By:  Rosson                                           S.B. No. 1623
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
                                        AN ACT
    1-1  relating to registration and operation of motorcycles, motor-driven
    1-2  cycles, and mopeds.
    1-4        SECTION 1.  Subsection (c), Section 1, Chapter 88, General
    1-5  Laws, Acts of the 41st Legislature, 2nd Called Session, 1929
    1-6  (Article 6675a-1, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to
    1-7  read as follows:
    1-8        (c)  "Motorcycle" means every motor vehicle having a saddle
    1-9  for the use of the rider and designed to propel itself with not
   1-10  more than three wheels in contact with the ground but excluding a
   1-11  tractor or any three-wheeled vehicle equipped with a cab, seat, and
   1-12  seat belt and designed to contain the operator of the vehicle
   1-13  inside the cab.
   1-14        SECTION 2.  Subsection (a), Section 3, Chapter 88, General
   1-15  Laws, Acts of the 41st Legislature, 2nd Called Session, 1929
   1-16  (Article 6675a-3, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to
   1-17  read as follows:
   1-18        (a)  Application for the registration of a vehicle required
   1-19  to be registered hereunder shall be made on a form furnished by the
   1-20  Department.  Each such application shall be signed by the owner of
   1-21  the vehicle, and shall give his name and address in full, and shall
   1-22  contain a brief description of the vehicle to be registered.  The
   1-23  description, in case of a new motor vehicle, shall include:  the
    2-1  trade name of the vehicle; the year model; the style, type of body
    2-2  and the weight, if a passenger car, or the net carrying capacity
    2-3  and gross weight if a commercial motor vehicle, or the engine cc
    2-4  piston displacement if a motorcycle, motor-driven cycle or moped;
    2-5  the motor number; the date of sale by manufacturer or dealer to the
    2-6  applicant.  The application shall contain such other information as
    2-7  may be required by the Department.
    2-8        SECTION 3.  Section 24, Certificate of Title Act (Article
    2-9  6687-1, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as
   2-10  follows:
   2-11        Sec. 24.  The term "Certificate of Title" means a written
   2-12  instrument which may be issued solely by and under the authority of
   2-13  the department, and which must give the following data together
   2-14  with such other data as the department may require from time to
   2-15  time:
   2-16        (a)  The name and address of the purchaser and seller at
   2-17  first sale or transferee and transferor at any subsequent sale.
   2-18        (b)  The make.
   2-19        (c)  The body type.
   2-20        (d)  The motor number.
   2-21        At such time as the stamping of permanent identification
   2-22  numbers on motor vehicles in a manner and place easily accessible
   2-23  for physical examination is universally adopted by motor vehicle
   2-24  manufacturers as the permanent vehicle identification, the
   2-25  department is authorized to use such permanent identification
    3-1  number as the major identification of motor vehicles subsequently
    3-2  manufactured.  The motor number will continue to be the major
    3-3  identification of vehicles manufactured before such change is
    3-4  adopted.
    3-5        (e)  The serial number.
    3-6        (f)  The license number of the current Texas plates.
    3-7        (g)  The names and addresses and dates of any liens on the
    3-8  motor vehicle, in chronological order of recordation.
    3-9        (h)  If no liens are registered on the motor vehicle, a
   3-10  statement of such fact.
   3-11        (i)  A space for the signature of the owner and the owner
   3-12  shall write his name with pen and ink in such space upon receipt of
   3-13  the certificate.
   3-14        (j)  A statement indicating "rights of survivorship" when an
   3-15  agreement providing that the motor vehicle is to be held between a
   3-16  husband and his wife jointly with the interest of either spouse who
   3-17  dies to survive to the surviving spouse is surrendered with the
   3-18  application for certificate of title.  This agreement is valid only
   3-19  if signed by both husband and wife and, if signed, the certificate
   3-20  shall be issued in the name of both.
   3-21        (k)  If the motor vehicle is equipped with an odometer, the
   3-22  number of miles the motor vehicle has travelled as reflected by the
   3-23  application.
   3-24        (l)  If a motorcycle, motor-driven cycle, or moped, the
   3-25  engine cc piston displacement.
    4-1        SECTION 4.  Section 4A, Chapter 173, Acts of the 47th
    4-2  Legislature, Regular Session, 1941 (Article 6687b, Vernon's Texas
    4-3  Civil Statutes), is amended by adding Subsection (f) to read as
    4-4  follows:
    4-5        (f)  Any valid driver's license permits a person to drive a
    4-6  moped.
