By:  Harris                                           S.B. No. 1468
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
                                        AN ACT
    1-1  relating to the regulation of certain consumer credit practices;
    1-2  providing that certain violations are actionable.
    1-4        SECTION 1.  Article 6.05, Title 79, Revised Statutes (Article
    1-5  5069-6.05, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as
    1-6  follows:
    1-7  Art. 5069-6.05.  Prohibited provisions.  No retail installment
    1-8  contract or retail charge agreement shall:
    1-9              (1)  Provide that the holder may accelerate the
   1-10  maturity of any part or all of the amount owing thereunder unless
   1-11  (a) the buyer is in default in the performance of any of his
   1-12  obligations, or (b) the holder in good faith believes that the
   1-13  prospect of payment or performance is impaired;
   1-14              (2)  Contain a power of attorney to confess judgment,
   1-15  or an assignment of wages;
   1-16              (3)  Authorize the seller or holder or other person
   1-17  acting on his behalf to enter upon the buyer's premises unlawfully
   1-18  or to commit any breach of the peace in the repossession of goods;
   1-19              (4)  Provide for a waiver of the buyer's rights of
   1-20  action against the seller or holder or other person acting therefor
   1-21  for any illegal act committed in the collection of payments under
   1-22  the contract or agreement or in the repossession of goods;
   1-23              (5)  Contain any provision by which the buyer executes
    2-1  a power of attorney appointing the seller or holder or other person
    2-2  acting on his behalf, as the buyer's agent in the repossession of
    2-3  goods;
    2-4              (6)  Provide that the buyer agrees not to assert
    2-5  against the seller any claim or defense arising out of the sale;
    2-6              (7)  Provide for or grant a first lien upon real estate
    2-7  to secure such obligation, except (a) such lien as is created by
    2-8  law upon the recording of an abstract of judgment, <or> (b) such
    2-9  lien as is provided for or granted by a contract or series of
   2-10  contracts for the sale or construction and sale of a structure to
   2-11  be used as a residence so long as the time price differential does
   2-12  not exceed an annual percentage rate permitted under either this
   2-13  Chapter or Article 1.04 of this Title, or (c) in the case of
   2-14  improvements to an existing structure used or to be used as a
   2-15  residence, Notice is given in the following form:
   2-16        NOTICE:  The Contract you are entering provides for a lien
   2-17  against your home.  Unless you make payments as provided under the
   2-18  Contract, the Contractor or a Lender to whom the Contract is
   2-19  assigned will have the right to foreclose and take possession of
   2-20  your home.  You have three days after the execution of the Contract
   2-21  to provide the Contractor with written notice of your decision to
   2-22  rescind the Contract.  You are encouraged to seek the advice of an
   2-23  attorney of your choice to explain your rights and obligations
   2-24  under this Contract.
   2-25        The notice must be given in the mechanic's lien contract and
    3-1  must be conspicuous and printed in ten point bold faced type or
    3-2  upper case typewritten letters.
    3-3        A violation of this subsection (7) is a false, misleading, or
    3-4  deceptive act or practice within the meaning of Section 17.46,
    3-5  Business & Commerce Code, and is actionable under the provisions of
    3-6  the Deceptive Trade Practices-Consumer Protection Act (Subchapter
    3-7  E, Chapter 17, Business & Commerce Code) but does not void the lien
    3-8  created.
    3-9        SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1995.
   3-10        SECTION 3.  The importance of this legislation and the
   3-11  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   3-12  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   3-13  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   3-14  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.