coupons.
   2-10              (3)  "Community action agency":
   2-11                    (A)  means an organization:
   2-12                          (i)  that:
   2-13                               (a)  was officially designated as a
   2-14  community action agency or a community action program under Section
   2-15  210 of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. Section
   2-16  2790) for federal fiscal year 1981;
   2-17                               (b)  came into existence during
   2-18  federal fiscal year 1982 as a direct successor in interest to such
   2-19  a community action agency or community action program; or
   2-20                               (c)  is designated as a community
   2-21  action agency by the governor in accordance with applicable federal
   2-22  law; and
   2-23                          (ii)  that meets all the requirements of 42
   2-24  U.S.C. Section 9904(c)(3) with respect to the composition of the
   2-25  board; and
   2-26                    (B)  does not include an entity that lost its
   2-27  designation as a community action agency or community action
    3-1  program under Section 210 of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964
    3-2  (42 U.S.C. Section 2790) as a result of a failure to comply with
    3-3  that Act.
    3-4              (4)  "Department" means the Texas Department of Housing
    3-5  and Community Affairs.
    3-6              (5) <(4)>  "Director" means the executive director of
    3-7  the department.
    3-8              (6) <(5)>  "Economically depressed or blighted area"
    3-9  means an area:
   3-10                    (A)  that has been determined by the department
   3-11  <housing finance division> to be a qualified census tract or an
   3-12  area of chronic economic distress under Section 103A, Internal
   3-13  Revenue Code of 1954 (26 U.S.C. Section 103A); or
   3-14                    (B)  established in a municipality that has a
   3-15  substantial number of substandard, slum, deteriorated, or
   3-16  deteriorating structures and that suffers from a high relative rate
   3-17  of unemployment<; or>
   3-18                    <(C)  that has been designed and included in a
   3-19  tax increment district created under Chapter 695, Acts of the 66th
   3-20  Legislature, Regular Session, 1979 (Article 1066d, Vernon's Texas
   3-21  Civil Statutes)>.
   3-22              (7) <(6)>  "Elderly individual" means an individual 60
   3-23  years of age or older.
   3-24              <(7)  "Family of moderate income" means  a family:>
   3-25                    <(A)  that is determined by the board to require
   3-26  assistance, taking into account:>
   3-27                          <(i)  the amount of the total income
    4-1  available for housing needs of the individuals and families;>
    4-2                          <(ii)  the size of the family;>
    4-3                          <(iii)  the cost and condition of available
    4-4  housing facilities;>
    4-5                          <(iv)  the ability of the individuals and
    4-6  families to compete successfully in the private housing market and
    4-7  to pay the amounts required by private enterprise for sanitary,
    4-8  decent, and safe housing; and>
    4-9                          <(v)  standards established for various
   4-10  federal programs determining eligibility based on income; and>
   4-11                    <(B)  that does not qualify as a family of low
   4-12  income.>
   4-13              (8)  "Federal government" means the United States of
   4-14  America and includes any corporate or other instrumentality of the
   4-15  United States of America, including the Resolution Trust
   4-16  Corporation.
   4-17              (9)  "Federal mortgage" means a mortgage loan for
   4-18  residential housing:
   4-19                    (A)  that is made by the federal government; or
   4-20                    (B)  for which a commitment to make has been
   4-21  given by the federal government.
   4-22              (10)  "Federally assisted new communities" means
   4-23  federally assisted areas that receive or will receive assistance in
   4-24  the form of loan guarantees under Title X of the National Housing
   4-25  Act (12 U.S.C. Section 1701 et seq.), and a portion of that
   4-26  federally assisted area has received grants under Section 107(a)(1)
   4-27  of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended
    5-1  (42 U.S.C. Section 5301 et seq.).
    5-2              (11)  "Federally insured mortgage" means a mortgage
    5-3  loan for residential housing that:
    5-4                    (A)  is insured or guaranteed by the federal
    5-5  government; or
    5-6                    (B)  the federal government has committed to
    5-7  insure or guarantee.
    5-8              (12)  "Housing development" means a development that
    5-9  may include:
   5-10                    (A)  property or work or a  project, building,
   5-11  structure, facility, or undertaking, whether existing, new
   5-12  construction, remodeling, improvement, or rehabilitation, that
   5-13  meets or is designed to meet minimum property standards required by
   5-14  the department and that is financed under the provisions of this
   5-15  chapter for the primary purpose of providing sanitary, decent, and
   5-16  safe dwelling accommodations for rent, lease, use, or purchase by
   5-17  individuals and families of low and very low income and families of
   5-18  moderate income in need of housing;
   5-19                    (B)  <.  The term includes:>
   5-20                    <(A)>  buildings, structures, land, equipment,
   5-21  facilities, or other real or personal properties that are
   5-22  necessary, convenient, or desirable appurtenances, including
   5-23  streets, water, sewers, utilities, parks, site preparation,
   5-24  landscaping, stores, offices, and other nonhousing facilities, such
   5-25  as administrative, community, and recreational facilities the
   5-26  department determines to be necessary, convenient, or desirable
   5-27  appurtenances; or <and>
    6-1                    (C) <(B)>  single and multifamily dwellings in
    6-2  rural and urban areas.
    6-3              (13)  "Housing sponsor" means:
    6-4                    (A)  an individual, including an individual or
    6-5  family of low and very low income or family of moderate income, a
    6-6  local government, a public housing authority, a community action
    6-7  agency, a joint venture, partnership, limited partnership, trust,
    6-8  firm, corporation, or a cooperative that is approved by the
    6-9  department as qualified to own, construct, acquire, rehabilitate,
   6-10  operate, manage, or maintain a housing development, subject to the
   6-11  regulatory powers of the department and other terms and conditions
   6-12  in this chapter; or
   6-13                    (B)  in an economically depressed or blighted
   6-14  area, or in a federally assisted new community located within a
   6-15  home-rule municipality, the term may include an individual or
   6-16  family whose income exceeds the moderate income level if at least
   6-17  90 percent of the total mortgage amount available under a mortgage
   6-18  revenue bond issue is designated for individuals and families of
   6-19  low income or families of moderate income.
   6-20              (14)  "Individuals and families of low income" means
   6-21  individuals and families earning not more than 80 percent of the
   6-22  area median income or applicable federal poverty line, as
   6-23  determined under either Section 2306.123 or Section 2306.1231.
   6-24              (15)  "Individuals and families of very low income"
   6-25  means individuals and families earning not more than 60 percent of
   6-26  the area median income or applicable federal poverty line, as
   6-27  determined under either Section 2306.123 or Section 2306.1231.
    7-1              (16)  "Land development" means:
    7-2                    (A)  acquiring land for residential housing
    7-3  construction; and
    7-4                    (B)  making, installing, or constructing
    7-5  nonresidential improvements that the department determines are
    7-6  necessary or desirable for a housing development to be financed by
    7-7  the department, including:
    7-8                          (i)  waterlines and water supply
    7-9  installations;
   7-10                          (ii)  sewer lines and sewage disposal
   7-11  installations;
   7-12                          (iii)  steam, gas, and electric lines and
   7-13  installations; and
   7-14                          (iv)  roads, streets, curbs, gutters, and
   7-15  sidewalks, whether on or off the site.
   7-16              (17)  "Local government" means a county, municipality,
   7-17  special district, or any other political subdivision of the state,
   7-18  a public, nonprofit housing finance corporation created under
   7-19  Chapter 394, Local Government Code, or a combination of those
   7-20  entities.
   7-21              (18)  "Moderate income" means the income level
   7-22  specified by the applicable federal program.
   7-23              (19)  "Mortgage" means an <interest-bearing>
   7-24  obligation, including a mortgage, mortgage deed, bond, note, deed
   7-25  of trust, or other instrument, that is a lien:
   7-26                    (A)  on real property; or
   7-27                    (B)  on a leasehold under a lease having a
    8-1  remaining term that, at the time the lien is acquired, does not
    8-2  expire until after the maturity date of the <interest-bearing>
    8-3  obligation secured by the lien.
    8-4              (20) <(19)>  "Mortgage lender" means a bank, trust
    8-5  company, savings bank, mortgage company, mortgage banker, credit
    8-6  union, national banking association, savings and loan association,
    8-7  life insurance company, or other financial institution authorized
    8-8  to transact business in this state and approved as a mortgage
    8-9  lender by the department or a local government, public housing
   8-10  authority, or nonprofit corporation.
   8-11              (21) <(20)>  "Mortgage loan" means an
   8-12  <interest-bearing> obligation secured by a mortgage.
   8-13              (22) <(21)>  "Municipality" includes only a
   8-14  municipality in this state.
   8-15              (23) <(22)>  "Public agency" means an agency, board,
   8-16  authority, department, commission, political subdivision, municipal
   8-17  corporation, district, public corporation, body politic, or
   8-18  instrumentality of this state, including a county, municipality,
   8-19  housing authority, state-supported institution of higher education,
   8-20  school district, junior college, other district or authority, or
   8-21  other type of governmental entity of this state.
   8-22              (24) <(23)>  "Real estate owned contractor" means a
   8-23  person required to meet the obligations of a contract with the
   8-24  department <housing finance division> for managing and marketing
   8-25  foreclosed property.
   8-26              (25) <(24)>  "Real property" means land, including
   8-27  improvements and fixtures on the land, property of any nature
    9-1  appurtenant to the land or used in connection with the land, and a
    9-2  legal or equitable estate, interest, or right in land, including
    9-3  leasehold interests, terms for years, and a judgment, mortgage, or
    9-4  other lien.
    9-5              (26) <(25)>  "Reserve fund" means the <housing finance
    9-6  division's> reserve fund of the department's bond-financed
    9-7  activities.
    9-8              (27) <(26)>  "Residential housing" means a specific
    9-9  work or improvement undertaken primarily to provide dwelling
   9-10  accommodations, including the acquisition, construction,
   9-11  reconstruction, remodeling, improvement, or rehabilitation of land
   9-12  and buildings and improvements to the buildings for residential
   9-13  housing and other incidental or appurtenant nonhousing facilities.
   9-14              (28) <(27)>  "Servicer" means a person required to meet
   9-15  contractual obligations with the department <housing finance
   9-16  division> or with a mortgage lender relating to a loan financed
   9-17  under Section 2306.221 et seq. <Subchapter J>, including:
   9-18                    (A)  purchasing mortgage certificates backed by
   9-19  mortgage loans;
   9-20                    (B)  collecting principal and interest from the
   9-21  borrower;
   9-22                    (C)  sending principal and interest payments to
   9-23  the department <division>;
   9-24                    (D)  preparing periodic reports;
   9-25                    (E)  notifying the primary mortgage and pool
   9-26  insurers of delinquent and foreclosed loans; and
   9-27                    (F)  filing insurance claims on foreclosed
   10-1  property.
   10-2        SECTION 3.  Subsection (b), Section 2306.021, Government
   10-3  Code, is amended to read as follows:
   10-4        (b)  The department is composed of:
   10-5              (1)  the community affairs division;
   10-6              (2)  the housing finance division; <and>
   10-7              (3)  the community development division; and
   10-8              (4)  any other division created by the director.
   10-9        SECTION 4.  Section 2306.023, Government Code, is amended to
  10-10  read as follows:
  10-11        Sec. 2306.023.  PERSONAL LIABILITY OF BOARD MEMBER OR
  10-12  DIRECTOR <SEPARATION OF DIVISIONS>.  A member of the board or the
  10-13  director is not liable personally for bonds issued or contracts
  10-14  executed by <The duties of the housing finance division shall be
  10-15  kept separate from the duties of the community affairs division and
  10-16  each other division established in> the department or for any other
  10-17  action taken in accordance with the powers and duties authorized by
  10-18  this chapter.
  10-19        SECTION 5.  Section 2306.030, Government Code, is amended by
  10-20  adding Subsection (e) to read as follows:
  10-21        (e)  If neither the presiding officer or assistant presiding
  10-22  officer is present or capable of performing the duties of presiding
  10-23  officer, a majority of the members present may elect another member
  10-24  of the board to perform the duties of presiding officer.
  10-25        SECTION 6.  Section 2306.032, Government Code, is amended to
  10-26  read as follows:
  10-27        Sec. 2306.032.  BOARD MEETINGS.  (a)  <The board shall meet
   11-1  at least three times annually at the call of the presiding officer
   11-2  and other times the board determines are necessary.  The time and
   11-3  place of the other meetings are to be fixed by a majority vote of
   11-4  the board.>
   11-5        <(b)>  The board may hold <special> meetings when called by
   11-6  the presiding officer, the director, or three of the members.
   11-7        (b) <(c)>  The board shall keep complete minutes of board
   11-8  meetings.  The accounts, minutes, and other records shall be kept
   11-9  at the principal office of the department.
  11-10        (c)  The board is subject to the open meetings law, Chapter
  11-11  551, except that the board is not required to conduct an open
  11-12  meeting to discuss proprietary financial matters of a private
  11-13  applicant, borrower, or other recipient of funds.
  11-14        SECTION 7.  Subchapter C, Chapter 2306, Government Code, is
  11-15  amended by amending Section 2306.051 and by adding Section
  11-16  2306.0515 to read as follows:
  11-17        Sec. 2306.051.  BOARD DUTIES.  (a)  The board shall:
  11-18              (1)  adopt policies and procedures governing the
  11-19  administration of the department's programs;
  11-20              (2)  approve program procedures to govern housing loans
  11-21  made by the department under this chapter;
  11-22              (3)  adopt a target strategy for the percentage of
  11-23  mortgage revenue bond proceeds to be made available to individuals
  11-24  and families of low and very low income and families of moderate
  11-25  income;
  11-26              (4)  establish eligibility criteria for participation
  11-27  in the department's programs for individuals and families of low
   12-1  and very low income and families of moderate income; and
   12-2              (5)  approve the annual low income housing plan.