    4-7        SECTION 5.  Subsection (e), Section 12, Chapter 173, Acts of
    4-8  the 47th Legislature, Regular Session, 1941 (Article 6687b,
    4-9  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), as amended by Chapters 81, 354, and
   4-10  410, Acts of the 68th Legislature, Regular Session, 1983, is
   4-11  amended to read as follows:
   4-12        (e)(1)  The Department may issue a special restricted
   4-13  operator's license to any person between the ages of fifteen (15)
   4-14  and eighteen (18) years to operate only a motorcycle or
   4-15  motor-driven cycle, with not more than one hundred twenty-five
   4-16  (125) cc piston displacement; provided such person has completed
   4-17  and passed a motorcycle operator training course approved by the
   4-18  Department and the person has obtained a high school diploma or its
   4-19  equivalent or is a student enrolled in a public or private school
   4-20  who attended school for at least 80 days in the fall or spring
   4-21  semester preceding the date of application, or has been enrolled
   4-22  for at least 45 days, and is currently enrolled, in a program to
   4-23  prepare persons to pass the high school equivalency exam. This
   4-24  motorcycle operator training course will be made available.  This
   4-25  motorcycle operator training course will be an exception to the
    5-1  driver training course, regarding the age limit, as applied in
    5-2  Section 7(a) of this Act.  Upon reaching the age of sixteen (16)
    5-3  and having completed the above course, the 125cc restriction shall
    5-4  be removed without completing any further motorcycle courses.  This
    5-5  special restricted license shall be issued on application to the
    5-6  Department in accordance with Section 7 of this Act; shall be
    5-7  subject to the requirements of Section 10 of this Act, and to other
    5-8  provisions of this Act in the same manner as operator's licenses;
    5-9  and shall be in the form prescribed by the Department.  The
   5-10  Department may issue a special restricted operator's license to any
   5-11  person at least fifteen (15) years old to operate only a moped.  <A
   5-12  driver's license is required for operators of mopeds.  A person
   5-13  must be at least fifteen (15) years old to be issued a license to
   5-14  operate a moped.>  The Department shall examine applicants for that
   5-15  type of license by administering to them a written examination
   5-16  concerning traffic laws and rules of the road applicable to the
   5-17  operation of mopeds.  No test involving the operation of the
   5-18  vehicle is required.  The fee for the license is Sixteen Dollars
   5-19  ($16).  All applicable provisions of this Act governing restricted
   5-20  operator's licenses for the operation of motorcycles only also
   5-21  apply to moped operator's licenses, including provisions relating
   5-22  to the application, issuance, duration, suspension, and
   5-23  cancellation of those licenses.
   5-24              (2)  The Department shall require manufacturers,
   5-25  distributors, importers, and retailers of motorcycles, motor-driven
    6-1  cycles, and mopeds to certify to the Department the cc piston
    6-2  displacement of all such vehicles offered for sale and to be titled
    6-3  and registered in this state.  Certification shall be made by
    6-4  including the cc piston displacement of the vehicle on the
    6-5  manufacturer's certificate or other document to be prescribed by
    6-6  the Department for purposes of showing original transfer of a new
    6-7  motorcycle, motor-driven cycle, or moped from the manufacturer to
    6-8  the original purchaser.  The cc piston displacement also shall be
    6-9  included on the certificate of title and registration for such
   6-10  vehicle.  The word moped shall be included on all manufacturer's
   6-11  certificates and certificate of title and registration for vehicles
   6-12  that conform to the definition of moped in Section 2(n), Uniform
   6-13  Act Regulating Traffic on Highways (Article 6701d, Vernon's Texas
   6-14  Civil Statutes). <is hereby required to certify motorcycles and
   6-15  motor-driven cycles to ascertain whether they exceed one hundred
   6-16  twenty-five (125) cc piston displacement as required by this
   6-17  section.  The Department is further authorized to establish the
   6-18  procedure which shall be followed to determine the cc piston
   6-19  displacement of the motorcycles and motor-driven cycles.  Any
   6-20  person, firm or corporation may submit to the Department any such
   6-21  motorcycle or motor-driven cycle and make application that the same
   6-22  be tested as to conformity with the regulations of the Department.
   6-23  Upon such application being made, the Department shall cause such
   6-24  test to be made as may be necessary to determine whether the
   6-25  motorcycle or motor-driven cycle exceeds one hundred twenty-five
    7-1  (125) cc piston displacement.  When the Department has reason to
    7-2  believe that a certified model of motorcycles or motor-driven
    7-3  cycles being sold commercially exceeds one hundred twenty-five
    7-4  (125) cc displacement, the Department may conduct a hearing as
    7-5  prescribed under Subsection (f), Section 108, Uniform Act
    7-6  Regulating Traffic on Highways (Article 6701d, Vernon's Texas Civil
    7-7  Statutes).  The Department shall compile a list naming each model
    7-8  and make of motorcycles and motor-driven cycles certified by the
    7-9  Department as not exceeding one hundred twenty-five (125) cc piston
   7-10  displacement and make the list available upon request of the public
   7-11  and to persons who sell motorcycles and motor-driven cycles.  Any
   7-12  peace officer may stop and detain any motorcycle or motor-driven
   7-13  cycle for the purpose of inspecting the motorcycle or motor-driven
   7-14  cycle to determine if the motorcycle or motor-driven cycle is of a
   7-15  model and make certified by the Department.>
   7-16              (3)  <The Department is also required to certify
   7-17  whether vehicles which are purported to be mopeds conform to the
   7-18  definition of that vehicle.  The Department shall certify those
   7-19  vehicles under the same procedure as it certifies motorcycles and
   7-20  motor-driven cycles.>  The Department may <shall> compile a list of
   7-21  models of motorcycles, motor-driven cycles, and mopeds which have
   7-22  been certified.  Any peace officer may stop and detain a person
   7-23  operating a motorcycle, motor-driven cycle, or moped to determine
   7-24  if the vehicle being operated conforms to the type or general class
   7-25  of vehicle the licensee may drive including special restrictions
    8-1  and endorsements <is of a model and make certified by the
    8-2  Department>.
    8-3        SECTION 6.  Subsection (c), Section 2, Uniform Act Regulating
    8-4  Traffic on Highways (Article 6701d, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
    8-5  is amended to read as follows:
    8-6        (c)  "Motorcycle" means every motor vehicle having a saddle
    8-7  for the use of the rider and designed to propel itself with not
    8-8  more than three (3) wheels in contact with the ground but excluding
    8-9  a tractor or any three-wheeled vehicle equipped with a cab, seat,
   8-10  and seat belt and designed to contain the operator of the vehicle
   8-11  inside the cab.
   8-12        SECTION 7.  Subsection (f), Section 140, Uniform Act
   8-13  Regulating Traffic on Highways (Article 6701d, Vernon's Texas Civil
   8-14  Statutes), is repealed.
   8-15        SECTION 8.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1995.
   8-16        SECTION 9.  The importance of this legislation and the
   8-17  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   8-18  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   8-19  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   8-20  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.