By West, Cain                                         S.B. No. 1346
       74R7866 T
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to sports facilities.
    1-4        SECTION 1.  Section 2303.003, Texas Enterprise Zone Act
    1-5  (Section 2303, Government Code) is amended by amending Subdivision
    1-6  (3) to read as follows:
    1-7              (3)  "Enterprise zone" means an area designated as an
    1-8  enterprise zone under this chapter including a sports facility
    1-9  enterprise zone.
   1-10        SECTION 2.  Section 2303.003, Texas Enterprise Zone Act
   1-11  (Section 2303, Government Code) is amended by adding the following
   1-12  new Subdivisions (8), (9), (10), (11), (12), (13) and (14):
   1-13              (8)  "Qualified hotel project" means a hotel proposed
   1-14  to be constructed by a municipality or a nonprofit municipally
   1-15  sponsored local government corporation created pursuant to Section
   1-16  4A of Article 1528l, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, that is within
   1-17  1,000 feet of a convention center owned by a municipality of
   1-18  1,500,000 or more, including all facilities ancillary thereto such
   1-19  as shops and parking facilities.
   1-20              (9)  "Qualified sports facility project" means a sports
   1-21  facility which is proposed to be constructed, remodeled or
   1-22  rehabilitated by a municipality or by an industrial development
   1-23  corporation created by a municipality pursuant to the provisions of
   1-24  Section 4B of the Development Corporation Act of 1979 (Article
    2-1  5190.6, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes).
    2-2              (10)  "Sports facility" means an arena, coliseum,
    2-3  stadium, or speedway, or any combination thereof, and concession
    2-4  and parking facilities ancillary thereto used or proposed to be
    2-5  used for professional sporting games or events or for olympic or
    2-6  international games or events.
    2-7              (11)  "Eligible taxable proceeds" means taxable
    2-8  proceeds generated, paid, or collected (a) by the owner of a
    2-9  qualified hotel project or a qualified sports facility project or
   2-10  by a business at a qualified hotel project or a qualified sports
   2-11  facility project, or (b) from the incremental increase of taxable
   2-12  proceeds collected from businesses within a sports facility
   2-13  enterprise zone.
   2-14              (12)  Taxable proceeds <including> includes hotel
   2-15  occupancy taxes, ad valorem, sales and use taxes, and mixed
   2-16  beverage taxes.
   2-17              (13)  Incremental increases in taxable proceeds is the
   2-18  amount by which the taxable proceeds (consisting of sales and use
   2-19  taxes, hotel occupancy taxes and mixed beverage taxes) collected by
   2-20  the state, a municipality, a county or other political subdivision
   2-21  from businesses within a sports facility enterprise zone in a
   2-22  fiscal year of any such entity exceeds the amount of such taxable
   2-23  proceeds collected by such entity from businesses within the zone
   2-24  during the last fiscal year before the zone was created.
   2-25              (14)  "Sports facility enterprise zone" is an area
   2-26  designated by a municipality as a reinvestment zone pursuant to the
   2-27  provisions of the Tax Incremental Financing Act (Chapter 311, Tax
    3-1  Code) which is designated by the municipality as a sports facility
    3-2  enterprise zone that is entitled to the benefits of this Act.  To
    3-3  be eligible to be designated as a sports facility enterprise zone a
    3-4  municipality must agree:  (a) to use all taxable proceeds collected
    3-5  from the qualified sports facility project and from businesses
    3-6  within such project and the incremental increase in taxable
    3-7  proceeds collected from businesses within the sports facility
    3-8  enterprise zone to pay the principal and interest on the tax
    3-9  incremental bonds or other obligations of the municipality issued
   3-10  or incurred by the municipality to pay the cost of constructing,
   3-11  remodeling or rehabilitating the qualified sports facility project,
   3-12  or (b) enter into an agreement with an industrial development
   3-13  corporation which owns the qualified sports facility project to
   3-14  rebate, refund or pay the eligible taxable proceeds collected by
   3-15  the municipality from the qualified sports facility project or from
   3-16  businesses within such project and the incremental increase in
   3-17  taxable proceeds collected from businesses within the sports
   3-18  facility enterprise zone.  The agreement must be for the longer of
   3-19  (i) the term of the bonds or other obligations of the municipality
   3-20  or industrial development corporation issued or incurred to pay the
   3-21  cost of constructing, remodeling or rehabilitating the qualified
   3-22  sports facility project or (ii) for the term the state will rebate
   3-23  sales and use taxes and mixed beverage taxes pursuant to the
   3-24  provisions of Section 151.429, Tax Code.