   12-3        (b)  All bonds issued by the department must be authorized by
   12-4  the board.
   12-5        (c)  By action of the board, each division shall have a goal
   12-6  to apply a minimum of 30 percent of the division's housing-related
   12-7  funds toward housing assistance for individuals and families of
   12-8  very low income <consult with and advise the director on the
   12-9  affairs and problems of local government and the work of the
  12-10  department>.
  12-11        Sec. 2306.0515.  FEES; PENALTIES.  (a)  The board shall
  12-12  establish a schedule of fees and penalties relating to the
  12-13  operation of the department's programs, including fees for:
  12-14              (1)  applications, processing, loan commitments,
  12-15  origination, servicing, insurance premiums, mortgage premiums,
  12-16  housing developments, facilities and other services, compliance
  12-17  costs, and other administrative costs;
  12-18              (2)  the cost of regulating housing sponsors, including
  12-19  the cost of:
  12-20                    (A)  examination;
  12-21                    (B)  inspection;
  12-22                    (C)  supervision; and
  12-23                    (D)  auditing; and
  12-24              (3)  reimbursement of the department's financing costs.
  12-25        (b)  The department may assess and collect the fees described
  12-26  by this section and use the funds received for the purposes
  12-27  specified by this chapter.
   13-1        SECTION 8.  Subsection (b), Section 2306.052, Government
   13-2  Code, is amended to read as follows:
   13-3        (b)  The director shall:
   13-4              (1)  administer and organize the work of the department
   13-5  consistent with this chapter and with sound organizational
   13-6  management that promotes efficient and effective operation;
   13-7              (2)  appoint and remove <officers and other> personnel
   13-8  employed by the department<, subject to the annual budget and any
   13-9  resolution authorizing the issuance of bonds under this chapter>;
  13-10              (3)  submit, through and with the approval of the
  13-11  governor and the board, requests for appropriations and other money
  13-12  to operate the department;
  13-13              (4)  administer all money entrusted to the department;
  13-14              (5)  administer all money and investments of the
  13-15  department subject to:
  13-16                    (A)  department indentures and contracts;
  13-17                    (B)  Sections 2306.118-2306.120; and
  13-18                    (C)  an action of the board under Section
  13-19  2306.351 <make an annual report to the governor and the legislature
  13-20  of the department's operations and provide other reports requested
  13-21  by the governor or the legislature>; and
  13-22              (6)  perform other functions that may be assigned by
  13-23  the governor.
  13-24        SECTION 9.  Section 2306.053, Government Code, is amended to
  13-25  read as follows:
  13-26        Sec. 2306.053.  DEPARTMENT POWERS AND DUTIES.  (a)  The
  13-27  department shall<:>
   14-1              <(1)>  maintain suitable headquarters and other offices
   14-2  in this state that the director determines are necessary<; and>
   14-3              <(2)  furnish the information, equipment, and staff
   14-4  necessary to implement the work of the board>.
   14-5        (b)  The department may:
   14-6              (1)  <sue and be sued, or plead and be impleaded;>
   14-7              <(2)>  act for and on behalf of this state;
   14-8              (2) <(3)>  adopt an official seal or alter it;
   14-9              (3) <(4)>  adopt and enforce bylaws and rules;
  14-10              (4) <(5)>  contract with the federal government, state,
  14-11  any public agency, mortgage lender, person, or other entity;
  14-12              (5) <(6)>  designate mortgage lenders to act for the
  14-13  department for the origination, processing, and servicing of the
  14-14  department's mortgage loans under conditions agreed to by the
  14-15  parties;
  14-16              (6) <(7)>  provide, contract, or arrange for
  14-17  consolidated processing of a housing development to avoid
  14-18  duplication;
  14-19              (7) <(8)>  encourage homeless individuals and
  14-20  individuals of low or very low income to attend the department's
  14-21  educational programs and assist those individuals in attending the
  14-22  programs;
  14-23              (8) <(9)>  appoint and determine the qualifications,
  14-24  duties, and tenure of its agents, counselors, and professional
  14-25  advisors, including accountants, appraisers, architects, engineers,
  14-26  financial consultants, housing construction and financing experts,
  14-27  and real estate consultants;
   15-1              (9)  administer federal or state housing, community
   15-2  affairs, or community development programs, including the low
   15-3  income housing tax credit program; <and>
   15-4              (10)  establish eligibility criteria for individuals
   15-5  and families of low and very low income and families of moderate
   15-6  income to participate in and benefit from programs administered by
   15-7  the department;
   15-8              (11)  adopt underwriting standards for loans made or
   15-9  financed by the department;
  15-10              (12)  adopt minimum property standards for housing
  15-11  developments financed or acquired under this chapter;
  15-12              (13)  compile a list of approved mortgage lenders;
  15-13              (14)  obtain, retain, and disseminate its records and
  15-14  other documents in electronic form; and
  15-15              (15)  do all things necessary, convenient, or desirable
  15-16  to carry out the powers expressly granted or necessarily implied by
  15-17  this chapter.
  15-18        (c)  The department is subject to the open records law,
  15-19  Chapter 552, except that the proprietary financial records of a
  15-20  private applicant, borrower, or other recipient of funds are not a
  15-21  public record.
  15-22        SECTION 10.  Section 2306.094, Government Code, is amended
  15-23  and redesignated as Section 2306.054, Subchapter C, Chapter 2306,
  15-24  Government Code, to read as follows:
  15-25        Sec. 2306.054 <2306.094>.  SPECIAL ADVISORY COUNCILS.
  15-26  (a)  The governor or director may<, with the advice of the
  15-27  director,> appoint special advisory councils to:
   16-1              (1)  assist the department <board> in adopting basic
   16-2  policy <for the community affairs division>; or
   16-3              (2)  offer advice on technical aspects of certain
   16-4  programs <that the community affairs division administers>.
   16-5        (b)  A special advisory council is dissolved on completion of
   16-6  its stated purpose unless continued by the governor or director.
   16-7        SECTION 11.  Section 2306.095, Government Code, is amended
   16-8  and redesignated as Section 2306.055, Subchapter C, Chapter 2306,
   16-9  Government Code, to read as follows:
  16-10        Sec. 2306.055 <2306.095>.  TRANSFERS FROM GOVERNOR.  The
  16-11  governor may transfer to any <the community affairs> division
  16-12  personnel, equipment, records, obligations, appropriations,
  16-13  functions, and duties of appropriate divisions of the governor's
  16-14  office.
  16-15        SECTION 12.  Subchapter C, Chapter 2306, Government Code, is
  16-16  amended by adding Section 2306.056 to read as follows:
  16-17        Sec. 2306.056.  COMMITTEES.  (a)  The presiding officer may
  16-18  appoint a committee composed of board members to carry out the
  16-19  board's duties.
  16-20        (b)  The board may consider a recommendation of a committee
  16-21  in making a decision under this chapter.
  16-22        (c)  A committee established under this section is subject to
  16-23  Chapters 551 and 552.
  16-24        SECTION 13.  Subchapter C, Chapter 2306, Government Code, is
  16-25  amended by adding Sections 2306.057 and 2306.058 to read as
  16-26  follows:
  16-27        Sec. 2306.057.  GENERAL DUTIES OF DEPARTMENT.  The department
   17-1  shall:
   17-2              (1)  develop policies and programs designed to increase
   17-3  the number of individuals and families of low and very low income
   17-4  and families of moderate income that participate in its programs;
   17-5              (2)  work with local governments, public agencies,
   17-6  housing sponsors, and nonprofit corporations to provide:
   17-7                    (A)  information on department programs; and
   17-8                    (B)  technical assistance to local governments,
   17-9  public agencies, and nonprofit corporations;
  17-10              (3)  encourage private and nonprofit corporations and
  17-11  state organizations to match the department's funds to assist in
  17-12  providing affordable housing to individuals and families of low and
  17-13  very low income and families of moderate income;
  17-14              (4)  provide matching funds, as available, to local
  17-15  governments, public agencies, housing sponsors, and nonprofit
  17-16  developers who qualify under the department's programs;
  17-17              (5)  administer the state's allocation of federal funds
  17-18  provided under:
  17-19                    (A)  the rental rehabilitation grant program
  17-20  authorized by Section 17, Title I, United States Housing Act of
  17-21  1937 (42 U.S.C. Section 1437o);
  17-22                    (B)  the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable
  17-23  Housing Act (42 U.S.C. Section 12704 et seq.); and
  17-24                    (C)  any other federally established affordable
  17-25  housing program; and
  17-26              (6)  administer the state's allocation of federal tax
  17-27  credits provided under the low-income housing tax credit program,
   18-1  under the requirements prescribed by Section 42, Internal Revenue
   18-2  Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. Section 42), and this chapter, including:
   18-3                    (A)  adopting a qualified allocation plan for
   18-4  each year not later than September 30 of the preceding year;
   18-5                    (B)  adopting all rules governing an application
   18-6  cycle or application cycles, including selection criteria, for any
   18-7  given year not later than October 31 of the preceding year; and
   18-8                    (C)  requiring that applications for a given
   18-9  year's tax credits be received not later than February 1 of that
  18-10  year, and awarding the credits not later than April 15 of that
  18-11  year.
  18-12        Sec. 2306.058.  PAYMENT OF DEPARTMENT OBLIGATIONS AND
  18-13  EXPENSES.  The department shall use available sources of revenue,
  18-14  income, and receipts to:
  18-15              (1)  pay all expenses of the department's operation and
  18-16  maintenance;
  18-17              (2)  pay the principal and interest on department
  18-18  bonds; and
  18-19              (3)  create and maintain the reserves or funds provided
  18-20  by each resolution authorizing the issuance of department bonds.
  18-21        SECTION 14.  Section 2306.065, Government Code, is amended to
  18-22  read as follows:
  18-23        Sec. 2306.065.  DISCRIMINATION PROHIBITED.  An individual may
  18-24  not, because of that individual's race, color, national origin,
  18-25  age, religion, disability, or sex, be excluded from participation,
  18-26  be denied benefits, or be subjected to discrimination in any
  18-27  program or activity funded in whole or in part with funds made
   19-1  available under this chapter.
   19-2        SECTION 15.  Subsection (a), Section 2306.067, Government
   19-3  Code, is amended to read as follows:
   19-4        (a)  The director may enter into <reciprocal> agreements with
   19-5  a state agency or instrumentality or local government to loan or
   19-6  assign department employees to that entity.
   19-7        SECTION 16.  Section 2306.069, Government Code, is amended to
   19-8  read as follows:
   19-9        Sec. 2306.069.  <OUTSIDE> LEGAL COUNSEL.  (a)  The department
  19-10  shall obtain and evaluate information regarding the affirmative
  19-11  action policies and practices of proposed outside legal counsel.
  19-12  The department must include the evaluation in a request to the
  19-13  attorney general for outside legal counsel.
  19-14        (b)  The department may hire in-house legal counsel.  The
  19-15  director shall prescribe the duties of the legal counsel.
  19-16        SECTION 17.  Section 2306.070, Government Code, is amended to
  19-17  read as follows:
  19-19  In preparing the department's legislative appropriations request,
  19-20  the department shall include, for informational purposes, the
  19-21  operating funds for the department's bond-financed activities <also
  19-22  prepare an operating budget for the housing finance division.  The
  19-23  department shall submit the operating budget to the Legislative
  19-24  Budget Board, the Senate Finance Committee, and the House
  19-25  Appropriations Committee>.
  19-26        SECTION 18.  Subchapter D, Chapter 2306, Government Code, is
  19-27  amended by adding Section 2306.0705 to read as follows:
   20-1        Sec. 2306.0705.  GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS ACT.  (a)  Except as
   20-2  specifically provided by this chapter, the department is subject to
   20-3  the General Appropriations Act.
   20-4        (b)  The proceeds from bonds issued by the department and
   20-5  enterprise funds are not subject to the General Appropriations Act.
   20-6        (c)  In this section, "enterprise funds" means funds used to
   20-7  account for housing-related operations that are financed and
   20-8  operated in a manner similar to a private business enterprise and
   20-9  in which the costs of providing services on a continuing basis are
  20-10  financed or recovered primarily through user charges.
  20-11        SECTION 19.  Section 2306.071, Government Code, is amended to
  20-12  read as follows:
  20-13        Sec. 2306.071.  FUNDS; LOCAL DEPOSITORY FUND.  (a)  The
  20-14  department may request, contract for, receive, and spend for its
  20-15  purposes an appropriation, grant, loan, allocation, subsidy, rent
  20-16  supplement, guarantee, aid, contribution, gift, service, labor, or
  20-17  material from this state, the federal government, or another public
  20-18  or private source.
  20-19        (b)  The funds and revenues of the department's bond-financed
  20-20  activities <housing finance division> shall be kept separate from
  20-21  the department's other funds and revenues <of the other divisions>,
  20-22  and the department <other divisions> may <not> use funds and
  20-23  revenues of the department's bond-financed activities only to
  20-24  administer housing-related programs <housing finance division for
  20-25  any purpose>.
