By Henderson                                          S.B. No. 1584
       74R7250 PB-F
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to rates for commercial windstorm and hail insurance
    1-3  coverage through the Texas Catastrophe Property Insurance
    1-4  Association.
    1-6        SECTION 1.  Section 8(h), Texas Catastrophe Property
    1-7  Insurance Pool Act (Article 21.49, Insurance Code), is amended to
    1-8  read as follows:
    1-9        (h)(1)  Each extended coverage benchmark rate, flexibility
   1-10  band, and promulgated rate established by the commissioner <Board>
   1-11  in accordance with Chapter 5, Insurance Code, must be uniform
   1-12  throughout the first tier of coastal counties.
   1-13              (2)  The rates for noncommercial windstorm and hail
   1-14  insurance written by the association <before December 31, 1995,>
   1-15  shall be 90 percent of the modified extended coverage rates.  For
   1-16  purposes of this section, the modified extended coverage rate is
   1-17  the greater of the upper flexibility band for extended coverage
   1-18  established by the board under Article 5.101 of this code or 25
   1-19  percent above the extended coverage benchmark rate established by
   1-20  the commissioner <board> under that article.
   1-21              (3)  <The rates for noncommercial windstorm and hail
   1-22  insurance written by the association after December 31, 1995, shall
   1-23  be 90 percent of the manual rate for monoline extended coverage
   1-24  promulgated by the Board for noncommercial risks under Subchapter
    2-1  C, Chapter 5, Insurance Code.>  Notwithstanding Article 5.13-2,
    2-2  Insurance Code, the Association <Board> shall file with the
    2-3  department for approval by the commissioner <promulgate> a manual
    2-4  rate for commercial risks and classes of risks written by the
    2-5  Association <in accordance with Subchapter C, Chapter 5, Insurance
    2-6  Code>.  The Association may not make such a filing more than once
    2-7  in any 12-month period.   Article 5.13-2, Insurance Code, does not
    2-8  apply to the rates of insurance written by the Association.
    2-9              (4)  The department shall file with the Texas Register
   2-10  notice that a filing has been made under Subdivision (3) of this
   2-11  subsection not later than the seventh day after the date  the
   2-12  filing is received by the department.
   2-13              (5)  An insured under a commercial policy written by
   2-14  the association who is aggrieved by a filing affecting commercial
   2-15  insurance, or the office of public insurance counsel, may apply to
   2-16  the commissioner in writing, not later than the 60th day after the
   2-17  date the notice is published in the Texas Register, for a hearing
   2-18  on the filing.  The application must:
   2-19                    (A)  specify the grounds on which the insured or
   2-20  office of public insurance counsel bases the request for the
   2-21  hearing; and
   2-22                    (B)  be accompanied by written, specific facts
   2-23  and information that supports the grounds for the objection to the
   2-24  filing.
   2-25              (6)  The commissioner shall issue notice of a hearing
   2-26  to be conducted not later than the 30th day after the date of
   2-27  receipt of the application if, after review of the application and
    3-1  the supporting facts and information, the commissioner determines
    3-2  that:
    3-3                    (A)  the application is made in good faith;
    3-4                    (B)  the insured, or the public as represented by
    3-5  the office of public insurance counsel, would be adversely impacted
    3-6  as described by the application and supporting materials; and
    3-7                    (C)  the grounds presented otherwise justify
    3-8  holding the hearing.
    3-9              (7)  The commissioner shall give at least 10 days'
   3-10  written notice of the hearing to the person who files the
   3-11  application and to the association.  The notice must specify which
   3-12  of the grounds stated in the request for the hearing will be
   3-13  considered, and whether the hearing is limited to all or part of
   3-14  those grounds.
   3-15              (8)  If, after the hearing, the commissioner determines
   3-16  that all or part of the association's filing does not meet the
   3-17  requirements of this section, the commissioner shall issue an order
   3-18  that specifies each aspect in which the filing fails to meet the
   3-19  requirements of this section.
   3-20              (9)  Each commercial filing and any information
   3-21  supporting the filing that is made under this section is open to
   3-22  public inspection as of the date of the filing.  A commercial
   3-23  filing made by the association is considered approved by the
   3-24  commissioner on the 75th day after the date it is filed with the
   3-25  department unless the commissioner disapproves the filing before
   3-26  that time or issues a notice of hearing in accordance with this
   3-27  section.  If the commissioner issues a notice of hearing, the
    4-1  commissioner may extend the date of approval or disapproval until
    4-2  the 60th day after the date the hearing ends.   <The rates for
    4-3  commercial windstorm and hail insurance written by the Association
    4-4  shall be 90 percent of the manual rates for extended coverage
    4-5  promulgated by the Board for commercial risks under Subchapter C,
    4-6  Chapter 5, Insurance Code.>
    4-7              (10)  If valid flood or rising water insurance coverage
    4-8  exists and is maintained on any risk being insured in the pool, the
    4-9  commissioner <State Board of Insurance> may provide for a rate and
   4-10  reduction in rate of premium as may be appropriate.
   4-11              (11)  The catastrophe element of extended coverage
   4-12  rates promulgated or filed by the commissioner <Board> under  this
   4-13  Act applicable to commercial risks written by the Association shall
   4-14  be uniform throughout the seacoast territory and shall be based on
   4-15  all monoline extended coverage loss experience of all regulated
   4-16  insurers authorized to do business in this state, including the
   4-17  Association, for property located in the seacoast territory, using
   4-18  the most recent 30 years' experience available.  Surcharges
   4-19  collected in the past and used in the development of current manual
   4-20  rates may not be excluded from future rate development as long as
   4-21  those surcharges were collected during the experience period used
   4-22  by the commissioner <Board>.
   4-23              (12)  The association shall either establish a
   4-24  reinsurance program or enter into a contract as provided in
   4-25  Subsection (i) of this section.  The Texas Department of Insurance
   4-26  may approve any reinsurance program.
   4-27              (13)  Subdivision (2) of this subsection expires on the
    5-1  date that Article 5.101 of this code expires.  If that article is
    5-2  continued in effect after December 31, 1995, this subdivision
    5-3  expires January 1, 1996.
    5-4        SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1995.
    5-5        SECTION 3.  The importance of this legislation and the
    5-6  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
    5-7  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
    5-8  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
    5-9  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.