   3-25        SECTION 3.  Section 2303.401, Texas Enterprise Zone Act
   3-26  (Chapter 2303, Government Code) is amended to read as follows:
   3-27        Sec. 2303.401.  Qualified Business.  (a)  A person is a
    4-1  qualified business if the department, for the purpose of state
    4-2  benefits under this chapter, or the governing body of an enterprise
    4-3  zone, for the purpose of local benefits, certifies that:
    4-4              (1)  the person is engaged in or has provided
    4-5  substantial commitment to initiate the active conduct of a trade or
    4-6  business in the enterprise zone; and
    4-7              (2)  at least 25 percent of the person's new employees
    4-8  in the enterprise zone are:
    4-9                    (A)  residents of any enterprise zone in the
   4-10  jurisdiction of the governing body of the enterprise zone; or
   4-11                    (B)  economically disadvantaged individuals; or
   4-12                    (C)  a builder that has demonstrated:
   4-13        proficiency in residential construction in the state by
   4-14  providing five satisfactory homeowner references for properties
   4-15  constructed by the builder in the preceding three years that
   4-16  include the name of the property and the builder of the property,
   4-17  together with copies of inspection reports performed by
   4-18  code-certified residential inspectors or municipal inspectors on
   4-19  the residences, or other satisfactory evidence;
   4-20        financial stability by providing bank references, financial
   4-21  compilations, and copies of two years of tax returns, or other
   4-22  satisfactory evidence; and
   4-23        participation in a 10-year insured warranty program; or
   4-24        (b)  a qualified hotel project that is owned by a
   4-25  municipality with a population of 1,500,000 or more or a nonprofit
   4-26  corporation sponsored local government corporation created pursuant
   4-27  to Section 4A of Article 1528l, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes; or
    5-1        (c)  a qualified sports facility project that is owned by a
    5-2  municipality or by an industrial development corporation created by
    5-3  a municipality pursuant to the provisions of Section 4B of the
    5-4  Development Corporation Act of 1979 (Article 5190.6, Vernon's Texas
    5-5  Civil Statutes).
    5-6        SECTION 4.  Section 2303.506, Texas Enterprise Zone Act,
    5-7  (Chapter 2303, Government Code) is amended to read as follows:
    5-8        Sec. 2303.506.  Reduction or Elimination of Local Fees or
    5-9  Taxes.  (a)  To promote the public health, safety, or welfare, the
   5-10  governing body of a municipality or county may establish a program
   5-11  by which it reduces or eliminates any fees or taxes that it imposes
   5-12  on a qualified business or qualified employee.  The reduction of
   5-13  sales and use taxes are controlled by the provisions of Section
   5-14  2303.505 and subsection (b) of this Section.