  20-26        (c)  Except for legislative appropriations, funds necessary
  20-27  for the operation of the department's bond-financed activities, and
   21-1  trustee-held funds of the department under a multifamily bond
   21-2  indenture <which shall be kept in the state treasury>, all funds
   21-3  and revenue of the department's bond-financed activities received
   21-4  by the department <housing finance division> are to be kept outside
   21-5  the state treasury.
   21-6        (d)  Legislative appropriations shall be kept in the state
   21-7  treasury.  Trustee-held funds of the department under a multifamily
   21-8  bond indenture are held by the trustee as provided by the
   21-9  indenture.  Operating funds for bond-financed activities shall be
  21-10  kept in the Texas housing local depository fund created under
  21-11  Subsection (e).  The operating funds may be transmitted to payee
  21-12  accounts in financial institutions by electronic means or for
  21-13  processing of state warrants.  Unexpended operating funds shall be
  21-14  reimbursed to the Texas housing local depository fund at the end of
  21-15  each fiscal year.
  21-16        (e)  The Texas housing local depository fund is created as a
  21-17  special fund in the state treasury.  Interest earned on the fund
  21-18  shall be credited to and retained by the fund for the benefit of
  21-19  the fund.  The fund is not subject to Section 403.094 or 403.095.
  21-20        (f)  All other revenue and funds of the department received
  21-21  or payable through the bond-related programs and functions of the
  21-22  department shall be deposited outside the state treasury with
  21-23  either the Texas Treasury Safekeeping Trust Company or with any
  21-24  other depository selected by the department in accordance with
  21-25  Section 2306.119.
  21-26        SECTION 20.  Subchapter D, Government Code, is amended by
  21-27  adding Sections 2306.0721, 2306.0722, and 2306.0723 to read as
   22-1  follows:
   22-2        Sec. 2306.0721.  LOW INCOME HOUSING PLAN.  (a)  Not later
   22-3  than April 1 of each year, the director shall prepare and submit to
   22-4  the board an integrated state low income housing plan for the next
   22-5  year.
   22-6        (b)  Not later than the 30th day after the date the board
   22-7  receives the plan, the board shall submit the plan to the governor
   22-8  and legislature.
   22-9        (c)  The plan shall serve as the basis for the development of
  22-10  any housing strategy to be implemented by the department and must
  22-11  include:
  22-12              (1)  an estimate and analysis of the housing needs of
  22-13  the following populations in the state:
  22-14                    (A)  individuals and families of low and very low
  22-15  income and families of moderate income;
  22-16                    (B)  individuals and families with special needs;
  22-17                    (C)  homeless individuals and families;
  22-18                    (D)  individuals with disabilities;
  22-19                    (E)  migrant farm workers;
  22-20                    (F)  elderly individuals; and
  22-21                    (G)  individuals living in colonias;
  22-22              (2)  a proposal to track all available housing
  22-23  resources to address the housing needs of the populations described
  22-24  by Subdivision (1) by reporting funding levels for all
  22-25  housing-related programs;
  22-26              (3)  an estimate of the number of federally assisted
  22-27  housing units available for individuals and families of low and
   23-1  very low income and individuals with special needs in each uniform
   23-2  state service region in the state;
   23-3              (4)  a description of state programs that govern the
   23-4  use of all available housing resources;
   23-5              (5)  a resource allocation plan that targets all
   23-6  available housing resources to individuals and families of low and
   23-7  very low income, families of moderate income, individuals and
   23-8  families with special needs, and homeless individuals and families;
   23-9              (6)  a description of the unused or underused federal
  23-10  resources of other state agencies for housing-related services and
  23-11  services for homeless individuals and the department's
  23-12  recommendations to ensure the full use by the state of all
  23-13  available federal resources for those services;
  23-14              (7)  strategies to provide housing for individuals and
  23-15  families with special needs and homeless individuals and families;
  23-16              (8)  a comprehensive statement of the activities of the
  23-17  department during the preceding fiscal year to address the needs
  23-18  identified in the plan, including:
  23-19                    (A)  a statistical and narrative analysis of the
  23-20  department's performance in addressing the housing needs of
  23-21  individuals and families of low and very low income and families of
  23-22  moderate income;
  23-23                    (B)  the ethnic or racial composition of
  23-24  individuals and families applying for and receiving assistance from
  23-25  each housing program administered by the department; and
  23-26                    (C)  the department's progress in meeting the
  23-27  goals established in the previous housing plan;
   24-1              (9)  an explanation of the efforts made by the
   24-2  department to ensure the participation of individuals of low income
   24-3  and their community-based institutions in department programs that
   24-4  affect them;
   24-5              (10)  an explanation of the efforts that the department
   24-6  has made to ensure that individuals of low income and their
   24-7  community-based institutions are involved in the allocation of
   24-8  funds and the planning process;
   24-9              (11)  a statistical analysis, delineated according to
  24-10  each ethnic and racial group served by the department, that
  24-11  indicates the progress made by the department in implementing the
  24-12  state low income housing plan in each of the uniform state service
  24-13  regions;
  24-14              (12)  a statistical analysis of each housing
  24-15  development that receives financial assistance from the department
  24-16  that includes the following information for each housing
  24-17  development that contains 20 or more living units:
  24-18                    (A)  the street address and municipality or
  24-19  county in which the property is located;
  24-20                    (B)  the total number of units reported by
  24-21  bedroom size;
  24-22                    (C)  the total number of units designed for
  24-23  individuals who are physically disabled or who have special needs
  24-24  and the number of these individuals served annually as reported by
  24-25  each housing sponsor;
  24-26                    (D)  average rents reported by region, as defined
  24-27  in the comprehensive housing affordability strategy;
   25-1                    (E)  the race or ethnic makeup of each project as
   25-2  reported annually by each housing sponsor;
   25-3                    (F)  the number of units occupied by individuals
   25-4  receiving government-supported housing assistance as reported by
   25-5  each housing sponsor;
   25-6                    (G)  a statement as to whether the department has
   25-7  been notified of a violation of the fair housing law that has been
   25-8  filed with the United States Department of Housing and Urban
   25-9  Development, the Commission on Human Rights, or the United States
  25-10  Department of Justice;
  25-11                    (H)  a statement as to whether the development
  25-12  has any instances of material noncompliance with bond indentures or
  25-13  financing agreements discovered through the normal monitoring
  25-14  activities and procedures that include meeting occupancy
  25-15  requirements or rent restrictions imposed by financing agreements;
  25-16  and
  25-17                    (I)  a statement as to whether the housing
  25-18  development owner has an affirmative marketing program in place
  25-19  that is effective in promoting fair housing;
  25-20              (13)  a description of the activities of the department
  25-21  to increase the capacity of nonprofit organizations in this state
  25-22  to provide housing; and
  25-23              (14)  a description of the activities of the department
  25-24  to ensure that housing developments funded by the department
  25-25  affirmatively further fair housing.
  25-26        Sec. 2306.0722.  PREPARATION OF PLAN.  In preparing the state
  25-27  low income housing plan under Section 2306.0721, the director
   26-1  shall:
   26-2              (1)  coordinate the department's housing resources,
   26-3  including tax exempt housing bond financing and low income housing
   26-4  tax credits;
   26-5              (2)  in allocating the department's available housing
   26-6  resources, give priority to helping the neediest individuals;
   26-7              (3)  ensure that the department's housing programs
   26-8  benefit an individual without regard to the individual's race,
   26-9  ethnicity, sex, or national origin;
  26-10              (4)  develop housing opportunities for individuals and
  26-11  families of low and very low income, families of moderate income,
  26-12  and individuals with special housing needs;
  26-13              (5)  develop housing programs through an open, fair,
  26-14  and public process;
  26-15              (6)  set priorities for assistance in a manner that is
  26-16  appropriate and consistent with the housing needs of the
  26-17  populations described by Section 2306.0721(c)(1); and
  26-18              (7)  incorporate recommendations that are consistent
  26-19  with the comprehensive housing affordability strategy, or its
  26-20  successor, submitted annually by the state to the United States
  26-21  Department of Housing and Urban Development.
  26-22        Sec. 2306.0723.  PUBLIC HEARINGS.  (a)  The department shall
  26-23  hold a public hearing on the state low income housing plan before
  26-24  the director submits the plan to the board.
  26-25        (b)  The board shall hold a public hearing on the state low
  26-26  income housing plan before the board submits the plan to the
  26-27  governor and legislature.
   27-1        (c)  The board shall include with the plan the board submits
   27-2  to the governor and legislature a written report of public comments
   27-3  on the plan.
   27-4        SECTION 21.  Subsection (a), Section 2306.073, Government
   27-5  Code, is amended to read as follows:
   27-6        (a)  The director, with the approval of the board, shall
   27-7  appoint an internal auditor who reports directly to the board and
   27-8  serves at the pleasure of the board <on matters concerning housing
   27-9  finance, the community affairs division, or any other division>.
  27-10        SECTION 22.  Section 2306.074, Government Code, is amended by
  27-11  amending Subsection (a) and by adding Subsection (c) to read as
  27-12  follows:
  27-13        (a)  The state auditor or a certified public accountant shall
  27-14  audit the department's books and accounts each fiscal year and file
  27-15  a copy of the audit with the governor and the legislature on or
  27-16  before March <January> 1 of each year.  If the state auditor is
  27-17  conducting the audit and it is not available by March <January> 1,
  27-18  it must be filed as soon as it is available.
  27-19        (c)  An independent auditor annually shall conduct an audit
  27-20  of the department's bond-related activities to determine the amount
  27-21  of unencumbered fund balances that is greater than the amount
  27-22  required for the reserve fund.  The independent auditor shall
  27-23  submit the report to the board not later than December 31 of each
  27-24  year.
  27-25        SECTION 23.  Section 2306.075, Government Code, is amended to
  27-26  read as follows:
  27-27        Sec. 2306.075.  TAX EXEMPTION; OTHER PAYMENTS.  (a)  The
   28-1  property of the department, its income, and its operations are
   28-2  exempt from all taxes and assessments imposed by this state and all
   28-3  public agencies on property acquired or used by the department
   28-4  under this chapter.
   28-5        (b)  The department may, under its terms, conditions, and
   28-6  procedures, pay public agencies in lieu of ad valorem taxes on
   28-7  property that the department acquires through foreclosure or sale
   28-8  under a deed of trust.
   28-9        (c)  The department shall make payments under this section
  28-10  instead of paying taxes whenever practicable with money lawfully
  28-11  available for this purpose, subject to the provisions of any bond
  28-12  resolution.
  28-13        SECTION 24.  Subchapter D, Chapter 2306, Government Code, is
  28-14  amended by adding Sections 2306.076 through 2306.089 to read as
  28-15  follows:
  28-16        Sec. 2306.076.  INSURANCE.  (a)  The board may purchase from
  28-17  department funds liability insurance for the director and employees
  28-18  and board members and officers.
  28-19        (b)  The board may purchase the insurance in an amount the
  28-20  board considers reasonably necessary to:
  28-21              (1)  insure against reasonably foreseeable liabilities;
  28-22  and
  28-23              (2)  provide for all costs of defending against those
  28-24  liabilities, including court costs and attorney's fees.
  28-25        (c)  The department may obtain insurance coverage of any
  28-26  kind, and pay premiums for that coverage, in amounts and from
  28-27  insurers as the department considers necessary or advisable.
   29-1        Sec. 2306.077.  ACQUISITION AND USE OF MONEY; DEPOSITORIES.
   29-2  The department may:
   29-3              (1)  acquire, hold, invest, deposit, use, and spend its
   29-4  income and revenue, from whatever source; and
   29-5              (2)  select its depository or depositories, subject
   29-6  only to the provisions of:
   29-7                    (A)  this chapter; and
   29-8                    (B)  a covenant relating to the department's
   29-9  bonds.
  29-10        Sec. 2306.078.  INVESTMENTS.  Subject to a resolution
  29-11  authorizing issuance of department bonds, the department may:
  29-12              (1)  invest department money in bonds, obligations,
  29-13  uncollateralized guaranteed investment agreements, or other
  29-14  securities; or
  29-15              (2)  place department money in demand or time deposits,
  29-16  whether or not evidenced by certificates of deposit.
  29-17        Sec. 2306.079.  HEARINGS.  The department may:
  29-18              (1)  conduct hearings; and
  29-19              (2)  take testimony and proof, under oath, at public
  29-20  hearings, on matters necessary to carry out the department's
  29-21  purposes.
  29-22        Sec. 2306.080.  INVESTIGATIONS.  The department may:
  29-23              (1)  investigate housing conditions and the means for
  29-24  improving those conditions; and
  29-25              (2)  determine the location of slum or blighted areas.
  29-26        Sec. 2306.081.  ENCOURAGING HOME OWNERSHIP.  The department
  29-27  may encourage individual or cooperative home ownership among
   30-1  individuals and families of low and very low income and families of
   30-2  moderate income.
   30-3        Sec. 2306.082.  TARGETING BOND PROCEEDS.  The department may
   30-4  target the proceeds from housing bonds issued by the department to:
   30-5              (1)  a geographic area or areas of the state;
   30-6              (2)  areas of special need; or
   30-7              (3)  subgroups of this state's population according to
   30-8  income.
   30-9        Sec. 2306.083.  LOANS TO LENDERS.  The department may make
  30-10  loans to mortgage lenders, public agencies, or other housing
  30-11  sponsors and use the proceeds to make loans for multifamily housing
  30-12  developments to be substantially occupied by individuals and
  30-13  families of low and very low income or families of moderate income.
