By:  Haywood                                          S.B. No. 1551
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
                                        AN ACT
    1-1  relating to the repeal of certain limitations on the authority of
    1-2  the Railroad Commission of Texas to regulate production from
    1-3  multiple stratigraphic oil and gas reservoirs.
    1-5        SECTION 1.  Subsection (b), Section 85.053, Natural Resources
    1-6  Code, is amended to read as follows:
    1-7        (b)  When, as provided in Subsection (b) of Section 85.046 or
    1-8  Subsection (b) of Section 86.012 of this code, as amended, the
    1-9  commission has permitted production by commingling oil or gas or
   1-10  oil and gas from multiple stratigraphic or lenticular accumulations
   1-11  of oil or gas or oil and gas, the commission may distribute,
   1-12  prorate, apportion, or allocate the production of such commingled
   1-13  separate multiple stratigraphic or lenticular accumulations of oil
   1-14  or gas or oil and gas as if they were a single pool; provided,
   1-15  however, that:
   1-16              (i)  <the commingling and distribution, proration,
   1-17  apportionment, or allocation of separate accumulations with
   1-18  commission established discovery dates after January 1, 1940, and
   1-19  prior to June 1, 1945, shall not serve to expand, add to, or extend
   1-20  the vertical or areal extent of any single pool;>
   1-21              <(ii)>  such commingling shall not cause the allocation
   1-22  of allowable production from a well producing from any separate
   1-23  accumulation or accumulations to be less than that which would
    2-1  result from the commission applying the provisions of Section
    2-2  86.095 of this code to such accumulation or accumulations; and
    2-3              (ii) <(iii)>  the allocation of the allowable for such
    2-4  commingled production shall be based on not less than two factors
    2-5  which the Railroad Commission shall take into account as directed
    2-6  by Section 86.089 of this code<; and>
    2-7              <(iv)  No gas well in any field falling within the
    2-8  classification under Subdivision (i) above where commingled
    2-9  separate accumulations of gas are being prorated under the
   2-10  authority granted by this Subsection (b) shall be assigned an
   2-11  allowable in excess of its production during the most recent
   2-12  production period reported to the commission and in the absence of
   2-13  any reported production the assigned allowable shall not exceed the
   2-14  open-flow potential of such well as reported to the commission;
   2-15  provided, however, that the commission may, if it finds special
   2-16  conditions require such, make a greater assignment>.
   2-17        SECTION 2.  Subsection (d), Section 85.055, Natural Resources
   2-18  Code, is amended to read as follows:
   2-19        (d)  When, as provided in Subsection (b) of Section 85.046 or
   2-20  Subsection (b) of Section 86.012 of this code, as amended, the
   2-21  commission has permitted production by commingling oil or gas or
   2-22  oil and gas from multiple stratigraphic or lenticular accumulations
   2-23  of oil or gas or oil and gas, the commission may allocate,
   2-24  distribute, or apportion the production of such commingled separate
   2-25  multiple stratigraphic or lenticular accumulations of oil or gas or
    3-1  oil and gas as if they were a single common source of supply;
    3-2  provided, however, that:
    3-3              (i)  <the commingling and distribution, proration,
    3-4  apportionment, or allocation of separate accumulations with
    3-5  commission established discovery dates after January 1, 1940, and
    3-6  prior to June 1, 1945, shall not serve to expand, add to, or extend
    3-7  the vertical or areal extent of any single common source of supply;>
    3-8              <(ii)>  such commingling shall not cause the allocation
    3-9  of allowable production from a well producing from any separate
   3-10  accumulation or accumulations to be less than that which would
   3-11  result from the commission applying the provisions of Section
   3-12  86.095 of this code to such accumulation or accumulations; and
   3-13              (ii) <(iii)>  the allocation of the allowable for such
   3-14  commingled production shall be based on not less than two factors
   3-15  which the Railroad Commission shall take into account as directed
   3-16  by Section 86.089 of this code<; and>
   3-17  <no gas well in any field falling within the classification under
   3-18  (i) above where commingled separate accumulations of gas are being
   3-19  prorated under the authority granted by this Subsection (d) shall
   3-20  be assigned an allowable in excess of its production during the
   3-21  most recent production period reported to the commission and in the
   3-22  absence of any reported production the assigned allowable shall not
   3-23  exceed the open-flow potential of such well as reported to the
   3-24  commission; provided, however, that the commission may, if it finds
   3-25  special conditions require such, make a greater assignment>.
    4-1        SECTION 3.  Subsection (b), Section 86.081, Natural Resources
    4-2  Code, is amended to read as follows:
    4-3        (b)  When, as provided in Subsection (b) of Section 85.046 or
    4-4  Subsection (b) of Section 86.012 of this code, as amended, the
    4-5  commission has permitted production by commingling oil or gas or
    4-6  oil and gas from multiple stratigraphic or lenticular accumulations
    4-7  of oil or gas or oil and gas, the commission may prorate, allocate,
    4-8  and regulate the production of such commingled, separate multiple
    4-9  stratigraphic or lenticular accumulations of oil or gas or oil and
   4-10  gas as if they were a single common reservoir; provided, however,
   4-11  that:
   4-12              (i)  <the commingling and distribution, proration,
   4-13  apportionment, or allocation of separate accumulations with
   4-14  commission established discovery dates after January 1, 1940, and
   4-15  prior to June 1, 1945, shall not serve to expand, add to, or extend
   4-16  the vertical or areal extent of any single common reservoir;>
   4-17              <(ii)>  such commingling shall not cause the allocation
   4-18  of allowable production from a well producing from any separate
   4-19  accumulation or accumulations to be less than that which would
   4-20  result from the commission applying the provisions of Section
   4-21  86.095 of this code to such accumulation or accumulations; and
   4-22              (ii) <(iii)>  the allocation of the allowable for such
   4-23  commingled production shall be based on not less than two factors
   4-24  which the Railroad Commission shall take into account as directed
   4-25  by Section 86.089 of this code<; and>
    5-1  <no gas well in any field falling within the classification under
    5-2  Subdivision (i) above where commingled separate accumulations of
    5-3  gas are being prorated under the authority granted by this
    5-4  Subsection (b) shall be assigned an allowable in excess of its
    5-5  production during the most recent production period reported to the
    5-6  commission and in the absence of any reported production the
    5-7  assigned allowable shall not exceed the open-flow potential of such
    5-8  well as reported to the commission; provided, however, that the
    5-9  commission may, if it finds special conditions require such, make a
   5-10  greater assignment>.
   5-11        SECTION 4.  The importance of this legislation and the
   5-12  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   5-13  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   5-14  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   5-15  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,
   5-16  and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its
   5-17  passage, and it is so enacted.