By:  Turner                                           S.B. No. 1470
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
                                        AN ACT
    1-1  relating to intellectual property rights and publications of the
    1-2  Texas Department of Transportation.
    1-4        SECTION 1.  Chapter 1, Title 116, Revised Statutes, is
    1-5  amended by adding Article 6673a-4 to read as follows:
    1-6        Art. 6673a-4.  USE OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY.
    1-7  (a)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Texas
    1-8  Department of Transportation may:
    1-9              (1)  apply for, register, secure, hold, and protect
   1-10  patents, copyrights, trademarks, or other evidence of protection or
   1-11  exclusivity issued under the laws of the United States, any state,
   1-12  or any nation, including ideas, publications, and other original
   1-13  innovations fixed in a tangible medium, including but not limited
   1-14  to:
   1-15                    (A)  literary works;
   1-16                    (B)  logos;
   1-17                    (C)  service marks;
   1-18                    (D)  studies;
   1-19                    (E)  maps and planning documents;
   1-20                    (F)  engineering, architectural, and graphic
   1-21  designs;
   1-22                    (G)  manuals;
   1-23                    (H)  automated systems software;
    2-1                    (I)  audiovisual works;
    2-2                    (J)  sound recordings; and
    2-3                    (K)  travel literature, including but not limited
    2-4  to pamphlets, bulletins, books, maps, periodicals, and electronic
    2-5  information published or produced under Section 3, Chapter 193,
    2-6  Acts of the 56th Legislature, Regular Session, 1959 (Article 6144e,
    2-7  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes);
    2-8              (2)  enter into nonexclusive license agreements with
    2-9  any third party for the receipt of fees, royalties, or other thing
   2-10  of monetary or nonmonetary value;
   2-11              (3)  waive or reduce the amount of fees, royalties, or
   2-12  other monetary or nonmonetary value to be assessed if the
   2-13  department determines that such waiver will further the goals and
   2-14  missions of the department and result in a net benefit to the
   2-15  state; and
   2-16              (4)  adopt and enforce rules necessary to carry out
   2-17  this article.
   2-18        (b)  Money paid to the Texas Department of Transportation
   2-19  under this article shall be deposited in the state treasury to the
   2-20  credit of the state highway fund.  Sections 403.094(h) and 403.095,
   2-21  Government Code, do not apply to funds deposited in the state
   2-22  highway fund under this subsection.
   2-23        SECTION 2.  Section 3, Chapter 193, Acts of the 56th
   2-24  Legislature, Regular Session, 1959 (Article 6144e, Vernon's Texas
   2-25  Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
    3-2  TRANSPORTATION.  (a)(1)  For the purpose of dissemination of
    3-3  information relative to highway construction, repair, maintenance,
    3-4  and upkeep, and for the purpose of advertising the highways of this
    3-5  state and attracting traffic thereto, the Texas Department of
    3-6  Transportation is empowered to compile and publish<,> for <free>
    3-7  distribution(, such pamphlets, bulletins, and documents as it will
    3-8  deem necessary and expedient for informational and publicity
    3-9  purposes concerning the highways of the state, and with respect to
   3-10  public parks, recreational grounds, scenic places, and other public
   3-11  places and scenic areas or objects of interest, data as to
   3-12  distances, historical facts, and other items or matters of interest
   3-13  and value to the general public and road users; and said Department
   3-14  is authorized and empowered to make or cause to be made from time
   3-15  to time a map or maps showing thereon the highways of the state and
   3-16  the towns, cities, and other places of interest served and reached
   3-17  by said highways, and may cause to be printed, published, and
   3-18  prepared in such manner or form as the Department may deem best,
   3-19  all of such information and data and provide for the distribution
   3-20  and dissemination of the same in such manner and method and to such
   3-21  extent as in the opinion of the Department will best serve the
   3-22  motoring public and road users.
   3-23              (2)(A)  Single copies of pamphlets, documents, maps,
   3-24  and other travel materials distributed by the Department under
   3-25  Subdivision (1) of this subsection shall be provided free of
    4-1  charge, provided that the Department by rule may require payment
    4-2  for large quantities of such materials in an amount sufficient to
    4-3  recover its direct and indirect production costs and authorize the
    4-4  free distribution of multiple copies if such distribution will
    4-5  maximize the resources of the Department that are available to
    4-6  advertise the highways of the state and to promote travel to and
    4-7  within the state.  Money paid to the Department under this
    4-8  subdivision shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit
    4-9  of the State Highway Fund to be used by the Department in the
   4-10  production of travel materials.  Sections 403.094(h) and 403.095,
   4-11  Government Code, do not apply to funds deposited in the State
   4-12  Highway Fund under this subdivision.