  30-15  IN RURAL AREAS AND SMALL MUNICIPALITIES.  The department may adopt
  30-16  a target strategy to ensure that the credit and housing needs of
  30-17  qualifying individuals and families who reside in rural areas and
  30-18  small municipalities are equitably served by the department.
  30-20  OWNED PROPERTY.  In performing duties and exercising powers under
  30-21  this chapter, the department may:
  30-22              (1)  acquire, own, rent, lease, accept, hold, or
  30-23  dispose of any real, personal, or mixed property, or any interest
  30-24  in property, including a right or easement, by purchase, exchange,
  30-25  gift, assignment, transfer, foreclosure, sale, lease, or otherwise;
  30-26              (2)  hold, manage, operate, or improve real, personal,
  30-27  or mixed property; or
   31-1              (3)  lease or rent land or a dwelling, house,
   31-2  accommodation, building, structure, or facility from a private
   31-3  entity.
   31-5  OF SALE.  (a)  The department may:
   31-6              (1)  sell, assign, lease, encumber, mortgage, or
   31-7  otherwise dispose of real, personal, or mixed property, an interest
   31-8  in property, or a deed of trust or mortgage lien interest owned by
   31-9  the department or under its control, custody, or possession; and
  31-10              (2)  release or relinquish a right, title, claim, lien,
  31-11  interest, easement, or demand acquired in any manner, including an
  31-12  equity or right of redemption in property foreclosed by the
  31-13  department.
  31-14        (b)  Notwithstanding any other law, the department may
  31-15  conduct a public or private sale, with or without public bidding,
  31-16  to implement its powers under this section.
  31-17        Sec. 2306.087.  POLICIES REGARDING HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS.  The
  31-18  department may adopt and publish policies and procedures regarding:
  31-19              (1)  the making of mortgage loans under this chapter;
  31-20              (2)  the regulation of borrowers;
  31-21              (3)  the construction of ancillary commercial
  31-22  facilities; and
  31-23              (4)  resale and disposition of real property, or an
  31-24  interest in the property, that is financed by the department.
  31-25        Sec. 2306.088.  COURT ACTIONS.  (a)  The department may
  31-26  institute a court action under this chapter against a housing
  31-27  sponsor who receives assistance or owns a housing development to:
   32-1              (1)  enforce this chapter;
   32-2              (2)  enforce the terms and provisions of an agreement
   32-3  or contract between the department and the recipient of assistance
   32-4  under this chapter, including provisions regarding rental or
   32-5  carrying charges and income limits as applied to tenants or
   32-6  occupants;
   32-7              (3)  foreclose its mortgage; or
   32-8              (4)  protect:
   32-9                    (A)  the public interest;
  32-10                    (B)  individuals and families of low and very low
  32-11  income or families of moderate income;
  32-12                    (C)  stockholders; or
  32-13                    (D)  creditors of the housing sponsor.
  32-14        (b)  In a proceeding under this section, the department may
  32-15  apply for the appointment of a trustee or receiver to assume the
  32-16  management and operation of the affairs of a housing sponsor.
  32-17        (c)  The department, through its designated agent, may accept
  32-18  appointment as trustee or receiver of a housing sponsor when
  32-19  appointed by a court of competent jurisdiction.
  32-20        Sec. 2306.089.  INTEREST RATES.  (a)  The department shall
  32-21  set the interest rates at which the department makes loans and loan
  32-22  commitments.
  32-23        (b)  The interest rates shall be set to produce, when
  32-24  combined with other available funds, at least the amounts required
  32-25  to pay for the costs of operation of the department's bond-financed
  32-26  activities and to meet its covenants with and responsibilities to
  32-27  the holders of its bonds.
   33-1        SECTION 25.  The heading of Subchapter E, Chapter 2306,
   33-2  Government Code, is amended to read as follows:
   33-4                    DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS <DIVISION>
   33-5        SECTION 26.  Section 2306.092, Government Code, is amended to
   33-6  read as follows:
   33-7        Sec. 2306.092.  DUTIES.  The department, through the
   33-8  community affairs division or any other division, shall:
   33-9              (1)  maintain communication with local governments and
  33-10  act as an advocate for local governments at the state and federal
  33-11  levels;
  33-12              (2)  assist local governments with advisory and
  33-13  technical services;
  33-14              (3)  provide financial aid to local governments and
  33-15  combinations of local governments for programs that are authorized
  33-16  to receive assistance;
  33-17              (4)  provide information about and referrals for state
  33-18  and federal programs and services that affect local governments;
  33-19              (5)  administer, conduct, or jointly sponsor
  33-20  educational and training programs for local government officials;
  33-21              (6)  conduct research on problems of general concern to
  33-22  local governments;
  33-23              (7)  collect, publish, and distribute information
  33-24  useful to local governments, including information on:
  33-25                    (A)  local government finances and employment;
  33-26                    (B)  housing;
  33-27                    (C)  population characteristics; and
   34-1                    (D)  land-use patterns;
   34-2              (8)  encourage cooperation among local governments as
   34-3  appropriate;
   34-4              (9)  advise and inform the governor and the legislature
   34-5  about the affairs of local governments and recommend necessary
   34-6  action;
   34-7              (10)  assist the governor in coordinating federal and
   34-8  state activities affecting local governments;
   34-9              (11)  administer, as appropriate:
  34-10                    (A)  state responsibilities for programs created
  34-11  under the federal Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C.
  34-12  Section 2701 et seq.);
  34-13                    (B)  programs assigned to the department under
  34-14  the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981 (Pub.L. No. 97-35);
  34-15  and
  34-16                    (C)  other federal acts creating economic
  34-17  opportunity programs assigned to the department;
  34-18              (12)  adopt rules that are necessary and proper to
  34-19  carry out programs and responsibilities assigned by the legislature
  34-20  or the governor; and
  34-21              (13)  perform other duties relating to local government
  34-22  that are assigned by the legislature or the governor.
  34-23        SECTION 27.  Section 2306.096, Government Code, is amended to
  34-24  read as follows:
  34-26  RESOURCE CENTERS>.  The department shall administer the state's
  34-27  allocation of federal funds provided under the Emergency Shelter
   35-1  Grants Program (42 U.S.C. Section 11371 et seq.) or its successor
   35-2  program, and any other federal funds provided for the benefit of
   35-3  homeless individuals and families.  <(a)  To provide the most
   35-4  effective and efficient delivery of human resource services to
   35-5  individuals and families of low income, as well as the total
   35-6  population, the department, through the community affairs division,
   35-7  may establish multipurpose human resource centers in various
   35-8  communities.>
   35-9        <(b)  The department, through the community affairs division,
  35-10  may:>
  35-11              <(1)  locate and lease with state funds suitable office
  35-12  space at the community level that is easily accessible to clients
  35-13  of human resource service delivery agencies; and>
  35-14              <(2)  make the space available to those agencies.>
  35-15        <(c)  A state or local government agency or a private,
  35-16  nonprofit human resource agency that has filed with the state a
  35-17  state or regional plan for delivery of human resource services is
  35-18  eligible to place staff in a community multipurpose human resource
  35-19  service center.>
  35-20        <(d)  The department shall report annually to the governor
  35-21  and the legislature the agencies that are and are not placing human
  35-22  resource delivery staff in available community multipurpose human
  35-23  resource service centers.>
  35-24        <(e)  The Community Multipurpose Human Resource Service
  35-25  Center Fund is in the state treasury.  The fund shall be used to
  35-26  provide:>
  35-27              <(1)  the state's share of the rental costs for
   36-1  community multipurpose human resource service centers; and>
   36-2              <(2)  the administrative costs of the centers'
   36-3  operation.>
   36-4        SECTION 28.  Section 2306.097, Government Code, is amended to
   36-5  read as follows:
   36-6        Sec. 2306.097.  ENERGY SERVICES PROGRAM FOR LOW-INCOME
   36-7  INDIVIDUALS.  (a)  <The Energy Services Program for Low-Income
   36-8  Individuals is in the community affairs division.>
   36-9        <(b)>  The program shall operate in conjunction with the
  36-10  community services <service> block grant program and has
  36-11  jurisdiction and responsibility for administration of the following
  36-12  elements of the State Low-Income Energy Assistance Program, from
  36-13  whatever sources funded:
  36-14              (1)  the Energy Crisis Intervention Program; <and>
  36-15              (2)  the weatherization program; and
  36-16              (3)  the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program.
  36-17        (b)  The energy services program for low-income individuals
  36-18  may facilitate the development and implementation of partnerships,
  36-19  agreements, or other arrangements with energy providers,
  36-20  nongovernmental sector interests, and regulatory entities under
  36-21  which nonfederal financial assistance may be made available to
  36-22  support energy-related services for low-income energy consumers.
  36-23        SECTION 29.  Subsection (a), Section 2306.098, Government
  36-24  Code, is amended to read as follows:
  36-25        (a)  The department<, through the community affairs
  36-26  division,> shall, under the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of
  36-27  1981 (Pub.L. No. 97-35) and 24 CFR, Part 570, Subpart I, administer
   37-1  the state's allocation of federal funds provided under the
   37-2  community development block grant nonentitlement program authorized
   37-3  by Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (42
   37-4  U.S.C. Section 5301 et seq.).
   37-5        SECTION 30.  Section 2306.099, Government Code, is amended to
   37-6  read as follows:
   37-8  FEDERAL FUNDS>.  (a)  The department may enter into an interagency
   37-9  agreement with the Texas Department of Commerce to reimburse the
  37-10  Texas Department of Commerce for providing on behalf of the
  37-11  department marketing, underwriting, and other services from the
  37-12  portion of the federal funds allocated by the department for
  37-13  economic development activities.
  37-14        (b)  The department shall allocate <transfer> not more than
  37-15  20 percent of the federal community development block grant funds
  37-16  received by the department <to the Texas Department of Commerce to
  37-17  be used> for economic development activities.
  37-18        (c)  The activities by <(b)  Federal funds transferred under
  37-19  this section include the amount of federal funds designated for
  37-20  administrative expenses under federal law.>
  37-21        <(c)  Income received from economic development programs of
  37-22  the Texas Department of Commerce remain with that agency.>
  37-23        <(d)  Use of funds transferred under this section must be
  37-24  approved by the department.>
  37-25        <(e)  A rule of> the Texas Department of Commerce <relating
  37-26  to funds transferred> under this section must be approved by the
  37-27  department.
   38-1        <(f)  The Texas Department of Commerce shall return to the
   38-2  department under an interagency agreement federal funds transferred
   38-3  under this section that are not used in a timely manner under
   38-4  federal guidelines.>
   38-5        SECTION 31.  The heading of Subchapter F, Chapter 2306,
   38-6  Government Code, is amended to read as follows:
   38-8                          GENERAL PROVISIONS>
   38-9        SECTION 32.  Subsections (a) and (b), Section 2306.112,
  38-10  Government Code, are amended to read as follows:
  38-11        (a)  On or before August 1 of each year, the director shall
  38-12  file with the board a proposed annual budget for the department
  38-13  <housing finance division> for the succeeding fiscal year.
  38-14        (b)  The budget shall state:
  38-15              (1)  the general categories of expected expenditures
  38-16  from revenues and income of the department <housing finance
  38-17  division>;
  38-18              (2)  the amount of expected expenditures for each
  38-19  category;
  38-20              (3)  expected operating expenses of the department
  38-21  <housing finance division>; and
  38-22              (4)  the proposed use of projected year-end
  38-23  unencumbered balances.
  38-24        SECTION 33.  Section 2306.113, Government Code, is amended to
  38-25  read as follows:
  38-26        Sec. 2306.113.  BOARD CONSIDERATION OF ANNUAL BUDGET.  On or
  38-27  before September 1 of each year, the board shall consider the
   39-1  director's proposed annual budget for the department <housing
   39-2  finance division> and shall approve or change the budget as the
   39-3  board determines necessary or advisable.
   39-4        SECTION 34.  Subsection (a), Section 2306.114, Government
   39-5  Code, is amended to read as follows:
   39-6        (a)  Copies of the annual budget certified by the presiding
   39-7  officer of the board shall be filed promptly with the governor <and
   39-8  the legislature>.
   39-9        SECTION 35.  Subsection (b), Section 2306.116, Government
  39-10  Code, is amended to read as follows:
  39-11        (b)  An amended annual budget does not supersede a prior
  39-12  budget until it is filed with the governor <and the legislature>.
  39-13        SECTION 36.  Section 2306.117, Government Code, is amended to
  39-14  read as follows:
  39-15        Sec. 2306.117.  PAYMENT OF EXPENSES; INDEBTEDNESS.  (a)  The
  39-16  expenses incurred in carrying out the functions of the department
  39-17  relating to bond-financed activities <housing finance division> may
  39-18  be paid only from revenues or funds provided under this chapter.
  39-19        (b)  This chapter does not authorize the department <housing
  39-20  finance division> to incur debt or liability on behalf of or
  39-21  payable by the state, except as provided by this chapter or other
  39-22  law.
  39-23        SECTION 37.  Subsections (a), (b), (d), and (e), Section
  39-24  2306.119, Government Code, are amended to read as follows:
  39-25        (a)  The department shall choose a depository for the
  39-26  <operating> funds described by Section 2306.071(f) <of the housing
  39-27  finance division> after inviting bids for favorable interest rates.