   5-15        (b)  A municipality, county, other political subdivision, or
   5-16  other governmental body may enter into an agreement to rebate,
   5-17  refund, or pay eligible taxable proceeds to the owner of a
   5-18  qualified hotel project or a qualified sports facility project at
   5-19  which such eligible taxable proceeds were generated or collected or
   5-20  (with respect to a qualified sports facility project) the
   5-21  incremental increase in eligible taxable proceeds collected from
   5-22  businesses within the sports facility enterprise zone within which
   5-23  the project  is located for the period of time set forth in the
   5-24  agreement.  Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, a
   5-25  municipality with a population of 1,500,000 or more may enter into
   5-26  an agreement to guarantee from hotel occupancy taxes the bonds or
   5-27  other obligations of a municipality sponsored local government
    6-1  corporation created pursuant to the provisions of Section 4A of
    6-2  Article 1528l, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes that were issued or
    6-3  incurred to pay the cost of constructing, remodeling, or
    6-4  rehabilitating a qualified hotel project.  A municipality may enter
    6-5  into an agreement to guarantee from hotel occupancy taxes or sales
    6-6  and use taxes the bonds or other obligations of an industrial
    6-7  development corporation created pursuant to the provisions of
    6-8  Section 4B of the Development Corporation Act of 1979 (Article
    6-9  5190.6 Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) that were issued or incurred
   6-10  to pay the cost of constructing, remodeling, or rehabilitating a
   6-11  qualified sports facility project.  Any agreement must be in
   6-12  writing, contain an expiration date, and require the beneficiary to
   6-13  provide documentation necessary to support a claim.  The
   6-14  municipality, county, political subdivision, or other governmental
   6-15  body that enters into any <such> rebate agreement shall make the
   6-16  rebate, refund, or payment directly to the beneficiary set forth in
   6-17  the agreement if it so provides.
   6-18        SECTION 5.  Section 2303.404 of The Texas Enterprise Zone Act
   6-19  (Chapter 2303, Government Code) is amended to read as follows:
   6-22  qualified hotel project or a qualified sports facility project may
   6-23  be designated prior to or after August 31, 1993.  New permanent
   6-24  jobs created by the qualified hotel project or the qualified sports
   6-25  facility project shall not be considered in determining the number
   6-26  of enterprise projects that the department may approve pursuant to
   6-27  the other provisions of this Act.
    7-1        (b)  A qualified hotel project and a qualified sports
    7-2  facility project shall be deemed to have met the criteria of a
    7-3  qualified business and an enterprise project, and the enterprise
    7-4  zone in which the qualified hotel project or the qualified sports
    7-5  facility project is located shall be deemed to have met all
    7-6  qualifications of this Act to permit the department to designate
    7-7  the qualified hotel project or the qualified sports facility
    7-8  project as an enterprise project.
    7-9        SECTION 6.  Section 151.429(e), Tax Code, is amended to read
   7-10  as follows:
   7-11        (e)  In this section, "enterprise project," "enterprise
   7-12  zone," "qualified hotel project," "sports facility", "qualified
   7-13  sports facility project", "taxable proceeds", "eligible taxable
   7-14  proceeds", "incremental increase in taxable proceeds", sports
   7-15  facility enterprise zone", "permanent job", and "qualified
   7-16  employee" have the meanings assigned by the Texas Enterprise Zone
   7-17  Act (Chapter 2303, Government Code).
   7-18        SECTION 7.  Section 151.429, Tax Code, is amended by making
   7-19  the following amendment to subsection (h) and by adding the
   7-20  following subsections (i) and (j):
   7-21        (h)  Notwithstanding the other provisions of this section,
   7-22  the owner of a qualified hotel project shall receive a rebate,
   7-23  refund, or payment of 100 percent of the sales and use taxes paid
   7-24  or collected pursuant to this chapter by the qualified hotel
   7-25  project or by a business located in the qualified hotel project and
   7-26  100 percent of the hotel occupancy taxes paid by persons for the
   7-27  use or possession of or for the right to use or possession of a
    8-1  room or space at the qualified hotel project pursuant to the
    8-2  provisions of Chapter 156 during the first 10 <7> years after such
    8-3  qualified hotel project is open for initial occupancy or use.