   4-13                    (B)  If the provisions of Paragraph (A) of this
   4-14  subdivision conflict with the provisions of a license agreement
   4-15  under Article 6673a-4, Revised Statutes, the license agreement
   4-16  shall prevail to the extent of that conflict.
   4-17              (3)  The Department shall maintain and operate Travel
   4-18  Information Centers <Bureaus> at the principal gateways to Texas
   4-19  for the purpose of providing road information, travel guidance, and
   4-20  various descriptive materials, pamphlets, and booklets designed to
   4-21  furnish aid and assistance to the traveling public and stimulate
   4-22  travel to and within Texas.
   4-23              (4)  The <Texas Highway> Department is authorized and
   4-24  empowered to pay the cost of all administration, operation, and the
   4-25  cost of developing and publishing various material and the
    5-1  dissemination thereof, including the cost of operating Travel
    5-2  Information Centers <Bureaus> from highway revenues.  The <Texas
    5-3  Highway> Department is further empowered to receive and administer
    5-4  a legislative appropriation from the general fund for the specific
    5-5  purpose of purchasing advertising space in periodicals of national
    5-6  circulation, and/or time on broadcasting facilities.
    5-7              (5)  The Department shall have the power to enter into
    5-8  contracts with a recognized and financially responsible advertising
    5-9  agency, having a minimum of five years of experience in handling
   5-10  accounts of similar scope, and for the contracting of space in
   5-11  magazines, papers, and periodicals for the publication of such
   5-12  advertising information, historical facts, statistics and pictures
   5-13  as will be useful and informative to persons, and corporations
   5-14  outside the State of Texas, and shall have the power to enter into
   5-15  contracts with motion picture producers and others for the taking
   5-16  of moving or still pictures in the state, and provide for the
   5-17  showing of the films when taken, and the Department may join with
   5-18  other governmental departments of the state in publishing such
   5-19  informational publicity matter.
   5-20        (b)  The Texas <Highway> Department of Transportation may
   5-21  accept contributions for the above purposes from private sources,
   5-22  which funds may be deposited in a bank or banks to be used at the
   5-23  discretion of the Department in compliance with the wishes of the
   5-24  donor.
   5-25        (c)  The Texas <State> Department of <Highways and Public>
    6-1  Transportation may contract with private entities for the
    6-2  production, marketing, and distribution of pamphlets, bulletins,
    6-3  documents, and other travel materials published under Subsection
    6-4  (a) of this section on terms and conditions considered by the
    6-5  department to be beneficial to the state, including terms providing
    6-6  cost savings.  A contract may include cooperative strategies
    6-7  considered by the department to be cost-beneficial and provide for
    6-8  the acceptance of paid advertising in the travel materials if the
    6-9  quality and quantity of the travel materials is maintained.
   6-10        (d)  The Texas <State> Department of <Highways and Public>
   6-11  Transportation may sell promotional items such as calendars, books,
   6-12  prints, caps, light clothing, or other items approved by the Texas
   6-13  <State Highway and Public> Transportation Commission as advertising
   6-14  the resources of Texas.  All proceeds from the sale of the items
   6-15  shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the State
   6-16  Highway Fund for the use of the department in its travel and
   6-17  information operations.  Sections 403.094(h) and 403.095,
   6-18  Government Code, do not apply to funds deposited in the State
   6-19  Highway Fund under this subsection.
   6-20        (e)  The Texas Department of Transportation shall publish the
   6-21  official travel magazine of the State of Texas, Texas Highways, and
   6-22  shall set subscription rates and other charges for the magazine at
   6-23  a level that will generate receipts approximately sufficient to
   6-24  cover the costs incurred in the production and distribution of the
   6-25  magazine.
    7-1        SECTION 3.  The importance of this legislation and the
    7-2  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
    7-3  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
    7-4  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
    7-5  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,
    7-6  and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its
    7-7  passage, and it is so enacted.