   40-1        (b)  The department <housing finance division> shall publish
   40-2  notice in at least one newspaper of general circulation in this
   40-3  state no later than the 14th day before the last day set for the
   40-4  receipt of the bids.
   40-5        (d)  Sealed bids must be:
   40-6              (1)  identified on the envelope as bids; and
   40-7              (2)  submitted to the department <housing finance
   40-8  division> before the deadline for receiving bids.
   40-9        (e)  The department <housing finance division> shall provide
  40-10  a tabulation of all submitted bids for public inspection.
  40-11        SECTION 38.  Section 2306.120, Government Code, is amended to
  40-12  read as follows:
  40-14  BONDS OR TRUST INDENTURES.  <(a)>  If covenants related to the
  40-15  department's bonds or the trust indentures governing the bonds
  40-16  specify one or more depositories or set out a method of selecting
  40-17  depositories different from the method required by this subchapter,
  40-18  the covenants prevail regarding the funds to which they apply <and
  40-19  the funds are not required to be deposited with the Texas Treasury
  40-20  Safekeeping Trust Company>.
  40-21        <(b)  Bonds of the housing finance division issued under
  40-22  trust indentures executed or resolutions adopted on or after
  40-23  September 1, 1991, may not include a covenant that interferes with
  40-24  the deposit of funds in the Texas Treasury Safekeeping Trust
  40-25  Company.>
  40-26        SECTION 39.  Section 2306.121, Government Code, is amended to
  40-27  read as follows:
   41-1        Sec. 2306.121.  RECORDS.  The department <housing finance
   41-2  division> shall keep complete records and accounts of its business
   41-3  transactions relating to the bond-financed activities of the
   41-4  department according to generally accepted accounting principles.
   41-5        SECTION 40.  Subchapter F, Government Code, is amended by
   41-6  adding Section 2306.1231 to read as follows:
   41-7        Sec. 2306.1231.  FEDERAL POVERTY LINE.  The department shall
   41-8  use the applicable federal poverty line in determining eligibility
   41-9  for each federal or state program administered by the department
  41-10  that requires poverty instead of area median income to be used as a
  41-11  criterion of program eligibility.
  41-12        SECTION 41.  The heading to Subchapter I, Chapter 2306,
  41-13  Government Code, is amended to read as follows:
  41-14                   SUBCHAPTER I.  HOUSING TRUST FUND
  41-15                      <FINANCE DIVISION:  FUNDS>
  41-16        SECTION 42.  Section 2306.201, Government Code, is amended to
  41-17  read as follows:
  41-18        Sec. 2306.201.  HOUSING TRUST FUND.  (a)  The housing trust
  41-19  fund is a fund<:>
  41-20              <(1)>  administered by the department.  The fund may be
  41-21  <through the housing finance division; and>
  41-22              <(2)>  placed with the Texas Treasury Safekeeping Trust
  41-23  Company.
  41-24        (b)  The fund consists of:
  41-25              (1)  appropriations or transfers made to the fund;
  41-26              (2)  unencumbered fund balances; <and>
  41-27              (3)  public or private gifts or grants;
   42-1              (4)  investment income; and
   42-2              (5)  proceeds from real estate operations and
   42-3  transactions.
   42-4        SECTION 43.  Section 2306.202, Government Code, is amended to
   42-5  read as follows:
   42-6        Sec. 2306.202.  USE OF HOUSING TRUST FUND.  (a)  The
   42-7  department<, through the housing finance division,> shall use the
   42-8  housing trust fund to provide loans, grants, or other comparable
   42-9  forms of assistance to local units of government, public housing
  42-10  authorities, nonprofit organizations, and income-eligible
  42-11  individuals, families, and households to finance, acquire,
  42-12  rehabilitate, and develop decent, safe, and sanitary housing.
  42-13        (b)  Use of the fund is limited to providing:
  42-14              (1)  assistance for individuals and families of low and
  42-15  very low income; and
  42-16              (2)  technical assistance and capacity building to
  42-17  nonprofit organizations engaged in developing housing for
  42-18  individuals and families of low and very low income.
  42-19        SECTION 44.  Section 2306.203, Government Code, is amended to
  42-20  read as follows:
  42-22  TRUST FUND.  The department <board> shall adopt rules to administer
  42-23  the housing trust fund, including rules providing:
  42-24              (1)  that <the division give> priority is given to
  42-25  programs that maximize other <federal> resources;
  42-26              (2)  for a process to set priorities for use of the
  42-27  fund, including the distribution of fund resources under a request
   43-1  for a proposal process developed and approved by the board;
   43-2              (3)  that the criteria used to rank proposals will
   43-3  include the:
   43-4                    (A)  leveraging of other <federal> resources;
   43-5                    (B)  cost-effectiveness of a proposed
   43-6  development; and
   43-7                    (C)  extent to which individuals and families of
   43-8  very low income are served by the development;
   43-9              (4)  that funds may not be made available to a
  43-10  development that permanently and involuntarily displaces
  43-11  individuals and families of low income;
  43-12              (5)  that the board attempt to allocate funds to
  43-13  achieve a broad geographical distribution with:
  43-14                    (A)  special emphasis on equitably serving rural
  43-15  and nonmetropolitan areas; and
  43-16                    (B)  consideration of the number and percentage
  43-17  of income-qualified families in different geographical areas; and
  43-18              (6)  that multifamily housing developed or
  43-19  rehabilitated through the fund remain affordable to
  43-20  income-qualified households for at least 20 years.
  43-21        SECTION 45.  Subsections (a), (c), (d), and (e), Section
  43-22  2306.205, Government Code, are amended to read as follows:
  43-23        (a)  Except as provided by Subsections (c), (d), and (e), not
  43-24  later than January 10 of each year the department <housing finance
  43-25  division> shall transfer to the housing trust fund an amount, as
  43-26  determined by the audit report prepared under Section 2306.074(c)
  43-27  <2306.204>, equal to one-half of the department's <housing finance
   44-1  division's> unencumbered fund balances in excess of two percent of
   44-2  the department's <division's> total bonded indebtedness that is not
   44-3  rated on its own merits in the highest long-term debt rating
   44-4  category by one or more nationally recognized rating agencies.
   44-5        (c)  If, at the time an annual audit required by Section
   44-6  2306.074(c) <2306.204> is concluded, the department's <housing
   44-7  finance division's> unencumbered fund balances exceed four percent
   44-8  of its total bonded indebtedness that is not rated on its own
   44-9  merits in the highest long-term debt rating category, the
  44-10  department shall transfer not later than January 10 of the next
  44-11  year all amounts in excess of that four percent.
  44-12        (d)  If, at the time an annual audit required by Section
  44-13  2306.074(c) <2306.204> is concluded, a nationally recognized rating
  44-14  agency has recommended that the department <housing finance
  44-15  division> maintain unencumbered fund balances in excess of the
  44-16  amount permitted by Subsection (a) to achieve or maintain a rating
  44-17  of at least Aa/A+ on all or a portion of the bonded indebtedness of
  44-18  the department <housing finance division> that is issued under an
  44-19  open indenture or an open flow of funds, the department shall
  44-20  transfer not later than January 10 of the next year all amounts in
  44-21  excess of the amount required by the rating agency to be held as
  44-22  unencumbered fund balances.
  44-23        (e)  If, at the time an annual audit required by Section
  44-24  2306.074(c) <2306.204> is concluded, a nationally recognized rating
  44-25  agency has recommended that the department <housing finance
  44-26  division> increase the amount of its unencumbered fund balances to
  44-27  achieve or maintain a financially sound condition or to prevent a
   45-1  decrease in the long-term debt rating maintained on all or a
   45-2  portion of the department's <housing finance division's> bonded
   45-3  indebtedness, the department <housing finance division> may not
   45-4  make further annual transfers to the housing trust fund until all
   45-5  requirements and conditions of the rating agency have been met.
   45-6        SECTION 46.  Section 2306.207, Government Code, is amended to
   45-7  read as follows:
   45-8        Sec. 2306.207.  RESERVE FUND.  (a)  The department <housing
   45-9  finance division> may create a reserve fund with the state
  45-10  treasurer out of:
  45-11              (1)  proceeds from the sale of the department's
  45-12  <division's> bonds; or
  45-13              (2)  other resources.
  45-14        (b)  The reserve fund is additional security for the
  45-15  department's <division's> bonds.
  45-16        SECTION 47.  The heading to Subchapter J, Chapter 2306,
  45-17  Government Code, is amended to read as follows:
  45-19                       LOAN TERMS AND CONDITIONS
  45-20        SECTION 48.  Section 2306.223, Government Code, is amended to
  45-21  read as follows:
  45-23  HOUSING SPONSOR.  Notwithstanding any other provision of this
  45-24  chapter, the department may not finance a housing development
  45-25  undertaken by a housing sponsor under this chapter, unless the
  45-26  department first determines that:
  45-27              (1)  the housing development is necessary to provide
   46-1  needed decent, safe, and sanitary housing at rentals or prices that
   46-2  individuals or families of low and very low income or families of
   46-3  moderate income can afford;
   46-4              (2)  the housing sponsor undertaking the proposed
   46-5  housing development will supply well-planned and well-designed
   46-6  housing for individuals or families of low and very low income or
   46-7  families of moderate income;
   46-8              (3)  the housing sponsor is financially responsible;
   46-9              (4)  the financing of the housing development is a
  46-10  public purpose and will provide a public benefit; and
  46-11              (5)  the housing development will be undertaken within
  46-12  the authority granted by this chapter to the department <housing
  46-13  finance division> and the housing sponsor.
  46-14        SECTION 49.  Section 2306.224, Government Code, is amended to
  46-15  read as follows:
  46-16        Sec. 2306.224.  HOUSING LOAN TERMS AND CONDITIONS.  A housing
  46-17  loan financed by the department <through a program of the housing
  46-18  finance division> under this chapter <subchapter> is subject to the
  46-19  terms and conditions provided by this chapter <subchapter>.
  46-20        SECTION 50.  Section 2306.227, Government Code, is amended to
  46-21  read as follows:
  46-22        Sec. 2306.227.  PREPAYMENT OF MORTGAGE LOANS.  A mortgage
  46-23  loan made under this chapter may be prepaid to maturity after the
  46-24  period of years and under the terms and conditions determined by
  46-25  the department <board>.
  46-26        SECTION 51.  Section 2306.230, Government Code, is amended to
  46-27  read as follows:
   47-2  HOUSING SPONSORS.  A housing development <mortgage loan> is subject
   47-3  to an agreement between the department and the housing sponsor that
   47-4  subjects the sponsor, including <and> its principals or
   47-5  stockholders, if any, to limitations established by the department
   47-6  regarding:
   47-7              (1)  rentals and other charges;
   47-8              (2)  builders' and developers' profits and fees;
   47-9              (3)  the disposition of its property; and
  47-10              (4)  the real property that constitutes the site of or
  47-11  relates to the housing development.
  47-12        SECTION 52.  Section 2306.231, Government Code, is amended to
  47-13  read as follows:
  47-14        Sec. 2306.231.  <LOAN> CONDITIONS RELATING TO FUNDING BY
  47-15  DEPARTMENT <POWERS>.  As a condition of funding <each loan>, the
  47-16  department<, acting through the housing finance division,> may at
  47-17  any time during the construction, rehabilitation, or operation of a
  47-18  housing development:
  47-19              (1)  enter and inspect the housing development to:
  47-20                    (A)  investigate the development's:
  47-21                          (i)  physical and financial condition;
  47-22                          (ii)  construction;
  47-23                          (iii)  rehabilitation;
  47-24                          (iv)  operation;
  47-25                          (v)  management; <and>
  47-26                          (vi)  maintenance; and
  47-27                          (vii)  compliance with restrictive
   48-1  covenants; and
   48-2                    (B)  examine all books and records relating to:
   48-3                          (i)  capitalization;
   48-4                          (ii)  income and expenses; and
   48-5                          (iii)  other matters regarding
   48-6  capitalization or income and expenses;
   48-7              (2)  impose charges that are required to cover the cost
   48-8  of inspections and examinations under Subdivision (1);
   48-9              (3)  order alterations, changes, or repairs necessary
  48-10  to protect:
  48-11                    (A)  the security of the department's investment
  48-12  in a housing development; or
  48-13                    (B)  the health, safety, and welfare of the
  48-14  occupants of a housing development;
  48-15              (4)  order a managing agent, housing development
  48-16  manager, or housing development owner to do whatever is necessary
  48-17  to comply with or refrain from violating an applicable law,
  48-18  ordinance, department rule, or term of an agreement regarding the
  48-19  housing development; and
  48-20              (5)  file and prosecute a complaint against a managing
  48-21  agent, housing development manager, or housing development owner
  48-22  for a violation of any applicable law or ordinance.
  48-23        SECTION 53.  Section 2306.232, Government Code, is amended to
  48-24  read as follows:
  48-25        Sec. 2306.232.  TEXAS HOUSING AGENCY LOAN OR GUARANTEE. A
  48-26  loan or guarantee made by the Texas Housing Agency becomes a loan
  48-27  or guarantee of the department <housing finance division>.
   49-1        SECTION 54.   The heading of Subchapter K, Chapter 2306,
   49-2  Government Code, is amended to read as follows:
   49-5        SECTION 55.  Section 2306.251, Government Code, is amended to
   49-6  read as follows:
   49-7        Sec. 2306.251.  PROPERTY OWNERSHIP PROGRAM.  (a)  The
   49-8  department may acquire and own real property on an interim basis
   49-9  not to exceed five years for sale or rental to:
  49-10              (1)  individuals and families of low and very low
  49-11  income; and
  49-12              (2)  nonprofit housing organizations and other housing
  49-13  organizations to serve the needs of individuals and families of low
  49-14  and very low income and families of moderate income.