    8-4        (i)  Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Section the
    8-5  owner of a qualified sports facility project shall receive (i) a
    8-6  rebate, refund or payment of 100 percent of the sales and use tax
    8-7  and mixed beverage tax paid or collected pursuant to this chapter
    8-8  and chapter 183 by the qualified sports facility project or from
    8-9  businesses operating in such project during the first 10 years
   8-10  after such qualified sports facility project is open for initial
   8-11  occupancy or use (or in the case of a remodeled or rehabilitated
   8-12  project during the first 10 years after the remodeling or
   8-13  rehabilitation commenced, and (ii) a rebate, refund or payment of
   8-14  100 percent of the state's incremental increase in taxable proceeds
   8-15  collected from businesses operating within the sports facility
   8-16  enterprise zone (if any) in which the qualified sports facility
   8-17  project may be located.  In lieu of a foregoing rebate for 10
   8-18  years, the owner of a qualified sports facility project may request
   8-19  and receive (i) a rebate, refund or payment of (    ) percent of
   8-20  the sales and use taxes and mixed beverage taxes collected by the
   8-21  owner of the qualified sports facility project or by a business
   8-22  operating within the qualified sports facility project and (ii) ( )
   8-23  percent of the state's incremental increase in taxable proceeds
   8-24  collected from businesses operating within the sports facility
   8-25  enterprise zone (if any) in which the qualified sports facility
   8-26  project may be located for the term of the bonds or other
   8-27  obligations issued or incurred by the owner of the qualified sports
    9-1  facility project to construct, remodel or rehabilitate the
    9-2  qualified sports facility project.  To be eligible to receive a
    9-3  rebate, refund, or payment from the state pursuant to this
    9-4  subsection an industrial development corporation must have two of
    9-5  the members of its board of directors appointed by the lieutenant
    9-6  governor and two of its board members appointed by the comptroller.
    9-7        (j)  An owner of a qualified sports facility project which is
    9-8  an industrial development corporation shall not be entitled to a
    9-9  state rebate, refund or payment pursuant to subsection (i) of the
   9-10  Section unless the municipality in which a qualified sports
   9-11  facility project is located agrees to rebate, refund or pay to the
   9-12  industrial development corporation which owns the project all of
   9-13  the eligible taxable proceeds collected by the municipality at the
   9-14  project and all of the incremental increase in taxable proceeds
   9-15  collected by the municipality from businesses operating within a
   9-16  sports facility enterprise zone (if any) which includes the project
   9-17  for a term at least as long as the state's obligation to make
   9-18  rebates, refunds, or payments pursuant to subsection (i).  An owner
   9-19  of a qualified sports facility project which is a municipality
   9-20  shall not be entitled to a rebate, refund or payment pursuant to
   9-21  subsection (i) unless the municipality agrees to commit all
   9-22  eligible taxable proceeds collected at the project and all of the
   9-23  municipality's incremental increase in taxable proceeds collected
   9-24  from businesses operating within a sports facility enterprise zone
   9-25  (if any) to the payment of its bonds or other obligations issued to
   9-26  construct, remodel, or rehabilitate the qualified sports facility
   9-27  project for at least as long as the state is obligated to make
   10-1  rebates, refunds, or payments pursuant to subsection (i).
   10-2        SECTION 8.  The Industrial Development Corporation Act of
   10-3  1979 (Article 5190.6, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) is amended by
   10-4  adding the following new subsection (n) to Section 4B:
   10-5        (n)  The articles of incorporation may permit the lieutenant
   10-6  governor to appoint two of the seven board members and the
   10-7  comptroller of public accounts to appoint two members of the board.
   10-8        SECTION 9.  The Tax Incremental Financing Act (Chapter 311,
   10-9  Tax Code) is amended by adding the following new subsection (m) to
  10-10  Section 311.015:
  10-11        (m)  A tax incremental bond or note issued to finance a
  10-12  qualified sports facility project as defined in Section 2303, Texas
  10-13  Enterprise Zone Act (Chapter 2303, Government Code) must mature
  10-14  within 30 years of the date of issue.  A municipality may pledge
  10-15  eligible taxable proceeds and the incremental increase in taxable
  10-16  proceeds, as defined in Chapter 2303, Texas Enterprise Zone Act, to
  10-17  the payment of bonds or notes issued to pay the cost of a qualified
  10-18  sports facility project on such terms and conditions as the
  10-19  municipality deems appropriate.