  49-15        (b)  Property acquired by the department must qualify for
  49-16  home mortgage insurance after rehabilitation.
  49-17        (c)  The department <housing finance division> may use money
  49-18  from the housing trust fund, <or> unencumbered fund balances, or
  49-19  appropriations, allocations, grants, or gifts from any public or
  49-20  private source to purchase property under this section.
  49-21        (d)  The department <division> may not use more than 10
  49-22  percent of the yearly balance of the housing trust fund to acquire
  49-23  real property to endow the fund.
  49-24        (e) <(d)>  If the department acquires property under this
  49-25  section, the department <housing finance division> shall submit an
  49-26  annual report to the board <have an independent audit conducted
  49-27  annually> to analyze the property ownership program's:
   50-1              (1)  financial stability;
   50-2              (2)  cost-effectiveness; and
   50-3              (3)  effectiveness in serving individuals of low and
   50-4  very low income.
   50-5        SECTION 56.  Section 2306.252, Government Code, is amended to
   50-6  read as follows:
   50-7        Sec. 2306.252.  LOW AND VERY LOW INCOME HOUSING RESOURCE
   50-8  CENTER.  (a)  The department <board> shall establish a low and very
   50-9  low income housing resource center <in the housing finance
  50-10  division>.
  50-11        (b)  The center shall:
  50-12              (1)  provide research and educational material to
  50-13  housing advocates, housing sponsors, borrowers, and tenants;
  50-14              (2)  provide training and technical assistance to
  50-15  nonprofit housing sponsors; and
  50-16              (3)  <focus on marketing loans and other programs of
  50-17  the housing finance division to individuals and families of low and
  50-18  very low income; and>
  50-19              <(4)>  assist <lenders> in the development of housing
  50-20  policy <marketing loans to individuals and families of low and very
  50-21  low income>.
  50-22        SECTION 57.  The heading of Subchapter L, Chapter 2306,
  50-23  Government Code, is amended to read as follows:
  50-25                    REGULATION OF HOUSING SPONSORS
  50-26        SECTION 58.  Section 2306.261, Government Code, is amended to
  50-27  read as follows:
   51-1        Sec. 2306.261.  SUPERVISING HOUSING SPONSORS.  The department
   51-2  <housing finance division> may, as provided by this subchapter,
   51-3  supervise:
   51-4              (1)  housing sponsors, including limited profit housing
   51-5  sponsors, of housing developments that are financed under this
   51-6  chapter and rented or leased to tenants; and
   51-7              (2)  real and personal property of sponsors.
   51-8        SECTION 59.  Section 2306.263, Government Code, is amended to
   51-9  read as follows:
  51-10        Sec. 2306.263.  REPORTING.  The department may require
  51-11  housing sponsors to:
  51-12              (1)  make reports and certifications of their
  51-13  operations and expenditures; and
  51-14              (2)  answer specific questions on forms whenever
  51-15  necessary for the purposes of this chapter.
  51-16        SECTION 60.  Section 2306.264, Government Code, is amended to
  51-17  read as follows:
  51-18        Sec. 2306.264.  INSPECTIONS AND EXAMINATIONS.  The
  51-19  department, through its agents or employees, may:
  51-20              (1)  enter and inspect, in whole or in part, the land,
  51-21  buildings, and equipment of a housing sponsor; and
  51-22              (2)  examine all records showing the capital structure,
  51-23  income, operations, expenditures, and other payments of a housing
  51-24  sponsor.
  51-25        SECTION 61.  Section 2306.267, Government Code, is amended to
  51-26  read as follows:
  51-27        Sec. 2306.267.  COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAWS, RULES, AND
   52-1  CONTRACT TERMS.  The department may order a housing sponsor to
   52-2  perform or refrain from performing certain acts in order to comply
   52-3  with the law, department policies <housing finance division rules>,
   52-4  or terms of a contract or agreement to which the housing sponsor is
   52-5  a party.
   52-6        SECTION 62.  Section 2306.270, Government Code, is amended to
   52-7  read as follows:
   52-8        Sec. 2306.270.  REGULATION OF RETIREMENT OF CAPITAL
   52-9  INVESTMENT OR REDEMPTION OF STOCK.  The department shall regulate
  52-10  the retirement of a capital investment or the redemption of stock
  52-11  of a limited profit housing sponsor if the retirement or
  52-12  redemption, when added to a dividend or other distribution, exceeds
  52-13  in any one fiscal year the permitted percentage, as allowed by the
  52-14  department <housing finance division's rules>, of the original face
  52-15  amount of the limited profit housing sponsor's investment or equity
  52-16  in a housing development.
  52-17        SECTION 63.  Section 2306.271, Government Code, is amended to
  52-18  read as follows:
  52-19        Sec. 2306.271.  COST CONTROLS.  (a)  The department <housing
  52-20  finance division by rule> shall specify the categories of costs
  52-21  allowable in the construction, reconstruction, remodeling,
  52-22  improvement, or rehabilitation of a housing development.
  52-23        (b)  The department <housing finance division> shall require
  52-24  a housing sponsor to certify the actual housing development costs
  52-25  on completion of the housing development, subject to audit and
  52-26  determination by the department.
  52-27        (c)  The department may accept, instead of certification of
   53-1  housing development costs under Subsection (b), other assurances of
   53-2  the costs, in any form, that will enable the department <housing
   53-3  finance division> to determine with reasonable accuracy the amount
   53-4  of the costs.
   53-5        (d)  In this section, "housing development costs" means the
   53-6  total of all costs incurred in financing, creating, or purchasing a
   53-7  housing development, including a single-family dwelling, approved
   53-8  by the department as reasonable and necessary.  The costs may
   53-9  include:
  53-10              (1)  the value of land and buildings on the land owned
  53-11  by the sponsor or the cost of acquiring land and buildings on the
  53-12  land, including payments for options, deposits, or contracts to
  53-13  purchase properties on the proposed housing site;
  53-14              (2)  costs of site preparation, demolition, and
  53-15  development;
  53-16              (3)  expenses relating to the issuance of bonds;
  53-17              (4)  fees paid or payable in connection with the
  53-18  planning, execution, and financing of the housing development,
  53-19  including fees to:
  53-20                    (A)  architects;
  53-21                    (B)  engineers;
  53-22                    (C)  attorneys;
  53-23                    (D)  accountants; or
  53-24                    (E)  the department <housing finance division on
  53-25  the department's behalf>;
  53-26              (5)  costs of necessary studies, surveys, plans,
  53-27  permits, insurance, interest, financing, tax and assessment costs,
   54-1  and other operating and carrying costs during construction;
   54-2              (6)  costs of construction, rehabilitation,
   54-3  reconstruction, fixtures, furnishings, equipment, machinery, and
   54-4  apparatus related to the real property;
   54-5              (7)  costs of land improvements, including landscaping
   54-6  and off-site improvements, whether or not the costs have been paid
   54-7  in cash or in a form other than cash;
   54-8              (8)  necessary expenses for the initial occupancy of
   54-9  the housing development;
  54-10              (9)  a reasonable profit and risk fee in addition to
  54-11  job overhead to the general contractor or limited profit housing
  54-12  sponsor;
  54-13              (10)  an allowance established by the department for
  54-14  working capital and contingency reserves and reserves for
  54-15  anticipated operating deficits during the first two years of
  54-16  occupancy; and
  54-17              (11)  the cost of other items, including tenant
  54-18  relocation if tenant relocation costs are not otherwise provided
  54-19  for, that the department determines are reasonable and necessary
  54-20  for the development of the housing development, less net rents and
  54-21  other net revenues received from the operation of the real and
  54-22  personal property on the development site during construction.
  54-23        SECTION 64.  Subsections (a) and (b), Section 2306.272,
  54-24  Government Code, are amended to read as follows:
  54-25        (a)  A principal or stockholder of a housing sponsor may not
  54-26  earn, accept, or receive a per annum return on an investment in a
  54-27  housing development financed by the department greater than that
   55-1  allowed the <by> department <rule>.
   55-2        (b)  A housing sponsor's equity in a housing development may
   55-3  be either <is> the difference between the mortgage loan and the
   55-4  total housing development cost or another amount determined by the
   55-5  department.
   55-6        SECTION 65.  The heading of Subchapter M, Chapter 2306,
   55-7  Government Code, is amended to read as follows:
   55-9                  PURCHASE AND SALE OF MORTGAGE LOANS
  55-10        SECTION 66.  Section 2306.291, Government Code, is amended by
  55-11  amending Subsection (a) and by adding Subsection (c) to read as
  55-12  follows:
  55-13        (a)  The department may purchase and take assignments from
  55-14  mortgage lenders or the federal government of notes and other
  55-15  obligations, including contracts for deed, mortgages, or other
  55-16  obligations evidencing loans or interest in loans for the
  55-17  construction, remodeling, improvement or rehabilitation, purchase,
  55-18  leasing, or refinancing of housing developments for individuals and
  55-19  families of low and very low income and families of moderate
  55-20  income.
  55-21        (c)  In this section, "contract for deed" means a
  55-22  seller-financed contract for the conveyance of land under which
  55-23  legal title does not pass to the purchaser until consideration
  55-24  under the contract is fully paid to the seller and the seller's
  55-25  remedy for nonpayment is forfeiture rather than judicial or
  55-26  nonjudicial foreclosure.  The purchaser under a contract for deed
  55-27  is not disqualified on that basis as a first time homebuyer.
   56-1        SECTION 67.  Section 2306.292, Government Code, is amended to
   56-2  read as follows:
   56-4  A mortgage loan or interest in a mortgage loan is not eligible for
   56-5  purchase by or on behalf of the department from a mortgage lender
   56-6  unless the mortgage lender certifies that the mortgage loan or
   56-7  interest in the mortgage loan is for a housing development that
   56-8  includes benefits for individuals or families of low and very low
   56-9  income or for families of moderate income.
  56-10        SECTION 68.  Section 2306.294, Government Code, is amended to
  56-11  read as follows:
  56-12        Sec. 2306.294.  MORTGAGE LOAN PURCHASE PRICE.  <(a)>  On
  56-13  purchasing a mortgage loan or interest in a mortgage loan from a
  56-14  mortgage lender, the department may <shall> pay a purchase price
  56-15  equal to the outstanding principal balance and accrued interest,
  56-16  except that a discount <from the principal balance> or the payment
  56-17  of a premium may be used to produce a fair rate of return
  56-18  consistent with the obligations of the department and the purposes
  56-19  of this chapter.
  56-20        <(b)  In addition to payment of the outstanding principal
  56-21  balance, the department shall pay the accrued interest due to the
  56-22  date on which the mortgage loan is delivered against payment.>
  56-23        SECTION 69.  Section 2306.295, Government Code, is amended to
  56-24  read as follows:
  56-26  OF MORTGAGE LOANS.  The department shall adopt policies <rules>
  56-27  governing the purchase and sale of mortgage loans and the
   57-1  application of sale proceeds, including policies <rules> governing:
   57-2              (1)  procedures for submitting requests or inviting
   57-3  proposals for the purchase and sale of mortgage loans or interest
   57-4  in the mortgage loans;
   57-5              (2)  restrictions on the number of family units,
   57-6  location, or other qualifications of residences to be financed by
   57-7  residential mortgage loans;
   57-8              (3)  income limits of individuals and families of low
   57-9  and very low income or families of moderate income occupying a
  57-10  residence financed by a residential mortgage loan;
  57-11              (4)  restrictions relating to the interest rates on
  57-12  mortgage loans or the return realized by mortgage lenders;
  57-13              (5)  requirements for commitments by mortgage lenders
  57-14  relating to mortgage loans;
  57-15              (6)  schedules of fees and charges necessary for
  57-16  expenses and reserves of the department <housing finance division>;
  57-17              (7)  resale of the housing development; and
  57-18              (8)  any other matter related to the power of the
  57-19  department to purchase and sell mortgage loans or interests in
  57-20  mortgage loans.
  57-21        SECTION 70.  Subsection (a), Section 2306.296, Government
  57-22  Code, is amended to read as follows:
  57-23        (a)  The department shall review each mortgage loan purchased
  57-24  or financed by the department to determine if the loan meets:
  57-25              (1)  the conditions of this chapter; and
  57-26              (2)  <the department's rules; and>
  57-27              <(3)>  any commitment made with the mortgage lender to
   58-1  purchase mortgage loans.
   58-2        SECTION 71.  Section 2306.297, Government Code, is amended to
   58-3  read as follows:
   58-5  TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Sections 2306.0515, 2306.089, 2306.225,
   58-6  2306.227, and <through> 2306.229 apply to the purchase of mortgage
   58-7  loans.
   58-8        SECTION 72.  The heading of Subchapter N, Chapter 2306,
   58-9  Government Code, is amended to read as follows:
  58-11                    TENANTS OF HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS
  58-12        SECTION 73.  Section 2306.315, Government Code, is amended to
  58-13  read as follows:
  58-14        Sec. 2306.315.  DISCHARGE FROM LIABILITY; REIMBURSEMENT.  If
  58-15  an individual or family who resides in a cooperative housing
  58-16  development is required to move from the development because of
  58-17  excessive income, the individual or family must be:
  58-18              (1)  discharged from liability for any note, bond, or
  58-19  other evidence of indebtedness; and
  58-20              (2)  reimbursed, as required by the <under> department
  58-21  <rules>, for all sums paid to the housing sponsor on account of
  58-22  the:
  58-23                    (A)  purchase of stock or debentures as a
  58-24  condition of occupancy; or
  58-25                    (B)  acquisition of title for that purpose.
  58-26        SECTION 74.  The heading of Subchapter O, Chapter 2306,
  58-27  Government Code, is amended to read as follows:
   59-3        SECTION 75.  Section 2306.332, Government Code, is amended to
   59-4  read as follows:
   59-5        Sec. 2306.332.  MONITORING MORTGAGE LENDERS.  The department
   59-6  shall develop a written plan to monitor and review <audit> the
   59-7  performance of mortgage lenders.   The plan must include a
   59-8  requirement:
   59-9              (1)  that mortgage lenders comply with quality control
  59-10  standards established by appropriate federal agencies;
  59-11              (2)  for a review <an audit> of mortgage lenders'
  59-12  compliance with program guidelines to be conducted by random
  59-13  selection of loans and associated paperwork for review;
  59-14              (3)  for monitoring delinquency and foreclosure rates
  59-15  for currently participating mortgage lenders to identify
  59-16  unfavorable trends;
  59-17              (4)  for an extensive review <audit> after a finding of
  59-18  an unfavorable trend under Subdivision (3); <and>
  59-19              (5)  for reporting the information gathered under this
  59-20  section to the director and the board; and
  59-21              (6)  for monitoring mortgage lenders' performance in
  59-22  providing access to mortgage credit through the department's
  59-23  programs to meet the credit needs of families living in the
  59-24  mortgage lenders' service areas without regard to race or
  59-25  ethnicity.
  59-26        SECTION 76.  Section 2306.333, Government Code, is amended to
  59-27  read as follows:
   60-1        Sec. 2306.333.  MONITORING MORTGAGE SERVICERS.  The
   60-2  department <housing finance division> shall develop a written plan
   60-3  to monitor and review <audit> the performance of mortgage
   60-4  servicers.  The plan must include:
   60-5              (1)  a method of developing criteria to evaluate the
   60-6  performance of servicers;
   60-7              (2)  a method of monitoring the performance of a
   60-8  servicer under the criteria developed under Subdivision (1);
   60-9              (3)  a requirement for a review of the financial
  60-10  statements of a servicer;
  60-11              (4)  a process for an extensive review <audit> of
  60-12  servicers who repeatedly violate the terms of the servicers'
  60-13  contracts with the department;
  60-14              (5)  the designation of a review <an audit> team
  60-15  consisting of staff members from relevant areas of the department
  60-16  <housing finance division>; and
  60-17              (6)  a method of reporting the information gathered
  60-18  under this section to the director and the board.
  60-19        SECTION 77.  Section 2306.334, Government Code, is amended to
  60-20  read as follows:
  60-21        Sec. 2306.334.  MONITORING CONTRACTORS.  The department shall
  60-22  develop a written plan to monitor and review <audit> the
  60-23  performance of real estate owned contractors and other contractors.
  60-24  The plan must include:
  60-25              (1)  a requirement for a periodic inspection of
  60-26  foreclosed property;
  60-27              (2)  a method of monitoring contractors' performance of
   61-1  contract requirements; and
   61-2              (3)  a requirement for a periodic review of
   61-3  contractors' billing procedures.
   61-4        SECTION 78.  The heading of Subchapter P, Chapter 2306,
   61-5  Government Code, is amended to read as follows:
   61-7                           ISSUANCE OF BONDS
   61-8        SECTION 79.  Subsections (a) and (c), Section 2306.353,
   61-9  Government Code, are amended to read as follows:
  61-10        (a)  In addition to issuing general obligation bonds under
  61-11  Section 2306.352, the department may issue revenue bonds to provide
  61-12  money to carry out a purpose, power, or duty of the department
  61-13  <housing finance division> under this chapter.
  61-14        (c)  The bonds shall be payable as to principal, interest,
  61-15  and redemption premium, if any, from, and secured by, a first or
  61-16  subordinate lien on, and pledge of, all or part of the revenues,
  61-17  income, or other resources of the department <housing finance
  61-18  division>, including:
  61-19              (1)  the repayments of mortgage loans;
  61-20              (2)  the earnings from investment or deposit of the
  61-21  reserve fund and other funds of the department <housing finance
  61-22  division>;
  61-23              (3)  the fees, charges, and other amounts or payments
  61-24  received under this chapter; and
  61-25              (4)  appropriations, grants, allocations, subsidies,
  61-26  rent supplements, guaranties, aid, contribution, or donations.
  61-27        SECTION 80.  Section 2306.357, Government Code, is amended to
   62-1  read as follows:
   62-2        Sec. 2306.357.  BONDS ISSUED BY TEXAS HOUSING AGENCY.  A
   62-3  general obligation or revenue bond issued by the Texas Housing
   62-4  Agency becomes a general obligation or revenue bond of the
   62-5  department <housing finance division>.
   62-6        SECTION 81.  The heading of Subchapter Q, Chapter 2306,
   62-7  Government Code, is amended to read as follows:
   62-9                         BOARD ACTION ON BONDS
  62-10        SECTION 82.  The heading of Subchapter R, Chapter 2306,
  62-11  Government Code, is amended to read as follows:
  62-13        SECTION 83.  The heading of Subchapter S, Chapter 2306,
  62-14  Government Code, is amended to read as follows:
  62-16                          SECURITY FOR BONDS
  62-17        SECTION 84.  Subsection (a), Section 2306.411, Government
  62-18  Code, is amended to read as follows:
  62-19        (a)  In addition to other security for the department's bonds
  62-20  authorized by this chapter, payment of the principal and interest
  62-21  and redemption premium, if any, on the department's bonds may be
  62-22  secured by a first or subordinate lien on and pledge of all or part
  62-23  of:
  62-24              (1)  the department's assets and real, personal, or
  62-25  mixed property, including:
  62-26                    (A)  mortgages or other obligations securing the
  62-27  assets of property;
   63-1                    (B)  investments; and
   63-2                    (C)  trust agreements or trust indentures
   63-3  administered by one or more corporate trustees as allowed by the
   63-4  board; and
   63-5              (2)  the reserves or funds of the department <housing
   63-6  finance division>.
   63-7        SECTION 85.  Subsection (a), Section 2306.412, Government
   63-8  Code, is amended to read as follows:
   63-9        (a)  A lien on or pledge of revenues, income, assets,
  63-10  reserves, funds, or other resources of the department <housing
  63-11  finance division>, as authorized by this chapter, is valid and
  63-12  binding from the time of payment for and delivery of the bonds
  63-13  authorized by the board resolution creating or confirming the lien
  63-14  or pledge.
  63-15        SECTION 86.  The heading of Subchapter T, Chapter 2306,
  63-16  Government Code, is amended to read as follows:
  63-19        SECTION 87.  The heading of Subchapter U, Chapter 2306,
  63-20  Government Code, is amended to read as follows:
  63-23        SECTION 88.  The heading of Subchapter V, Chapter 2306,
  63-24  Government Code, is amended to read as follows:
  63-27        SECTION 89.  Section 2306.472, Government Code, is amended to
   64-1  read as follows:
   64-2        Sec. 2306.472.  DEPARTMENT'S BONDS OTHER THAN GENERAL
   64-4  authorized by the Texas Constitution and issued under Section
   64-5  2306.352, the department's bonds:
   64-6              (1)  are solely obligations of the department and are
   64-7  payable solely from funds of the department's bond-financed
   64-8  activities <housing finance division>;
   64-9              (2)  are not an obligation, debt, or liability of the
  64-10  state; and
  64-11              (3)  do not create or constitute a pledge, giving, or
  64-12  lending of the faith, credit, or taxing power of the state.
  64-13        SECTION 90.  The heading of Subchapter W, Chapter 2306,
  64-14  Government Code, is amended to read as follows:
  64-16                       MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
  64-17        SECTION 91.  Section 2306.491, Government Code, is amended to
  64-18  read as follows:
  64-19        Sec. 2306.491.  BONDS NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS.
  64-20  Notwithstanding any other statute, a bond and interest coupon
  64-21  issued and delivered by the department <housing finance division>
  64-22  is a negotiable instrument under the Uniform Commercial Code,
  64-23  except that the bond may be registered or subject to registration
  64-24  under this chapter.
  64-25        SECTION 92.  Section 2306.513, Government Code, is amended to
  64-26  read as follows:
   65-1  (a)  The board shall adopt policies <rules> to achieve occupancy by
   65-2  individuals with special needs of at least five percent of the
   65-3  units in each multifamily housing development.
   65-4        (b)  Subsection (a) applies only to a multifamily housing
   65-5  development that contains at least 20 units and is financed by
   65-6  bonds issued under this chapter.
   65-7        (c)  If a survey that is conducted by the housing sponsor and
   65-8  verified by the department <housing finance division> reveals that
   65-9  there is not sufficient need for housing for individuals with
  65-10  special needs in the area in which the development will be built or
  65-11  renovated to justify building or renovating and reserving at least
  65-12  five percent of the units for individuals with special needs, the
  65-13  department may, on a showing of good cause by the housing sponsor,
  65-14  lower the requirements to correspond to the amount of need found by
  65-15  the housing sponsor.
  65-16        <(d)  The housing finance division shall cooperate with the
  65-17  Texas Department on Aging to implement this section and shall
  65-18  reimburse the department for the costs of:>
  65-19              <(1)  assessing the need for housing for individuals
  65-20  with special needs in different locations;>
  65-21              <(2)  setting standards relating to the design and
  65-22  construction of housing for individuals with special needs;>
  65-23              <(3)  providing planning assistance to builders; and>
  65-24              <(4)  publicizing the availability of the housing
  65-25  program to potential developers and residents.>
  65-26        <(e)  The department and the Texas Department on Aging shall
  65-27  determine a procedure for paying for services provided by the Texas
   66-1  Department on Aging.>
   66-2        SECTION 93.  Chapter 2306, Government Code, is amended by
   66-3  adding Subchapter Y to read as follows:
   66-5        Sec. 2306.551.  DEFINITION.  In this subchapter,
   66-6  "corporation" means the Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation.
   66-7        Sec. 2306.552.  CREATION.  (a)  The existence of the Texas
   66-8  State Affordable Housing Corporation, or any similarly named
   66-9  corporation, begins on the date that the secretary of state issues
  66-10  the certificate of incorporation.
  66-11        (b)  The charter of the corporation must establish the
  66-12  corporation as nonprofit and specifically dedicate the
  66-13  corporation's activities to the benefit of the department.
  66-14        (c)  The creation of the corporation does not limit or impair
  66-15  the rights, powers, and duties of the department under this
  66-16  chapter.
  66-17        Sec. 2306.553.  PURPOSES.  (a)  The corporation shall carry
  66-18  out the public purposes of this chapter on behalf of the state.
  66-19        (b)  The corporation may engage only in the performance of
  66-20  charitable functions.
  66-21        Sec. 2306.554.  BOARD OF DIRECTORS.  The members of the board
  66-22  serve as the board of directors of the corporation.
  66-23        Sec. 2306.555.  POWERS.  (a)  The corporation has the rights
  66-24  and powers of a nonprofit corporation incorporated under the Texas
  66-25  Non-Profit Corporation Act (Article 1396-1.01 et seq., Vernon's
  66-26  Texas Civil Statutes).
  66-27        (b)  The corporation may contract with the department and
   67-1  with bond counsel, financial advisors, or underwriters.
   67-2        (c)  A member of the board of directors or an officer or
   67-3  employee of the corporation is not liable personally for bonds
   67-4  issued or contracts executed by the corporation or for any other
   67-5  action taken in accordance with the powers and duties authorized by
   67-6  this subchapter.
   67-7        Sec. 2306.556.  TAX EXEMPT.  The corporation is exempt from
   67-8  all taxation by the state or a political subdivision of the state,
   67-9  including a municipality.
  67-10        Sec. 2306.557.  DISTRIBUTION OF EARNINGS.  Any part of
  67-11  earnings remaining after payment of expenses may not inure to any
  67-12  person except that the corporation shall deposit these earnings to
  67-13  the credit of the general revenue fund for the benefit of the
  67-14  department if the corporation's board of directors determines that
  67-15  sufficient provision has been made for the full payment of the
  67-16  expenses, bonds, and other obligations of the corporation.
  67-17        Sec. 2306.558.  ALTERATION AND TERMINATION.  (a)  Subject to
  67-18  this subchapter and the prohibition on the impairment of contracts
  67-19  in the law of this state, the corporation's board of directors by
  67-20  written resolution may alter the structure, organization, programs,
  67-21  or activities of the corporation or terminate and dissolve the
  67-22  corporation.
  67-23        (b)  The corporation's board of directors shall dissolve the
  67-24  corporation if the board by resolution determines that:
  67-25              (1)  the purposes for which the corporation was formed
  67-26  have been substantially fulfilled; and
  67-27              (2)  all bonds issued by the corporation have been
   68-1  fully paid.
   68-2        (c)  On dissolution, the title to funds and properties
   68-3  previously owned by the corporation shall be transferred to the
   68-4  department.
   68-5        Sec. 2306.559.  ANNUAL REPORT.  (a)  The corporation shall
   68-6  file an annual report of the financial activity of the corporation
   68-7  with the department.