  10-20        SECTION 10.  The Tax Incremental Financing Act (Chapter 311,
  10-21  Tax Code) is amended by adding the following new paragraph (6) to
  10-22  subsection (a) of Section 311.005:
  10-23              (6)  be an area which the municipality determines
  10-24  should be designated as a sports facility enterprise zone as
  10-25  defined in Chapter 2303, Texas Enterprise Zone Act (Chapter 2303,
  10-26  Government Code).
  10-27        SECTION 11.  The Tax Code is amended by adding the following
   11-1  new Subchapter C to Chapter 302:
   11-2        Subchapter C.  Sports Facility Enterprise Zone Excise Taxes
   11-3        Sec. 302.201.  DEFINITIONS.  (a)  "Qualified Sports Facility
   11-4  Project", "Sports Facility", and "Sports Facility Enterprise Zone"
   11-5  shall have the meanings assigned by Chapter 2303, Texas Enterprise
   11-6  Zone Act (Chapter 2303 Government Code).
   11-7        (b)  "Event Parking Tax" means the tax which a municipality
   11-8  is authorized by Section 302.202 to levy in a sports facility
   11-9  enterprise zone and within the 1500 foot area adjacent to the zone
  11-10  on motor vehicles parking in a sports facility enterprise zone
  11-11  during the period beginning not more than two hours and ending not
  11-12  later than two hours from the expected time an event is to commence
  11-13  in a qualified sports facility project.
  11-14        (c)  "Admissions tax" means the tax which a municipality is
  11-15  authorized to levy by Section 302.203 on persons attending an event
  11-16  in a qualified sports facility project.
  11-17        Sec. 302.202.  PARKING TAX AUTHORIZED.  (a)  A municipality
  11-18  may by ordinance levy or impose a tax on motor vehicles parking in
  11-19  a sports facility enterprise zone or within the 1500 foot area
  11-20  adjacent to the sports facility enterprise zone during the period
  11-21  beginning not more than two hours and ending not later than two
  11-22  hours from the expected time an event is to commence in a qualified
  11-23  sports facility project.  The municipality may not levy a parking
  11-24  tax during any other period.
  11-25        (b)  The parking tax may not exceed $2.50 per motor vehicle.
  11-26  The municipality may levy the tax on an equal charge per motor
  11-27  vehicle parked or may provide that the parking tax will be a
   12-1  percentage of the amount charged for event parking by the owner of
   12-2  the parking facility.
   12-3        (c)  The parking tax is levied on the operator of the motor
   12-4  vehicle parking the motor vehicle and not on the owner of the
   12-5  parking facility.  The parking tax shall not be an occupation tax
   12-6  on the owner of the parking facility.
   12-7        (d)  A municipality may not levy a parking tax on any area
   12-8  around a sports facility that presently exists unless the area
   12-9  surrounding that sports facility is designated as a sports facility
  12-10  enterprise zone, pursuant to the provisions of the act, and the
  12-11  existing sports facility becomes a qualified sports facility
  12-12  project in the manner prescribed by this act.
  12-13        Sec. 302.203.  ADMISSIONS TAX AUTHORIZED.  (a)  A
  12-14  municipality may by ordinance impose or levy a tax on a person
  12-15  being admitted to an event in a qualified sports facility project.
  12-16  The admissions tax authorized by this section shall not exceed $2
  12-17  per person admitted.  The admissions tax may be based on a flat
  12-18  charge per admission or may be based on a percentage of the price
  12-19  of a ticket for admission to the event; however, no tax may exceed
  12-20  $2 per person admitted to the event.