   68-8        (b)  The corporation shall file the report before the 90th
   68-9  day after the last day of the corporation's fiscal year.
  68-10        (c)  The corporation shall prepare the report in accordance
  68-11  with generally accepted accounting principles.
  68-12        (d)  The report must include:
  68-13              (1)  a statement of support, revenue, and expenses and
  68-14  change in fund balances;
  68-15              (2)  a statement of functional expenses; and
  68-16              (3)  balance sheets for all funds.
  68-18  LAWS.  (a)  The corporation is subject to the open records law,
  68-19  Chapter 552, except that the proprietary financial records of a
  68-20  private applicant, borrower, or other recipient of funds are not a
  68-21  public record.
  68-22        (b)  The corporation is subject to the open meetings law,
  68-23  Chapter 551, except that the board is not required to conduct an
  68-24  open meeting to discuss proprietary financial matters of a private
  68-25  applicant, borrower, or other recipient of funds.
  68-26        SECTION 94.  Chapter 2306, Government Code, is amended by
  68-27  adding Subchapter Z to read as follows:
   69-2                       EMERGENCY RELIEF PROGRAM
   69-3        Sec. 2306.601.  PURPOSE.  (a)  The legislature finds that:
   69-4              (1)  economic and demographic changes have created
   69-5  rapid increases in the number of needy persons who are homeless or
   69-6  without other necessities of basic existence;
   69-7              (2)  local governments and nonprofit service
   69-8  organizations are unable to meet the increased financial burden
   69-9  caused by those changes in various areas of the state; and
  69-10              (3)  the dramatic nature of the emergency relief needs
  69-11  in various localities has contributed to family instability and
  69-12  threatened the social and economic stability of those communities.
  69-13        (b)  The intent of this subchapter is to serve a public
  69-14  purpose and the goals of the state by providing state money to
  69-15  supplement any local or federal money available to provide
  69-16  emergency relief to needy persons.
  69-17        Sec. 2306.602.  DEFINITIONS.  In this subchapter:
  69-18              (1)  "Applicant" means the commissioners court of a
  69-19  county, the governing body of another political subdivision, or a
  69-20  nonprofit organization.
  69-21              (2)  "Nonprofit organization" means a private,
  69-22  nonprofit, tax-exempt corporation listed in Section 501(c)(3),
  69-23  Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. Section 501(c)(3)).
  69-24              (3)  "Program" means a system of providing temporary
  69-25  emergency relief to needy persons.
  69-26        Sec. 2306.603.  TEMPORARY EMERGENCY RELIEF FUND.  (a)  The
  69-27  department shall establish a temporary emergency relief fund from
   70-1  money appropriated for that purpose in order to assist counties, in
   70-2  cooperation with other public entities and nonprofit organizations,
   70-3  in meeting the needs of individuals and families for temporary
   70-4  emergency relief.
   70-5        (b)  The department shall establish the emergency nutrition
   70-6  program as part of the temporary emergency relief program
   70-7  established under this subchapter.  The emergency nutrition program
   70-8  may allocate money from the temporary emergency relief fund to meet
   70-9  the unmet need for emergency food assistance.  The money shall be
  70-10  used as a grant to local communities.  The department shall
  70-11  administer the emergency nutrition program in the same fashion and
  70-12  under the same procedures as used to govern the administration of
  70-13  the temporary emergency relief program.
  70-14        (c)  Unobligated and unexpended money that remains in the
  70-15  fund at the end of the fiscal biennium and that has not been
  70-16  allocated or provided as a supplemental allocation to an applicant
  70-17  reverts to the general revenue fund.
  70-18        (d)  The department may use not more than six percent of the
  70-19  fund to pay costs incurred in administering the fund.
  70-20        (e)  The department shall deposit five percent of the money
  70-21  appropriated to the department under this subchapter to the credit
  70-22  of a special fund in the state treasury known as the emergency
  70-23  contingency fund.  The department may not spend the money in the
  70-24  emergency contingency fund without the written approval of the
  70-25  governor, lieutenant governor, and speaker of the house of
  70-26  representatives.  The department shall spend the money as directed
  70-27  by a joint order of the governor, lieutenant governor, and speaker
   71-1  of the house of representatives.
   71-2        Sec. 2306.604.  APPLICATION.  (a)  A county may apply to the
   71-3  department for a grant-in-aid to establish and administer a program
   71-4  under this subchapter.
   71-5        (b)  If a county declines to act, the department may accept
   71-6  applications from other political subdivisions or from nonprofit
   71-7  organizations.  The political subdivision or nonprofit organization
   71-8  must first notify the county judge of the intention to submit an
   71-9  application for a grant-in-aid.
  71-10        (c)  An application submitted under this section must provide
  71-11  evidence that a county requires assistance and that the applicant
  71-12  has consulted with public entities, nonprofit organizations,
  71-13  voluntary associations, representatives of low-income persons, and
  71-14  other groups involved in providing assistance to needy persons.
  71-15  The department may approve only one program for each county.
  71-16        (d)  A decision by a county to administer a program under
  71-17  this subchapter remains in effect until the county notifies the
  71-18  department that the county no longer wants to participate in the
  71-19  program.  If a county decides to discontinue its participation, the
  71-20  department may choose an applicant as an alternative participant as
  71-21  prescribed by Subsection (b).
  71-22        (e)  The department shall develop standards and procedures
  71-23  for the program that permit all counties in the state to
  71-24  participate.
  71-25        Sec. 2306.605.  LOCAL ALLOCATION.  (a)  State money provided
  71-26  to a local applicant under this subchapter may not be used for
  71-27  local administrative costs.
   72-1        (b)  An allocation to a county from the fund established by
   72-2  Section 2306.603 shall be based on the county's demonstrated need
   72-3  for the money.  The formula used by the department to allocate the
   72-4  money shall include:
   72-5              (1)  the number of unemployed persons in the county
   72-6  during the most recent 12-month period for which data are available
   72-7  compared to the number in the state for that period; and
   72-8              (2)  the number of persons in poverty in the county
   72-9  during the most recent 12-month period for which data are available
  72-10  compared to the number in the state for that period.
  72-11        Sec. 2306.606.  LOCAL PLAN; DISBURSEMENT.  (a)  An applicant
  72-12  must submit to the department a plan for providing emergency
  72-13  relief.
  72-14        (b)  The plan must contain a description of the target
  72-15  population, the eligibility criteria for receipt of services, the
  72-16  nature and scope of benefits to be provided, methods of
  72-17  administration, and a budget.  The plan must also show evidence of
  72-18  consultation with the entities listed in Section 2306.604(c).
  72-19        (c)  On verification by the department that the applicant
  72-20  qualifies under this subchapter, the department shall disburse
  72-21  money from the fund to the applicant to be used to establish a
  72-22  program in the affected county.
  72-24  (a)  Each county, political subdivision, or nonprofit organization
  72-25  approved by the department for the establishment of a program shall
  72-26  adopt its own criteria for persons eligible to receive benefits
  72-27  under the program and shall include the criteria in the plan for
   73-1  providing emergency relief submitted to the department.
   73-2        (b)  Before establishing eligibility and the frequency and
   73-3  duration of benefits provided under the program, the county,
   73-4  political subdivision, or nonprofit organization shall allow
   73-5  adequate notice and opportunity for public comment, including
   73-6  comments from entities listed in Section 2306.604(c).
   73-7        (c)  A county, political subdivision, or nonprofit
   73-8  organization may not set the eligibility level at less than 75
   73-9  percent of the federal poverty level based on the federal Office of
  73-10  Management and Budget poverty index in effect at the time the plan
  73-11  is submitted to the department.
  73-12        (d)  Assistance to persons eligible to participate in a
  73-13  program authorized by this subchapter shall be provided through
  73-14  vouchers and purchased services in accordance with the approved
  73-15  plan submitted to the department.  The assistance may include the
  73-16  provision of utilities, food, housing, and clothing to needy
  73-17  persons.
  73-18        (e)  Records relating to a program under this subchapter are
  73-19  subject to audit by the department, an auditor approved by the
  73-20  department, or the state auditor.
  73-21        Sec. 2306.608.  REPORTS; PUBLIC NOTICES.  A county, political
  73-22  subdivision, or nonprofit organization funded under this subchapter
  73-23  shall provide information to the department as necessary to ensure
  73-24  that information is provided to the public regarding eligibility
  73-25  for and the nature of a program operated under this subchapter.
  73-26        Sec. 2306.609.  RELATIONSHIP TO FEDERAL LAW.  (a)  If a
  73-27  federal law or regulation is changed without making provision for
   74-1  temporary waivers to allow compliance with state law, and, as a
   74-2  result of this change, there is insufficient time to comply with
   74-3  all the procedures required by this subchapter, the agency or
   74-4  entity affected may act so as to comply with federal law and shall
   74-5  comply with the applicable procedures required by this subchapter
   74-6  as soon as possible.
   74-7        (b)  If a federal statute or court order conflicts with this
   74-8  subchapter, the federal law or court order prevails over this
   74-9  subchapter.
  74-10        SECTION 95.  Subsection (a), Section 5.13, State Purchasing
  74-11  and General Services Act (Article 601b, Vernon's Texas Civil
  74-12  Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
  74-13        (a)  Except as otherwise provided by this article, this
  74-14  article shall apply to all building construction projects as herein
  74-15  defined which may be undertaken by the state, with the following
  74-16  exceptions:
  74-17              (1)  all projects constructed by and for the Texas
  74-18  <State> Department of <Highways and Public> Transportation;
  74-19              (2)  all projects constructed by and for state
  74-20  institutions of higher education;
  74-21              (3)  pens, sheds, and ancillary buildings constructed
  74-22  by and for the Texas Department of Agriculture for the processing
  74-23  of livestock prior to export;
  74-24              (4)  all projects of repair and rehabilitation, except
  74-25  major renovations, of buildings and grounds on the commission
  74-26  inventory;
  74-27              (5)  all projects constructed by the Parks and Wildlife
   75-1  Department; <and>
   75-2              (6)  all projects of repair, rehabilitation, and
   75-3  construction on property owned by the Texas Department of Housing
   75-4  and Community Affairs or the Texas State Affordable Housing
   75-5  Corporation; and
   75-6              (7)  repair and rehabilitation projects of any other
   75-7  using agency, provided all labor for such projects is provided by
   75-8  the regular maintenance forces of the using agency under specific
   75-9  legislative authorization, and provided further, that such projects
  75-10  do not require the advance preparation of working plans and/or
  75-11  drawings.
  75-12        SECTION 96.  Section 6.01, State Purchasing and General
  75-13  Services Act (Article 601b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is
  75-14  amended to read as follows:
  75-15        Sec. 6.01.  DEFINITION.  In this article,  "space" means
  75-16  office space, warehouse space, laboratory space, storage space
  75-17  exceeding 1,000 gross square feet, or any combination of that
  75-18  space.  The term <thereof,  but> does not include:
  75-19              (1)  aircraft hangar space;
  75-20              (2) <,>  radio antenna space;
  75-21              (3) <,>  boat storage space;
  75-22              (4) <,>  vehicle parking space;
  75-23              (5) <,>  residential space for a Texas Department of
  75-24  Mental Health and Mental Retardation program;
  75-25              (6) <,>  residential space for a Texas Youth Commission
  75-26  program;
  75-27              (7)  residential property acquired by the Texas
   76-1  Department of Housing and Community Affairs or the Texas State
   76-2  Affordable Housing Corporation with bond proceeds;<,> or
   76-3              (8)  space to be utilized for less than one month for
   76-4  meetings, conferences, seminars, conventions, displays,
   76-5  examinations, auctions, or other similar purposes.
   76-6        SECTION 97.  The following laws are repealed:
   76-7              (1)  Section 2306.029, Government Code;
   76-8              (2)  Section 2306.072, Government Code;
   76-9              (3)  Section 2306.091, Government Code;
  76-10              (4)  Section 2306.111, Government Code;
  76-11              (5)  Section 2306.118, Government Code;
  76-12              (6)  Section 2306.122, Government Code;
  76-13              (7)  Sections 2306.124, 2306.125, and 2306.126,
  76-14  Government Code;
  76-15              (8)  Subchapters G and H, Chapter 2306, Government
  76-16  Code;
  76-17              (9)  Section 2306.204, Government Code;
  76-18              (10)  Section 2306.226, Government Code;
  76-19              (11)  Section 2306.266, Government Code;
  76-20              (12)  Sections 2306.313 and 2306.314, Government Code;
  76-21              (13)  Section 2306.375, Government Code; and
  76-22              (14)  Chapter 34, Human Resources Code.
  76-23        SECTION 98.  (a)  In addition to the changes in law made by
  76-24  this Act relating to the operations, powers, and duties of the
  76-25  Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs, this Act
  76-26  conforms certain provisions of the Government Code regarding that
  76-27  department to changes in law made by Chapter 725, Acts of the 73rd
   77-1  Legislature, 1993.
   77-2        (b)  Chapter 725, Acts of the 73rd Legislature, 1993, is
   77-3  repealed.
   77-4        (c)  To the extent of any conflict, this Act prevails over
   77-5  another Act of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995,
   77-6  relating to nonsubstantive additions to and corrections in enacted
   77-7  codes.
   77-8        SECTION 99.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1995.
   77-9        SECTION 100.  The importance of this legislation and the
  77-10  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
  77-11  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
  77-12  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
  77-13  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.