  12-21        (b)  The admissions tax authorized by this section shall be a
  12-22  tax on the person admitted to an event in a qualified sports
  12-23  facility project and shall not be a tax on the owner of the
  12-24  qualified sports facility project.  It shall not be an occupation
  12-25  tax on the owner of the qualified sports facility project.
  12-26        (c)  A municipality may not levy a tax on the admission of a
  12-27  person to a sports facility that is not a qualified sports facility
   13-1  project, or any other type of theater, auditorium, or similar type
   13-2  of facility that is not a qualified sports facility project.
   13-3        Sec. 302.204.  EFFECTIVE DATE.  Any tax imposed under this
   13-4  chapter shall become effective on the date prescribed in the
   13-5  ordinance imposing or levying the tax.
   13-6        Sec. 302.205.  USE OF TAX REVENUES.  Revenues from the
   13-7  municipal parking tax and the municipal admissions tax may only be
   13-8  used for the acquisition of sites for and the acquisition,
   13-9  construction, improvement, enlarging, equipping, or repairing of
  13-10  qualified sports facility projects.
  13-11        Sec. 302.206.  PLEDGE FOR BONDS.  A municipality must pledge
  13-12  the revenues derived from the municipal parking tax and the
  13-13  municipal admissions tax imposed under this chapter for the payment
  13-14  of bonds that are issued by the municipality pursuant to Article
  13-15  1269j-4.1, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, for the purpose set forth
  13-16  in Section 302.205 or by a nonprofit corporation created by the
  13-17  municipality pursuant to the provisions of Section 4B of Article
  13-18  5190.6, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, for the purposes provided by
  13-19  Section 302.205.
  13-20        Sec. 302.207.  COLLECTION OF TAX.  (a)  The ordinance of the
  13-21  municipality may provide that the owner of a parking facility
  13-22  collect the tax for the benefit of the municipality in accordance
  13-23  with the provisions of the ordinance of the city imposing the tax
  13-24  and regulating its enforcement and collection.  The owner of a
  13-25  parking facility subject to the municipal parking tax shall report
  13-26  and pay the tax to the city in the manner set forth in the
  13-27  ordinances of the city relating to the tax.
   14-1        (b)  The ordinance of the municipality may provide that the
   14-2  owner of a qualified sports facility project subject to the
   14-3  municipal admissions tax collect the tax for the benefit of the
   14-4  municipality in the manner prescribed by the city in the ordinance
   14-5  imposing the tax and regulating its collection.  The owner of a
   14-6  qualified sports facility project that may be imposed under this
   14-7  chapter shall report and pay the tax to the city in the manner
   14-8  prescribed in the ordinances of the city.
   14-9        (c)  The municipality may permit the owner of a parking
  14-10  facility or the owner of a qualified sports facility project a fee
  14-11  for collecting the municipal taxes authorized by this chapter.
  14-12        Sec. 302.208.  TAX COLLECTION POWERS.  (a)  The governing
  14-13  body of a municipality imposing a municipal parking tax or a
  14-14  municipal admissions tax may adopt ordinances and may make rules
  14-15  relating to the imposition, assessment and collection of such
  14-16  taxes.
  14-17        (b)  A municipality collecting taxes that are authorized by
  14-18  this chapter may by ordinance impose penalties for delinquent
  14-19  taxes, including interest charges on delinquent taxes.
  14-20        (c)  The municipality may, through its attorney, bring suit
  14-21  for a judgment for delinquent taxes, penalties and interest due to
  14-22  the municipality under this chapter.
  14-23        (d)  An owner of a parking facility or an owner of a
  14-24  qualified sports facility project commits an offense as prescribed
  14-25  in the municipal ordinance if he fails to make and retain complete
  14-26  records in the manner prescribed in the municipalities ordinance.
  14-27        SECTION 12.  The importance of this legislation and the
   15-1  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   15-2  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   15-3  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   15-4  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,
   15-5  and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its
   15-6  passage, and it is so enacted.